My Fiance Ran Away

C741 You Take the Whip and Drive Me away and I Won't!

C741 You Take the Whip and Drive Me away and I Won't!



When Chai Murong's entire body was filled with killing intent, she shivered and thought of the words' Savior '.    


Although there were only a hundred or so people present, these people were undoubtedly slaughter elites.    


If these hundred people were placed in a big city like Tokyo and misbehaved, who knew how many kind men would be slaughtered, and how many gentle women would be ruined...    


Therefore, if anyone could stop these people who were about to lose their rationality from biting indiscriminately like mad dogs, then this person would undoubtedly be called the Savior.    


Although Chai Murong did not have the strength to truss a chicken, her brain spun very quickly and she immediately understood the reason. She knew that at this time, there must be someone standing out to ease the atmosphere.    


And this person could not be regarded as an enemy by everyone. Otherwise, his (her) rash actions would only increase the speed of the start of the war.    


Then, among the people present, who would not be everyone's enemy?    


Kaka, is there a need to ask this question?    


Of course, it was the likable person of China's Chai family, Chai Murong!    


Therefore, just as most of the people were nervously preparing for the start of the chaotic battle, the great official, with the spirit of 'If I don't go to hell, who will go to hell?', clapped his hands and stood up.    


At this time, everyone's tensed nerves were broken by her crisp applause. Just when everyone instinctively looked at who clapped and shouted at each other to fight, they discovered that the person clapping was... So it was the young lady from China who was shouting!    


Hehe, so it was her.    


Hehe, she really has the courage to stand out at this moment.    


Everyone, after seeing clearly that the person who beat the drum was a harmless Chai Murong, had their nerves broken because of nervousness. Because of the appearance of this girl who did not have the slightest sense of danger, they became calm.    


No one present saw Chai Murong as a threat enemy, so when she shouted that she wanted to use this place to have a party, she casually put away her weapon.    


However, when they looked at her face, they could not help but smile. This child was really cute, and he even shouted about having a party. Do you think this is your family's garden?    


When Chai Murong saw that many people were looking at her with relaxed expressions, the string in her heart tightened. She also finally relaxed. Aiyo, it was really not easy to pretend to be innocent in this kind of occasion. Luckily, the officials' luck has always been good... Not bad? Then why didn't anyone stop him when he was forced to do it by that bastard?    


Although his back was still covered in cold sweat and his legs were starting to soften, the brave Official Chai still turned all of this fear into an innocent smile.    


He came in front of Carpenter like a butterfly, his eyes moving. Chai Murong smiled sweetly and said to him, "This gentleman is very gentlemanly. I suggest having a party here. I wonder if you and your companions will agree? "    


The people of M Country had always boasted that their gentlemanly demeanour was second only to the British. These words were very suspicious. However, Carpenter used his actions to prove to the bidders that these words were not false, especially the person who proposed the party. It was the young lady of Hua Xia who had used 'naivety' to resolve a chaotic war crisis for everyone.    


"Respected young lady," Carpenter placed his right hand on his chest and bowed slightly to Chai Murong. He said with a 'kind' smile, "I have no objections to your suggestion of having a party, but I have a suggestion. I hope the respected young lady will accept it. "    


"Say it, I am listening." Chai Murong placed her fingers in front of her abdomen and slightly twisted her slender waist. Her movements were so flirtatious that many people present opened their mouths. However, they were scolded in their hearts, You dare to watch me flirt with foreigners? Do you still want to see the sun tomorrow?    


"Haha," Carpenter smiled and raised his head. He proudly surveyed his surroundings. He said, "We're here this time to bring back something that should belong to us! However, some of our friends seem to be very opposed to it... Cough, respected lady, I can now confirm that you have mistakenly entered this place. That is why I kindly remind you, if there is any bloodshed later... Please do not stay away from us, let us protect your safety... Wait. Once this matter is settled, I would like to invite you to my private party in the United States."    


'F * ck you, a foreigner's mother. How dare you stand by my side and raise my penis. ' Let's see how I'm going to punish you later... After hearing that Carpenter invited Chai Murong to his private party, a petty man immediately started gnashing his teeth in anger. If Koo Mingchuang had not pulled him, he would definitely have run over and slapped the Japanese!    


"You said I'm not bad. We're here to participate in the Dragon Boat Competition. We just mistakenly entered this place. Sigh, to be honest, I really want to attend your party. I also want to accept your protection, but I'm afraid that my husband won't be willing. Because he's a very petty man. " Chai Murong looked at Chu Yang with a sweet smile, then said, "Sir, whether I can attend your party or not, it doesn't matter. Please don't mind, and don't get angry because of my husband's stinginess. I will discuss with him when I go back. "    


"Okay, please tell your husband that it's best to hide in a safe place later. I can guarantee that my people won't hurt you. " After bowing slightly to Chai Murong again, Carpenter was very envious of the husband that the big official was talking about. Fortunately, he did not say that the cabbage would be eaten by pigs...    


