My Fiance Ran Away

C873 We Have to Save Him at All Costs!

C873 We Have to Save Him at All Costs!

Send me to her dorm? What is she trying to do? No matter what, I won't listen to any of her explanations this time. Chu Yang, who was lying on the stretcher with a blanket over his head, listened attentively to the footsteps of those people. As the stretcher trembled as it ran, it slowly held the Army Thorn in its hand. He swore that when he saw Chai Murong later, he would not even let out a fart before attacking her!    


A few minutes later, Chu Yang felt the stretcher stop. Then someone walked over and lifted the blanket to take a look. He said, "You can go in now. Lord Bishop is waiting inside."    


The person carrying the rack did not say anything and started walking again.    


Although Chu Yang was still under the blanket, his exposed body parts felt a warm wind after they walked a few steps.    


Chu Yang knew that this should be a warm wind blown out by the high-power air conditioner. It blew on his frozen body and carried the gentleness of a lover's hand.    


But he did not understand. Why did Chai Murong provide me with the heating? Was she afraid that I would really freeze to death? She... she cared so much about my life and death? No, she would not. She definitely did not want me to die so easily. Instead, she intends to wait for me to 'wake up' before torturing me properly...    


While Chu Yang was lost in his thoughts, he felt that the stretcher had been put down and the blanket had been lifted.    


Chu Yang, who had his eyes blurred, immediately saw a few people surrounding him after the blanket was lifted. They were a few women in white clothes, but Chai Murong was not among them.    


Just as Chu Yang was identifying if there was a Chai Murong among these people who should have been stabbed a thousand times, the panicked voice of the big official came from a place about ten meters away from him. "Horace, go and see if they are still saved!"    


"Yes!" As an old man answered, Chu Yang slowly relaxed his left hand, which was holding the Army Thorn. He knew that Horace was probably a doctor, so he came over to examine his body. He naturally did not want to be examined and found out that he was not frozen, so he relaxed all the muscles in his body.    


"Their breathing... can't be detected for the time being. Try to separate them, be careful. Don't force them, don't hurt their arms" Holding the instrument, he walked to Horace, who was beside the stretcher. He first used his finger to measure Chu Yang and Shaang Lige's noses. After realizing that there was no sign of breathing, he naturally used the earpiece to check their heartbeat. However, these two people's three arms tightly hugged each other. On the way here, Chu Yang's left hand had already been placed in front of the Army Thorn handle beside his legs. He could not detect it at all.    


Although Shaang Lige was really frozen, under the careful movements of the few women, He still slowly separated the hand that held her around Chu Yang's waist. This also made him heave a sigh of relief in his heart. It seems that Jiuer still has hope of being saved. I will endure it for now.    


When Chu Yang was in the corridor filled with ice water, he planned to attack Chai Murong the moment he saw her. But for some reason, that woman did not stand in front of the stretcher but was more than ten meters away. If he tried to assassinate her, he would definitely be tied down by Shaang Lige (she hugged his waist tightly). Because of this, he could not use his skills while dragging a person.    


Of course, with Chu Yang's ability, even if he brought Shaang Lige, this frozen 'burden', with him, He could also cut Chai Murong, who was more than ten meters away, under the horse. But if that happened, Regardless of whether Shaang Lige was dead or not, her frozen arms would definitely be fractured. That was what he didn't want to see.    


Therefore, he could only wait for these people to separate him and Shaang Lige before suddenly launching an attack.    


Wait! After the female guards released Shaang Lige's hand that was tightly hugging Chu Yang's waist, Horace immediately placed the stethoscope on her chest.    


At this time, Chu Yang should have launched an attack on Chai Murong. But he was afraid that it would affect Horace's inspection of Shaang Lige, so he changed his mind. He felt that it was necessary to wait a little longer. What if Jiuer still had signs of life? If he acted at this time, wouldn't that delay the opportunity to save her?    


Ten seconds later, Chu Yang began to rejoice for his decision. Because Horace carefully listened to Shaang Lige's heartbeat, and then pushed open her eyes to carefully observe. After that, he stood up and reported to Chai Murong, "Reporting to Lord Bishop, this woman still has a slight heartbeat. We can save her. You see..."    


Before Hao La could finish, Chai Murong anxiously ordered, "Since we can save her, then quickly take measures to save her. Is there a need to report?"    


" Yes, yes! " Horace repeatedly said yes, turned around and gave Jin Xier a look.    


Jin Xier understood and immediately ordered her two subordinates to place Shaang Lige on another stretcher. She ordered in a low voice, "Paja, Seth, quickly send her to the nearest underground hospital! Tell the doctor that this is Lord Bishop's friend and that he must save her at all costs."    


