My Fiance Ran Away

C861 You Are Just Some Moving Gun Targets!

C861 You Are Just Some Moving Gun Targets!

Luo Jinlan didn't say anything, but her face was filled with the word 'yes'.    


To be honest, Luo Jinlan had been working in M Country for four years. After receiving the orders from the relevant leaders in Z Country, she didn't think much of it. Bei Gongcuo was bitterly waiting for someone to pick him up, but why did he have to wait for a guy called 'Chu Yang' to come before he could take action? Could it be that this person was even more powerful than Long Teng in August and dozens of special agents in M Country?    


Before seeing Chu Yang's faxed photo, Luo Jinlan still held the hope that this guy was a super fierce man with an overbearing aura with a twist of his arm. But when she saw him, especially when she saw him in person, he was very pretentious (I, Chu, have not been resting well recently. Therefore, he looked very haggard, with a sense of vicissitude that did not match his age. Hence, Luo Jinlan thought that he was deliberately posturing. ) After that, she was disappointed and even did not want to bother with him. It was okay for such a person to go to the bar massage room to serve the rich woman, but now the higher-ups were counting on him to save her. Sigh!    


However, since the higher-ups had repeatedly emphasized that after Chu Yang came, he would be the one to lead the secret team in M Country, no matter how dissatisfied Luo Jinlan was, she could only do it.    


When Chu Yang went to see Xie Yaotong, Luo Jinlan, who was the head of the special agents in Z Country's Anxx Division, gave an order to her subordinates who were waiting outside the western suburbs of M City, As long as Chu Yang comes out, the operation will officially begin.    


But what she did not expect was that this pretentious little face actually hid in the room with that beautiful sister and complained about the suffering of longing for her for more than half an hour!    


This Chu's inaction really made Luo Jinlan, who did not trust him, annoyed. If it was not because of the orders from above, she would have already led her brothers to the tropical rainforest 130 kilometers to the west of M City. She wouldn't have been sitting there waiting.    


After seeing that Xie Yaotong was safe and sound, Chu Yang was in a good mood. So he did not mind Luo Jinlan looking at him with a bitter face. He just ignored her increasingly annoyed look. He took out a cigarette and lit it up. After taking a breath, he said, "Do you think that without me, you would have rescued Bei Gongcuo from the rainforest a long time ago?"    


Luo Jinlan did not say 'yes'. She just changed the direction of her reply, "I can only follow the mission from above."    


"Haha," after a faint laugh, Chu Yang, who understood what Luo Jinlan meant, said. He stood up from the sofa and lazily shook his head. He slanted his eyes and asked, "Do you think you are more powerful than Bei Gongcuo? You told me on the way here that there might be hundreds of snipers hiding in the rainforest. If you lead your men to attack like this, I can guarantee that... They won't show you any mercy like they did to Bei Gongcuo. You are just a bunch of moving targets under their guns. Don't glare at me, okay? What I said is the truth. Otherwise, with Bei Gongcuo's ability, There's no way he'll be stuck there when he has no one to worry about."    


If it wasn't for the fact that the higher-ups had repeatedly emphasized on respecting and protecting someone, Luo Jinlan would have slammed the table and stood up. Her left hand was on her waist and her right hand was pointing at his nose, asking him to get lost. It was not like what she was doing now. After taking a few deep breaths, she tried her best to use a calm voice to say, "Hohoho, then according to Mr. Chu, what should we do with these 'moving gun targets'?"    


Chu Yang did not give Luo Jinlan any face. He said straightforwardly, "Your mission is to send me to that tropical rainforest, and then wait outside obediently, waiting for Bei Gongcuo to come out at any time."    


Luo Jinlan's eyes froze, and the corner of her mouth asked with a mocking smile, " Oh, so you are going alone?"    


"Maybe it is two people, but definitely not you." After Chu Yang finished speaking, he raised his hand and rubbed his nose as he asked, "Miss Luo, should we leave?"    


"I can do as you say, because the higher-ups have ordered you to give full command of this rescue mission. But you better write down a proof of why you did this before you leave, so that the higher-ups won't blame us after you die. "    


Chu Yang shook his head. "There's no need to write it, because I definitely won't die."    


"Are you so sure? Hehe, seeing you say this, I will think that you are good friends with the leader of 2012. But I don't think he knows a self-righteous person. " As Luo Jinlan spoke, she slowly took off the black-rimmed glasses on her nose. Then, she raised her hand and began to unbutton the buttons of the black suit.    


"Actually, your current appearance is much better than wearing glasses, but there is no need to take off your clothes and reveal your figure to prove that you are more charming than what I see, right?"    


Chu Yang did not mind Luo Jinlan's sarcastic remarks at all. Instead, he did not understand why she would take off her clothes when facing a handsome young man like him.    


"I know better than you whether I am charming or not."    


Maybe it was because of work, Luo Jinlan almost forgot what it meant to be blushing. So when Chu Yang retorted back at her, her face did not change and the corner of her mouth curled up. She was too lazy to explain and hung the suit that she took off on the back of the chair. A grass-green training suit was revealed.    


It turned out that she was doing this to make it convenient for her to move. I thought that she had delusions of me. When Luo Jinlan quickly checked the equipment that was hidden on her body, Chu Yang laughed dryly. He then turned around and walked out of the room.    


Under Luo Jinlan's lead, Chu Yang walked out of the embassy through a small door in the garden behind the embassy.    


