My Fiance Ran Away

C1496 It's Hua Manyu!

C1496 It's Hua Manyu!

According to the impression of an ordinary person, a large construction site like the Mayan New City would definitely be a mess.    


For example, there would be piles of dirt, deep trenches, reinforced concrete, and so on everywhere. There would definitely be plastic bags flying all over the place.    


Because there were about 60,000 to 70,000 people in the Mayan New City now, there would be a lot of garbage.    


However, in reality, other than the indispensable piles of dirt and other necessities at the construction site of the new city, there was no living rubbish at all.    


A large construction site within a radius of several hundred kilometers could be so clean. Apart from the fact that most of the construction workers were soldiers with strict military discipline, the most important thing was that Chai Murong was the leader of the planners. She had always been instilling a theory to everyone: This is our home. We must build it like how we treat our own peaceful little nest.    


No one liked the existence of garbage everywhere in their peaceful little nest. This was a fact.    


Therefore, apart from the necessary items, the large construction site was clean and even a little abnormal. This was not a strange thing.    


Especially the place where Chai Murong and the other 'leaders' lived. The surrounding environmental hygiene was very stringent. Not to mention garbage, not even a piece of scrap paper could be seen. Otherwise, she would not have walked over curiously after seeing a green thing.    


"Hey, what is this?"    


After Chai Murong walked over, she squatted down and looked at the thing that was submerged in the water. After looking at it for a moment, she stretched out her hand to touch it.    


The thing that Chai Murong saw was something a little bigger than an ocean bowl. The shape looked like a soccer ball that was not filled enough, but it was definitely not a soccer ball. It looked like a lump of oval-shaped meat, but the color was exceptionally emerald-green. Otherwise, it would not have attracted her attention.    


Chai Murong carefully stretched out her hand and touched the spherical object with her index finger.    


That thing did not have any reaction, but it made her clearly feel the elasticity on it, just like how everyone in the meat store touched a piece of fresh pork with their fingers.    


If it was just a piece of pork or rubber, Chai Murong would definitely shake her head and stand up and leave.    


But this thing was not the two objects mentioned earlier, but a spherical creature that seemed to be alive but did not have eyes or nose. This made her feel very strange.    


If it was when they first came to the Mayan New City construction site, Chai Murong would definitely let Shangguan Ling and the others come and see what it was.    


But now, Chai Murong did not want to talk about anything other than work, so even though she encountered such a strange thing, she did not call anyone.    


When a person knew that his death was not far away, his mentality would definitely change. The most obvious thing was that he was no longer afraid of danger like before, especially that unknown danger. Now, Chai Murong's mentality was like this, which also proved that there was a saying that existed in the market: Ignorant people are meaningless.    


Chai Murong, who did not know why this jade-green, ball-shaped object was like a ball, squatted down and studied it for a moment. Then, she used her hand to grab this little thing and fished it out of the water.    


The weight of this thing was about one kilogram. Its entire body was the bright green color. It was clearly an inanimate object without any eyes or nose, but it gave people the illusion that it was indeed alive.    


"Could it be that this is a special mushroom from the Western Regions? But it doesn't look like it. It looks like a sponge that is full of water, but there is no water dripping out of it."    


After lifting that thing up and looking at it for a moment, Chai Murong really did not understand what it was. Just as she wanted to casually throw it on the ground again, she thought for a while and carried it towards her residence.    


After taking that thing to her residence, Chai Murong originally wanted to put it in the basin and take out a few minutes to carefully observe if it was moving in the water, but the phone on the table rang.    


Before noon today, the entire construction site was forced to stop due to the heavy rain last night.    


If there was no special situation, no matter if it was Nanzhao Xixue or Bei Gongcuo, they would not call at this time.    


But since the phone rang at this time, it proved that there was something that they could not handle and needed to report to Chai Murong. She knew this very well.    


Since other people had things that they could not handle and needed Chai Murong to make a decision, then she could not carefully study the thing in her hand for the time being. So she casually placed it on the table next to the water tank and wiped the clothes between her hips a few times. Then she quickly walked to the other side of the phone.    




After Chai Murong arrived at Xiyu Province, because it was now the time to build a city, the conditions naturally could not be compared to those in the mainland.    


The place where everyone temporarily stayed, not to mention that there was no collective heating, water supply, and other facilities. Even the squatting pit had to be temporarily used when removing the hands... Therefore, in order to solve the problem of drinking water, there would be a large water vat in each room. It was filled with clear underground water.    


Originally, with Chai Murong's identity as the Queen of Mayan New City, plus her current physical condition, she would usually use a bucket of mineral water to drink water.    


But in order to win over the hearts of the people and let others throw themselves into the construction with a better attitude. Official Chai pretended to be an upright and upright example, just like all the ordinary workers. He also let Shangguan Ling get a water tank in her residence. It was for her to boil water and wash her face.    




