The Military King Is Back

C170 Black Fist of Life and Death!

C170 Black Fist of Life and Death!



When Dog King saw Ye Fei agree to enter the arena, a cold glint flashed across his eyes. He immediately laughed out loud, "Since ancient times, heroes have always been sad for beauties, and they have always been angry for beauties! Ye Fei, I admire your courage. I would like to congratulate you in advance on your victory!"    


Ye Fei glanced at him and ignored him. Under the lead of a few men, he walked to a room below and went to prepare for the fight.    


Watching Ye Fei walk away, the corner of Dog King's mouth wiped a trace of a cold smile. Then he raised his head and showed a flattering smile towards a viewing platform at the highest point of the arena.    


At the highest point of the arena, there was a hidden room that was never open to the public. No matter who it was, no matter how much money they spent, they could not enter this room. This room was different from the VIP room upstairs. The VIP room upstairs. No matter how luxurious the renovations were, they could only watch the live TV broadcast. It lacked the feeling of being in person. However, this room... Not only could he look down on the entire arena, he could also clearly smell the scent of blood.    


At this moment, Su Zongheng was sitting on the leather sofa, his left hand holding the slender waist of a beautiful woman in a cheongsam, and his right hand holding a crystal goblet. The amber-colored wine was gently rippling within.    


Next to Su Zongheng, Yamamoto Yusai was wearing a black martial arts uniform, looking down at the bloody competition on the arena, his eyes showing a disapproving expression.    


"Mr. Yamamoto, how about the next competition? You, as an expert, can give a comment!"    


Su Zongheng smiled and said.    


"Martial arts competition? Don't insult this sacred word! I didn't see any martial arts competition, I only saw two wild beasts fighting! Such a battle is not worth mentioning!"    


Yamamoto Yusai coldly snorted and said arrogantly.    


"Mister Yamamoto is an expert. You can say whatever you want! I think this kind of killing is very interesting!"    


Su Zongheng licked his lips lightly, his smile carrying a hint of bloodthirst.    


"But, Young Master Su! I don't quite understand why you went through so much trouble and took such a huge risk to let Ye Fei fight in the arena."    


Yamamoto Yusai frowned and had a puzzled expression.    


"Why? Do you think I'm willing?"    


Su Zongheng's expression changed and he gritted his teeth. "Ye Fei, this little shrimp, what is he? If not for him, I would have killed Lin Qingwan a long time ago. It was because of him that he repeatedly ruined my plans, and even killed so many of my people! Thus, this young master has decided to toy with him to death! Let him die in despair! Can't he fight? Let me see how much he can fight!"    


"Young Master Su, Ye Fei is not weak and his attacks are ruthless enough. If he really wins three matches, are you going to let him go? He will definitely let the tiger go back to the mountain! If Ye Fei is still alive, he will be a great disaster! "    


Yamamoto Yusai said worriedly.    


"Three matches? Mister Yamamoto looks down on my hatchet men too much! How can he not be able to beat a cripple!? Furthermore, I said that he won three matches. He let Qin Xiaomeng go. After all, she was the younger sister of the Deputy Director of the Police, Qin Xiaogang. Can I really take her life? I never said that I would let Ye Fei go! "    


Yamamoto Yusai suddenly understood. It seemed like Su Zongheng had not planned to let Ye Fei leave alive the moment he stepped into the dog house.    


Finally, Su Zongheng gave a sinister smile. "Besides, Mr. Yamamoto, will you let him win the third match?"    


Yamamoto Yusai was stunned for a moment. A wild joy appeared on his face. "What Young Master Su means is that he wants me to fight Ye Fei in the third match? That can't be any better!"    




Ye Fei walked to the backstage. Someone had already prepared a competition uniform for him. Ye Fei shook his head. "I don't want to change my clothes."    


That person saw that Ye Fei was not willing, so he did not insist. Anyway, this underground boxing competition was not formal. There were people who wore whatever clothes they usually wore. Furthermore, in his opinion, Ye Fei was already a dead man. It was the same no matter what clothes a dead man wore.    


There was no need to wear boxing gloves in the underground boxing ring. There were no rules in this. The fiercer and crueler the fight, the better the effect. If he could beat his opponent to death, there would be a bonus.    


Moreover, the audience would also throw things into the iron cage from time to time. Small knives, beer bottles, and so on. Even if one used a weapon to kill the opponent, it would still be considered a victory.    


Therefore, these black boxing fighters were all rushing to kill people. They were like mad dogs.    


"Mr Ye, do you want to warm up?"    


A short man walked over with a towel. He was Ye Fei's temporary coach. In fact, he was the one who handed a towel to Ye Fei to deliver water. If Ye Fei won, he would get a bonus. If he lost, he would get nothing.    


"No need!"    


Ye Fei looked at the messy lounge, which was filled with the smell of medicine. He heard cheers coming from outside. The battle on the ring had ended.    


The one who won was still the one-eared fanatic.    


One of his ears had been bitten off by his previous opponent. He could actually continue fighting. And in this match, in a short five minutes... KO his opponent with a single punch, including the number of times he won tonight... It was already ten wins and ten losses.    


This result was very shocking. Although the fanatic was a newcomer, his combat strength was extremely strong, and he had already become a popular candidate for the championship.    


The cheers on the scene were overwhelming, while the fanatic raised his arms narcissistically and listened to everyone's voices in an intoxicated manner, as if he was the Fist King.    


Ye Fei passed through the narrow aisle and came to the side of the ring. The host was introducing the most terrifying KO Newcomer King fanatic in history, and no one noticed him.    


The host was a young man in a suit and sunglasses. His blond hair was eye-catching. He was shouting in the voice of Sisley, "Ladies and gentlemen! The next corpse is about to appear. Tell me loudly. What kind of competition do you want to watch?! "    


"KO! KO! KO!..."    


"KO! KO!..."    


"Kill him, kill him, kill him!"    


The audience below the stage roared loudly, and the scene boiled like lava.    


Although it was now early in the morning, the wild qi in the arena stimulated everyone's adrenaline to secrete at a rapid speed. Just like what Dog King had said, the audience on the stage... They were all dressed in suits and leather shoes during the day, but now they had already transformed into beasts. They were venting their desires. They only cared about who the next one to enter the arena was, and who the next one to be beaten to death was!    


The entire arena turned dark as the spotlight was cast on the arena. The fanatic raised his hands high and roared, "Those who challenge me, die!"    


With these words, it was as if the entire arena had been splashed with hot oil, causing it to boil even more.    


Indeed, there were no survivors of the fanatic's subordinates. His arrogant words ignited the bestial nature of the people. Many people were hysterically shouting the name of the madman!    


The lights were extinguished.    


In the darkness, the host said in a gloomy tone, "Come, let's see who the next corpse is. Oh, it's a newcomer, Ye Fei! Is this young man out of love? Why must he give up his life and beg for death!"    


The crowd burst into laughter.    




The spotlight lit up and focused on Ye Fei.    


When the audience saw that Ye Fei was just a twenty year old teenager, their reactions were extremely enthusiastic. Laughter and mocking voices sounded out one after another.    


"He's really a child, kid. Have you lost your milk?"    


"You can do it! I'll buy your second punch to get KO! You have to survive one punch!"    


"What's up with this kid? He can't even get onto the arena. Look at him dragging a leg and walking so slowly? Did he fall when he was picking up the soap in the bathroom? "    


" I think this kid is most likely handicapped. He actually let a handicapped person fight on the stage! This is really a suicide attack! "    


There was not even a single person in the audience who thought highly of Ye Fei!    


Everyone was betting on Ye Fei - death!    


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