My Fiance Ran Away

C1506 What Was Behind the Door!

C1506 What Was Behind the Door!

In a ten-thousand-year-old cave, two modern gates were unexpectedly found, which were strange enough to make people tense up.    


After Chu Yang signaled him not to make a sound, Huang Dongdong widened his eyes and closely watched the activity on the other side.    


After Chu Yang opened the door, he also waited for a moment without moving. Other than feeling a cold breeze, he didn't hear any unusual movements. So he carefully stretched out his hand again and opened the door on the left.    


As the door on the left opened, the milky white light outside sprinkled in. Although it was not very bright, one could vaguely see the world behind the door.    


What would be behind the door?    


Chu Yang slowly craned his head and looked behind the door. There was nothing behind the door. The light only allowed him to see the flat ground.    


In order to make his vision better, Chu Yang did not care about the words' Left Azure Dragon, Right White Tiger 'anymore. He simply pushed open the door on the right.    


This way, the view behind the door became much better.    


Standing in the middle of the two doors, Chu Yang slightly narrowed his eyes and looked inside the door. Apart from a flat ground, there was also a flat ground. It was as if there was a piece of ground behind the door.    


"If only I had a torch. Unfortunately, I would have lost my lighter a long time ago."    


Chu Yang turned his head and said to Huang Dongdong, who had walked to his side, "There shouldn't be anything inside. Should we go in and take a look?"    


"If I say I won't let you in, I'm afraid you won't be able to sleep well in the future."    


Huang Dongdong smiled sweetly. His smile, under the milky white light, carried a heart palpitating innocence.    


"Hehe, those who know me will know me."    


Looking at Huang Dongdong's smiling face that was like a flower, Chu Yang was stunned for a moment. He let out a coy laugh. In order to hide the awkwardness of staring at Huang Dongdong, he immediately walked in with big steps.    


Although the light coming from outside only allowed Chu Yang to see the ground at the door, through the sound of footsteps, he could determine that the space here was definitely not small.    


Unfortunately, there was not enough light at the moment, so he could not see clearly in the distance.    


At this time, Huang Dongdong said, "If this place is man-made, you can find something that can illuminate this place behind the door."    


"Well, you are right. According to common sense, this should be the case."    


Chu Yang deliberately spoke loudly and then listened to the echo. After confirming that the sound waves in the distance did not return to any abnormal movements, he pulled Huang Dongdong's hand. He turned to the back of the door and carefully touched the right side of the door.    


Although Chu Yang was by her side, Huang Dongdong, whose back was facing the door, still felt nervous. It was as if as long as she looked back, some monster would pounce on her.    


In order to dilute this nervousness towards unknown danger, she forced a smile and said, "You must not tell me that you will touch an electric valve and then close it up. It will light up with a bang..."    


With a light patter, just as Huang Dongdong said this, It sounded from behind the door, and then her eyes suddenly lit up. She hurriedly closed her eyes, and her sixth sense clearly heard the sound of praise when the lights suddenly lit up. Then she felt Chu Yang holding her hand suddenly tighten.    


Slowly, slowly, Huang Dongdong opened his eyes and saw Chu Yang, whose face was full of disbelief, staring blankly behind her.    


"What's wrong?"    


Huang Dongdong asked with a pale face, then turned around. She was also stunned. Where she could see, there were all kinds of weapons. There were Tiger Tanks in D Country, Heavy Stavs, and so on. There were even planes from R Country...    


Let's put it this way, after Chu Yang and Huang Dongdong saw all of this, It was as if they had come to a weapon manufacturing workshop of the Second World War, giving them an illusion of time and space. It was as if they would be in the Second World War, a world of cannon fire, piloting these heavy weapons. They charged towards the enemy's position.    


Chu Yang was stunned for a moment before he let go of Huang Dongdong's hand. He quickly walked to the front of the Tiger Tank, raised his hand and knocked on the thick shell. He tilted his head and said, "Hey, is there anyone inside? What? No one? If there's no one here, how did you get here? "    


Huang Dongdong couldn't laugh at this ridiculous question. She just raised her head in shock and spun around on the ground. She murmured, "It's clearly a ten-thousand-year-old cave outside, but these modern weapons... How could they appear here?"    


"If you want to know how these things came about, you can't always ask around here. You should find the duty room here."    


Chu Yang walked over and held Huang Dongdong's hand. He walked along the road in the middle of these heavy weapons and quickly walked inside.    


If there were some tempting prehistoric cultural relics inside, Chu Yang would howl and say that he had struck it rich. But the problem was that these were all modern heavy weapons, no matter how these weapons were transported here. He had no use at all, he could only be sure that there was an office in charge of commanding.    


Generally speaking, there should be a detailed record of a certain area in the office. That was why Chu Yang pulled Huang Dongdong to look for the so-called on-duty room.    


