My Fiance Ran Away

C986 Wu Zhengzhi -10 Fell!

C986 Wu Zhengzhi -10 Fell!

Grandfather, Grandmother, Daddy, Mommy, Uncle Third Uncle. Manyu's son, Yaotong, Lige, Resplendent Xianxue. Ca, why are there so many people I can't bear to part with? For the sake of your happiness, I want to say goodbye to you forever!    


After Chu Feng received the 'oath' that Chai Murong was going to die with him, he felt extremely wretched and perverted in his heart. He felt that it was actually quite good to die like this, so when he jumped out of the car, In his heart, he prayed to his family members that he could not leave. He was just about to use his superb escape technique. Just as he was about to jump into the wilderness in a flash, a gunshot rang out.    


"F * ck, he's shooting right now. I haven't had the time to run yet!" When the gunshot rang out, Chu Li roared angrily to the sky. Then, he was suddenly stunned. Because, this rather compact gunshot didn't come from the military helicopters or the National Security Bureau at all. It came from his back! And most importantly, the direction of the bullets that broke through the dawn of Beijing and revealed a dozen or so dark blue bullet trajectories. It was aimed at the armed helicopter that was circling at a low altitude!    


The pilot of the armed helicopter was standing in front of the jeep's door, chatting with Chai Murong. He lifted his hand to support the headset on his collar and said, "Bureau Director Su, I think this guy wants to play some tricks. Do you want to shoot him again and warn him?"    


Su Ning immediately shook her head and replied, "No need. Even if we give him a little more time, he will not be able to escape the helicopter's pursuit in this empty space. Remember, if he dares to resist or escape... Unless absolutely necessary, you are not allowed to shoot him, but you can injure him. Try to capture him alive. I would like to see who is the one who can quietly take down Liang Zhiyong and his partner, and where he is in 2012. What relationship does he have with Hua Mannyu, Shaang Lige, and the others?"    


Before Hua Mannyu took the initiative to be taken away from the Hellgate by Chai Murong, Su Ning's smart subordinates had already come out in advance to set up a 'net'. Their goal was to catch those people who came to meet the big officials.    


But Su Ning did not expect that with Liang Zhiyong and his partner's ability, To actually let them quietly lay on the ground, this would definitely attract the attention of the National Security Bureau. In order to deal with these people who came to pick Chai Murong up, they did not hesitate to send out an armed helicopter. Following the tracks of the small forest where Liang Zhiyong and the others were knocked out, they caught up.    


Before seeing someone's car, Su Ning had already considered the people who came to pick up Chai Murong. Other than having terrifying skills and experience in the wild, it should be directly related to Chu Yang, Hua Mannyu and the others. Furthermore, their relationship should be quite deep.    


Someone who could be related to Third Prince of Chu family and the Fourth Princess of the Hua family was naturally not an ordinary person.    


However, if these people did not know what was good for them and resisted, Su Ning did not mind killing them on the spot.    


But what Su Ning did not expect was that when she caught up with the jeep that passed Lee Xiao and the others, Only when she realized that there was only Chai Murong and a man in the jeep, she was even more shocked. Chu Yang was still in R Country, Koo Mingchuang and Shaang Lige were in other places, but who could quietly let Lee Xiao and the others go in Beijing? Could it be that Hua Mannyu was also involved with the mysterious people in 2012? If that was really the case, then things would not be easy to handle.    


Everyone knew that the reason why the Beijing Chai family collapsed so quickly was because of this. Apart from Old Master Chai being angered to death by Chai Qingtian, the other families also took advantage of the situation by taking advantage of the situation. It was also because of the name list that Bei Gongcuo had gotten from 2012. This gave the few families a better reason to attack the Chai family.    


If Hua Mannyu and Hua Mannyu really had anything to do with the people from 2012 who came to save Chai Murong, Su Ning had to consider. If she could find out from these people that it was not beneficial for the Hua family. Once she reported it to the higher authorities and relevant departments... It was very likely that it would cause another political earthquake.    


This was something Su Ning did not want to see, so before she could find the answer to these suspicious points, She definitely would not order to shoot just because the person standing at the door of the jeep hesitated for two to three minutes. In any case, there was not only an armed helicopter on their side. There was also a speeding car on the other side of the road. Even if the enemies below had wings, they wouldn't be able to escape. They had to be careful.    


Just as Su Ning had just finished instructing the pilot to calm down, she suddenly saw the speeding car from the corner of her eyes. Suddenly, it stopped on the road not far away. A person outside of the helicopter's light circle. Half of his body was exposed from the top of the car, and he was holding a gun in his hand. But the gun was not aimed at the jeep, but... It was aimed at the armed helicopter that was circling at a low altitude!    


"Not good!" Seeing this scene, Su Ning, who was unprepared, was scared out of her wits. Just as she shouted these two words loudly, she saw a large dark red spark burst out from that person's chest. More than a dozen dark blue bullet trajectories tore through the dawn sky and rushed towards the helicopter while screaming.    


