My Fiance Ran Away

C724 A Guy Who Couldn't Spit out Ivory from a Dog's Mouth!

C724 A Guy Who Couldn't Spit out Ivory from a Dog's Mouth!

When you hear your girlfriend talk to her mother about something that's a little secret between the two of you, and you can't tell anyone, will you be proud?    


Will you?    


Then you know why Chu Yang still had a smug look on his face when he was worried about Ye Chuqing.    


"Hehe, Chu Yang, you're back." Although he really wanted to know what the little secret between his daughter and a certain man was, he saw that Chu Yang's expression seemed to be very good. Seeing him walk in, she quickly stood up from the chair. "You two talk first. I am going out to buy something."    


"Yes." Chu Yang nodded. After Faan Jing left the ward, he said to Zhou Shuhan, who was holding her phone and gesturing with him, "Wait here for me. I want Auntie Faan to help me buy a box of cigarettes."    


Zhou Shuhan nodded obediently.    


Chu Yang quickly walked out of the room and shouted to Faan Jing, who was about to reach the elevator, "Auntie Faan, wait a moment."    


Faan Jing stopped and turned around.    


"Auntie Faan." Chu Yang walked to Faan Jing's front and back and took out a bank card from his pocket. "This is a high-grade diamond card from the Swiss bank. I gave it to Tangtang. Take care of it for her first. The password is my birthday. Tangtang knows it."    


Immediately, Faan Jing looked at the bank card and her expression changed." Chu, Chu Yang, what do you mean? Do you really care that Qin Guanning came to find Tangtang?"    


"Haha, Auntie Faan, do you think I am giving Tangtang a split?" Chu Yang only gave a stingy smile and then put away his smile. "Auntie Faan, I have to go overseas tomorrow morning to do something. To tell you the truth, this is very dangerous. But I have to go. I left this card for Tangtang just in case. Don't think too much."    


After saying that, Chu Yang put the bank card into Faan Jing's hands, turned around, and strode towards the ward.    


Holding the bank card that was glowing with golden light, Faan Jing was stunned for a long time before she slowly put it in her pocket. She muttered, "If something really happens to you, I'm afraid you will have even more money. You will not be able to buy a normal Tangtang."    


When Chu Yang walked into the ward again, Zhou Shuhan was staring blankly at her phone.    


Seeing her like this, Chu Yang's heart moved. "Tangtang, did someone call this number?"    


Zhou Shuhan looked up and nodded timidly at Chu Yang. "Yes, Chu Yang. Sorry, I, I didn't know she would call you."    


F * ck, how could this matter be so complicated? I have been holding this phone for several days, but I have not seen her make a single call. But Tangtang only took it today, and she found time to make a phone call.    


Someone Chu smacked his lips speechlessly and sat on the edge of the bed. He raised his hand and casually touched Zhou Shuhan's head a few times. "Hehe, there's nothing to be sorry about. Anyway, you didn't do it on purpose... What did she say over there?"    


Zhou Shuhan seemed to enjoy the action of Chu Yang touching her head. She closed her eyes and replied softly, "She didn't say anything. She just asked where you were and then hung up."    


"Does she know that you were the one holding the phone?"    


"She should know, right? Because I can hear her voice. Otherwise, she wouldn't have hung up." Zhou Shuhan opened her eyes and whispered, "Chu Yang, this phone, this phone should be left for you by her, right?"    


"Yes, she left it for me." Chu Yang nodded without hesitation.    


"Then, then I won't cause you any trouble, will I? It's all my fault, I had to insist on asking you for your phone."    


"Hey, it's nothing. What trouble could there be?" Chu Yang hummed and did not mind. He took out the new phone from his pocket and handed it to Zhou Shuhan. "Originally, I wanted to give that to you. I only took the phone card back, but since she had already called you, There is no need to take the card back. You should use this new phone. This is my gift for you to recover. "    


Zhou Shuhan smiled quietly. She reached out and wrapped her arms around Chu Yang's neck, then knelt down on the bed.    


When she got up, she seemed to have unintentionally pressed the carnations Qin Guanning gave her under her knees.    


Instantly, the tender and beautiful flowers immediately became a pile of trash.    


What a smart little girl, she knows how to use this kind of method to express her attitude towards me.    


After secretly praising her in his heart, Chu Yang lied on the hospital bed with Zhou Shuhan and looked at the roof and said, "Tangtang, I have something to say to you."    


Zhou Shuhan, who hid her little head in Chu Yang's arms, hummed in a low voice. "En, you tell me. I am listening."    


"You have to get better as soon as possible. Go to the company and help me." Chu Yang smelled the girl's delicate fragrance. "When the time comes, I'll make you a deputy director."    


"Okay. When the time comes, you can be my secretary." Zhou Shuhan smiled and nodded.    


"Hehe, no problem. I will do my best for Vice President Zhou. Oh, right. Also, I won't be coming over in the afternoon to accompany you. I have to go back and prepare because from tomorrow onwards, I have to go out and work for a few days."    


"Is it because of the new pharmaceutical factory?" Zhou Shuhan looked up and said, "Do you have to go personally?"    