Chai Murong nodded and smiled as she raised her hand to signal to the people around her who she did not know. Then, she slowly walked towards Chu Yang.    


She had already said that people all love beauty.    


Although this occasion was not the best place to love beauty at all, except for the fact that Carpenter had a good impression of Chai Murong. Whether it was the arrogant British, the arrogant people of R Country, the arrogant people of K Country, the European and American who were full of romanticism, or even the powerful people of V Country who coveted Huaxia. All of them erased their hostility towards her from the bottom of their hearts.    




What a smart girl!    


Watching Chai Murong walk back to the door, Lih Shuzhen let out a long sigh of relief. In a low voice, she instructed Meng Ge, "Tell your men not to detonate it unless absolutely necessary. She was also not allowed to point the gun at that girl. If she wasn't smart and quick-witted, our efforts would have been in vain. If, if the situation permits, you can take her with you and leave this place."    


Toward the boss's sudden kindness, Monger did not hesitate at all and immediately turned around to convey her orders.    




Walking to the front and back of Chu Yang, Chai Murong grabbed his hand. Quickly walking to the wall behind the door, she whispered without waiting for him to say anything, "I know I might make you angry, but I just had to stand out and save you people... Hey, don't stare at me, okay? You must want to say that I'm being extremely narcissistic. Sigh, do you think I wasn't afraid just now? But to be able to make everyone feel good about me... Even if I'm afraid, it's worth it, right? Furthermore, after I took the limelight this time, Ye Chuqing will be able to determine our position. It won't be long before they can walk over."    


Chu Yang, who had yet to say a word, really wanted to teach her a lesson. However, when he saw Koo Mingchuang nodding his head repeatedly, he didn't know what to say. He could only snort coldly and grab her hand so that she could pull him behind her back. "Humph, you are not allowed to leave without permission for the rest of the time. Do you understand!? "    


"Sir, I understand. Even if you use the whip to chase me away, I won't leave either."    


After Chai Murong coyly said this, her face carried endless happiness as she hugged Chu Yang's left arm. This made a certain person sigh in his heart, I might fall into her trap again.    




Haha, no wonder he rejected my initiative to seek love. It turns out that the woman beside him is so outstanding!    


Although she did not have the slightest bit of martial arts, she was extremely smart to use her disadvantage to win everyone's goodwill, thus reducing the danger she faced.    


Compared to her, besides fighting and killing, I also know how to fight and kill. No matter if it's appearance or intelligence, I can't compare to her... Ye Chuqing lowered her head and used the corners of her eyes to look at Chai Murong who was walking to the wall behind the door. Her heart was very bitter, but she felt even more inferior. She felt that if she was the person who had Chai Murong, Then she would not have any substantive relationship with her for the sake of that outstanding woman.    


Just as Ye Chuqing was secretly hurt, Xue Tao gently held her hand. "Chuqing, actually in my heart, you are much more outstanding than her. You don't need to belittle yourself."    


You have seen through my thoughts. Unfortunately, in my heart, other than Chu Yang, There is no other man... After guessing Xue Tao's intention to comfort her at this time, Ye Chuqing used a movement to wrap her hair by her ear. She seemed to casually break free of his hand and shook her head slightly. "You don't need to comfort me. I can't compare to her at all."    


Xue Tao naturally understood the reason why Ye Chuqing broke free of his hand.    


If it were not for the unpredictable battle that was about to happen, Xue Tao would not have expressed his feelings to Ye Chuqing again after Bei Gongcuo had turned against him.    


Unfortunately, even though Ye Chuqing knew that this mission was a narrow escape, she still wouldn't give him a chance.    


Xue Tao said sadly, Ai, do you know that while you feel inferior in front of that girl, I am also envious of Chu Yang?    


Shaang Buting, who had been keeping the steel needle, did not say anything after confirming that the danger was temporarily lifted. ... He immediately understood Chai Murong's intention to stand out like that, and immediately put away his weapon. He looked at the four people from V Country and said in a low voice, "Chuqing, Xue Tao, let's go to the door."    




After the disturbance caused by the lights subsided, Lih Shuzhen understood that she could not wait any longer.    


Although she had absolute confidence in using AK-47 to suppress these elite agents from various countries, the result of killing all the buyers was not what she wanted to see. "    


Therefore, after Chai Murong used her 'naivety' to resolve the crisis, Lih Shuzhen immediately walked to the small platform under the south wall of the entertainment venue.    


Under the protection of four or five armed men, she picked up the microphone. After lightly tapping with her finger, a clear knocking sound came from the good speaker. Everyone, who had just calmed down, focused on their own side. "Everyone, as for who you are and which country you came from, it doesn't matter to me at all."    


After attracting everyone's attention, Lih Shuzhen raised the microphone and went straight to the point. "Just like whether I am the real Fragrant Pink Skeleton or not is not important to you. The most important thing is... If one of you can afford the price that makes us interested, then I will sell HYZ to him."    


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