My Fiance Ran Away

C1638 What the Hell Is She Doing!

C1638 What the Hell Is She Doing!

Shaang Lige knew that her assassination plan had failed the moment the ambushers appeared.    


Furthermore, she knew that these ambushers were definitely arranged by Chai Fangsi.    


Although she had the confidence to die before coming here, she would not risk her life before she was forced into a desperate situation, so she had to escape.    


After Shaang Lige flew over the wall and landed on the ground, she immediately went around the courtyard and ran to the east. From afar, she saw three white figures standing up on the snow. A cold smile immediately appeared on the corner of her mouth. Just as she wanted to slide over, To their surprise, the three white figures who had just stood up were about to greet her. However, they let out a few miserable cries!    


"Ah!" After hearing this kind of miserable cry that could only be made in one's bones, Shaang Lige stopped moving and looked over with her eyes wide open.    


Shaang Lige saw that after the three white figures screamed, they threw away the guns in their hands and started to twist wildly with their hands facing the sky. It was as if there was a monster holding them back and they could not break free at all.    


And one of them only struggled to take a step forward but immediately fell on the snow. A few blood arrows immediately shot out from his back!    


Even though it was the night of the blizzard, Shaang Lige could clearly see the blood arrows shooting out from the back of the person using the reflection of snow.    


Why did these three people suddenly become so scary when they were just about to run out?    


Shaang Lige's eyes that carried shock only slightly swept over and her pale face immediately turned snow white!    


Because Shaang Lige saw that on the snow that was more than ten meters in front of her, countless cold stars suddenly rose up.    


There was no need to run forward to look. Shaang Lige could also see that these cold stars were the cold light emitted by the steel thorns.    


Looking at the cold stars everywhere, Shaang Lige felt cold all over her body. No matter how good her light body technique was, it was impossible for her to step on these steel thorns and run a kilometer away.    


At this time, there were already footsteps coming from behind. It was the footsteps of the pursuers.    


So these steel spikes were the real trap. Those hidden sentries that I killed were just sacrifices to deceive people's negligence!    


It turns out that Chai Fangsi had set up such a vicious trap at all costs in order to prevent the people who came to save Zeus King from escaping!    


At this moment, Shaang Lige was utterly impressed by Chai Fangsi's viciousness. Indeed, she prostrated herself on the ground. After she heard the gunshot behind her, Her body suddenly pounced forward, and after dodging a few blue bullets, She ran in the direction of the south.    


Even though Shaang Lige was basically certain that there were steel thorn like traps around the courtyard, But before she was completely sure, she naturally had to go and take a look. What if Chai Fangsi forgot to set traps in a certain direction?    


Chai Fangsi did not let Shaang Lige down. When she flew to the south of the yard, she saw countless cold stars waiting for her not far ahead.    


Therefore, Shaang Lige, who was avoiding the pursuers behind, was forced to turn again and run to the west.    


She was lucky!    


After Shaang Lige ran to the west side of the courtyard, she only took a glance and said these two words in her heart.    


Because in the snow that she had walked past in the west, there were no cold stars that appeared. It was as quiet as a well-built road.    


And what made Shaang Lige feel even more fortunate was that those pursuers did not form a powerful radiation shot at her. It seemed that they wanted to capture her alive, or rather, they wanted to force her to the west.    


Of course, after Shaang Lige shouted in her heart that she was lucky, she immediately thought of the reason why this place was so quiet. It was very likely that Chai Fangsi had already arranged an even more vicious trap in this direction.    


But she did not care anymore and did not have time to care. As long as she did not face those dense steel thorns, she would rather face anyone head-on. The prerequisite was that no one was allowed to use guns, especially a group of people with guns. This was too despicable!    


Shaang Lige did not have time to think about anything and rushed towards the big slope in the west. After a few steps, she lied on the snow face up and used the angle of the slope to slide down.    


If the pursuers at this time shot Shaang Lige who was sliding down, No matter how fast she glided, it was impossible to escape the possibility of being shot. Because in this world, there were many excellent gunmen. They could accurately predict the next position of the target when shooting. And then shoot in that direction ahead of time.    


However, the gunmen did not do that. Instead, they laid down on the snow in unison. They imitated Shaang Lige and slid down, shooting at her as they slid.    


Do you know what it means to have the heart to plant flowers, but not the heart to plant willow trees to grow shade?    


If those gunmen were really aiming at Shaang Lige and shooting, even if there were some excellent gunmen who knew how to calculate it, But the probability of hitting her in the first shot was almost zero. Because while she was gliding, she had been forcefully doing a routine dodging action.    


However, it was precisely because these gunmen were randomly shooting at the ground below and aimlessly shooting. One of the bullets actually reached a certain point just in time.    


And this point happened to be the place where Shaang Lige slid over.    