The Modified Valiant 19 helicopter was very awesome, and it also had the reputation of being an 'air tank'. But now, this helicopter was not only flying at a low altitude, but also to make it easier to shout at the people below. Su Ning opened the hatch again, so the people on the ground did not need to use heavy weapons like rocket launchers. As long as they used Type 54 pistols, they could still kill her.    


Su Ning only had time to shout out the word 'not good' before several dark red sparks burst out from the cabin door of the helicopter. Bullets also hit the organic glass in front of the helicopter, scaring her so much that she quickly lay on her back at the bottom of the helicopter cabin. The pilot was also shocked and subconsciously pulled the helicopter up.    


After the owner of the speeding car suddenly opened fire at the helicopter, Lee Xiao and the other two people who were walking towards Chu Yang quickly walked over. They were also scared to death. They had not reacted to the sudden accident. The person who had fired more than ten bullets at the helicopter first pressed the muzzle of the gun down. There were seven or eight bullets aimed at the road half a meter in front of them.    


Lee Xiao and the others were all agents who had undergone rigorous training. When they encountered an attack stronger than theirs, Then, they would try to fight back. They would not be stupid enough to stand on the empty road and be shot. So when the bullet bounced off the road half a meter ahead, They did the same thing as rolling to the left and right, like rolling gourds on the ground. In one breath, they rolled far away.    


After being attacked at a close distance, the first reaction of the helicopter pilot was to pull the helicopter up, escape danger, and then use the powerful weapons on the helicopter to fight back. However, the person who forced Lee Xiao to retreat did not give him the chance at all. He raised the muzzle of the gun that had been shooting non-stop. This time, seven or eight bullets accurately followed the cabin door that Su Ning had blocked earlier. The bullets hit the pilot with a swooshing sound.    


"Ah!" The helicopter pilot, who was about to pull the helicopter up into the sky, was hit by three bullets on his left shoulder, right shoulder, and back at the same time. Although he was wearing a bulletproof vest, But the bullets shot from a close range automatic rifle... They still drilled into his body without any mercy, causing him to scream and fall on the instrument panel in front of the helicopter.    


Suddenly, without the pilot driving the helicopter, it immediately lost control. Just like Old Eagle, who had been shot by an arrow, it struggled in the air for a few seconds in a crooked manner. Then, it fell diagonally into the wilderness dozens of meters away from the jeep, smashing out a large nest. The propellers that had never stopped spinning blew up dust and grass that made it impossible for people to see the helicopter.    


Since the improved Valiant 19 helicopter was known as an 'air tank', then it definitely had bulletproof and anti-shock armor. Falling from a low altitude of more than ten meters to the ground without any hard objects would not cause any explosions. Therefore, the people inside should be very safe.    


When the plane landed, it made a sudden stop. Su Ning, who was lying at the bottom of the cabin, was pushed out of the cabin and heavily smashed onto the ground.    


She really wanted to stand up immediately, but the helicopter's propellers kept blowing up dust that covered the sky. It made it impossible for her to see what was in front of her clearly. In order to avoid being shot in the chaos, So she could only hug her head with both hands and lie on the ground, motionless. She tilted her head and listened to the gunshots not far away.    


A long, long time ago, when Su Ning was still an out-and-out virgin, She had once been the former shooting coach of the Soaring Dragon Group. Her ability to 'distinguish sounds' from all kinds of firearms was quite awesome.    


Therefore, Su Ning, who was lying on the ground, heard the loud roar of the helicopter. She was still able to accurately capture what kind of firearm it was through suppressing the gunshots of Lee Xiao and the other two. The firearm used by the unknown person was China's Type 03 automatic rifle.    


What was the Type 03 Automatic Rifle? This type of gun was first made public in the 11th episode of Weapon Knowledge in 2004 until 2006. It served in the elite troops of the Z People People's Liberation Army. The Type 03 automatic rifle could fire 650-700 DBP87 rounds per minute. The firing speed was 930 meters per second. The largest drum could be loaded with 75 rounds per second. It has the absolute advantage of overwhelming all handguns at close range.    


To put it bluntly, this kind of automatic rifle could be used by machine guns on duty sometimes. It could be said to be the king of close range gunfighting. Su Ning and the others, apart from using their weapons to fight it, also fought it. Any other gun in front of it was simply a toy.    


When Su Ning determined what kind of gun the person used based on the sound of the gunshot, when the gunshot rang out, Just like a rabbit, it jumped into the car and hugged Chai Murong, who was lying under the steering wheel, Chu Yang could also tell. Otherwise, he would have wasted so much time in Huaxia's Fourth Military Base.    


However, the only difference between Chu Yang and Su Ning was that not only could Chu Yang distinguish that it came from the Type 03 automatic rifle based on the sound of gunfire, he could also determine who the owner of the gun was based on this.    


Qin Chao, the person who rushed to rescue them at the last moment, was Qin Chao.    


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