My Fiance Ran Away

C872 To Make You Suffer a Fate Worse than Death!

C872 To Make You Suffer a Fate Worse than Death!

After slapping someone, there was a pain in his hand, It made Chai Murong calm down. She immediately started to work on the keyboard in a flurry. After closing the valve to continue releasing the cold air, she asked, "How long do you think they can last in this kind of temperature environment?"    


I really don't understand what Lord Bishop is thinking at all. He clearly hates that Chu Yang to the death. However, when he really might freeze to death, he showed extreme concern. What exactly is going on? Jin Xier thought about this very puzzledly, but she honestly said, " Generally speaking, if a normal person is in an environment with a temperature of ten degrees Celsius or three to four degrees Celsius, They will enter into a state of confusion within 45 minutes and enter a state of unconsciousness within one hour. After 3 hours, they will die from heart failure and respiratory failure. "    


"What!?" After hearing what Jin Xier said, Chai Murong plopped down on the chair in front of the computer. She muttered, "Three hours? Can it kill people in three hours? In that case, he has already stayed inside for more than six hours. Doesn't that mean he has already died a long time ago?"    


As long as he was a person with flesh and blood... Even if he was the Ghost Chariot who had caused countless people to talk about sex change, as long as he stayed in this kind of extreme environment where the human body couldn't accept it for so long... Who knew if he was still alive?    


Jin Xier, who did not know what Chai Murong was thinking, was afraid that she would be blamed by Lord Bishop if she did not explain clearly. She quickly added, "What I just said was directed at those normal people who were soaked in cold water for three to four degrees. However, in the environment where Chu Yang and Jin Xier were, the water only reached their ankles. Even if their clothes were frozen earlier, this temperature of fourteen degrees Celsius... So, they might still be alive. "    


"There's still a possibility of them being alive? Then what are you still talking about!? Quick, quick, quickly send someone over to take a look! " Chai Murong was stunned and immediately gave this order. Then, she raised her hand and started typing on the keyboard again. The lights in the area where Chu Yang was trapped lit up.    


Immediately, Chai Murong saw a 'thing' that was completely white. It was leaning against the wall of the corridor and did not move at all.    


Needless to say, that white 'thing' was Chu Yang and Shaang Lige, who were hugging each other to protect themselves from the cold.    


Chai Murong did not need to look carefully to know that the white fog on Chu Yang and the others was actually ice.    


One was ice. A person surrounded by ice, did he still have any hope of surviving?    


"You, you won't die like this, right?" Staring blankly at the big screen, Chai Murong muttered. She then leaned back on the back of the chair and saw Jin Xier still standing there out of the corner of her eye. She immediately jumped up again and waved her fist as she screamed, "Didn't I ask you to go and see them? How can you just stand there and not move!?"    


This time, Jin Xier was so scared that she hurriedly took a step back and hurriedly replied, "Report to Lord Bishop, I just want to ask if I want to see them or bring them from there to somewhere!"    


" Bring them to my room, quickly! Use the fastest speed!" It was completely hysterical. Chai Murong waved her fists and her handsome face became somewhat sinister. She had completely become like the old witch in the manga, scaring Jin Xier so much that she did not dare to say another word. She ran out of the small meeting room in a hurry.    


"Don't have anything to do with you, don't have anything to do with you, please don't have anything to do with you!" Chai Murong had planned to torture Chu Yang to death, but she panicked when she saw that he might freeze to death. She paced back and forth in the meeting room like an ant on a hot pan. She rushed out of the room.    


The female guards outside saw Lord Bishop run out of the meeting room with a pale face. They were shocked and quickly chased after him.    


After the cold air began to release, Chu Yang had thought of using continuous exercise to resist the cold, but he gave up in the end because he felt that it was best to use physical strength to resist the cold.    


Slowly, as the cold air was released, Chu Yang could clearly feel that his clothes were starting to freeze. His body, which was submerged in the water, also began to feel like it was being pricked by needles, which made him start to panic. So he shook Shaang Lige, who was lying in his arms, and said, "Jiuer, I think we should get up and walk. Otherwise, we will freeze to death."    


But Shaang Lige did not answer and did not respond at all. This made Chu Yang shocked. He quickly fished out a strong waterproof flashlight from the water and looked at her. Shaang Lige's face was still as white as before but her eyes were tightly closed. Under the illumination of the strong flashlight, her tightly shut eyes did not slide at all.    


"Nine, Jiuer, what, what happened to you?" When Chu Yang saw Shaang Lige like this, his heart sank to the bottom of the valley. He threw away the flashlight and hugged her body and shook it hard. "Jiuer! Jiuer, what happened to you!? Move!"    