Chai Murong put the thing she picked up from the outside on the table and walked towards the phone that kept ringing.    


When Chai Murong walked towards the other side of the phone, that thing in the sea was like a sponge. Perhaps it was because it was slippery, or perhaps it was because the table was slightly tilted, but she had just turned around and left anyway. The thing slowly slid to the edge of the table. When she grabbed the phone, it slipped into the water tank. It made a slight sound of water splashing.    


Chai Murong, who had just picked up the phone, did not notice the sound. She looked at the caller ID and saw that it was Ye Chuqing's number, so she turned to the phone. She put it beside her ear and used a business-like tone to ask, "Chuqing, what do you want?"    


When Chai Murong first came to the construction site of the new city, she used her phone to contact others. However, because the signal in this place was not very good, she had to shout at her phone every time. Talent! It was barely audible, so a few days ago... The relevant departments in Xiyu Province had temporarily installed a batch of messages for the main person-in-charge here. For them to contact each other.    


Even though Chai Murong had caused Zhou Tangtang to have an abortion, her prestige had fallen in several ways. However, no one dared to show it in front of her. Instead, they were even more respectful towards her. She even had the heart to plot against someone as pitiful as Vice President Zhou. What else could she not do?    


It was precisely because of this very realistic reason that Nanzhao Xixue and the others, regardless of whether it was facing her or calling her, had an extremely obedient attitude. They did not dare to have the slightest bit of disrespect towards her.    


But this time, after Chai Murong asked what was going on over the phone, Ye Chuqing did not speak and only let out a very clear sound of breathing.    


Chai Murong frowned and asked again, "Chuqing, what is the matter?"    


Ye Chuqing on the other side still did not speak as if calling Chai Murong was to let the officials hear her panting over there.    


At this moment, Chai Murong was really annoyed and her voice was clearly very cold, "Ye Chuqing, if you are not willing to speak, then I will hang up!"    


If this phone call was from someone else, Chai Murong would have been furious. It was tender grandma who called me but did not speak. Wasn't this deliberately challenging my dignity? Do you think I dare not do anything to you!?    


But this phone call wasn't from someone else, but from Chu Yang's third wife, Ye Chuqing. No matter how dissatisfied Chai Murong was with her and how disrespectful she was to Chai Murong, she couldn't simply throw a tantrum at her.    


Since everyone enjoyed the thin face of a man together, Chai Murong could not do anything to Ye Chuqing, but it did not stop her from going off the phone after saying this.    


However, just as Chai Murong coldly said this sentence, Just as she was about to take off the phone, a faint sigh came from the other side of the phone. Following that, a female voice that made her body stiffen sounded, "Sigh, Chai Murong, are you alright now?"    




In Chai Murong's lifetime, the number of women that she cared about the most definitely would not exceed three.    


The first one was naturally her mother, Lin Jingxian.    


The second one was Yun Ruoxi, who had always doted on her.    


The third person was Hua Mannyu, who made Official Chai feel a little pain.    


There was a reason why Hua Mannyu, the biggest rival, was listed as one of the three women that Chai Murong cared about the most.    


Hua Mannyu and Chai Murong were once her best friends. Whether it was in the business world or in the love world, they wanted to step on each other. Then, they fiercely stomped on each other a few more times.    


No one could understand what kind of relationship Chai Murong and Hua Mannyu had. Even their shared man, Chu, was still in the fog.    


The conflict between Chai Murong and Hua Mannyu was originally raging. It was only until Sister Hua was in a vegetative state by Chai Fangsi that it could be considered to have come to an end.    


To be honest, during the period when Hua Mannyu was lying on the bed pretending to be dead, even though Chai Murong was tired of helping Chu manage his business, she was very happy. At the very least, no other woman would dare to challenge her authority.    


However, Chai Murong was happy for a short period of time. Just after Zhou Tangtang 'had an abortion', Hua Mannyu woke up. This news made her very depressed.    


However, it was said that it was better to not see it. Even though Hua Mannyu had already woken up, it was still better to not see it. But she was still in the distant mainland and even though she had already become a huge threat to Chai Murong. Because they had not come to Mayan New City for the time being, the officials still felt sorry for Hua Mannyu. Why did Hua Mannyu wake up? Besides that, they usually did not take this matter to heart.    


But now, Hua Mannyu called and used Ye Chuqing's fixed number.    


Hua Mannyu used Ye Chuqing, who was in charge of the outer perimeter of the new city, to call. What did this prove?    


It only proved that Hua Mannyu had already come to Mayan New City and rested in the morning at this construction site!    


After Hua Mannyu spoke, the person holding the microphone and not speaking was replaced by Chai Murong.    


Hua Mannyu seemed to know Chai Murong's current mood, so she did not urge her. The two of them just faced the microphone and were silent.    


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