My Fiance Ran Away

C1259 It's Just a Piece of Junk!

C1259 It's Just a Piece of Junk!

If Huang Dongdong admitted his mistake to Chu Yang the moment the misunderstanding was resolved, he would definitely not stand idly by.    


However, at the crucial moment, when the truth came out, Huang Dongdong still refused to admit his mistake. If he continued to help, it would be suspicious of him being a cheater.    


After his anger, Chu Yang remembered that his wife Chuqing was also involved in this matter.    


Chu Yang wanted to help Ye Chuqing, but because Huang Dongdong was present, he wanted to help her. He could not help but remind her, "Chuqing, I think that woman is very capable. Then be careful. Alright, that's it, I'm leaving."    


After Chu Yang finished speaking, he closed the car door for Ye Chuqing and walked towards the parking lot with his hands in his pockets.    


In Chu Yang's opinion, even if he did not make a move, Ye Chuqing would not necessarily be at a disadvantage. Furthermore, the person who tracked the document would definitely not only be the two of them.    


Furthermore, since the two of them could find this place using the USB sensor, they would definitely be able to find the woman's whereabouts based on this thing.    


However, Chu Yang did not know that the sensor could be turned off. It was just that he did not understand.    


Seeing Chu Yang get into the car and leave, Huang Dongdong said, "Ye Chuqing, you let him go just like that?"    


Ye Chuqing replied faintly, "Then what do you want?"    


If it were not for Ye Chuqing's ugly expression, Huang Dongdong would definitely have said, Of course I want him to help us find that woman. After all, this kid has that kind of ability. He also had to take responsibility for this matter.    


"Sigh, I really regret not rushing here in the first place." Just when Huang Dongdong did not know what to say, Ye Chuqing said this again.    


If I had met Chu Yang first, the situation wouldn't have developed to this extent. Because I firmly believe that he would never do something that would harm Huaxia. On the other hand, you actually suspect that he is one of those people's accomplices. This was the reason why Ye Chuqing said she regretted it. Of course, Huang Dongdong could tell.    


Huang Dongdong had always been a proud child. After hearing Ye Chuqing's words, she was just about to open the car door when she stopped and said coldly, "Ye Chuqing, what do you mean by that?"    


Ye Chuqing did not look at her at all and still lightly said, "Nothing. I just feel that you have affected your judgment because of your Eldest Sister's death. Now I suspect that the Second Division of the General Staff Department spent a lot of money to train 'Drizzle'. It's just some cheap goods. They don't know how to be a qualified agent at all. A true expert must remain calm under any circumstances. "    


" Bad goods? Ha, alright, you two, one is calling me a loser, the other is calling me a loser!"    


Slapping the seat in front of him, Huang Dongdong widened his eyes in anger. He shouted in a low voice, "Ye Chuqing, who are you calling a loser? Humph, don't think that you can look down on me just because you are a member of Long Teng! You are actually dissatisfied with me not because you lost the document, but because I misunderstood your husband! "    


" You're right. Looks like you still have some brains. " Ye Chuqing frankly admitted that Huang Dongdong was right, but she changed the topic and said, "Huang Dongdong, don't be unconvinced. If you are not emotional because of Huang Xiuzhao's matter, I don't believe it. Based on Chu Yang's contribution to Huaxia, Do you think he would do something that would harm Huaxia?"    


Ye Chuqing turned her head and said sternly, "Let's not talk about other things. You should know that Chu Yang was involved in the South Sea incident. What kind of sacrifice did he make for the interests of China? I am really puzzled. He had given up so much for the country. Why are there still people who suspect that he's an accomplice of a foreign spy!"    


Ye Chuqing's words were like a warning. All of a sudden, Huang Dongdong 'woke' up. That's right, Chu Yang was such a proud person, how could he do such a thing? Besides, he had no reason to help foreigners plot against China. Sigh, Ye Chuqing was right. It turns out that I really acted on impulse.    


"Get out of the car. I will make a detailed report of what happened tonight." Seeing that Huang Dongdong was speechless, Ye Chuqing did not want to waste any more time with her and simply chased her away.    


The Soaring Dragon Group had a high position in China. If Ye Chuqing handed this report over, no matter what the outcome of this matter was, Huang Dongdong's future would be affected.    


The reason Ye Chuqing did this was largely because Huang Dongdong dared to slander her husband. However, the latter could not come up with a reason to refute. He could only be stunned for a moment. Suppressing the tears in her eyes, she pushed open the car door and jumped out of the car.    


The moment Huang Dongdong closed the car door, Ye Chuqing did not hesitate at all. She immediately started the car and drove away in an instant.    


Huang Dongdong, who was standing by the side of the road, was stunned for a moment. After a while, he covered his face with his hands and slowly squatted on the ground.    




"Damn, the good thing was ruined by that fart child."    


After Chu Yang drove onto the main road, he was still angry because of Huang Dongdong's nonsense.    


Indeed, Chu Yang was angry because Huang Dongdong treated him as a spy in R Country. That was why he said What the hell do I have to do with it?    


