My Fiance Ran Away

C1556 I'm Not Lying to You

C1556 I'm Not Lying to You

The passenger next to Chu Yang was a woman.    


It was very likely that this was the first time this woman was on a plane. Otherwise, she wouldn't have been so excited that she didn't even close her eyes on the way and just stayed there playing with her camera.    


On a long journey, there was a woman sitting next to him. It was supposed to be a very good thing. However, this woman... was a woman who looked quite sorry for her motherland (If she had the appearance of someone who could bring disaster to the country and the people, I'm afraid that I wouldn't be interested in sleeping).    


The female passenger was looking through the photos in the camera when she was suddenly snatched away by Chu Yang. Furthermore, she was guarding the stewardess, so of course she would be shocked.    




However, before the woman could react, Chu Yang put his right index finger in front of her. The camera in his left hand took a few pictures of the outside, and he murmured in a low voice, "Did you see that? Have you never seen this strange scene before?"    


From the moment he got on the plane, because he was next to a handsome woman who wanted to be hit on, In front of Chu Yang's index finger, which represented 'silence', I quickly calmed down. His heart was thumping as he bent down slightly and looked outside the porthole. She even let out a sigh of admiration, "Ah, what a beautiful scenery outside. The white clouds are as white as cotton..."    


After hearing her say this, Chu Yang turned his head and asked puzzledly, "You only saw the white clouds?"    


The female passenger nodded vigorously and tried her best to put on an elegant appearance. She raised her right ring finger, combed her hair and said, "Yes, there are only white clouds outside the porthole. Oh, right, other than the white clouds, I also saw white clouds. I also saw a handsome guy."    


"Handsome guy? Where's the handsome guy? Why didn't I see him?"    


Chu Yang quickly turned his head to look outside the porthole. He was stunned. Not only did he not see the handsome guy, but he also saw the pyramids, guards, slaves and so on. At this time, they were all gone. Only the white clouds were floating in the sky.    


The female passenger who was finally hit on by the handsome man saw that Chu Li looked like he was in trouble. She covered her mouth and smiled charmingly. "Hehe, handsome man, you really know how to joke. The handsome man I'm talking about is you. How can you go outside and take a look? "    


"So that handsome guy you're talking about is me. I thought you saw it from outside the porthole, hehe."    


Only then did Chu Yang understand what the handsome guy that the female passenger was talking about was. He smiled awkwardly. He casually took two drinks from the dining car and nodded to express his gratitude. He handed one of the drinks to the female passenger.    


The female passenger happily took the drink and said thank you in a reserved manner. She glanced at the flight attendant and said, Why aren't you leaving yet? Are you standing here to stop me from fishing?    


After the flight attendant finally pushed the dining cart away, the female passenger covered her mouth and laughed, "Hehe, handsome, if you can appear outside the porthole, won't you become a god? "    


"Hehe, you're right."    


Chu Yang forced a smile and raised his cup, as if he was drinking with someone. He clinked his glass with the female passenger, and just as he was about to take a sip, He couldn't help but turn around and look outside the porthole. "Did you really only see the white clouds just now?"    


Other than the white clouds, what else could be outside the plane? Is there something wrong with this kid's brain? It's a pity that he looks so smooth... The female passenger was a little unhappy when she saw Chu Yang always bringing up the topic outside the porthole. She stopped laughing. "Yeah, there should only be white clouds outside. Hey, handsome, did you see a beauty outside?"    


Chu Yang slowly shook his head. "I didn't see a beauty this time, but I saw tens of thousands of slaves. They are being escorted by the guards to build a few big pyramids."    


Before the female passenger could reply, Chu Yang suddenly remembered that he still had a digital camera in his hand. He quickly passed the camera to her. "If you don't believe me, you can take a look at the pictures I took."    


The female passenger took the camera with suspicion in her eyes. She flipped to the few pictures Chu Yang had taken just now and sent the camera to him. "Handsome, take a look yourself."    


Chu Yang took a look and only saw the white clouds on the screen of the camera. There were no slaves, pyramids, or anything like that. Thus, she had an idiotic expression on her face. "How could this be? I clearly saw those things just now. Really, I really didn't lie to you!"    




The female passenger didn't answer Chu Yang's question. After she put away the camera, she didn't bother with him anymore. Although I don't look like someone who can bring disaster to the country and the people, I don't want to talk to a crazy person here.    




After leaving the airport in Baichuan City, Chu Yang was still thinking about the scene he saw on the plane.    


