My Fiance Ran Away

C1581 I Am Your Chai Murong!

C1581 I Am Your Chai Murong!

If it was just a putrid smell, Chu Yang might still feel like he could bear it.    


However, the smell that drifted out of Chai Murong's room was not a simple putrid smell, because there were many different smells mixed within, including the 'body fragrance'.    


After the multiple smells were completely mixed together, it became unusually unpleasant.    


According to the rules of the world, there were all kinds of strange things. To have such a complicated stink, it was actually not very surprising.    


However, if this stench was emitted from the place where Chai Murong, who had always paid attention to personal hygiene, lived, and she lived in it with a 'clear conscience', then this matter would be too evil.    


Therefore, after Chu Yang smelled the smell that came at him, he felt it coming at him. ... He immediately stopped and instinctively raised his hand to cover his nose. He asked in a muffled voice, "What is this smell? It smells so bad. How can you live in this kind of room? Don't tell me you want to use this smell to smoke me away?"    


Chai Murong, who was hidden in the darkness, had a strange glint in her eyes. She walked to the front of the chair and sat down. She lightly said, "This smell is very unpleasant?"    


Chu Yang stood at the door and said, "Do you think it smells good?"    


Chai Murong smiled. "I think it's okay because I have adapted to it. Of course, if you can't stand this smell, then you can leave now."    


"You know that I have a donkey's temper. The more you let me go, the more I won't leave."    


Chu Yang frowned. He slowly put down his hand that was covering his nose and asked, "If I leave, will you leave?"    


Chai Murong shook her head and said in a low voice, "I will not leave. If I wanted to leave, I would have left long ago."    


After hearing the unusual tone in Chai Murong's voice, even though Chu Yang really did not want to step half a step into the room, he still slowly walked in. "Chai Murong, what do you mean by saying this?"    


As Chu Yang slowly walked into the room, the smell that made people want to squat down and vomit became stronger and stronger.    


Chu Yang once again covered his nose and cursed in a muffled voice, "Damn it, what the hell is this stink? Chai Murong, can you tell me what you are doing? It is so mysterious and unreasonable."    


While Chu Yang was talking, he lowered his head and looked at the half-open door. With the help of the light from outside, he could clearly see that there were shiny things on the edge of the door.    


Chu Yang was slightly stunned and immediately understood. No wonder I didn't smell this smell when I was outside. It turned out that the door was covered with a transparent tape.    


In order to prevent Hua Mannyu from smelling this smell, Chai Murong used the transparent tape to cover the gap of the door so that the people outside wouldn't be able to smell the smell inside.    


But in order to make it easier to talk through the door, Chu Li left a few centimeters of the door as a 'call hole'.    


Every time she was eating or transporting rubbish out, she also instructed people to stay away from the door before opening the door and sticking to it again.    


"Why is Chai Murong willing to live in this kind of smell? What is the purpose of her doing this?"    


After understanding all of this, Chu Yang, who had doubts in his heart, shook his head. He raised his hand and touched the wall behind the door. "Where is the light switch? Where is it?"    


Chai Murong acted as if she did not hear Chu Yang's question. She did not answer at all. She only made a rustling sound, as if she was tidying up her clothes.    


Chu Yang, who had a huge question in his heart, finally touched the switch on the wall and pressed it.    


With a crisp sound, the light bulb on the ceiling above the room lit up.    


Chu Yang raised his head and looked at the light bulb that was at most ten watts. Just as he was about to look at Chai Murong, he heard her speak urgently, "Chu Yang, don't look at me, don't look at me!"    


Although Chai Murong's voice was not loud, it was filled with anxiety and fear, making Chu Yang instinctively do as she said.    


"You, you close the door first."    


Chai Murong, who was holding a mirror with her back facing Chu Yang, gave the order to the man in the mirror.    


To be honest, not only did Chu Yang not want to close the door, but he also wanted to grab Chai Murong and leave the room with her. However, he did not do that. He obediently turned around and closed the door.    


Before Chu Yang turned around, Chai Murong said again, "Chu Yang, I will tell you one last time. You better get out of here as soon as possible!"    


Chu Yang slowly turned around and asked, "Why?"    


Chai Murong saw Chu Yang turn around and look at her from the mirror. Chai Murong put down the small mirror in her hand and lowered her head. She said, "Because you will regret it. You will even feel nauseous."    


Chu Yang turned around and saw Chai Murong with her back facing him.    


Chai Murong, who was dressed in an unknown color, slightly lowered her head and sat on the chair with her body trembling slightly.    


"Chai Murong, what happened to you? Why did you suddenly say this to me?"    


Because of Chai Murong's abnormal behavior, Chu Yang had already forgotten that he came to find her to denounce her. So he quickly walked to her back and stretched out his hands to grab her shoulders. He clearly felt that the disgusting stench had become thicker.    


Chu Yang was instantly shocked. This smell should have come from her body!    


