My Fiance Ran Away

C726 I'm Just Acting with Your Girl!

C726 I'm Just Acting with Your Girl!

"Then buy another pig to raise."    


Chai Fangsi could only shake his head and smile at his cousin, who treated Chu Yang like a pig. "Murong, how old are you this year?"    


"I am very ashamed," Chai Murong answered, embarrassed. "In a few months, I will be 25 years old. Soon, I will be a young lady."    


"Well, as long as you understand this." Chai Fangsi nodded, and his expression became serious. "Murong, in the third generation of Chai family, there are only the two of us and Yue Ran. It could be said that the number of people was so low that it made people worry. Although you are a girl, you have to bear the responsibility of inheriting the family for the Chai family. That's why you can't always waste your youth for a Chu Yang who has shown mercy everywhere. "    


Chai Murong listened silently. She had never heard Chai Fangsi speak to her in such a serious tone.    


Chai Fangsi paused for a moment and continued to speak slowly, "I know. That kid from the Chu family does have strengths that other people can't compare with in some places. But since he treated you like this, you should stop and seriously consider your marriage. Murong, listen to me. Let's forget about him. Find a boy you like, get married and have children as soon as possible. Inject fresh blood into our Chai family. "    


Chai Murong casually shrugged her shoulders and lowered her head to look at her own hands. "Brother, you are already thirty and you still do not have a girlfriend. What am I panicking about? If it is for the sake of the Chai family, as the eldest brother, you should find a girl... "    


As Chai Murong spoke, she did not notice the trace of intense pain that flashed in Chai Fangsi's eyes. She continued, "You know that I have never admitted defeat since I was young. Since I have put all my effort into that kid, I am not interested in other people. If he really died, perhaps I would still consider others. But since he's still alive, then he can only be mine."    


Chai Murong said as she looked up and saw that Chai Fangsi's expression was very ugly. She thought he was angry because of her willfulness and quickly began to tell the truth. "Brother, tell the truth. I have thought about all the things you said. But, but I can't forget him no matter what. When I think about how I can only live with another man in the future, I want to go crazy and go crazy. I, I don't know what's wrong with me. Brother, are you alright? Are you feeling unwell somewhere, or are you angry with me?"    


Chai Fangsi gritted his teeth and forced a smile. He stood up from the sofa and walked to the staircase. "I'm fine. Murong, since you care so much about him, I will try my best to get him to your side. "    


Chai Murong heard him and immediately stood up and shook her hands. "Brother, don't do anything stupid. That kid is an evil donkey. She held his hand and walked back. Sooner or later, I will teach him a lesson and make him submit to me. The reason I came to you this time is actually to create a kind of distance beauty. I dare say that as time passes, he will definitely think of me more and more. I have this confidence."    


"Hehe." Chai Fangsi, who had walked up the stairs, smiled. He turned around and said, "What are you thinking in your heart? How can I not know? Alright, don't explain it to me. Since you said that you came to Yunan to relieve your boredom, then don't go to Ji Nan first. Are you interested in following me out for a stroll?"    


"Where are you going?"    


" Lion City, Singapore. I'm going to attend an economic and trade meeting for a week. " Chai Fangsi said, "If you want to go, we'll take the flight tomorrow morning. When we get there, you can go and relax by yourself if you have nothing to do. "    


Chai Murong smiled. "Hehe, do you want to travel at public expense?"    


"I guess so."    


Chai Murong thought about it and felt that she should kill her way back to settle accounts with Chu Yang after a few days of separation. She was really too eager for short-term gains, so she nodded and said, "Okay. Anyway, I have nothing to do now. Then I will follow you to get some light."    


Although Chu Yang could not tell Hua Mannyu what he was going to do in the next few days, he had to find a decent excuse to tell her.    


However, even though Chu Li swore to the heavens in the evening, saying that he really wasn't in any danger, Hua Mannyu still saw something from his' sincere 'eyes.    


Sister Hua, who was quite scheming, did not stop him. She only reminded him, Don't forget that in the far east, there is always a woman and a man waiting for you to come back safely.    


Regarding this, Chu made a very grateful expression. In the evening, he sat on the dining table and let Sister Hua have a taste of the happiness from a man...    


After 7: 5 PM, Chu drove Hua Mannyu's flashy Rolls-Royce and slowly appeared in Liang Xin's garden district.    


Liang Xin, who had changed into casual clothes since returning home, was currently waiting downstairs.    


When she saw Chu get out of the car that attracted a lot of attention, if it wasn't for him carrying a box of top-grade Tie Guanyin in his left hand, a set of internationally renowned cosmetics in his right hand, and even calling her over to help move a box of twenty year Maotai liquor, she would have been speechless. Bureau Director Liang would definitely have said something like I only wanted to treat you to a meal, but you drove this kind of car to make me look better.    


Under the surprised and envious gazes of the neighbors, Liang Xin, whose face was somewhat red, carried the box of Maotai. She loudly complained to Chu Yang, "Hey, you are a person who loves face. Come on, why are you still taking things? If others saw you, they would think that you are here to give me gifts. Cough, I won't bother with you about this for the time being. The next time I come, I won't bring anything with me no matter what. Did you hear that?"    


