I Got 999 Level With One Cut

C195 War News

C195 War News

13rd, Nov,,, 7495... The mage named Rico Heskava from Aldran had successfully experimented with a powerful magic. At the same time, she caught a Level 7 Titled Devil Instructor. This news spread throughout the entire Tiger Continent.    


At seven o'clock in the morning, the inner cabinet of Skagerrak held an emergency meeting. After two hours of discussion, they decided to carry out the ban on Moscow Rus and Westfalen at the same time. The ban included all materials and magic tools that could be used for magic purposes. Anyone who tried to let the magic products in Skagerrak flow to the people of the two countries above would be convicted of smuggling. Those who committed serious crimes could be convicted of treason.    


At 9 a.m., the ambassador of Sardinia officially represented the national magic union and invited Riko Hasegawa to go to Rome for the most complete magic level evaluation after the war ended. Furthermore, she also left her title and name on the wall of Titled Palace.    


At 11 o'clock, the national laboratory of Aldran, Groningen, released an experimental report, explaining the destructive power of the Day of Destruction in detail. The Gaul Magic Academy and the British Royal Magic Academy released a statement at the same time, explaining the theoretical basis for the existence of this magic. Even if they didn't believe it or understand what was going on, the Aldran was their ally after all. They needed to support each other.    


At noon, Vilhelmina, Edward XVIII, and Louis CCXXXIII sent a diplomatic note to Moscow Rus and Westfalen, requesting the two countries to surrender before January 1, 7496.    


At three o'clock in the afternoon, Grand Duke Alexander VIII from Moscow Rus held a meeting and decided to withdraw all the mages fighting on the western front. They would immediately return to their homeland. Alexander VIII decided to wait and see for now. If the situation developed further... Moscow Rus might announce their withdrawal from the war.    


In the evening, after the Titled Devil Instructor from Moscow Rus left the front line, two Level 7 Titled Devil Instructor from the south of the Gaul's front line led the local alliance army to launch a counterattack. They pushed the front line forward fifteen kilometers. They were Paul Langevin and Henry Pongari.    


The ones who had the biggest reaction to this matter were the Westfalen. After all, they were the main enemies of the entire war alliance.    


So on that day, when Falz III expressionlessly sat in his seat, holding a Brandenburg Daily in his hand and looking down at the officials, no one dared to say anything.    


"Hilbert, August, and you." He used the newspaper to randomly place a few spots in the crowd. "You guys stay behind. The rest of you can leave."    


David Hilbert rubbed his bald head. He stood at this position. He could clearly see the portrait on the cover of the newspaper that was already known by the world. Two young girls, one tall and one short, leaned against the railing of an airship. The one who looked slightly older wore a shiny crown and smiled. The young girl held a thick and heavy magic book in her hand as she stared at the painter.    


Behind the two of them, there was a huge mushroom cloud rising slowly.    


The officials hurriedly turned around and rushed out of the hall's door. Very quickly... There were only a few people left in the spacious hall. Apart from Hilbert and the Intelligence Minister, there was also an Internal Affairs Minister and the Head Editor of the Brandenburg Daily.    


Hilbert actually did not want to get involved in this war.    


He was not interested in the conflicts between countries, but as a Level Six Titled Devil Instructor, the only reason he worked for Falz III was that Falz III could give him the materials, funding, and venue for magic experiments. If the country did not help him with money, he would not care which country Falz wanted to attack today. Even so, he still refused to go to the front line to fight. Instead, he chose to stay in the capital as the Minister of Magic. In fact, he could leave the construction and development of the academy, commanding the army of low-level mages, and so on to his subordinates. His responsibility was mainly to serve as the bridge between the few Titled Devil Instructor and the king in Westfalen.    


Now that he thought about it, Hilbert felt that they had to bear some responsibility again.    


He scratched his head unconsciously, thinking about how Wayne had been beaten back last time. It was his responsibility. This time, the people of Aldran won the war, and Roentgen was captured. It seemed like he still had to bear the responsibility. Falz forcefully slapped the newspaper on the side seat of his seat. The paper and the wooden structure came in contact with each other at high speed. A crisp sound was heard.    


"Can anyone explain to me what is going on?"    


His gaze finally stopped on the Intelligence Minister, "Aren't you in charge of intelligence? What do you know?"    


The intelligence officer was sweating profusely. "I'm very sorry, Your Majesty. I don't know much more than you."    


He saw that Falz III was already on the brink of rage, so he quickly added another sentence.    


"However, we can't rule out the possibility that this is a bluff in Aldran. After all, it's an oil painting, an art piece. You can draw anything you want, and the power of your spells can be described as several times more exaggerated. This spell and the inventor don't even exist, and they might have forged it... "    


These words successfully pulled the ruler of Westfalen back from the edge of fury, but it didn't make him completely lose his anger.    


"Then, what is the matter with Sir Roentgen? There should be less than five people in the entire country who know that he went on a secret mission. Me, you, Hilbert, and himself! "    


" Maybe he was accidentally discovered by Edinburgh when he passed by the English Channel? "    


August, the intelligence minister, could only make such a guess.    


"Hilbert, what do you think?" Falz was not satisfied with this answer and turned his head.    


"If you want me to say it, it is better to stop the war as soon as possible."    


"Impossible! The war has only been going on for less than a month, and you want to surrender? My Lord Hilbert, do you still have a bit of perseverance as a Ottoman? "    


" However, it has only been less than a month since the war started, and we have already been captured by three Titled Devil Instructor warriors. Your Majesty, are you planning to let those iron Great Devil Instructor warriors face off against Pang Jia Lai and Lang Zhiwan in three months? Or are you going to attack Fort Lerge? "    


"No matter what, it took me more than ten years to prepare for the war. I waited until everything was ready. I will never accept such a humiliating request for peace!"    


Finally, Falz III patted the armrest of his seat, symbolizing the end of the conversation.    


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