However, Shaang Lige still did not move. Only her white hair, which had been frozen into a bunch, was swaying back and forth with him.    


"Don't scare me, don't scare me. This is such a low temperature. How can you not be able to bear it?" Chu Yang hurriedly took off his wet clothes and wrapped Shaang Lige tightly. Finally, he also took off his vest and wrapped it around her head.    


Although the temperature was indeed very low now, to the point that normal people could not bear it, But with his and Shaang Lige's physical fitness, even if they stayed here for a while longer, It was still fine. So after Chu Yang suddenly fainted, There was extreme confusion in her panic.    


However, Chu Yang quickly understood what was going on. Shaang Lige's Yin Wei Meridian had been damaged, and her ability to resist the cold had been greatly reduced. This was also the reason why she was still wearing very thick clothing in the hot summer. Although her current constitution was still stronger than normal people, the damage to her Yin Wei Meridian... It made her like the snakes in the animal world who had to hibernate. When the temperature was extremely low... The blood in her body would freeze, which was why she would slowly faint.    


After understanding this, Chu Yang immediately picked up Shaang Lige. He jumped up and down in the cold water and shouted, "Chai Murong! Chai Murong! Can you hear me? I surrender, I surrender to you! As long as you bring Shaang Lige out, it's up to you whether you want to kill or cut her! Chai Murong, did you hear that? Damn it, you really are a cold-blooded woman. If you don't show yourself... When the time comes, I will definitely send you to the black mine in Africa and make you suffer a great crime that is worse than death!"    


Like a madman, Chu Yang, who had been jumping and shouting nonstop with Shaang Lige in his arms for ten minutes without getting any response, slowly stopped this futile action of his.    


Now, he finally understood that Chai Murong was really going to kill him!    


He didn't care about the past grudges and grudges, and he was going to stab him! Moreover, she did not even give him a chance to repent or beg for mercy!    


When he first came to the underground city, Chu Yang still had that trace of luck that even he could not describe. From the moment he received Chai Murong's call for survival, he didn't believe that she would really be willing to kill him. Just like how he would not really kill her even if he came here. At most, he would give her a lesson.    


But now, this trace of inexplicable luck, along with Shaang Lige's gradually turning cold body, turned into a trace of silence in the darkness and completely melted into the hissing cold air.    


"Jiuer, Jiuer, I have let you down. I should not have brought you here to die with me." Chu Yang held Shaang Lige horizontally in his arms and leaned against the corridor wall and slowly slid to the ground. He scolded himself, "Chu Yang, Chu Yang, don't you usually think you are awesome? Don't you think that no one is convinced? You even dare to reserve thirty percent of your strength when you are fighting with King Hongming. But what was the use of doing this? In the end, didn't you just watch Jiuer freeze to death in your arms? Bastard, bastard, you came here to kill people. But you weren't killed! But what happened in the end? In the end, he was like a mad dog trapped here. Other than being cruel to the air, what other abilities do you have to help Jiuer escape danger?"    


In the quiet muttering of someone, there was no sign of stopping the cold air. It slowly lowered the temperature of the corridor to -14 degrees Celsius. His bare upper body also began to freeze.    


However, Chu Yang did not move. He just lowered his head and used his face to stick to Shaang Lige's cold face. He did not move at all. He looked like a dead person.    


Hiss... Hiss!    


The cold air that had never stopped suddenly stopped when Chu Yang's consciousness had completely blurred and he was about to fall into a coma.    


Immediately, Chu Yang's spirit shook. He sneered in his heart, Hehe, it seems like she can't wait to collect the corpse. Good, then I will take this opportunity to take a look at your ugly face again. Then we'll all die together!    


Because someone will come to take a look after the cold air is cooled down, the raging flame in Chu Yang's heart was ignited. Not only did he not stand up and shout, but he also maintained the posture under his eyes. Only by pretending to be frozen could he have hope to see that vicious woman. Only then could he have the chance to perish together with her.    


As expected, Chu Yang did not wait long before his eyes lit up. All the lights in the corridor began to work.    


I know you must be looking at me somewhere else. Look, look, I will give you a chance to see enough... After the lights lit up, Chu Yang still did not move. He only gritted his teeth hard.    


After a while, Chu Yang heard a low and deep kaka sound coming from the corridor in the distance. This should be the sound of the wall that blocked the passage moving. Then the water level under his body quickly dropped. In a short time, there was only a layer of shining ice.    


At this time, a woman's voice sounded. "Quick, quick, send those two people to Lord Bishop's dormitory, quick!"    


Under the urging of this woman, a few figures rushed over with things like a stretcher. Chu Yang and Shaang Lige, who were frozen as one, were carried onto the stretcher with their hands and legs. They then put a thick blanket over them. After that, they ran back to where they came from.    


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