The two female guards agreed in unison and carried Shaang Lige out of the room quickly.    


After the stretcher left the room, Horace placed the stethoscope on Chu Yang's chest. Just as he wanted to check if he was still 'saved', he was stopped by Chai Murong. "Alright, don't look at this person anymore. There is nothing for you here. You can go out."    


Horace was very puzzled. With the spirit of 'saving people is the duty of a doctor', he boldly said, "Lord Bishop, you better let me do a rough examination for him. That way..."    


Chai Murong waved her hand and then went around the back of the table with her hands behind her back. She knelt on a satin mat and raised her hand to take a teapot before saying faintly, "Since that woman is still alive, then with his physical fitness, there will not be any major problems. He does not need any treatment from any of you."    


"This... this isn't good, right? Actually, the examination won't take much effort. "    


"If I say it's not necessary, then it's fine!" He took out a vermillion teapot that carried a strong Huaxia style. One look and it was clear that Chai Murong had specially ordered people to prepare it for her. After she poured a shallow cup of Iron Guanyin tea, Then she continued, "Horace, you don't need to say anything else. Just go over there and save that woman. Remember, don't use all your strength to save her."    


Horace did not understand why Lord Bishop would not allow him to examine this frozen fellow, but he did not dare to say anything. He could only put his right hand on his chest and bend down to say 'YES'.    


"Jin Xier, you follow too." Just as Hao La walked to the door of the dormitory, Chai Murong, who took a sip of tea, spoke again. "When that woman is rescued, you must take good care of her! If there is any mistake, you must not appear in front of me in the future."    


Jin Xier's eyes focused and immediately understood the meaning of Chai Murong's words, take care. She immediately replied in a low voice, "Yes, Lord Bishop. I will definitely follow your instructions. Take good care of her. However, should I send a few more people over here? Although this side is already prepared, once..."    


But once that Chu Yang wakes up, will he offend your family? This was what Jin Xier did not mean by saying it out loud. Chai Murong naturally could hear it. But she only lightly shook her head," No need, I can handle this myself. You don't have to worry about it. Oh, right, as long as I don't come out of the room and give the order, No one is allowed to step into this room. Otherwise, they will be thrown into the water prison for treason. Do you understand? "    


What did Lord Bishop mean? Could it be that she wants to die together with this guy?    


Jin Xier looked at Chai Murong, who was sitting on the carpet, and nodded as if she understood. She then walked out of the room with Horace and tightly closed the door.    


Following Jin Xier Hao La and the others out, this large dormitory immediately fell into silence.    


Chu Yang's mind did not stop. After he noticed that Shaang Lige was frozen, he wanted to use the fastest and cruelest way to kill her the moment he saw Chai Murong.    


However, after Hao La examined Shaang Lige and said that she was still saved, he was indecisive and was good at making emotional decisions. His hatred for Chai Murong slowly disappeared along with the news that Shaang Jiuer was still alive. He felt that there was no need to kill her. Everyone could just sit down and have a good chat. Explain the misunderstanding.    


It had to be said that Chu Li's mind was indeed like a woman's. He was very fickle, but he did not understand what Chai Murong had said at the end. After she sent out all the people around her, she still had something to say. As long as she did not go out and give orders, no one was allowed to enter the house without permission. Could it be that she was not afraid that I would 'wake up' and kill you? Oh, right, before that woman called Jin Xier went out, She once said that she seemed to have made preparations. Hmm, then what preparations did she make to deal with me? I'll wait and see.    


Chu Yang closed his eyes to think about these questions. Chai Murong was drinking tea at the back of a table a dozen meters away from him.    


Other than the occasional sound Chai Murong made when she was drinking tea, it was also the sound of the air conditioner heating up the air.    


Slowly, the ice on Chu Yang's body melted, but he kept lying down and pretending to be dead.    


Slowly, the water in Chai Murong's teapot should have been added a long time ago, but she still only held an empty teacup and had a look of enjoyment on her face.    


The two of them, one lying down and one sitting, did not make a second move. Time passed like this, minute by minute, as if they did not realize each other's existence.    


Gradually, under the warm wind, the bare upper half of Chu Li's shirt was blown. Just as he was about to ask Shaang Lige to get out of danger, he started to show signs of drying. His left hand moved and just as he was about to make a move, he heard the sound of a teacup being placed on the table.    


Immediately, Chu Yang stopped what he was going to do. Then he heard Chai Murong slowly say, "Chu Yang, I know you are not frozen at all. Even if you were half dead when you were carried in, you must have recovered by now. So you better not play dead. "    


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