My Fiance Ran Away

C855 Ghost Chariot It's That King of Assassins Ghost Car Was It!?

C855 Ghost Chariot It's That King of Assassins Ghost Car Was It!?

Although Jack's finger had just been broken by Chu Yang, both he and Peter thought it was just a bad accident. It was just an accident!    


In one's life, who had never encountered a bad accident?    


However, some accidents could remind people not to make the same mistake again, but some accidents could make people pay the price of their lives, and they would never have the chance to repent.    


It was just like the current Peter, who could clearly feel the aura of 'killing in all directions' from Chu Yang. He also saw how Jack's finger broke, but he still had the thought that it was an 'accident'. He felt that if he and Jack joined hands, they would definitely kill this kid. That was why he took the initiative to pounce forward!    


"Hi!" Peter and Jack jumped up at the same time and shouted loudly. He had his left hand in front of him and his right hand behind him. He was about to wave his left hand in front of Chu Yang's face to interfere with his judgment. Then his right hand took the opportunity to give Chu Yang a vicious hook punch. Suddenly, he felt a sudden pause in his lower abdomen. Then he saw Chu Yang's face rapidly shrink. Before he could react, He heard a loud bang, and then he didn't know anything.    


Because his left finger was broken, Jack's attacking speed was slightly affected. He was slightly slower than Peter, but he could also see Chu Yang raising his right foot.    


Jack was sure that since he had lived so long, this was the first time he had seen someone kick so fast. It was so fast that Peter didn't even have time to react before he was kicked to the opposite wall!    


Was he a human or a ghost? If he was a human, how could he be so fast? When he saw Chu Yang 'release' his companion with just one kick, he felt a fear that he had never felt before. It caused Jack's feet to suddenly stop moving forward. Immediately after, he quickly retreated, and his uninjured right hand subconsciously touched his waist.    


There was a gun on Jack's waist. He didn't even bother to take it out when Lee Jincai tried to block the door of the basement.    


But now, when he saw that Chu Li kicked his companion away, he didn't even think about touching the gun.    


However, Chu Yang, who was good at close combat, obviously didn't like to fight with a gunman. Therefore, when Jack retreated and made the motion of pulling out the spear, he followed him closely like a shadow. He reached down with his left hand and grabbed Jack's right wrist, which was holding the handle of the gun. He slightly turned his body and bent his right elbow to hit the enemy's left ribs.    


"Roar!" Jack, whose right hand was grabbed and his left rib was hit, roared in pain. He no longer cared that his left hand was injured. He opened his four fingers and tried to grab Chu Yang's face.    


Chu Yang lowered his body and tilted his head to avoid Jack's grab. His left hand, which was holding his right wrist, pulled backward and pulled the left arm of the gun straight. His right hand formed a fist and smashed down fiercely at his forearm!    


Once, Koo Mingchuang had told Hu Lee that he had seen Chu Yang smash a stone slab with one punch.    


At that time, Hu Lee did not believe it. He felt that Old Gu could not change his habit of bragging. Therefore, he had made a bet with him for Chu Yang to perform on the spot.    


What happened in the end?    


Hu Lee had put out two bottles of '82 Lafite' that he had saved for years. Since then, As long as Koo Mingchuang bragged for Chu Yang, no matter how much dirt and dirt covered the sky, He would always nod his head and say the name of the former prime minister of Thailand: He believed it, he believed it!    


The experience gained from two bottles of 82 Lafite told Hu Lee that when Chu Yang clenched his fists and punched hard at Jack's forearm, the bones in his arm were directly broken. It was the only result.    


When Chu Yang hit Jack's left rib with his right elbow, he would definitely break one or two or three ribs or something. But because of his loud roar, no one could hear the sound of bones breaking.    


But this time, when Chu Yang's right fist hit Jack's right forearm and twisted upwards, everyone heard the sound of winter snow breaking branches. Crack!    


This time, even though Jack's roar was longer and higher than before, it still did not cover the terrifying sound of bones cracking!    


And most importantly, even if everyone's ears were not good, As long as one's eyes were still functioning, they would be able to see a white bone. It was like a sharp spear, accompanied by a stream of blood. The bone 'drilled' out of his skin.    


"Ah!!" No one could describe Jack's painful screams in any language. Everyone, including Hu Lee, looked like they were stunned. They just stared blankly at everything in front of them.    


Chu Yang's pretty face, which had potential to be a 'duck', had become ferocious and scary when he broke Jack's right arm. He was not a devil, but he was more powerful than a devil. Everyone who saw his face couldn't help but shiver.    


After breaking Jack's right arm, Chu Yang didn't let him go just because he shouted in pain. Instead, he grabbed Jack's left arm with his right hand and broke his left forearm with the same method. His right leg extended between Jack's legs and quickly hooked backwards. 'Pick up 'his right leg and place it on his already bent left knee. Then his left elbow fiercely smashed down...    


Nightmare, hell, madman. This was the phrase that surfaced in everyone's mind when they saw Chu Yang continuously smash Jack's four limbs and 24 ribs to cover his back.    


Even Hu Lee, who had fought alongside Chu Yang for four years, had never seen Chu Yang torture a person so abnormally. He had a deep understanding of a problem: death might be the greatest pursuit of a person under certain circumstances.    


If Jack had not tortured Lee Jincai, but had shot him or crushed his throat, as long as he did not torture him, Chu Yang would have been furious no matter how angry he was. At most, he would just kill Jack in an instant.    