It turned out that Chu Yang's guess was right. After following the heavy weapons for five hundred meters, they finally found a house that was welded with iron plates.    


The door of this iron house was open. From the outside, one could see that there were tables and chairs inside. There was even an old phone on the table.    


Huang Dongdong's shock had been replaced by excitement. She quickly walked over to Chu Yang and held his hand. Just as she wanted to walk into the house, she felt her hand stop and subconsciously stopped.    


Chu Yang held Huang Dongdong's hand and pointed to the left side of her with his chin. "Look over there."    


Huang Dongdong turned around and saw a long row of bones scattered on the ground not far from her left.    


These white bones were in a triangle shape. If one stood at a high place in the distance and looked over, one could mistake it as a gray line sprinkled with lime. It was a few hundred meters long.    


Girls always had a natural fear of white bones, especially when there was a skull in front of these white bones.    


Huang Dongdong was no exception. After seeing so many white bones, his already pale face became even more fearful.    


Clenching Huang Dongdong's hand tightly, Chu Yang held her hand and walked over. "Don't be afraid. These are just some bones."    


"Chu Yang, I, we should not go over and see." Huang Dongdong dawdled and followed Chu Yang.    


"Why don't you wait for me here? I will go and take a look and then come back."    


As soon as Chu Yang finished speaking, Huang Dongdong took a big step forward and walked side by side with him. "I'll go with you. This way, I can at least give you courage."    


Chu Yang smiled and did not say anything else. He quickened his pace and walked over.    


When he saw these rows of bones, Huang Dongdong was still very afraid.    


But when she came to the front and back, she was not afraid anymore. She even broke free of Chu Yang's hand and squatted in front of a set of bones. After carefully looking at it for a moment, she asked, "What do you see through these bones?"    


Without waiting for Chu Yang to answer, Huang Dongdong explained himself, "These people were killed here by guns. Look at these skeletons carefully. There is a bullet hole in the back of the head and the forehead. Ah, there are so many of them. There must be at least a few hundred of them. They were killed in a row just like that? The executioners are cruel enough. "    


He stretched out a finger and tested it on a bullet hole in the skull. Chu Yang then said, "You can tell that these people were shot. Not bad. Then I'll test you again. Who did you say killed these people? "    


Huang Dongdong rubbed his ears. "How would I know? It's not like anyone told me. Eh, you seem to know who killed these people. "    


"If I'm not wrong, these people should be prisoners of D Country, and the one who killed them was a soldier of Former S Country." Chu Yang stood up and walked along the white bones.    


Huang Dongdong quickly followed, "How did you know?"    


Chu Yang pointed to a bullet hole on the skull. "These bullet holes told me. During World War II, The SVT-40 semi-automatic rifle equipped by the Former S Country soldiers, the bullet was 7.62 x 51 R-50. When you were training in the General Staff Department 2, Have you never seen this kind of gun and bullets?"    


According to the bullet holes, to judge the standard of the gun, an ordinary special forces soldier should be able to do this. It's just that those guns from World War II had long been eliminated. Ordinary people would not be able to tell if Chu Yang had not stayed in Fourth Base for two months. Then he wouldn't have the chance to show off to Huang Dongdong.    


However, Huang Dongdong did not know about this, so he said with embarrassment, "I received training in the General Staff Department and often do small jobs..."    


"Oh, hehe." After hearing Huang Dongdong say this, Chu Yang was first stunned, then he laughed.    


Huang Dongdong was so angry that he raised his small fist and punched Chu Yang's chest a few times. "Don't laugh!"    


Chu Yang grabbed Huang Dongdong's wrist and pulled her into his arms naturally. He smiled and said, "Okay, okay, I won't laugh."    


When Chu Yang pulled her into his arms, Huang Dongdong had a little struggle, but then he lied on his chest and closed his eyes, not saying anything.    


Just when Chu Chu felt that the current atmosphere was a little ambiguous and wanted to take a step back, he heard her say in a low voice, "Don't move, let me lean a little more."    


"It would be best if you wait for me to take a shower, then it would be a little romantic, because my body smells very bad right now."    


Although Chu Yang said that, he did not step back. Instead, he caressed Huang Dongdong's hair, his eyes full of pity.    


"Alright, let's go to the house and take a look." After lying in Chu Yang's arms for a while, Huang Dongdong took a deep breath, held his hand, and walked quickly to the iron house.    


After walking to the door of the house, Huang Dongdong did not rush in this time. Instead, he obediently followed behind Chu Yang.    


This room was at most a dozen square meters. Besides two tables that were also welded with iron, there were also two wooden chairs and a small cook.    


The iron table was covered with dust. The black old-fashioned phone was covered with tattered spider webs.    


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