In fact, Chu Yang was not willing to watch the top secret of Huaxia being stolen. Otherwise, he would not have run to the south gate night market.    


Chu Yang remembered clearly where the four R People landed. Therefore, he still had a trace of luck in his heart, and was ready to go to that small hotel to take a look. After all, the woman who snatched the USB might not have known that he had discovered the place where those people were staying a long time ago.    


Chu Yang had just turned the steering wheel when the phone in his pocket rang. He took it out and saw that the caller ID was Qin Chao. So he answered the call and said with a smile, " Hello, Chao Chao, do you miss me?"    


Qin Chao, who was sitting on the sofa with Chai Murong, heard Chu Yang teasing her with such a tone. His face turned red and he coughed twice. "Ahem, Chu Yang, you... Murong is right next to me."    


Qin Chao wanted to say, Chu Yang, what nonsense are you spouting? But when he thought about how they were now husband and wife, and there seemed to be nothing wrong with this conversation, he quickly changed his words and said that Chai Murong was right beside him.    


After hearing what Qin Chao said, Chai Murong, who was munching on a bag of melon seeds, immediately said lazily, "You two can treat me as air. When it's time to flirt, then flirt. Don't mind me."    


Don't tell me you and him are not husband and wife... After hearing what Chai Murong said, Qin Chao's face became even redder. He muttered, "Chu, Chu Yang, where are you now? When are you going home to eat?"    


Chu Yang slowed down slightly and turned his head to look at the road sign outside. "You guys eat first. I still have some things to do outside. He would probably be late. Oh, right, I met Chuqing just now. She's currently on an emergency mission, so she definitely can't go back."    


Qin Chao nodded. " Oh, then we won't wait for you. Oh right, you know Auntie Yun... It's my mom. She already took Hua Mannyu to the countryside today, right? Oh, so you already went to the hospital at that time. Okay, I plan to go with Murong and the others tomorrow. Let's go to the countryside to visit them and see if there's anything missing. Okay, okay, then you should go home early, goodbye... No, no, there's still someone guarding here..."    


After Qin Chao hurriedly took off the phone, Chu Yang smiled. "Sigh, although she is the oldest, she is the thin-skinned one. It seems that I have to strengthen my training in this area in the future."    




Half an hour later, Chu Yang drove the car to the fast food restaurant that he had visited last night.    


He subconsciously looked inside and did not see the four R People he saw last night. Only the lady boss, who refused his two yuan tip, was wiping the floor with her butt sticking out. So, he parked the car by the window.    


The lady boss was humming a tune as she wiped the floor. When she saw someone walk in, she raised her head with a professional smile on her face. "Sir, come and eat, the few of you... Eh, didn't you come here last night?"    


The reason why the Lady Boss still had an impression of Chu Li was because he wanted to give her a tip of two yuan. And because not long after he left, a woman came and almost strangled her. Therefore, she could be considered to have a deep impression of what happened last night.    


"Hehe, what, you guys run fast food restaurants, didn't you hope to have returning customers?" Chu Yang smiled and took out two 100-Yuan notes from his pocket. He put them on the table and said, "Lady Boss, I am not here to eat. I have something to ask you. This time. I'll give you a tip of two hundred yuan. How about it?"    


The Lady Boss stared at the two bills and said suspiciously, "What do you want to know?"    


"Do you remember the four insurance workers who ate at your place last night? Didn't they come to eat today?"    


The Lady Boss shook her head immediately. "No, no. But an hour ago, I saw a few of them walking past the entrance of my shop and heading east."    


Chu Yang's eyes lit up. "You didn't recognize the wrong person?"    


"How could I recognize the wrong person? After you left the key last night, I gave it to them with good intentions. Who knew that woman... Hey, let's not talk about this anymore. Why are you looking for them? "    


Chu Yang knew that the Lady Boss was too embarrassed to say that she had been strangled last night. When she turned around and left, she casually asked," It's nothing. Do you know where they live? "    


Chu Yang asked casually, but he did not expect the Lady Boss to know where the four people lived. "Of course I know. They live in the hotel where the guests come from not far east. Just now, the waiter of the hotel came to my place to order food. He ordered five servings at once..."    


Before the Lady Boss could finish, a young man in a street stall walked in. "Lady Boss, are the five boxes of food I ordered ready?"    


"Ah, they're ready. Wait for a moment. I'll go and get them for you right away." When she saw the customer, the Lady Boss picked up the 200 yuan that Chu Yang had thrown on the table and turned around to walk to the kitchen.    


A few minutes later, the Lady Boss came out with five boxes of food in a convenient bag. Just as she was about to pass it to the little shop assistant, she saw Chu Yang take the boxes. "Hehe, I just discussed it with this little brother. I gave him 100 yuan and asked me to deliver the food to the guests on his behalf."    


The Lady Boss was a little dumbfounded. "What? You delivered food for someone else, and you even poured a hundred yuan for someone else? Umm, can you come to my place often in the future and help me deliver food to others? "    


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