Behind the embassy was a not-so-wide alley. In the alley, there was a jeep with the characteristics of M Country parked there.    


After Luo Jinlan walked out of the small door, she quickly looked around and did not find any suspicious people. Only then did she open the door and quickly get into the car.    


From the way she did not close the door, Chu Yang knew that she was silently hinting to him to get into the car and sit in the passenger seat. So he walked over and pointed at the passenger seat. "I'll drive. You just need to show me the way."    


Luo Jinlan did not say anything and just sat in the passenger seat according to Chu Yang's instructions.    


When Chu Yang drove the jeep out of the alley slowly and headed west of M City along the road, he and Luo Jinlan took out their phones at the same time.    


If you didn't always have a bitter face, I would definitely say, We really have a mutual understanding. Ah! Sigh, what a pity... Chu Yang secretly sighed in his heart as he held the steering wheel with one hand. He found Shaang Lige's phone number and dialed it together with Luo Jinlan, who also needed a number.    


There was only a short pout sound from the other side of the phone. Chu Yang and Luo Jinlan spoke at the same time.    


Chu Yang said, "Where are you? I am currently on the xx road to M City."    


Luo Jinlan only said a simple sentence before she took off the phone. "The wedding has begun. Guests, quickly gather at 123 kilometers to the western suburbs. Over!"    


The wedding? What a joke, you are not beautiful! The people of the National Security Bureau only knew how to make such a romantic scene to cover up their shady behavior... When Chu heard Luo Jinlan's secret signal, he laughed in his heart at the same time. He heard Shaang Lige's cold voice when she said, "As long as you are not in bed or kissing, you will reach a crossroad in 1 minute and 37 seconds at your current speed. It just so happens to be a red light. "    


Before Chu Yang could say anything else, a beeping sound came from the phone. This made him smile bitterly. He suddenly thought with a bad taste, Ms Jiuer always could not change the habit of being precise to the second. He did not know if she could calculate the time between me and her. When will it be superb? Yes, I really have to ask her when I have time.    


Seeing that Chu Yang still maintained the speed of the car at thirty kilometers per hour after the phone was turned off, Luo Jinlan frowned and asked, "Don't tell me you have never heard of the saying 'saving people is like putting out a fire'?"    


"I also wish I could fly over, but you should have heard of the saying 'wanting to speed but not reaching', right? But don't worry, I will at most let you wait for another minute or so. You'll know what the true speed of saving a person is like putting out a fire." Chu Li stuck out the window with his left hand and flicked the cigarette ash. He continued to walk forward slowly.    


Luo Jinlan was stunned for a moment and immediately understood the meaning of Chu Yang's words. "You mean there are still people who want to attend this wedding?"    


Chu Yang gave Luo Jinlan a sideways glance. "Can you please not always say 'wedding, wedding'? Such a sad mood (Ji Nan's dialect meant to ruin the good mood). You prepared this car. Are you afraid that someone will install a bug in it? "    


Why did Chu Yang say 'despondent mood'? Of course, he secretly mocked Luo Jinlan for not conforming to the bride image in his heart. She was slightly stunned for a moment. He immediately pulled his already calm face even longer. "Chu Yang, what do you mean by this? Do you think that you..."    


"Hey, hey, hey, I don't mean what you think." Chu Li didn't give her the chance to retort and said," I already told you when I was at the embassy that I might go to the tropical rainforest with someone else. But it definitely won't be someone from your National Security Bureau. Now, that person will appear in a few dozen seconds. "    


After Luo Jinlan heard what Chu Yang said, her expression became slightly better. She nodded her head noncommittally.    


"Ahem." Chu Yang coughed. He looked to the front right and said again, "I have something to discuss with you."    


"Go ahead."    


"Chu Yang nodded and said, Can you climb to the back yourself? I want to take a closer look at her face, because I haven't seen her for a long time."    


"You... Hmph!" Even though Luo Jinlan had received specialized training, she had long mastered the ability to 'collapse a mountain in front of one's eyes and not do anything'. However, after Chu Li said this, he subconsciously clenched his fist. But then she only coldly snorted and used her right hand to break the hood of the driver's seat. He lowered the seat and lifted his legs to flip backwards. He nimbly flipped to the seat behind him.    


"Tsk tsk, not bad. Your waist is soft enough. It seems that you have never had a child. After this mission, you can consider getting a baby." While Chu Li was talking nonsense, he parked the car by the roadside. At this time, the yellow light at the intersection in front of him turned into a red light.    


I really wonder why the higher-ups would value such a glib-tongued fellow so much... Just as Luo Jinlan was gritting her teeth and about to say something, the door on the right was opened. (M Country also walks on the right side) One. A person wearing black clothes and a hat on a hot day quickly got into the car and did not even look at her. He reached out a pair of white jade-like hands and wrapped them around Chu Yang's neck. His voice was choked with sobs. "Chu, Chu Yang, I can see you..."    


Who is this person... Just as Luo Jinlan was stunned, she saw Chu Yang let go of the steering wheel. He pulled the man in the hat into his arms and placed his chin on the man's head with his eyes closed. He whispered, "Ms Jiuer, I am fine now. Do you know what happened to me in Adorable Sprout Island? Sigh, when I see Manyu, I will definitely give her a good spanking. At that time, I told her not to tell you, but she still did it. Didn't I deliberately make you worry? "    


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