My Fiance Ran Away

C837 Long Live Long Live!

C837 Long Live Long Live!

Tonight's moon is not very good, there is a halo surrounding the moon, appearing somewhat dim and hazy.    


Along with Hu Yeao's strange and monotonous prayers, the moon gradually rose to the top of his head. The night wind also became bigger and colder. The candles and candles around the altar. Under the influence of the wind, there was even a slight rustling sound.    


Finally, Chai Murong, who was wearing a white silk robe, felt a little cold. Hu Yeao finally finished his prayers and looked up from the ground. After worshipping the moon a few more times, he stood up. He turned around and bowed respectfully to her with one hand on his chest before retreating to the side.    


According to the pre-practice procedure, Chai Murong knew that it was time for her to go on stage. So after lightly exhaling, she calmly took a step forward, two steps, three steps. Then she stretched out her right hand and bent down to pick up the cold crystal human leg bone. She bypassed the altar and walked to the front of the pyramid. Four miles. After patrolling for a while, he suddenly raised his right hand.    


Under the dim moonlight, the crystal man's leg bone and the Sun Stone Bracelet on Chai Murong's wrist released two bright spots that were just caught by the naked eye.    


"Karakimma! Karakimma!"    


Following Chai Murong's action, the tens of thousands of believers gathered in the three directions of the Kukulkan Pyramid. Then, like a hurricane blowing through the grass of the grassland, they all shouted this slogan in unison. All of them knelt down on the ground in unison, and their voices shook the entire area.    


Even Chai Murong, who had heard about it before she came, heard that there were tens of thousands of people who came to 'congratulate' her on her coronation tonight. However, the sound of these tens of thousands of people shouting at the same time gave her a fright. If not for the fact that she was still more than a meter away from the edge of the pyramid, she was not sure if she would have been so scared that she would have fallen off the platform.    


Perhaps it was the shouts of these tens of thousands of people that shook the nine heavens, the moon that was originally not very energetic. Amidst the shouts, it was covered by a large number of dark clouds that drifted over from the west, and the entire night sky immediately became dark. It seemed that the seven candles on the top of the tower were becoming brighter and brighter.    


Along with the tens of thousands of believers kneeling on the ground, of course, there were also people on the pyramid.    


Xie Yaotong raised her hand and shouted Karakimma. When she saw that the moon was covered, In her heart, she said, It's going to rain, but sister would rather get rained here. She did not want to go back to the underground city. It was suffocating there.    


Elder sister Mu Rong was born in a powerful family in Huaxia. When she grew up, she had been in charge of the Cloud Water Group, which had hundreds of thousands of people. Her short life had reached a height that most people in the world couldn't imagine. She could be considered a person who had truly seen the world.    


Especially when she sat in the Cloud Water Group, her extraordinary feeling made her truly feel what 'supremacy' was.    


However, at that time, no matter how high and mighty Chai Murong was, But when she faced tens of thousands of people who were prostrating themselves in front of her... She was still shocked by this majestic aura, or rather, she was stunned. For a moment, she actually forgot what to do next. Just like that, she stood at the top of the tower and stared blankly at the scene before her. She felt that it was even more unreal than a dream.    




A gust of night wind that was clearly much stronger blew over, causing the candle flame on the cow's legs to suddenly grow several inches long. It was as if it was reminding Chai Murong, Silly child, it's going to rain. Quickly finish what you need to do. Hurry up and leave. What are you spacing out here for!    


After being blown by the wind for a while, Chai Murong finally returned to reality. After taking a deep breath, she pointed at the front, left, and right of the crystal person's leg bone.    


When Chai Murong pointed three times, the tens of thousands of sect members all shut their mouths.    


Immediately, other than the sound of the wind, there was no other sound in the surroundings.    


The people kneeling on the ground all placed their left hands on their chests and accepted Lord Bishop's blessing.    


According to the information Xie Yaotong got from Montgomery, Chai Murong's movement was similar to the movement of the Guan Yin Bodhisattva in the legends of Huaxia. It had the same effect, but it was no longer nonsense. Anyway, it seemed to have the intention of converting all living things.    


According to the rules, after Chai Murong pointed out the three times, there was nothing else for her to do next. As long as she was accompanied by a few great guardians back to the underground city, she could do whatever she wanted. She could eat whatever she wanted and slap whoever she wanted.    


However, after Official Chai, who was very active, regained his senses, Except for Hu Yeao, who had been nagging for more than half an hour, he felt that the ceremony was too short. As the main character of the night, she didn't seem to have many opportunities to perform.    


No matter where or in any occasion, the great official could not stand someone who could be more like the first protagonist than her.    


Therefore, after Chai Murong heard the drum urging her to go down the tower, she suddenly raised her hands and shouted, "Long live, long live!"    


A long, long time ago, Chai Murong was only six years old. When she was still in the kindergarten class, the aunt in the kindergarten had once suggested to Chai Mingsheng, who was taking her to school, that your little girl's voice was very good, if it was just a little training. She would be an outstanding singer in the future.    


Chai Mingsheng naturally would not allow Chai Murong, who was the third generation princess of Chai Department, to be a singer for something. He smiled and rejected the good intentions of the childhood teacher who didn't know who Sister Mu Rong was, but in his heart, he was proud of his child's outstanding talent in this field.    


After so many years, Sister Mu Rong, who hadn't become a great singer, suddenly used her golden voice to shout out the love of the ancient king of Huaxia in this solemn and solemn occasion!    