"Yes, I have to go in person." Chu Yang turned to look at the girl in his arms and said, "You know, the new pharmaceutical factory is about to start production. There are a lot of things that can't be done by just Hua Mannyu alone. As the chairman, I have to have the effect of the Sea God Stabilizing Needle."    


"I know. Then you just need to go. Remember to be careful on the way there." Zhou Shuhan twisted her body and said with her eyes closed, "Chu Yang, I don't want to stay in the yard anymore. I want to go out."    


"Yes. Actually, your condition has stabilized." Chu Yang said, "Then go to the villa you originally lived in."    


"But that place has already been sold to someone else."    


"But I bought it for you again. I don't want others to occupy the place you used to live in."    


"Chu Yang, you are so good." Zhou Shuhan looked up happily and kissed him by the ear. "I am tired and want to sleep. Can you wait for me to sleep before you leave?"    


Chu Yang did not say anything but started to sing in a low voice. "Little Swallow, wear a flower coat and come here every spring. I asked Swallow why you came here. You said the girls here are the most beautiful..."    


"Hehe, what are you singing about?" Zhou Shuhan laughed lightly and said coquettishly, "The singing is so unpleasant."    


"Is it unpleasant to hear?" Chu Li said with a wronged face, "Didn't you want to sleep? I'm singing a lullaby for you."    


Wait. When Zhou Shuhan fell asleep, it was already past four o'clock in the afternoon.    


Looking at Zhou Shuhan whose eyes were covered by long eyelashes, Chu Yang bent over and gave her a light kiss on her eyes. Then he tiptoed out of the room.    


When he just came out of the room, he saw Faan Jing sitting on a simple chair in the corridor, dozing off.    


After hearing the sound of the door, Faan Jing immediately opened her eyes and stood up. She whispered, "Chu Yang, are you leaving now?"    


"Yes." Chu Yang nodded and said, "Tangtang just fell asleep not long ago. When she wakes up, You go through the discharge procedures for her. Go to the Xiuru City villa you used to live in. I have already sent people to clean up that place. Oh, right, don't tell her that I'm in danger when I go out."    


What a considerate child. He even knew to buy my villa for me. How did I betray the Chu Department in the past when I was obsessed... Faan Jing muttered in her heart and then nodded, "I know what you said, but I don't know how to persuade you. Sigh, you should be more careful outside."    


"I will come back safely." Chu Yang smiled and said goodbye to Faan Jing. Then he walked into the elevator.    


Although Chu Yang told Faan Jing that he was going out, he did not want to tell Hua Mannyu. He did not even plan to tell his parents.    


This was not because he cared about Zhou Shuhan. It was because Ms Zhou's condition had just improved. If he worried about him again, he would not be at ease.    


Furthermore, once he told Hua Mannyu, based on that girl's character, she would definitely not let him go. Perhaps she would secretly put sleeping pills in his meal to stop him from going.    


There was no wife in the world who loved her husband. She was magnanimous enough to let her husband take risks for another woman. It was like if Yun Ruoxi knew, she would definitely hug Chu Yangfeng and pull him away.    


Chu Yang whistled and drove out of the mental hospital. He turned left and headed towards Hua Mannyu's villa.    


Because this time's overseas operation was different from the previous assassinations, Chu Yang slowed down the car and began to carefully think about it.    


"The car in front, move to the side. The car in front, move to the side!"    


Just as Chu Yang was thinking about the problem while driving, a horn suddenly sounded behind him. He looked through the rearview mirror in confusion and saw a blue and white Passat police car. It flashed past him from his right, and a police officer stretched out an arm from the window. He gestured for him to stop.    


"Hey, I didn't exceed the speed limit, and I didn't violate the rules. Why do you want me to stop?" Chu Yang glanced at the indicator panel that was only a hundred and sixty kilometers long. Seeing that the police car was slowly approaching, he had no choice but to stop the car by the side of the road.    


The police car also stopped, but after one person came down, it immediately drove forward.    


After seeing the person who got off the car, Chu Yang confirmed that he really did not violate the rules. He was only stopped by a girl who had just been promoted to the director of City Bureau and abused her authority.    


Liang Xin, who was wearing a brand new police uniform and had a hot figure, wore a pair of small sunglasses on her face. She stood in the breeze and looked especially high-spirited.    


Before Chu Yang got out of the car, Liang Xin opened the car door and sat in the passenger seat. She took off her sunglasses and blew on it. She said happily, "How is it? I can knock down a group of people with my outfit, right?"    


She looked back at Liang Xin and looked at the rank of a rank 3 police officer on her shoulder. Chu Yang nodded seriously. "Yes, of course I can knock down a group of people. I dare say, if you wear these clothes to film a small movie... Very soon, you will become the dream lover of millions of young people..."    


"Get lost! A guy who can't spit out ivory from a dog's mouth." Liang Xin's pretty face turned red, and then she raised her hand to hit Chu Yang's shoulder. "If you dare to speak nonsense again, be careful that I will charge you with any crime. I will let you go to the police station to have a few days of public meals. "    


"Hey, Bureau Director Liang, did you stop my car for no reason just to show off your new uniform?"    


Chu Yang grinned and rubbed his right shoulder, which had been punched. "If that's really the case, then you are really shallow."    


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