My Fiance Ran Away

C1550 Waiting Time!

C1550 Waiting Time!

Originally, when she saw Chu Yang kissing his mother, she was very angry.    


But Chu Yang just had to put on the airs of an elder to scold him. Of course, he was not convinced, so he jumped up and cursed.    


However, Yeh Liusu did not allow Xiao Xuan to scold Chu Yang, because the Fallen Sword Sect was able to have such a day, and he had put in a lot of effort.    


That was why Yeh Liusu pinched Little coquettish's ears and asked him to apologize to Chu Yang.    


But Little coquettish stubbornly shook her head and said, "No, definitely not. He is not my father. At most, he has a secret relationship with you. Why do you have to put on the airs of an elder to scold me? No, I will never apologize! "    


" You, you damn child, you're angering me to death. Look at me, don't you... "    


After hearing what Xiao Xuan said, Yeh Liusu was so angry that her face turned red. She could not even speak properly. In her embarrassment and anger, she raised her hand and was about to slap him.    


"Hey, hey, don't hit him!"    


Chu Yang walked over and grabbed Yeh Liusu's hand. He looked at her and said, "Actually, he didn't say anything wrong. I really shouldn't have scolded him like I did just now. Xiao Feng, Hsiang Dongwu, let me apologize to you here. I promise I won't scold you again in the future, okay? "    


" Apologize to me? Hmm, that's more like it."    


Xiao Xuan pushed Yeh Liusu's hand away, covered her ears, and took a few steps back. She tilted her head and looked at Chu Yang seriously. " Hey, tell me the truth. Actually, I still have a good impression of you! "    


Chu Yang smiled. "Ordinary people, especially women, have a good impression of me. Hehe, so I don't really care about your good impression of me. "    


"You are really an extremely smelly and beautiful woman, but I won't lower myself to your level. Let's go, we'll meet again in the future! " Xiao Xuan curled her lips, turned around and made a hand gesture with a few of her subordinates, lifted her leg and left.    


Seeing Little coquettish like this, Yeh Liusu could not help but speak again, but was stopped by Chu Yang. "He's still a child, it will be fine when he gets older."    


"En, I hope it will be like that."    


Yeh Liusu pursed her lips tightly and said in a low voice, "Sorry, Chu Yang. It is all my fault. I neglected to discipline him. Don't take it to heart. In fact, he has asked many times in his dreams. Why, why haven't you come back to see him? "    


In fact, there are a few times in her dreams when she shouts, "Chu Yang, why haven't you married my mother yet!?"    


It was just that Yeh Liusu was embarrassed to say it out loud, but the pause just now... Chu Yang heard it, so he raised his hand and patted her shoulder. He said softly, "When the Mayan New City is settled, your wish will come true. Trust me!"    


After hearing Chu Yang's words, Yeh Liusu's eyes suddenly showed great joy. She nodded vigorously and said, "Okay, I will wait for you! You, you should hurry up and leave. Don't let Qin Chao wait for too long. "    


"Understood. Remember to take care of Yeh Cuicann for me." Chu Yang shrugged and narrowed his eyes at Yeh Cuicann. He then stuck out his tongue and licked his upper lips, which meant, When there is a chance, the two of us will eat the women's boobs!    


Why is his thoughts so dirty? I am so shy, I like it so much... Yeh Cuicann's face immediately turned red.    


"Hehe, everyone can go in. I, I'm leaving!"    


Chu Yang greeted Zhang Dashui and the others, then turned around and walked to the front of the car in a carefree manner. As soon as he opened the car door, he heard Xiao Xuan shouting from not far away, "Chu Yang, I hope you can be my father. I hope you won't disappoint me!"    


When Yeh Liusu's face turned red again, Chu Chu's heart trembled. He looked up at Xiao Xuan, who was dozens of meters away, and cursed, "F * ck, if you want to be my son, then you can't call me your father anymore!"    




Although Zhou Shuhan's departure made Chu Yang very depressed in his heart, following what coquettishly said just now, his mood improved a lot.    


In addition, he was about to see Qin Chao soon. Once he thought about pressing Ms Qin on the bed, He would ruthlessly, recklessly, and forcefully force her to do something, and that would be the end of that depressing feeling. Once again, he vividly described the phrase 'a man is an animal that thinks with his lower body'.    


The residential area of the provincial military district where Qin Chao was located was a few dozen kilometers away from Yeh Liusu's Security Company. On the way, they had to pass by at least dozens of traffic lights, but Chu Yang was in a good mood. This time, he really didn't mind the fact that he had been delayed for more than an hour on the way, until he arrived at the front and back of a door about a card. He then dialed her number.    


Qin Chao was now a major military officer, so he definitely had her own personal residence. However, the places she lived in were all residential areas for high-ranking military officers. Typical people did not have the right to go in and out, so Chu Yang wanted to go in. He needed to have a pass or someone to bring him in.    


After Chu Yang dialed Qin Chao's cell phone, he waited for a full minute, but no one answered.    


"Hey, what is she busy with? Why didn't she answer my phone?" Chu Yang looked at the screen of the phone curiously. Just as he was about to dial again, One. "Chu Yang, where are you now?"    


