I Got 999 Level With One Cut

C200 What Should I Do?

C200 What Should I Do?

Riko was shocked by the sudden situation.    


Riko slowly walked to the window and carefully poked her head out.    


This was the palace. Every floor of the building was slightly higher than an ordinary residential building, but Falz III only fell from the second floor. He would not die or become disabled.    


Besides, Falz III was not an ordinary person. He was a Fourth Rank swordsman.    


Of course, to Riko, who was not good at sports, the second floor still looked terrifying. Falz's head was facing down. The physique of a Fourth Rank swordsman protected him from falling into any more serious problems. However, it was inevitable that he would feel dizzy from the fall.    


Falz III felt as if his head had been hit by a hammer. When he came back to his senses, he was already lying on the ground. He was dizzy.    


Falz III was surrounded by people who did not know what had happened. They curiously gathered around him.    


"Your Majesty, is that you?" One of the onlookers said. He looked at Falz III with disbelief. This kind of look made Falz III very unhappy.    


Falz III slowly sat up from the ground. Then he saw Riko, who stuck her head out of the window.    


Falz III's brain stopped thinking for a moment.    


Then Falz III stretched out his hand and pointed at the window that he had just fallen out.    


Falz III then shouted, "Catch the assassin!"    


The team of four Sixth Rank blademasters was responsible for the king's safety. They would stay by Falz III's side when he went out. There was also another Great Devil Instructor who would not be very close to him. The Great Devil Instructor looked at him from a few hundred meters away. Almost all Titled Devil Instructor mages had lived for hundreds of years, and they paid great attention to their reputation. It was unlikely that they would put down their dignity and try to assassinate him. Therefore, Great Devil Instructor was enough to deal with assassins.    


This was because assassins would usually attack when their target was out, and not think of ways to sneak into the palace. This matter seemed to have become common knowledge, so the person in charge of protecting the king's safety would not follow Falz III around the palace all the time. They were usually stationed at a specific location.    


The people who protected the king's safety reacted quite quickly. Riko's original intention was to have a normal conversation with Falz III. Riko only wanted to try to convince Falz III to stop the war. Riko did not think of threatening him, nor did she think of killing him. As for Falz III falling out of the window, it was all because he kept stepping back and falling down.    


So Riko did not know what to do next at all.    


After Falz III loudly shouted catch the assassin, Riko panickedly swept her gaze across the expensive satin and decorations in the king's locker room. Riko seemed to be looking for something, she did not know what exactly she was looking for.    


"What should I do? Should I escape? Where should I run to? " Questions popped up in Riko's mind one after another, making the complicated situation even more difficult to deal with.    


"If Meiko or Loli Merlin were here, they would definitely tell me what to do now." Riko thought.    


Riko Hasegawa pinched the corner of her robe and helplessly walked around in circles.    


The sound from the corridor came closer and the footsteps intensified Riko's panic and uneasiness.    


The heavy sound of metal clashing and the sound of footsteps were getting closer and closer to Riko.    


A person covered in black heavy armor knocked open the door of the room. He and the other three people who looked exactly like him stood in a row in front of the door. They blocked Riko Hasegawa's way out of the room.    


These people's armor looked somewhat similar to Meiko's, but what they were holding was not a huge shield that could give Riko a sense of security. Instead, it was four heavy two-handed swords. The blades of the swords were flashing with a sharp cold light. These four people and a Great Devil Instructor who appeared out of nowhere and was wrapped in a long black robe formed a circle around Riko, blocking her in the corner.    


The four sharp swords that were flashing with cold light were still pointing at the girl's throat, and they were approaching her step by step.    


According to her own strength, she should be able to do whatever she wanted. However, this still could not dispel the fear and uneasiness that she felt for some inexplicable reason. It was just like how her personality had never changed since it was formed. Although Riko clearly knew that these weapons could not hurt her, normal people would also feel uncomfortable when pointed at by an imitation gun.    


"Don't come over."    


Riko's fingers tightly grabbed the materialized Book of Thousand Laws that appeared in the air. Her entire body shrank into a ball like a frightened hedgehog.    


But the biggest difference between her and a normal Spiking Hedgehog was...    


If someone else had touched her Spiky, something would have happened.    


"If you come again, I will..."    


When the constructor of the encirclement did not pay attention to her and continued to push forward with her sword, Riko made up her mind.    


She closed her eyes and clenched her small fists.    


The aura belonging to a Level 9 Titled Devil Instructor soared into the sky without any reservation.    


Even if people didn't cast spells, even if no one used magic power or elemental manipulation. However, within a radius of more than ten kilometers, only Hilbert could barely resist this pressure. No matter where they were, no matter what they were doing, they felt as if their souls were being pressed down on a mountain. They couldn't move at all. Sharp buzzing sounds echoed in their ears. The elemental activity in the air had also been suppressed to an extremely low level, which made it extremely difficult to cast spells and activate battle qi.    


The entire world fell into a strange silence.    


The leaves of the trees were still falling, and the river was still flowing. The blades of the four two-handed swords were less than five centimeters away from Riko's throat, and the tip of the swords was even trembling slightly. However, these four swords would never have the chance to cross the final road.    


The Great Devil Instructor still maintained his mouth wide open, but he could not say a word.    


The five people standing in front of Riko had the biggest impact.    


This kind of situation. The pressure is enough to leave a mark in their souls. Even if they saw Riko again, they might not be able to think of resisting.    


Riko stood in the same spot in the stagnant world and took a few deep breaths to calm herself down.    




She lowered her head and passed between the swords of the two guards.    


Since things had developed to this point, even if she said that she had no ill intentions, no one would believe her, right?    


She jumped out of the window. She was in low spirits, and was brought away from the city called Brandenburg by the Wind Element.    


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