My Fiance Ran Away

C747 Boom!

C747 Boom!

Fuck, why are you guys always picking it up and cutting it down? Despicable!    


Just now, when he killed Li Yuanhan, Chu Yang had been stabbed in the left side of his butt.    


Now, when he stabbed Li Yuanhan, Li Yuanhan had been stabbed in the right side of Chu Yang's butt. This made him feel like the people of V Country had a special affection for men's butts. He immediately became shy and didn't have time to give the brothers of V Country a cold shoulder. He shrunk his body and curled up like a hedgehog as he threw himself onto the ground.    


"Ah!" After the man from V Country shouted angrily after being injured, Chu Yang jumped. Just as he was about to stand up and continue fighting the enemy, he saw a red light flash in front of him. Then, the ground shook violently.    


Not good!    


When these two words were caught by Chu Yang like lightning streaking across the night sky, He immediately turned the word beating a carp into lazy donkey rolling on the ground. With a speed that was rarely seen in his life, He rolled into the sea a few meters away.    


At this time, a world-shaking explosion exploded from the ground. The entire Adorable Sprout Island was like a tall woman, trembling all over. Then, she opened her mouth again and let out an alluring sound: Boom!    


The explosion shook the entire Heavenly Court. It completely blew up the entire Adorable Sprout Island!    


A powerful shock wave rose from the ground. With the underground entertainment center of the Adorable Sprout Island as the center, it spread out in a circle in all directions.    


Instantly, everything within a few hundred meters of the Adorable Sprout Island that could be moved was hit by a powerful impact, and with a speed that exceeded the speed of wind, it was thrown towards the surrounding sea!    


The previously docile sea water suddenly became uneasy. It raised a wave that was more than ten meters in length, roared into the sky, and then smashed down fiercely!    


Shaang Buting and the others, who were originally fighting in the shallow water, were hit by the shock waves caused by such a huge explosion. They became like paper after being hit by the shock wave. They were immediately drowned by the huge wave, and no longer had the valiance of killing in all directions.    


Even the rubber boat carrying Ye Chuqing and Chai Murong, which was seven to eight hundred meters away from Adorable Sprout Island, was sent spinning by the huge waves.    


Chai Murong might have bravely fallen into the sea not long ago, but when the rubber boat completely turned into a leaf that drifted in the wind, The great fear made her completely ignore the strong feeling of vomiting in her stomach. She knew that she would hold onto one of Ye Chuqing's legs tightly. She screamed with her eyes closed.    


After the explosion that followed the sky full of red light, Ye Chuqing's heart felt as if it was fiercely smashed by a sledgehammer. She subconsciously opened her mouth to shout, but when she opened her mouth... She spat out a mouthful of blood!    


Then, with a snow-white face, she sat in the rubber boat, her hands tightly gripping the wood pulp in the rubber boat. Her eyes, which had lost the luster of life in an instant, could only stare blankly at the flames and dust that soared into the sky in the night sky. Just like that, she stared blankly, no longer breathing.    


After three or four explosions sounded out in the Adorable Sprout Island, the night immediately quieted down.    


If it wasn't for the blazing flames on the island and the raging waves that were still raging, he would have wanted to try something that had never happened before.    


The waves rose and fell uneasily. Under the blazing flames and the moonlight, there were many shadows on the surface of the sea.    


They were some rubber boats that were hidden somewhere by the pirates. Because after the explosion, the bindings that bound them were destroyed. They were pushed to the surface of the sea, and as the waves gradually stopped, They slowly floated on the surface of the sea.    


Ye Chuqing's mind went blank as she looked at the fire. After an unknown amount of time, Chai Murong stopped screaming. The rubber boat also became smaller and no longer shook violently. Only then did she open her mouth wide and let out a hoarse voice. Uh... Ah!!"    


This was a type of hissing sound that could only be heard when a husband lost his wife and mother lost their child.    


After the hissing sound, Ye Chuqing suddenly stood up and fell into the rubber boat with a bang. But she immediately sat up and grabbed the side of the boat with both hands. She looked at the Adorable Sprout Island that had completely turned into a sea of fire. After being stunned for a moment, she muttered with a smile, "Dead, they are all dead."    


Just as Ye Chuqing finished speaking, she heard a sharp voice behind her, "No! How could he die? He won't die!"    


Ye Chuqing suddenly turned her head and saw Chai Murong's pale face in the night sky. She scrambled up from the rubber boat and grabbed her clothes, "Quick, go back and row the boat. Quickly go and save him. He definitely won't die. Quickly go and save him!"    


Ye Chuqing's mind went blank because of her sadness. After Chai Murong screamed and shouted these words, she quickly regained her reason.    


She raised her hand to open Chai Murong's hand and sat up straight. She grabbed the oar and started to draw. "That's right. He won't die. He won't die!"    


Chai Murong lay on the side of the ship and stretched her neck to look at the burning Adorable Sprout Island. She repeatedly shouted, "Yes! He would not die. How could he die just like that? I haven't taken him back yet, I won't let him die... You, why did you stop!?"    