Chai Murong's clear voice was like the heavenly music that fell into the mortal world. In a situation where it was so quiet that one could hear a pin drop, it seemed even more so. It would be called light shining in all directions. Although it was highly likely that it was a dog's fart, But without a doubt, it made all the Mayan kneeling in front of the pyramid hear her cry from the bottom of their hearts.    


The current Mayan, although they had always been proud of their ancestors' might, after the great official shouted this slogan, they were still stunned. What did he mean by 'long live'?    


Not only were the tens of thousands of 'uncultured' members of the 2012 Cult confused, but even the host of this ceremony, Mr. Hu Yeao, was dumbfounded. Hmm? Strange, why did Lord Bishop shout out such a sentence? I remember that there shouldn't be such a line in the ceremony, it really is weird.    


These people are really stupid enough, even if you all don't understand the profound and profound Mandarin. But you all should have the instinct to do things like this, right? Don't tell me you don't know to follow this bishop and shout 'Long live'... After shouting two times in succession, Sister Mu Rong, who didn't see anyone responding to her from afar, frowned and shouted once again in dissatisfaction, "Long live, long live!"    




Before Chai Murong's voice had even fallen, a dazzling lightning bolt broke through the thick clouds in the sky. The golden snake scuttled about in a disorderly manner and instantly brought about a loud thunderclap!    


According to the Mayan's creed, a lightning strike from the sky meant that a certain god had become angry.    


Instantly, in the hearts of tens of thousands of Mayan people, the god, Sister Mu Rong, was thought to be angry by everyone. She did not dare to hesitate any longer and quickly raised both her hands high and shouted, "Long live, long live!"    


These stubborn barbarians, could it be that they did not know how to be flexible? After shouting 'long live' twice, they continued to shout 'long live'... Chai Murong, who had received the cheers of tens of thousands of sect members, was not in the mood to argue with them for the sake of them being barbarians. After hearing it until her ears were numb, she once again pointed at the human leg bones three times.    


Immediately, the tens of thousands of people who were about to shout their throats out stopped talking. They looked at Lord Bishop with eager eyes, afraid that she would shout some strange slogan again.    


After the tens of thousands of people stopped shouting, Lord Bishop indeed said something. Then he turned around and walked to the center of the tower. That was what she said. "All ministers, stand up!"    


Should he follow Lord Bishop and shout this sentence again?    


Just as the tens of thousands of sect members were thinking about this question, they heard the sound of drums, The ceremony is over, everyone can return to your respective places. They all heaved a sigh of relief and got up from the ground.    




Another flash of lightning pierced through the sky. Soybean sized raindrops rushed out from the clouds and fell into the mortal world one after another.    


The rain hit the green leaves, and the branches shook in the wind. The heaven and earth were connected by the water silks, and life force was thriving in a certain piece of land in M Country. What a beautiful scene!    


However, Chai Murong could not see all of this because she was sitting in front of a big feast table in the underground city. She was holding a chicken drumstick and wolfing it down.    


After throwing the twenty-three chicken bones on the table, Chai Murong licked the oil stains on her right thumb. She lazily stretched her waist and looked at Xie Yaotong who was in a daze. She smiled and said, "What are you looking at? You are so entranced. Are you thinking about my actions during the coronation ceremony? Hehe, actually, I didn't expect that the Ascetic Misery would wait 16 days for the ceremony. I feel that if I were to return without saying a word, it would be so simple. I'm really a little unwilling. "    


Without waiting for Xie Yaotong to reply, Chai Murong very unladylike touched her bulging stomach and continued, "Hey, let me ask you, Xie Yaotong. Do you think that my style at that time was very charming? A unique style of king that could rule the world? Hehe, actually even now I do not believe those bullshit prophecies. I was forced to be Lord Bishop."    


Xie Yaotong opened her mouth but did not say anything.    


Chai Murong raised her hand to rub her nose and said with a smile, "I know you do not dare to speak casually in front of the respected Lord Bishop, but I advise you not to be so restrained. Don't forget that we are from the same village. Speak, say whatever you want to say. I won't blame you."    


Xie Yaotong looked at the few empty plates on the table in front of Chai Murong and mustered up her courage to say, "I, I feel that you ate a little too much."    


Immediately, Sister Mu Rong, who was talking about the relationship between the villagers and Ms Xie just now, lowered her face and asked, " En!? Are you mocking me for being a pig?"    


Even if it's a pig, it doesn't seem to eat as much as you do... Xie Yaotong muttered in her heart but said with a smile," Ah, how would I dare? I said the wrong thing just now. I originally wanted to say... I feel that you have eaten for quite some time."    


"Eating for a long time means eating too much. You're still calling me a pig!" Chai Murong's unreasonable peach blossom eyes opened wide, as if she wanted to call someone to drag Ms Xie out and feed her to the dogs. Xie Yaotong was so scared that she quickly stood up from the chair and shook her hands. "Lord Bishop, you misunderstood. I just feel that you should not have gotten your freedom after that. Spending so much time to come and eat, you should first call your family and Chu Yang to tell them that you are safe!"    


After hearing what Xie Yaotong said, Chai Murong was first stunned. Then she said with a smile, "Hehe, I was just joking with you just now. You must not mind. Actually, I also wanted to call my family a long time ago but I felt that I had waited for so many days anyway. I didn't care about the short term. Cough, where's Bei Gongcuo? Ask him to bring me a satellite phone! "    


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