My Fiance Ran Away

C1453 Eight Words!

C1453 Eight Words!

People who don't think too highly of themselves always feel especially happy when they mock or tease others.    


It was just like Chu Yang. When he heard Zeus King let out a sigh of relief, he immediately said the wicked words, From your accent, you don't sound like a local.    


Of course, if he mocked others, the meaning behind it would not be understood. It would be as boring as cooking without salt. That was why Chu Yang told this joke under Zeus King's' begging '.    


After Chu Yang said this joke, he laughed loudly. He thought that Zeus King would soon understand and rush over in anger, intending to die together with him.    


Unexpectedly, Zeus King did not pounce over at all. Instead, he asked stupidly, "What are you laughing at?"    


When a person mocked a person, of course he would feel happy. However, the person who was mocked didn't understand the meaning of being mocked. If that was the case, then this happiness would be discounted, and it would even have a dull feeling of being 'embroidered at night'.    


Just like how Chu Yang thought he had succeeded. The other person, Zeus King, foolishly asked him what he was laughing about. His laughter was like a chicken whose neck had been stepped on. All of a sudden, it stopped and stared at her with widened eyes. In his heart, he thought, It can't be. This woman can't even recognize this... How can her IQ be so low?    


After not hearing Chu Yang's answer, Zeus King asked again, "What were you laughing at just now? Is that joke that funny? It doesn't sound like much to me either."    


You let out a breath. You were mocked as fart by me, but you couldn't tell. It was so boring... Chu Li shrugged his shoulders in a disinterested manner. "It's nothing. I was just laughing out loud just now. I just thought of a ridiculous past. It has nothing to do with you. Cough, let's not talk about this anymore. Let's take the opportunity to rest for a while. "    


" Oh. " Zeus King answered faintly. Just as Chu Yang closed his eyes, He suddenly asked, "That day in Mayan New City, you should try to understand me a little more. But it's fine that you fainted because of you. Do you still want to know more about me? "    


"Understanding you a little more, what is there for you to understand?"    


Chu Yang opened his eyes in surprise. He looked at the woman in front of him and said, "You are the descendant of a world-renowned great man. You are the master of the desolate Mount Olympus. You have the skills to conquer the world and the beauty to bewitch most men. You are also an expert in cheating... As long as I understand all of this, won't that be enough?"    


Zeus King said very discontentedly," Who am I lying to? "    


"Of course you won't lie to me, because you can't lie to me at all."    


Chu Li said proudly, "But you can lie to your subordinates. For example, you can pretend to be mysterious and tell them that you are a transmigrator, so that they will respect you."    


When the word 'transmigrator' was mentioned, Chu Yang suddenly had an idea. " Oh, right, do you remember when you helped me leave Georgia with Deiss's identity? "    


Zeus King raised his hand and combed the hair on his temples. He nodded and said, "Of course I remember. You don't need to say anymore. Do you want to know? Why would I know in advance that those passengers on the train would die on that day? When you thought I was a transmigrator in the past, you would naturally think that I saw this scene in advance. But now that you know that it was only a lie, you must be wondering why you still know those things, right?"    


" Talking to smart people is like saving energy. Sigh."    


Chu Yang praised and said, "That's right. Since you are not a traveler, how did you know in advance?"    


Zeus King stood up and casually walked in front of Chu Yang. He then slowly sat down with a pair of blue eyes. Under the starry sky, there was a strange glow. The sound of the water hitting the rocks could be clearly heard. There was actually a trace of strangeness to it. "This is very simple. Although I am not a transmigrator, I am a master of divination. "    


"Divination master!?"    


Chu Yang was stunned and said subconsciously, "So you are the same as Chen Yiqing, a fortune-teller! Oh, no wonder you were able to predict that I would go to that nightclub when I just arrived in Billis. After all this time, it turned out to be like this. Why didn't I think of this before? "    


Zeus King tilted his head and asked, "Chen Yiqing? Is it the Feng Shui master that resounded throughout Southeast Asia?"    


Chu Yang answered proudly, "Yes, she is also my son's mother."    


Without waiting for Zeus King to say anything, Chu Yang said with a vigilant face, "Slow down. You said you are a fraud, but you are a fraud. I have to test you."    


Although the word "fraud sounded a little harsh, seeing that he was going to teach this guy a lesson later, Zeus King endured it. How do you want to test me?"    


Chu Yang thought for a while and said, "I want you to test others. You can't prove it in a short period of time. You can count as what I want the most right now."    


If Chu Yang asked someone who was familiar with him and what he wanted the most, others would definitely tell him. What he wanted the most was naturally to kill Chai Fangsi and build Mayan New City as soon as possible.    


Everyone knew that Chai Fangsi was Chu Yang's biggest enemy at the moment. It was also the only obstacle, to get rid of Old Chai and even take control of the Mount Olympus. It was indeed the thing he desired the most at the moment. It was even more than whether Hua Mannyu would wake up or not.    