Hence, the very unlucky Ms Jiuer's left leg made a light poof sound, and then blood splashed out!    


"Uh, bastard!"    


After Shaang Lige was injured, she groaned and held her head with both hands. She turned her body and continued to slide down.    


The important parts of a person were in front of him. As long as he turned his back and slid down, even if he was hit by a bullet, it would not be as fatal as being hit in front of him.    




In the meeting room of Mount Olympus, Chai Fangsi, who was standing in front of the big screen, stared at the screen without blinking.    


When he saw Shaang Lige running around like a headless fly, and finally sliding down the slope of Wolf Eye, Because he knew very well... That direction was even more terrifying than the other three directions. At the end of the slope, there was a two meter wide deep ditch.    


In the deep ditch, there were tens of thousands of poisonous snakes growing in Mount Olympus.    


These poisonous snakes had already hibernated after winter, but Chai Fangsi woke them up with a heating system.    


The two meter wide deep ravine was indeed not too wide. With Shaang Lige's ability, she only needed a slight jump to jump over it.    


But the key problem was, how could a person who slid down the slope at a high speed make a jump in time in front of the deep ditch that suddenly appeared?    


So, when he saw Shaang Lige sliding down the slope at high speed, Chai Fangsi knew that she was finished. There was no need to send out any more bio-soldiers. She was finished.    


In fact, if Chai Fangsi ordered the troops to shoot efficiently at this time, Shaang Lige might have been shot to death a long time ago.    


However, the trap that Chai Fangsi was most proud of had not been 'presented' to Shaang Lige. If she was killed just like that, what was the point?    


It was like the master had made a table full of sumptuous food, but before the signature dishes were served, the guest had left in advance. This was such a terrible scene.    


Chai Fangsi smiled coldly and lowered his eyes. He turned around and said to Goles, "Let's go up and take a look. No matter what, she is my compatriot. I have to personally see how she dies."    


"Yes!" Goles agreed and followed Chai Fangsi out of the meeting room in a hurry.    




After the sound of gunshots and people flying out from the wall, Chu Yang noticed the cold lights coming from two different directions.    


"Steel spikes, these must be steel spikes! So Chai Fangsi had set up so many steel spikes around Wolf Eye. Luckily, I wasn't in a hurry to move. Otherwise, I would have died... Eh, then why didn't I find any steel spikes on this side? What the hell is he doing? Could it be that the real trap is here, and those steel spikes only appeared to force people to come here? "    


Through the telescope, he watched Chu Yang closely, muttering to himself with some doubt. At the same time, he was also worried about the person who flew out from the top of the wall.    


Everything in front of him was so strange that no one could understand it. Chu Yang naturally would not go down at this time. He could only wait. He believed that the person would definitely break out from here in the end.    


As expected, Chu Yang only waited for a few dozen seconds. Along with the chaotic gunshots, a white shadow appeared in his sight. This white shadow bypassed the courtyard and fell to the ground after a few leaps. It slid down the slope at high speed, and only then did the pursuers appear.    


Looking at the scene in the telescope, Chu Yang increasingly believed that there was a trap on this side that he temporarily did not know about.    


Because according to the blue bullet trajectory, he found those people who were chasing closely. When he fired, it was completely messy and unorganized. Some people shot bullets. They even flew straight into the air. How was this a chase to kill someone? It was like chasing a duck... onto a rack.    


"Who exactly is this person? Should I go and meet him?" As the man in white skied faster, Chu Yang could see it clearly with his naked eye. So he put down the telescope and began to hesitate whether to save him or not.    


Chu Yang hesitated for a moment, but still gave up the idea of going down to meet the man.    


Chu Yang's thinking made sense. First, since the pursuers did not intend to kill this person, his life would not be in danger for the time being.    


Secondly, there were steel thorns erected in several directions of the Wolf Eye, but there was no movement below the slope. This was abnormal, and there might be a bigger trap.    


Since that man's life wasn't in danger yet, and the bigger trap hadn't appeared yet, Chu Yang wouldn't rush to meet that man.    


Besides, that person was currently sliding down at high speed. Even if he went up to meet that person, he wouldn't be able to catch him.    


Therefore, Chu Yang gave up on the idea of immediately going down the tree. Instead, he picked up the telescope and looked at that person.    


If Chu Yang knew that the man was Shaang Lige, then even if someone tied him up on the tree with a rope, he would bite off the rope with his teeth and rush up to meet her.    


Unfortunately, he did not know who that person was. Even when he used the telescope to look at that person, he could not recognize who it was because that person had his back to the sky as he slid down the slope.    


Under Chu Yang's' watch ', that person slid faster and faster, but the pursuers behind him clearly slowed down and just randomly fired at the sky.    


Seeing this scene, Chu Yang was even more puzzled. "What on earth is going on?"    


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