Ye Chuqing suddenly stopped rowing because she saw a person floating on the sea in front of her.    


Chai Murong also saw this person at this time and immediately shut her mouth. She stretched out her body without caring about anything and reached out to grab that person with his back facing the sky. Just as she wanted to flip over to take a look, she heard Ye Chuqing say, "This is a person from V Country. I know the clothes he is wearing!"    


Since they were destined to have a fight with the people from V Country, Ye Chuqing and the others would naturally pay attention to them for a long time. They had already deeply imprinted their appearance and clothing in their minds.    


"I can only be sure if I see it with my own eyes." Chai Murong said and forcefully pulled, turning the person who was pushed over by the waves over.    


If it was in the past, Chai Murong would not dare to reach out and touch a person who was obviously dead.    


But now, she was not afraid at all.    


Under the moonlight, the face of the person who was flipped over, although somewhat distorted, was hard to confirm. However, Chai Murong could still recognize with a glance that he was not Chu Yang or Koo Mingchuang, or even Shaang Buting and Xue Tao. She could not help but let out a long sigh of relief. "So he is really from V Country. That's good."    


Unlike Chai Murong, Ye Chuqing did not feel relieved after confirming that this person, or rather, this corpse was not one of them. Instead, she became even more afraid. She was so afraid that her entire body began to tremble and she could not row the oar.    


After withdrawing her hand, Chai Murong looked at a person floating not far away and shouted loudly, "Quickly, quickly go over there and take a look... You, what is wrong with you?"    


Chai Murong turned her head and saw the moonlight and the trembling look of Ye Chuqing in the fire. She asked puzzledly, "You are not pitying this dead V Country person, right?"    


After swallowing her saliva with great difficulty, Ye Chuqing replied with a bitter voice, "He, he is one of the four people who fought with Chu Yang on the shore."    


"I don't care if he is on the shore or in the water. As long as he is not one of us, we can do whatever we want..." Just as Chai Murong said this, she suddenly understood what Ye Chuqing meant.    


When she and Ye Chuqing were driving the boat to escape, Chu Yang was still fighting with these people on the shore.    


But now this person was floating on the surface of the sea just like that. Just from his distorted face, it could be determined that this person was definitely not killed by Chu Yang and the others, but was killed by a powerful shock wave. Because the face of the person who died before the explosion would definitely not be so distorted.    


The man who was fighting Chu Yang on the shore was killed by the powerful shock wave. What about him?    


What about him?    


With her strength, how could she possibly dodge such a powerful shock wave? Chai Murong instantly understood this logic and felt her vision go black. Her body swayed and fell into the sea.    


"Be careful!" Ye Chuqing shouted and grabbed Chai Murong's left hand and pulled her back into the rubber boat.    


"No, I won't!" Chai Murong, who was lying on the rubber boat with her head facing up, muttered these three words. She immediately turned around and got up. Without saying another word, she grabbed the pulp with both hands and started to draw with all her strength.    


Since Chai Murong was snatching the oar, then the task of searching for companions fell on Ye Chuqing.    


Although Ye Chuqing was far from being as scheming as Chai Murong, in this kind of complex environment where everything was changing at a moment's notice, She was many times stronger than an official who had never received any special training. This made her calm down very quickly. Her left hand grabbed the side of the ship and her right hand held onto the short thorn as she stared at the surface of the sea.    


Even though Ye Chuqing did not want to think of a cruel reality (Chu Yang, who fought with the enemy on the shore, might also become a corpse like the previous person) But reason told her that there was no one who could survive such a powerful shock wave!    


Chu Yang was sent flying by the shock wave after the explosion, and there was one time when he was in K Peninsula more than a year ago.    


However, that time was different from now.    


That time, he had only been blown into the underground river by the shockwave. This time, however, he had come into close contact with the shockwave.    


Otherwise, that person from the V Country wouldn't have died in such a terrifying way.    


In her heart, she was certain that Chu Yang had also become like that, but Ye Chuqing still had to go back, because she hadn't seen Shaang Buting and the others fighting with their enemies in the water yet.    


Of course, she also had a glimmer of hope that Chu Yang was still alive.    


However, Ye Chuqing held onto this trace of hope. After checking seven or eight empty rubber boats and discovering three corpses, she was completely destroyed!    


The next three corpses that were discovered were the same as the dead person just now. They were all people from V Country who followed Ye Chuqing and the others into the underground casino.    


In other words, these people were the people who fought Chu Yang on the shore. Although one of the corpses was obviously killed by the Army Thorn, Ye Chuqing could not believe that Chu Yang would escape from the bad luck of the other three corpses.    


The smart Chai Murong naturally understood this principle.    


Although her face was getting paler and paler, as if she had lost all strength in her body. But she still tightly gritted her teeth and paddled with all her might, and kept encouraging Ye Chuqing, "Ye Chuqing, don't worry. I dare say that Chu Yang will definitely be fine. He will definitely be fine, right?"    


"Yes, how can he be fine?"    


Ye Chuqing gave a miserable smile. "Last time at the 38th line, he was floating in the underground river for so long and was not injured. How could he be in trouble this time?"    


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