"One finger, four arm bones, leg bones, and 24 ribs. I broke a total of 29 of your bones, which means I have fulfilled what I said to my brother just now." Chu Yang smashed Jack's last rib bone into the back and stopped his rampage on life. His right hand picked the hair of Jack, who wanted to pass out and die, but was always woken up by the pain. He slowly let go of his left hand, which was clenched into a fist. The hostility on his face gradually dissipated, and he returned to his handsome and elegant appearance.    


If it wasn't for his hair being pulled, Jack would have collapsed to the ground. His brown eyes would have popped out of his eye sockets because of the pain. He was like a fish on the verge of death, staring at Chu Yang. He opened his bloody mouth and asked in a trembling voice, "Who, who are you?"    


It had to be said that those who could make it into the top 20 of the international assassin list Jack... He had been tortured to such an extent. He had not forgotten to ask who Chu Yang was. This might be what the common people often said.    


Indeed, Jack might really not be afraid of death, or rather, like death. However, he desperately hoped that he could find out who killed him before he died. He didn't believe that Chu Yang, who possessed such abnormal skills, would be like what Jiaang Gongjin had said. It was just a Crown Prince Party with a strong background.    


Chu Yang raised his right hand and pulled Jack into his arms. His left hand slowly pinched Jack's throat. He smiled cruelly and said, "Seeing that it was not easy for you to live once in the human world, I can tell you my real identity."    


Jack gritted his teeth and tried to make his hearing more sensitive.    


Chu Yang's left hand, which was pinching Jack's throat, slowly closed. He leaned against the poor child's ear and whispered, "In the past, people used to call me Ghost Chariot."    


Although the bones in his throat began to crack, Jack still suddenly straightened his neck. His brown eyes, which had already popped out of his eye sockets, had a huge desire for knowledge. Ghost Chariot! Was it that Assassin King Ghost Chariot?    


After understanding the meaning in Jack's eyes, Chu Yang nodded and let go of his hand.    


So it's you. Now I can finally die willingly... Jack's throat was already broken, just like a noodle. He fell to the ground in a strange limp position, but his shoulders were twitching.    


Tap, tap. A series of rapid footsteps sounded after Jack's body stopped twitching. Then an extremely arrogant voice sounded. "Chu Yang, are you done here? Fuck, I didn't think that the few foreigner holding spears on the fourth floor would be so easy to get rid of. I haven't even used half of my ability when one of them died! It's simply boring."    


Chu Yang didn't even need to look back to know that Koo Mingchuang was here.    


He had just arrived at the residential area and hadn't even reached Building 2 yet. Koo Mingchuang, who guarded Chu Yang and often bragged about his killer world, found them through the reflection of the scope of the sniper rifle in Cha Ziseng's hand. After dodging three to five bullets, he shouted that he wanted to go up alone and meet those ignorant bastards.    


Although Koo Mingchuang's fighting ability was not as good as Chu Yang's, this guy was a master in using poison. He also had a lot of bad intentions and rarely did business that made him lose money.    


Chu Yang knew very well what kind of person Big Boss Gu was. Of course, he knew that even if this kid could not deal with the sniper on the fourth floor, there would not be any accidents, so he came to the first floor with Hu Lee without worry.    


Now, after hearing Koo Mingchuang yelling and yelling, they went down to the basement. Chu Yang folded his hands and bent his fingers. He looked at Fann Qiang and said, "Mingchuang, help Fox carry Jincai to the hospital first. Leave this place to me."    


Koo Mingchuang, who had just run behind Hu Lee, heard Chu Yang's orders. Although it wasn't his original intention, he saw that Lee Jincai couldn't hold on any longer. He had already closed his eyes and looked like he was on the verge of death. He could only agree, "Alright, I'll help Fox carry this country bumpkin up first. I'll come down later."    


Chu Yang did not say anything about Koo Mingchuang's dissatisfaction.    


After he and Hu Lee carried Lee Jincai up the stairs, Chu Yang watched Fann Qiang slowly take a step forward.    


It was only at this moment that Fann Qiang woke up from the huge panic of seeing Jack being tortured to death. He instinctively took out the gun on his waist. He held the gun with trembling hands towards Chu Yang and shouted with trembling lips, "Don't, don't come over. If you come again, I will shoot you!"    


Chu Yang did not stop at all. He walked forward and did not even look at Lin Jingxian. It was as if she and Jiaang Gongjin did not exist. "Shoot? You can try."    


"I, I don't, don't try..." Fann Qiang struggled to say those words, then suddenly let go of the handgun and let it fall to the ground.    


Fann Qiang was not a fool. Since Koo Mingchuang could take care of Fann Qiang and the others with the sniper rifle by himself, Only God knew how Chu Yang, who made Jack unable to fight back, would deal with him. Therefore, he might as well give up resisting.    


He could only persuade Brother Yang to let go of his knife and become Buddha with reason. Fann Qiang felt that there was still a possibility of survival.    


Seeing Fann Qiang throw away the gun, Chu Yang's eyes flashed with a trace of disdain. Just as he was about to give Boss Chu a quick death, Brother Qiang said, "Chu - Boss Chu, I'm just an errand boy for Boss Jiang. Old Cao and I drove the night Mrs. Chai was kidnapped. We didn't participate in it. Furthermore, after Mrs. Chai was kidnapped, Old Cao and I also took good care of her. If you don't believe me, you can ask her. Also, just now, when Boss Jiang asked me to deal with your brother, I didn't do anything either."    


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