Chu Yang looked at the building in front of him and replied, "I am at the entrance of your provincial military compound. Why did you take so long to answer the phone?"    


Qin Chao said apologetically, "Oh, I was in the meeting room just now."    


"What? Do you have a mission tonight?"    


After hearing that Qin Chao was still in the meeting, Chu Yang frowned. "Since you want to have a meeting, you should have told me earlier. That way, I won't be coming."    


Qin Chao quickly explained, "I didn't expect to have a meeting in the evening, but don't worry. It will end in half an hour at most."    


After a pause, Qin Chao lowered his voice and said, "Don't worry, Chu Yang. Even if I have a mission tonight, I will decline it and go with you. So you can't be impatient, and you can't leave!"    


After hearing Qin Chao say this, Chu Li suddenly became happy. "Hehe, that's more like it. Then how should I go in?"    


"Wait at the door for a while. I will call the soldier on duty at the door. Then, you go to room 4301 on the ninth floor. The key is under the carpet at the door. I specifically left it for you. Alright, you can go to the door. " After Qin Chao finished speaking, he took off the phone.    


"That was specially left for you!" After mimicking Qin Chao's shy tone, Chu Li put down the phone and started the car, heading towards the entrance of the military compound.    


This district was originally meant for senior military officers in the provincial military district, but Qin Chao was a military officer in the Jinan military district, so he shouldn't have a house here.    


However, this place was much closer to the Jiannan city district. Since she was the daughter of the Qin family in Beijing, the organization naturally had to take care of her. Thus, they specially called her a large house that was over a hundred square meters.    


Chu Yang would not care where Qin Chao lived. He only cared about whether she could come back earlier.    


Chu Yang drove the car to the reception room of the community. A soldier immediately ran over and stood outside the window to greet him.    


Chu Yang rolled down the window and returned the greeting in a formal manner.    


"Excuse me, are you Comrade Chu Yang?" The warrior bowed slightly and asked.    


Chu Yang nodded. "Yes, I am Chu Yang."    


"Comrade Chu Yang, please answer the phone." The soldier turned on the hands-free phone and put it in front of the window. Qin Chao's voice came from inside. "Chu Yang?"    


"It's me."    


"Haha, don't blame the soldier on duty for doing this. When I get you a pass in the future, you can come and go at any time," the soldier on duty said.    


Qin Chao laughed on the other side of the phone and said, "Alright, it's fine. I'll go for a meeting first. Wait for me at home. Bye!"    


Wait! After a beeping sound came from the other side of the phone, the soldier on duty took back his phone and took a few steps back. He saluted again and waved his right hand to signal Chu Yang to go in.    


Chu Yang returned the salute again and then started the car. "It's troublesome to live in this place."    


Very quickly, according to what Qin Chao said, Chu Yang drove the car to the front of the ninth building.    


Since Qin Chao said that she lived in unit 4301, it meant that her home was unit 4, unit 3, and unit 1. It was a standard high-rise floor.    


Chu Yang parked the car at the site of unit 4. After getting out of the car, he casually looked in front of him. There was no garage in the military residential area. There were all kinds of cars. They were casually placed in the open space in front of the building. Most of these cars had military plates. But there were also those with ordinary plates.    


Whether it was military cars or ordinary cars, there was a special pass on the windshield in front of them. The price was also more than a few hundred thousand yuan, which was a lot higher than the car he was driving. From this, it could be seen how good the living conditions of the 'residents' in the provincial military district were.    


Chu Yang closed the car door, took out a cigarette, lit it up, and walked towards the entrance of the building.    


If Chu Yang was willing to turn around and look at the right side of the car, then he would find the car he was driving. It was not the lowest quality car. There was also a 70-80% to 80-80% new Automaton parked there, and a large piece of paint had been wiped off the body of the car. The back of the car had been dented in, as if it had been hurt...    


When Chu Yang went upstairs, he did not see any residents. Instead, he went to the door of Room 4301.    


In front of room 4301's door, there was a red carpet.    


According to what Qin Chao said, Chu Yang bent down, grabbed the carpet, and lifted it up. There was indeed a key to the anti-theft door below.    


"She is too bold. What if other people see her?" Chu Yang muttered. He inserted the key into the lock and opened the door.    


Since this residential area was occupied by high-ranking officers, there was no need to mention the decorations in each house. Anyway, there was no need to use the word luxurious to describe it. It had to be described as luxurious.    


This was a house with two rooms and two halls. The decorations inside were mainly pink in color. One look and one could tell that it was very suitable for girls to live in.    


After Chu Yang walked in, he consciously changed into a pair of shoes and walked to the sofa in the living room. He took off his coat and threw it on the sofa, then sat on it.    


According to Qin Chao on the phone, she would be back in about half an hour. Chu Yang had nothing to do, so he picked up the remote control on the sofa and turned on the TV to watch.    


Usually, Chu Yang rarely watched TV because most of the TV programs nowadays were brainless. It was not very attractive.    


He turned the TV channel over and over again, but he did not find anything interesting. He turned off the TV channels with some interest and stood up from the sofa. "Sigh, waiting time is always hard. Why not take this opportunity to take a hot shower?"    


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