My Fiance Ran Away

C922 Another Potential Problem!

C922 Another Potential Problem!

As the door slid open, Nanzhao Xixue, dressed in white kimono, stepped on wooden clogs... She carried a basin of fruits to the balcony and placed the tray on the table beside her. She knelt on the other hassock and answered in a low voice with a smile, "Seeing that the lights on Master Chen's side have been turned on, I knew you had woken up early. Xianxue came in on her own accord. Master, please don't blame her."    


In the eyes of cultivators, it was just like what ordinary people said, 'Love has no boundaries'. They don't discriminate between humans, birds, white people, and black people at all, and they treat everyone in the world equally. Therefore, Chen Yiqing did not have any hostility towards Nanzhao Xixue because she was a citizen of R Country. Thus, she smiled and shook her head, saying that it was nothing. Then, she picked up a grape and put it in her mouth.    


Looking at this classical and beautiful master in front of her, Nanzhao Xixue waited for him to swallow the grape without spitting it out. Then she lowered her head and used her hands to knead a corner of the kimono. She said in a low voice, "The master has been invited to R Country for a while. My grandmother's seventy seven days is up. It was her fortune to be able to be comforted by Master in the underground world. Mother and I are very grateful to you for this, and we have prepared a small profit for you. Master, please don't decline when you leave at dawn. "    


When ordinary people talked about those mysterious masters, the first thing they thought of was probably their lofty attitude of 'treating money like dirt and treating beauty like a skeleton'. They felt that these grandfathers were indeed very awesome, to be able to remain unmoved in front of money and beauty. That was absolutely the life of an unreasonable fool...    


Actually, these enlightened masters were also humans. They were just like ordinary people. They also had to eat, sleep, poop, fart. Leaving the most basic material would not allow them to live at all. In other words, if they did not have the money to buy rice and cook it, they would have to starve. They were panicking.    


So, after doing good deeds for ordinary people, it was normal to exchange some yellow and white things for material enjoyment before leaving.    


Chen Yiqing was invited to R Country by Yeh Cuicann this time because she wanted to spend the rest of her time and find a good tomb for her dead mother. She estimated that she would stay here for ten to fifteen days.    


Yesterday, she had already settled all the matters here and would leave after the sun rose. That was why Nanzhao Xixue said that she prepared a thin profit for her.    


As for how thin the reward that Sister Nanzhao mentioned was, neither you nor I knew. Anyway, with the wealth of the other party, that red packet would definitely not be thin.    


Hearing Nanzhao Xixue speak in such a cultured manner, Chen Yiqing smiled, "Miss Nanzhao, don't say these polite words anymore. These are originally part of my duty. Actually, I still have some private matters that I might need to stay in R Country for a few days. I still need to stay here for a few days. I will have to trouble you. Hehe, it is almost dawn. Miss Nanzhao came to find me at this time. I don't think she came specifically for this matter, right?"    


Nanzhao Xixue naturally would not say anything just because Chen Yiqing was eating and drinking here for a few more days but she also did not say anything. She only slightly nodded with her eyelids lowered, indicating, I don't mind if you stay here for a few more days. I came to look for you at this time for something.    


Chen Yiqing slightly tilted her chin and looked at her a few times. Without waiting for her to raise her head, she said, "You are currently feeling tired from your lifetime's big matter and your heart is very hesitant. The corners of her brows and eyes carried the intention of leaving the mainland at any time, but she was tied up for other things. In other words, you already have someone in your heart outside. I really want to go and find him at all costs, but for some reason... That's why you don't dare to do that. That's why you're feeling pain in your heart. That's why you're at a loss and don't know what to do. "    


After her thoughts were exposed by Chen Yiqing's words, Nanzhao Xixue immediately put her hands together and bowed her head, "Master, please guide me!"    


Nanzhao Xixue saying such words proved that Chen Yiqing was right.    


Chen Yiqing nodded slightly and lifted her hand to pick up another grape. Use it. Her sharp fingernails broke a little grape skin and handed it to her. "What you want to know should be your relationship problem. Un, let's do it this way, let's just disassemble the words... disassemble the words, you should have heard of disassemble the words, right?"    


Breaking apart the characters, it is also called 'tear apart', 'tear apart the characters,' and so on and so forth. It is a method of guessing good fortune and misfortune in ancient China. The main method is to use the characters to add and subtract the strokes. Dismantling side characters and disrupting the structure of words to deduce, there were many legends about disassembling words in China. There was no need to make an example here, in order to avoid incurring the displeasure of his brothers. He said that his brother was trying to make up the number of words.    


Don't look at how the Japanese were chirping like birds, but the words they used to write... They are derived from the Mandarin characters, and most of them are authentic Mandarin characters. Therefore, it was very popular to disassemble words in R Country. Nanzhao and Xianxue naturally knew this. Therefore, she did not reject it and took the peeled grape. She pondered for a moment. She wrote a few words on the table: Yang.    


The word Yang written by Nanzhao and Xianxue was a complex character.    


In 1964, China released an announcement. It was only in 1986 that they revised the simplified version of the overall table as the national standard.    