Immediately, the surrounding aunties who had nothing better to do came out to stand on the street. Then, they whispered to each other:" Gifts? Wasn't the daughter of the Liang family demoted to the police station as a junior policeman? How could there be someone who would give her gifts? Oh, look at that gift-gift-giver. The car he drove must be very expensive. Because I've never seen it before."    


A well-informed and experienced sister-in-law said, "Hey, you guys don't know what kind of car that is, right? Let me tell you, that's a Rolls-Royce. This broken car is worth seven million. Also... The Liang family. That daughter is no longer a policeman in the police station. I heard from my wife that... She has now become the official director of the City Bureau! "    


"Ah, it can't be, right? This time, Lao Liang and his wife will have to walk horizontally in our neighborhood in the future."    


"Who says so? But this is also good. There is a big official in our neighborhood. In fact, it was also everyone's good fortune. In the future, if any family encountered a problem that was difficult to solve at the police station, Alright."    


"Chief Liang, I will remember this time. The next time I come, I will definitely not bring anything with me." As he listened to the chattering at the side, he looked at Liang Xin's smug face. Chu Li thought to himself, 'Does this person's skin become thicker after he becomes an official? Look at how proud she is.' With one look, it was obvious that she would not have any more prospects.    


Liang Xin, who was very satisfied with Chu Yang calling her 'Chief Liang' loudly, raised her chin and snorted at the residents of the community who looked down on Lao Liang's family in the past. She turned around and walked towards the door of the unit with wine in her hands.    


"Xiao Xin, who is this young man?" They had just walked to the door of the unit when a God who had just come downstairs looked at Chu Yang with a scrutinizing gaze.    


Liang Xin replied in an indifferent tone, "I am a friend."    


"A boyfriend?"    


"No... Aunt Wang, are you going for a walk? Come to my house when you have time. Chu Yang, let's go! " Liang Xin lifted her leg and kicked Chu Yang's left leg with a smile, then she went upstairs first.    


Aunt Wang saw Chu Yang go upstairs and said in a low voice with a look of pity, "Sigh, what a good child. Why did he find the daughter of the Liang family? Isn't he jumping into the fire pit with his eyes wide open?"    


Looking at Liang Xin who was walking up the stairs in front of him, Chu Yang thought, It seems that this girl's personal problem is really a big problem. Otherwise, based on her personality. She definitely wouldn't show off in front of the neighbors. If I cooperate with her like this, does it count as doing a good deed? Yes, it must be. I've always said that good will be rewarded, so I'll definitely be safe and sound when I go out to work this time.    


Liang Xin, who did not know that Chu Yang had already guessed her thoughts, walked to the corner of the stairs on the third floor. She stopped and turned around with a face full of shame and sadness. "Chu Yang, there are actually some things that I really do not have the face to tell you. I am afraid that you will laugh at me after hearing it. But I still want to tell you... "    


Chu Yang interrupted Liang Xin's words," Don't worry, I know what to do. When I see your old man, I will definitely pretend to shamelessly pursue you. "    


" Hehe, it's good that you understand. Actually, you are very likable. " Liang Xin smiled embarrassedly and said, "You can help me with this today. In the future, if you need me to do anything, I can help you. As long as it is not against the big principles, I will definitely do my best to help you."    


"With our relationship, is there a need to say this?" Chu Yang politely said, "In the future, you just need to send more police forces to the new pharmaceutical factory."    


"This is a small matter, I will consider it." Liang Xin nodded and knocked on the anti-theft door with the tip of her foot.    


"Girl, why don't you wear the key when you go out... Oh my, what are you hugging? " Liang's mother, who opened the door, saw her daughter hugging wine. After Chu Yang held some gifts in his hands, he immediately complained happily," Chu Yang, you can come if you want. Why are you still holding things? Oh my, it's Chanel set makeup. My Xiao Xin never liked to use makeup. You'd better return the goods so that it won't be a waste of money. "    


Chu Yang hurriedly said, "Auntie, I bought this for you."    


"Really? Hehe, it must be Xiao Xin who told you. Sigh, this child is good in everything, but she's too filial to me and her father..." While Liang's mother was nagging, Chu Yang followed Liang Xin into the Liang Family.    


The furnishing in the Liang family's living room was very simple. It was even worse than some ordinary families.    


From this, it could be seen that Liang Xin had maintained a certain level of integrity in the City Bureau all these years. Otherwise, she would not have brazenly knocked on Third Prince Chu's bamboo stick. After Lao Liang and his wife saw the gifts he brought, They would not be overjoyed.    


If Liang Xin was not clean when she was an official, Lao Liang and his wife would not be so happy when they saw these gifts. It was because their daughter had found a good son-in-law, and they were also happy that their daughter had found a good son-in-law.    


After Liang's mother complained that Chu Yang should not have brought gifts, Lao Liang tightly gripped the box of the best quality Tie Guanyin. He also said with a face full of righteousness, "Only this time. Next time, you must not buy such expensive things again. Because you and Xiao Xin still have a long time. Marriage and buying houses all require a lot of money, right?"    


Regarding this, Chu Yang was submissive and repeatedly agreed, but in his heart, he was thinking: If you guys knew that I was just a husband with a wife who cooperated with your girl in acting, who knows how disappointed you would be.    


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