My Fiance Ran Away

C1124 A Woman Who Looked Exactly like an Illusion

C1124 A Woman Who Looked Exactly like an Illusion

1Chu Yang, who used to be a miserly person, was able to give twenty thousand dollars to a little girl this time. Apart from being influenced by his enthusiasm, the most important thing was that he was in a very good mood right now.    


It was also true that when a person discovered that using the most primitive method could solve a huge mental problem, he would be in a very good mood.    


Many years later, when the little girl who sold flowers became the mother of three children... She still hadn't forgotten that on the 16th of June 2012, there was a handsome man with an eastern face. To her, it was a huge sum of money, allowing her to become the boss of a cream company with her 20,000 dollars...    


She had never seen a little girl who sold flowers for so much money before. When she woke up from her extreme shock, However, she discovered that the handsome Asian man had already walked to the entrance of the flower shop. She hurriedly picked up the money. She wanted to go around the counter and chase after him to pay him back. "Sir, please wait a moment. I can't take your money!"    


Chu Yang walked to the door and turned around with one foot outside the door. He smiled and waved his hand. "Little girl, this money is not for free because I want to ask you a question."    


The little girl was stunned. "What question?"    


"What is the name of the poet you mentioned who was stabbed to death by his thirty-ninth lover?"    


The little girl answered without thinking, "His name is Sunshine in the Wind."    


"Sunshine in the Wind? What kind of bullsh * t name is that? Why isn't his name Alexander, Gorvish, or something like that?" Chu Yang shook his head in disbelief, then waved his hand at the little girl. He walked towards that 'Kant Street'.    


Following the little girl's instructions, Chu Yang walked to the stop sign on the opposite side of the road. Looking to the left, he saw a narrow alley. There was a small blue iron plate on the stone wall with the year wheel. On it were the words Kant Street written in Russian.    


After walking into Kant Street, Chu Yang heard a loud disco music coming from far away. Looking to the left side of the sound, he saw a light sign made of colorful light bulbs. There was a big naked girl on it, and below it was written Zeus King's nightclub in English.    


Chu Yang was sure that he was not the first idiot to come here to give money. And the flower seller girl also said that she had met nineteen people who wanted to buy those two things today. Those people should be the coaches of the contestants from the Fighting Competition. They should also greet the thirty-nine lovers in the wind like him.    


Chu Yang pushed open the glass door of Zeus King's nightclub. Before he walked into the hall, he heard deafening music and the screams of women.    


Chu Yang could not tell exactly how big the hall was. Because the entire hall was covered by flashing lights. Apart from the countless arms that were swinging up and the naked girls dancing on the high platform dozens of meters ahead, he could also see them. It was as if his eyes could no longer see anything else.    


"Sigh, the nightlife abroad is indeed something to look forward to. It's not like performing a strip dance in China. I have to hide until the latter half of the night. No wonder men always say capitalism is heaven. It does make sense. " Chu Yang leaned to the side and walked along the crowded crowd.    


Although he did not know who to buy those two things, Chu Yang knew that as long as he went to the bar, he would get the answer he wanted.    


After spending a lot of effort and being drenched in sweat, Chu Yang finally squeezed to the front of the bar. He wanted to ask the bartender who was dancing behind the bar, but the music stopped. Countless high-intensity lights lit up on the top of the hall. The young men and women who were almost exhausted from dancing. Just like a few men who had vented their anger, they withdrew their raised arms. They lowered their heads and spread out in all directions.    


If I had known this would happen, I would have waited for a while so that I wouldn't be drenched in sweat.    


Chu Li casually sized up this hall that was over a thousand square meters. Then, he pulled over a high chair and sat on it. He then snapped his fingers at the bartender.    


The bartender with two tufts of mustache walked over. When he saw that Chu Yang had an eastern face, He consciously asked in English, "What would you like to have, sir? We have the most authentic vodka, Wales, and human horses here..."    


"I don't drink. I just want to ask you one thing." Chu Yang, who was well-versed in money, took out a few big notes and placed them on the bar counter.    


Immediately, the bartender saw the notes and then looked at Chu Yang as if he was looking at his own mother. That bright smile on his face made you suspect if he was your son who went missing. He grabbed the bill in his hand and asked, "Sir, may I ask what you want to ask? I will tell you everything I know in detail."    


Chu Yang did not waste any time and asked directly, "Where should I buy white roses and black luggage bags?"    


One. A person who wanted to buy these two things didn't go to the supermarket or flower shop, but instead came to the nightclub to ask the bartender. This should be a very unusual phenomenon, but the bartender didn't show the slightest bit of surprise. He just raised his hand and pointed at the top of his head. "Sir, you can go to Room 386 on the second floor. That place specializes in selling these two things."    


"Okay, thank you. I'll take this cup of water first. You can get another cup for the original customer." Chu Yang nodded and conveniently picked up a cup of ice water that had been placed there for a long time. It was unknown whose ice water it was. He then walked to the staircase.    


He had given that fellow so many tips. If he didn't pick up something while he was walking, Chu Yang would feel that he was an idiot. Although this glass of ice water wasn't worth much, it was better than nothing.    


Chu Yang, who was carrying the ice water, had just stepped onto the first step to the second floor when he heard a very magnetic female voice behind him say, "Sir, what are you asking about taking my ice water away?"    


"Oh, I thought that bartender was giving it to me. I'm sorry. Ah." Chu Yang held the icy water in his hand and turned around. He had an apologetic and polite smile on his face. He looked at the woman behind him and was about to say something when... He was suddenly stunned.    


There was once a woman who stood naked on a pyramid filled with clouds. She had a big bird with feathers all over her body, and she could even emit white radiation... It was the woman who appeared in Chu Yang's illusion that almost caused his mind to collapse. In the end, he was forced to use his trump card to deal with her!    


Although Chu Yang's mind was no longer affected by that woman, The impression he left on that woman was quite detestable. He felt that if he met that woman in real life... He would definitely tear her into pieces without asking anything!    


However, when a woman who looked exactly the same as the woman in the illusion suddenly appeared in front of Chu Yang, he was stunned on the spot, like a fool.    


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