My Fiance Ran Away

C750 Let's Go Let's Go!

C750 Let's Go Let's Go!

Xue Tao didn't expect to see Shaang Buting here. He was overjoyed, and his arms, which were almost numb, regained strength once again.    


"Xue Tao, come here quickly. If we have more people, we can row the boat upside down!"    


Wait! When Xue Tao's rubber boat approached, Shaang Buting waved his hands and signaled him to jump over. "Did you see Chu Yang? Come over quickly!"    


After drawing the rubber boat to this side, Xue Tao grabbed the rope and threw it over.    


Ye Chuqing grabbed it and quickly pulled it over.    


Wait. After the two rubber boats touched, Xue Tao quickly climbed over and leaned against the side of the boat to catch his breath. "I, I did not see Chu Yang. I only saw three people from V Country and some pirates!"    


It seemed that Chu Yang was in a bad situation. With his skills, it was impossible that he hadn't shown up after such a long time.    


After hearing that Xue Tao did not see Chu Yang, Shaang Buting sighed heavily in his heart and said, "Alright, everyone lie down first and wait for those pirates to come closer..."    


When Shaang Buting said this, he suddenly saw Chai Murong suddenly snatch the rope from Ye Chuqing's hands. Then she rolled along the side of the two rubber boats and rolled into the one that Xue Tao rode. She immediately pulled back the rope and grabbed the water to draw towards Adorable Sprout Island!    


Everyone was stunned by Chai Murong's series of actions. When they finally understood what was happening, the distance between the two rubber boats was already five to six meters.    


"Chai Murong! What are you going to do!?" Koo Mingchuang roared and leapt into the sea. "Come back, come back quickly!"    


Chai Murong used all her strength to draw the water. She turned around and screamed, "Koo Mingchuang, don't come over. I am going to find Chu Yang! You guys should leave quickly. Go, go, go, go! Don't come over!"    


"Hurry up and row!" Shaang Buting grabbed Ye Chuqing, who was also about to jump into the sea, and said," Don't jump! You can't catch up to the boat in the water!"    


"You, you come back here!" Koo Mingchuang held back the pain on his shoulder and drew the water with all his might. "We, we agreed to go find him together!"    


"Koo Mingchuang, I thank you on Chu Yang's behalf. You are his good brother!" Chai Murong did not care at all and paddled with all her might. "You should go back quickly. Don't forget that your wife is pregnant. She cannot be without you! Hurry up and go back. If you chase after her again, I will jump into the sea! "    


When Chai Murong shouted that Koo Mingchuang's wife was pregnant, his struggling motion obviously slowed down. Yes, Zhou Yuru is pregnant. If I die, who will take care of her?    


He hurriedly turned his head and looked at Chai Murong. Chai Murong continued to shout, "Who is it? Who is it? Aren't you the highest commander here? You should lead everyone to avoid the pirates first and wait for an opportunity to rescue Chu Yang! Ye Chuqing, if you really want to think for Chu Yang, You should live well. Maybe you can meet him again in the future!"    






Before Shaang Buting and the others could say anything, another scream was heard from the gunshot.    


Everyone turned around to look. During the time they were waiting for Xue Tao, the sound of the rubber boat and Assault Rifle from the V Country had gotten closer.    


There was no need to look at them. Shaang Buting and the others knew that another person from the V Country had been killed or injured by pirates!    


"Let's... go!" Currently, the three-man team of the Phoenix Nirvana Project was present, and Koo Mingchuang's wife couldn't be without him. Therefore, after Shaang Buting instantly made up his mind that he could not make an indifferent sacrifice, he immediately gave the mission in a stern voice, "Ye Chuqing, row the oar. Xue Tao, save that person. Let's go first. Let's go!"    


"Let's go, let's go!"    


Ye Chuqing could stay because of Chu Yang. When Shaang Buting asked her to stay or leave, she also said firmly that she wanted to stay.    


Now that Xue Tao had been found, it would be unreasonable to stay here and wait for death before confirming Chu Yang's whereabouts.    


Therefore, for the safety of her comrades and for the sake of not letting down Chu Yang's efforts to come here, she suppressed the pain in her heart. She closed her eyes and shouted to the sky to leave. Then, she paddled and chased after Koo Mingchuang.    


"Let's go first! Let's go!"    


After catching up to Koo Mingchuang, Xue Tao and Shaang Buting grabbed his shoulders and pulled him onto the rubber boat together.    


Koo Mingchuang could not care about wiping the seawater off his face. He looked at Chai Murong's back, who was running away from him. He wanted to open his mouth and say something, but before he could say anything, tears started to flow down his face.    




"Does this mean that you are risking your life for love? Hmm, I guess so. However, that bastard definitely doesn't know. "    


Under the illumination of the dimmed flames, Chai Murong turned around and faced the rubber boat that was already heading towards St John Island. She waved her hand with all her might and then stuck out her chest.    


At this moment, Official Chai felt that her thoughts had already sublimated.    


Whether or not she could find Chu Yang, whether she died under the guns of the pirates or drowned in the sea, she did not care anymore.    


What Chai Murong cared about was that she could also be like Shaang Lige, sacrificing everything for her love or the man she loved, including her life!    


Although that man was very likely dead, he did not know that the elegant and proud official was willing to die for him.    


But what was the meaning of this?    