Whether others could see, believe, or not, even the camera could not capture that scene. Chu Yang did not really care.    


He only cared about one thing, and that was why he did not see Zeus King this time.    


"Could it be that something happened to her in Mount Olympus? Otherwise, why didn't she appear in the place she was supposed to appear?" After thinking about this, Chu Yang felt an indescribable irritation in his heart.    


He and Zeus King went to Georgia to save people, but in the end, they saved people, and left them there. This was absolutely a disgrace to Chu Yang.    


However, in the face of such humiliation, he had no choice but to run back with his tail between his legs and wait for an opportunity to come up with another plan.    


"Sigh, it's said that the good people have their own fortune. I hope she can escape from danger."    


Chu Yang sighed heavily and forced himself to stop thinking about Zeus King. Because as December 21st approached, his most important task at the moment was to complete the work in Mayan New City.    


However, even if Chu Yang did not think about Zeus King, the fact that Han Faang was plotted against had been bothering him since last night. After all, this matter might have something to do with him and bring him trouble.    


To be honest, after Chu Yong reached the top, the powers in the country were nothing in front of the powerful Chu family. Chu Yang did not need to worry about Han Faang.    


However, there was a saying that said, It's hard to offend a common person.    


If Han Faang's matter was really related to Chu Yang, even if he could settle this matter with the help of the powerful Chu family, it would definitely cause dissatisfaction among the other powers.    


Because no matter how powerful the Chu family was, Chu Yang didn't want the entire faction to stand opposite of all the major powers just because of this matter.    


After all, Huaxia was a society governed by the law. The path of 'One Man's Word' could not be taken.    


Moreover, generally speaking, the weak would always smell danger. They would quickly unite together and resist the strong together... This was a very simple reason. Chu Yang did not want to be involved in the Han Faang incident. Therefore, he needed to find out the truth about the Han Faang incident as soon as possible. Before the other forces could unite, the impact of this incident would be quickly resolved.    


Before coming to Xiyu Province, Chu Yang had already thought it through. If he went straight to Mayan New City, his women, subordinates, and friends would definitely say that they did not know what had happened to Han Faang.    


If he wanted to completely understand the truth of Han Faang's incident, he could only do it openly and secretly.    


Therefore, when Chu Yang came to Baichuan City this time, not only did he not inform Ye Chuqing and the others in advance to pick him up, He also told Qin Chao not to leak the news that he had come to Xiyu Province. He had to find out the truth of the matter in secret before he could make the most correct decision.    


After walking out of the airport in Baichuan City, Chu Yang turned on his phone.    


Chu Yang had just turned on his phone and checked the time. It was noon. Just as he was about to call a taxi and go to a hotel to find Luo Luo. The phone in his pocket called, "Sir, Sir, Sun called you. Sun called you!"    


The ringtone of the phone was downloaded from the Internet by Qin Mengyao before dinner last night. She remembered that she was really proud of herself at that time and said confidently, I'll never call him for the rest of my life... Regarding this, Chu Yang was delighted in his heart (After all, men like to be big bosses). He could not be bothered with her. Anyway, he could not guarantee how long this phone could last.    


"Which grandson is calling me?"    


Chu mumbled. He took out his phone and looked at the caller ID. He almost raised his hand to give himself a slap in the face because the caller ID showed that it was the number of the phone in his grandpa's study.    


"Damn it, that stinky girl is really evil!"    


Chu Yang cursed in a low voice and quickly pressed the answer button. "Grandfather, it's me, Chu Yang."    


Chu Longbin's voice, which sounded no different from usual, came from the other side of the phone. "Chu Yang, are you in Jiannan now? Why did you turn off your phone since this morning?"    


Chu Yang held his phone and walked two steps to the side of the road. He replied, "I just came to the Baichuan City of Xiyu Province. The reason why my phone was turned off was because I was on the plane when you called me."    


"Oh, I was talking." Chu Longbin said "Oh, and then went straight to the point. Do you know the truth about Han Faang's accident?"    


"The truth about Han Faang being hit?"    


Chu Yang was stunned for a moment, then he understood that Chu Longbin had already received the news, and it was possible that he could analyze the pros and cons of this incident. That was why he called him. After being stunned for a moment, he said, "Grandpa, I saw the incident of Han Faang's accident in the evening news of Xiyu Province last night. As for what exactly happened, I don't know for now."    


Chu Longbin heaved a sigh of relief and said, "Well, as long as it wasn't you who did it, then I'm relieved. Then what do you plan to do?"    


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