"Chai Murong, what happened to you?!"    


After confirming that the smell came from Chai Murong, Chu Yang could not care less that it was hard to smell. He pulled her over.    


Chai Murong also looked up at this time.    




After Chai Murong raised her head, Chu Yang's hand that was grabbing onto her shoulders suddenly loosened. At the same time, he let out an extremely shocked cry!    


The Chai Murong in front of Chu Yang right now... Slow, slow, slow, where did the Official Chai who used to have a charming face go?    


Why was the face that appeared in front of Chu Yang even scarier and more disgusting than the face of a devil? Even the 'zombies' in science fiction movies should be much more pleasing to the eye than this face.    


Why was it like this? The owner of this extremely terrifying face had just made Chai Murong's voice!?    


When he saw Chai Murong in his heart suddenly turn into a monster with a swollen face and countless lumps dripping with pus, he couldn't help but wonder... Chu Yang's first reaction was, This is an abnormal monster! An Alien monster that treated Chai Murong as its' host '!    


As the saying goes, the hand can move at will. After Chu Yang had this thought in his mind, he let go of Chai Murong's right hand as if he had been electrocuted and suddenly raised it up!    


"Wait, you can't kill me!"    


Just as Chu Yang subconsciously wanted to slap this monster to death, the 'monster' suddenly screamed, "If you kill me, the child in my stomach will also be finished!"    


After the monster shouted, Chu Yang's right hand, which was about to slap down, stopped in midair and said in a cold voice, "You, what are you exactly? Where did you get Chai Murong?!"    


After Chu Yang raised his right hand and revealed his killing intent, the eyes of the 'monster' were filled with disappointment, reluctance, and hatred!    


However, after Chu Yang asked this question, the monster's eyes immediately became gentle. It was like the voice she said, "Chu Yang, are you doubting the thing you saw? It was not Chai Murong at all, but a monster that used evil methods to steal her body?"    


Chu Yang's eyes were wide open. At this time, he slowly woke up from the huge disbelief. He staggered a step back and asked with a short breath, "You, you are Chai Murong?"    


Chai Murong gently exhaled a long breath and said with a laugh, "Yes, I am Chai Murong. Keke, do you not believe it at all?"    


Chu Yang shook his head in a hurry and said in a hoarse voice, "No, no! You are definitely not Chai Murong. My Chai Murong is not like this. Even if she was cursed by the most poisonous spell in the world, she would not become like you! No, you are not my Chai Murong, you are not! "    


" I am your Chai Murong? I am your... Ha, ha, ha, ha! "    


After Chai Murong muttered those words, she suddenly threw her head back and laughed out loud. Her laughter was sharp but carried an indescribable joy. "I am your Chai Murong! That's right. No matter how many wives you marry, no matter what I become, But I can only be your Chai Murong in the end. Ha. Haha! "    


As Chai Murong laughed towards the sky, the soybean-sized lumps on her face, neck, and all the exposed skin broke apart one after another, and a 'fresh' thick liquid flowed out. The stench greatly increased.    


Staring blankly at Chai Murong, the corners of Chu Yang's eyes twitched violently.    


Through the appearance on the surface, Chu Yang could not recognize that this monster was Chai Murong. Even when he clearly heard her voice and her unbridled laughing movements, he could also grit his teeth and not admit it.    


However, the most intimate feeling between the two of them allowed Chu Yang to clearly determine that this monster was his Chai Murong.    


He could not see or touch this kind of thing, but it was the most sensitive and accurate.    


"You, how did you become like this? Tell me, this is all caused by the illness in your body, right?" Chu Yang's right hand trembled as he touched Chai Murong's cheek.    


Chai Murong stopped laughing and shook her head to avoid Chu Yang's hand. She laughed until she was out of breath and said, "Chu Yang, don't, don't touch me. It will, it will dirty your hand."    


After hearing what Chai Murong said, Chu Yang was even more certain that his judgment was correct. If there was really a monster in front of him, would she be worried that it would dirty his hand?    


Therefore, Chu Yang no longer had any scruples. He opened his hands and pulled Chai Murong into his arms. He tightly hugged her and pressed his chin against her head. He gently rubbed and said, "Chai Murong, tell me, how did you become like this? Is it that kind of terminal illness?"    


Ever since her body was filled with this kind of disgusting small lumps, Chai Murong had once felt grief. Her heart had been hurt, and she even thought of death, but in the end, she overcame it one by one. She suppressed all the negative emotions deep in her heart and worked hard to be happy. She had worked hard to live for the child in her womb.    


However, when she was tightly hugged by Chu Yang, These negative emotions that had been suppressed for a long time suddenly exploded from the deepest part of her heart. It turned into heart-wrenching cries. "Chu Yang, I don't want to become like this. I don't know why it became like this. I would rather die than become a disgusting monster! But, but I have no choice. I have no choice. What should I do? What should I do? Wuwuwu..."    


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