Love was originally a person's love!    


Since he loved her, he would do anything. Why should he care about that person? Would he know?    


He fiercely drew a few dozen strokes of the liquid. When he looked back again, Chai Murong softly sighed at Ye Chuqing and the rest who were far away and then let go of the water. She looked up at them. Lying in the rubber boat, her big peach blossom eyes looked at the crescent moon in the sky. He suddenly smiled.    


That smile under the moonlight was so beautiful. "Hua Mannyu, even if you are the mother of that b * stard Chu's son, what can you do? Shaang Lige, even if you can die for him, so what? Zhou Tangtang, what about you? Ha, haha, you are all valued by that fellow. So what? You don't even have the chance to die with him in the water! In the end, I, the legitimate Third Young Madam of the Chu Family, will be the one to die for this guy, right?"    


After shrugging, Chai Murong continued to mutter," But this way, I seem to have suffered a great loss. Hehe, but it doesn't matter. In my next life, I will properly punish this kid. "    


While Official Chai was intoxicated by his love, he did not notice that the gunshot had already headed towards St John Island. He also didn't hear the faint sound of sirens coming from that direction. She was just like a fool. One. She was lying in the rubber boat, proud of herself towards the moon.    


In fact, when Chai Murong was determined to jump off the boat, she knew that with her strength, not to mention fighting against the pirates with guns, even if she were to search for Chu Yang alone in the sea, it would be like a mission to the heavens.    


The reason why she did this was to stay here alone with that guy in the sea!    


Why would Chai Murong suddenly have this kind of idea of 'willing to die for love'? Then when Chu Yang died in the past, she still thought of flirting with other men?    


Could it be that in just a few months' time, her thoughts had improved?    




The correct answer should be: If Chu Yang died, Chai Murong would not be stupid enough to die for him, because she did not want to do that kind of stupid thing where a person died without even knowing his fart.    


But now it was different, because she had not confirmed that Chu Yang was dead, so she stayed!    


Even if she stayed and died, she still had to stay!    


Chai Murong's thoughts, or rather Chai Murong's love, were very stubborn and unfathomable. However, she did it, and she had no regrets. At most, she felt a little wronged.    


Chai Murong just looked up at the moon like that, and let the rubber boat drift along with the waves on the sea, slowly drifting.    


After an unknown amount of time, she could clearly hear the siren and also the sound of the Singapore police shouting through the high-pitch loudspeaker, but Chai Murong was still lying there.    


She was very tired. She was so tired that she did not want to get up to see what was happening outside. She slowly closed her eyes and muttered, "Chu Yang, do you feel that I have come?"    


Before Chai Murong finished speaking, she suddenly felt that the rubber boat was tilted and then there was a splash of water!    


"Ah!" Chai Murong, who had her eyes closed, felt that her body was rolling along with the rubber boat. She subconsciously opened her eyes and just as she screamed, she saw a pair of hands!    


The hands held onto the side of the boat, and then a person's head poked out from the side of the boat.    




Ever since they didn't have to worry about Chai Murong's safety, Ling Hsing and Tian Ke had excitedly paddled with all their might, and devoted all their attention to this sport.    


However, Dragon Boat No. 33 only managed to obtain the twenty-second prize despite the cheers of fifty thousand people. It was not fated to be the prize money.    


However, they were very happy. What mattered most was participation, right?    


After getting off the Dragon Boat, Tian Ke shook his numb arms and stood by the beach to look at the sea. Ling Hsing was standing beside her.    


"Hey, you said Murong suddenly met Chu Yang here. Does this count as heaven's will?" Tian Ke took a bottle of mineral water from Ling Hsing, drank a few mouthfuls, and said, "They caused such a ruckus in the country, but who knew they would meet in Singapore? And they even got on a dragon boat by accident. This is definitely heaven's will! "    


Ling Hsing, who was not good with words, only smiled and nodded.    


According to their judgment, Chai Murong's dragon boat would at least be ten minutes later than theirs.    


Therefore, after waiting for about fifteen minutes, they saw Dragon Boat 32.    


However, when Tian Ke saw the number of people on Dragon Boat 32, his expression suddenly changed.    


Because they did not see Chai Murong on this Dragon Boat, and even Chu Yang was no longer there.    


Immediately, Tian Ke panicked. "Did something happen to Murong?"    


"Tian Ke, don't worry. Miss will be fine. Don't forget that Chu Yang is with her." After not seeing Chai Murong and Chu Yang, Ling Hsing was calm. "Let's call her first."    


"Okay!" Tian Ke agreed and took out his phone to make a call. He heard a notification that his phone was turned off.    


Ling Hsing looked around. "Wait here. I will go to the boat and ask them."    


After comforting his girlfriend, Ling Hsing walked quickly to the No. 32 Dragon Boat and asked the few semi-professional sailors on board, Why are there two fewer people on the boat? Did they see these two people?    


They answered very simply, When the boat returned, a few people on the boat jumped into the sea. Moreover, not only did someone jump on the No. 32 Dragon Boat, but the people on the No. 1 Dragon Boat said that. Many people had jumped at the half-distance competition point. Although no one knew why those people were diving, so many people chose to get off the boat at the same time. There should be an organization with a plan. For the safety of the participants, someone had already reported the case to the Singapore police. The police should be here soon.    


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