However, Zeus King did not reply like that. Instead, he smiled faintly and said, "What you desire the most at the moment is nothing more than to pray that Chai Murong will be safe and sound."    


There were less than a dozen people in the world who knew about Chai Murong's terminal illness (including the doctors in 301 Hospital). Even Chu Tiantai and his wife, Chai Mingsheng and his wife, were kept in the dark. It could be said that it was one of Chu Yang's biggest secrets.    


However, Zeus King said it very easily at this time. It immediately made Chu Chu's mouth open wide. "You, you really can calculate it?"    


Then, he violently shook his head and said, "No, this is definitely not your plan! After Chai Murong got sick, she once asked me to quickly marry Nanzhao Xixue. As long as one's mind was agile, they would be able to deduce that there was a problem with her body. And you are smart and have many eyes and ears. It is normal for you to know that she is not in good health. No, this doesn't count!"    


Zeus King said unhappily," Why not? Then tell me, what should I do to count? "    


Chu Yang stared into Zeus King's eyes and said slowly," Unless you know the cause of her illness and figure out what will happen to her in the future, then I can trust you. "    


He could tell from Chu Yang's quick marriage to Nanzhao Xixue that Chai Murong's body had problems. With Zeus King's intelligence, it was not difficult to figure it out. It was more likely to be from those doctors. To know what kind of symptoms she had... These questions might not be difficult, but it was rare for Chu Yang to ask them now. It was not Chai Murong who had contracted some terminal illness, but the cause.    


The matter of Chai Murong suffering from terminal illness might be known by more than a dozen people. However, the reason for her illness (a child who had inherited it from generation to generation) was that very few people knew about it. If Zeus King could figure out the cause of her illness, Chu Yang would definitely be sincerely convinced of her. He would worship her and beg her to give him some pointers to see if he could save the great officials from their fancy years.    


However, what disappointed Chu Yang was that Zeus King frowned and pondered for a moment. He shook his head, "Chai Murong had a serious problem with her body. I did predict it from your action of marrying Nanzhao Xixue in a hurry. But if you let me calculate what kind of terminal illness she had and what the cause of her terminal illness is. When she was not present, I did not know about this. "    


After a pause, Zeus King said again, "Because I want to see this from Chai Murong's question and performance."    


"What's the difference between that and TCM?"    


After hearing Zeus King say this, Chu Yang was greatly disappointed. His straightened back collapsed again. He said lazily, "I told you that you are pretending to be a liar. If you are really that good, then... He should have predicted this a long time ago. He yawned. Alright, let's not talk anymore. I'm a little tired. I think we should rest for a while."    


Just as Chu Yang waved his hand and was about to lie down on the rock and squint for a while after losing interest in talking, Zeus King suddenly said, "I am not lying. I am indeed an expert in divination. Although I could not figure out the cause of Chai Murong's illness when she was not in front of me, But I can see her fate from your facial features!"    


Chu Yang, who was about to lie down, perked up again when he heard what Zeus King said. "What? You mean you can predict Chai Murong's fate from my facial features?"    


Zeus King nodded affirmatively. "Since you and Chai Murong are husband and wife, you will naturally have a husband and wife relationship. What's the big deal about seeing her current condition and fate from your face?"    




In the countryside, there would be some Pugilistic World Warlocks, Godmothers.    


These 'Immortals' who kept their mouths shut could tell from a person's facial features how his family and family were doing. This wasn't something strange.    


It didn't matter if he was called a 'deity' or spreading superstitious beliefs. It was indeed a fact.    


Chu Yang had seen it with his own eyes when he was young in Zhang's Village. He believed it without a doubt because he knew Chen Yiqing.    


Of course, he could tell how many family members there were from a person's facial features. How were his family members? He had even experienced those setbacks in the past. This ability came from China's strange book, Zhou Yi. Chu Yang was very clear about this. Otherwise, he would not have believed what Chen Yiqing said.    


However, believing in Chen Yiqing was one thing, but whether Zeus King could make Chu Yang believe in her was another.    


Otherwise, he would not have laughed coldly and said, "Alright, since you can see Chai Murong's future fate. Then tell me now. If you are right and find a way to save her, I'll do whatever you ask me to do in the future!"    


Zeus King immediately praised, "Sigh, for Chai Murong, you did not hesitate to make such a promise to me. From this, it can be seen that you are truly in love, and it also proves the greatness of love."    


Chu Yang said impatiently, "Don't be long-winded, just say it quickly!"    


"Okay." Zeus King nodded and put away the ridicule in his eyes. He said seriously, "Chai Murong's future fate will be summed up in eight words by me."    


Chu Yang narrowed his eyes. "Which eight words?"    


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