In addition, Singapore, Malaysia, R Country and other countries implemented simplified words on the basis of traditional Mandarin. The degree of simplification was basically the same as China, but not exactly the same. Therefore, the word 'Yang' still retained the simplified writing method.    


Chen Yiqing looked at the word and said, "Yang, this is a word 'moving'. If this word was opened on the right side, it would be' Day 1 ',' Wu. And on the left side was the word talent that pierced through the heart. Since Miss Nanzhao had written this word, it was not difficult to tell. You are unwilling to stay here for a day, but your rationality reminds you not to leave without permission. Otherwise, the people you rely on will suffer a heart-piercing disaster. This person who makes you rely on each other for your life should be your mother, Mrs. Nanzhao. Her fate depends on whether you want to leave R Country or not."    


Nanzhao Xianxue had never thought that Chen Yiqing would have such a great ability to read one's mind. For a moment, they did not know what to say. They just stared blankly at the words on the table for a long time. She nodded foolishly and said, "What Master said is exactly what I thought in my heart. Master, please tell me. What should I do now? "    


"Yang, since it means waving your hand, you can take it as waving your hand to say goodbye. You can even treat it as a greeting from an acquaintance" Chen Yiqing raised her hand to wipe away the word and said with a smile, "But now because you are worried about your mother, you do not dare to leave R Country so easily. And you have been living in seclusion during this period of time and have never seen anyone, so there is no possibility of anyone wanting to see you again. It is very likely that you will see the person you like coming to R Country to find you."    


"What!?" Nanzhao and Xianxue were overjoyed. She suddenly raised her head and her eyes lit up. "Master, you, you said that Chu Yang will come to R Country... Ah, sorry, Master. I, I was too excited. That's why I didn't know what to say. Master, please forgive me. "    


Chen Yiqing shook her head without a care," It's nothing. I can understand your feelings. It's just that I don't know if I should say something. "    


After hearing that Chu Yang could come to R Country to find her, the excitement in Nan Zhao's heart could not be mentioned. She quickly said, "Master, please speak. Now, I'm begging you to break the word for me. What I'm asking is only the truth of the matter, not some pleasant words."    


Chen Yiqing's face showed a little embarrassment, "Okay, since you can think like that, then I will be at ease and say it directly. The 'Yang' that you wrote just now should be the name of the person you like, right?"    


"Yes, his name is Chu Yang, it is a Z People." Nanzhao Xianxue did not understand why the word 'Yang' would cause Chen Yiqing to have difficulties that she should not have said. So after saying that, she shut her mouth and looked at her with a pair of misty eyes. She was afraid that she would miss out every word that she said.    


" Oh. " Chen Yiqing made a sound of "oh. She slightly lowered her eyes and said, Just now I also said that there are people in this Yang word that you do not dare to easily leave R Country. They are also your mother. Although I don't know why your mother became your burden in finding that Chu Yang, I can tell from the words. Your relationship with your mother relies on each other. If, if, one day you meet the person you love, then the two of you, mother and son... Still can't be separated... Cough, in other words, you need both mother and daughter to serve the same husband in order to survive. This is really hard for me to say, but since Miss Nanzhao asked sincerely, Then I can only tell you the truth. Please don't blame me."    


Chen Yiqing thought that after she said the meaning of the words, Nanzhao Xianxue would definitely be very embarrassed.    


Although the culture of R Country was very advanced, the fact that mother and daughter had a man was still a matter. Furthermore, What about the master of the mother and daughter, who was going to serve the husband, the most influential beauty in R Country, that night, Nanzhao Xianxue, who was called the princess of an anime?    


That was why Chen Yiqing felt that Nanzhao Xianxue would definitely be very embarrassed after she told the truth. She might even be embarrassed, but she never would have thought that... Not only was the child not embarrassed, but he was also stunned for a moment. Her eyes actually had an expression of 'I admire you so much' in them. She could not help but secretly sigh in her heart: Sigh, the current R Country is really a downtrodden world. With their status as mother and daughter, Not only did they not take this kind of thing as a disgrace, they even felt proud of it. The world's culture is deteriorating day by day!    


After silently sighing two times in her heart, Chen Yiqing saw that Nanzhao and Xianxue did not have the slightest intention of being embarrassed. She also did not want to continue on this topic, so she casually changed the topic. "I am a little curious now. I don't know what kind of man could get Miss Nanzhao's favor. If you don't mind, can you show me his photo? "    


Chen Yiqing wanted to see Chu Yang's photo. This was definitely a small matter to Nanzhao and Xianxue. Without saying anything, she took out her phone and put it on the table.    


Picking up the phone on the big screen, Chen Yiqing gently rubbed her left little finger on it. A man's photo appeared on the screen.    


This picture should have been secretly taken in some kind of environment. Because the moment the man was frozen, his right hand was holding a cigarette and stuffing it into his mouth. His slightly raised chin had a look of disdain and arrogance. His pair of small eyes were filled with 'Big Boss, Big Boss, Second Bro, I'm number three!' Arrogance made people look very uncomfortable, but that arrogance. Yet, it made people unable to resist looking at him for a while longer.    


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