My Fiance Ran Away

C713 Can You Let Me Go to Your House!

C713 Can You Let Me Go to Your House!

What Chu Yang hated the most was being taught a lesson in the tone of a pioneer.    


Especially when this self-righteous person was a woman.    


Especially when he, Little Chicken, was plotted against by Official Chai, and it was not easy for him to rise again, it made him understand one thing: If a man wanted to maintain the divine might of a king, at least he could not pretend to be a good student in front of a woman. If a woman kept talking to him, he would be annoyed. If a woman dared to plot against his penis, he would rape her...    


In short, Third Prince Chu would never dress up as a lamb in front of any other woman in the future.    


It was because of this experience that he gained after he rose again. Therefore, Chu Yang did not wait for Liang Xin to finish speaking. He waved his hand impatiently and said, "Fine, fine. Don't be a teacher here anymore. If those bastards didn't provoke Zhou Shuhan like that, I wouldn't bother to provoke them! Hmph, I believe you should know that when I, Chu Yang, was in Ji Nan, Have I always been a man with a tail between my legs? You said that I would bully men and tyrants women. Am I that vulgar? But you're showing this trend."    


Liang Xin said very discontentedly," Why did I have it? Who have I bullied before?"    


"Did you forget that you forced me to jump Little Qinghe at that time?" Chu Yang raised his hand to wipe his nose and glanced at his crotch. "Also, you are clearly fine now, why are you still wrapping your leg around my waist? Isn't this deliberately seducing me to commit a crime? "    


"Ah!" Liang Xin was stunned for a moment before realizing that her two long legs were still tightly coiled around a man's waist. Immediately, she let out a low cry as she retracted her legs and forcefully hammered her somewhat numb knee. She quickly changed the topic, "That, that, do you think I will have this kind of symptom again in the future?"    


Stretching his waist, Chu Yang patted his mouth and said vaguely, "How would I know what you are doing? Anyway, it's fine. Why don't I accompany you to the hospital for a check-up? But I feel that there shouldn't be a big problem. Maybe it's just like what Lao Lee said. Maybe it's because you were too nervous at the time, afraid that I would..."    


Speaking up to this point, Chu tilted his head and said," Hey, right. Liang Xin, why are you so nervous about me? Don't tell me you have that intention towards me? "    


Liang Xin's pretty face turned red. She curled her lips and turned her head to look out the window. "Fuck you. Who would be interested in you? Oh, right. What about the matter the day after tomorrow?"    


"What about the matter the day after tomorrow?" Chu Yang took out a cigarette, lit it up, and took a deep breath. He straightened his posture and leaned back against the backrest, closing his eyes.    


From last night until this morning, he had been fighting Chai Murong and Hua Mannyu for a long time. He had used up a lot of energy. Just now, he had been tied up by Liang Xin for such a long time. He really felt tired.    


Liang Xin replied haltingly, "That's... that's what my mom told you. When the time comes, I will let you go to my house as a guest."    


Chu Yang replied straightforwardly, "I am not going! What if I go? I'll explain to your parents when you get home..."    


When Liang's mother said that this Sunday was Lao Liang's birthday, Liang Xin guessed that they saw Chu Yang as her boyfriend and wanted to take him home to 'observe' him.    


In order to resolve the awkwardness at that time, Liang Xin made Chu Yang agree to go.    


Of course, Liang Xin would not be foolish enough to use this opportunity to chase after Third Prince Chu. She knew that she was not a match for Chai Murong and Hua Mannyu, but since Chu Yang agreed to go to her house due to circumstances, she had to ask, right?    


But a certain man's refusal immediately aroused Officer Liang's anger. Her eyes widened. "Forget it if you don't want to go. Do you think I still want you to go? I won't be the bureau chief anymore. You can give it to whoever you want! "    


Liang Xin, who was furious, said angrily. She opened the car door and jumped out of the car. She strode out of the parking lot.    


Damn, this little girl really had a personality. She was a dead bear that would rather die than die. Damn it, this matter has already been handled by me. 'If you don't become the director, then wouldn't I lose a lot of face? ' 'Hmph, if you didn't treat me well...' I won't bother with you.    


Looking at Liang Xin's back, who was walking quickly along the sidewalk, Chu Yang felt that this girl was very suitable for his liking. He quickly got out of the car and sat in the driver's seat. He started the car and chased after her.    


Chu Yang was worried that Liang Xin not being the director would make him lose face. Actually, Liang Xin was also regretting it now. Sigh, I am really stupid. It is normal that she does not want to go to my house. Why should I resign from the director too? Sigh, impulsive is the devil. Boy, I regret it now, hurry up and catch up! As long as you beg me, I will definitely agree.    


Perhaps Liang Xin's sincere heart of repentance touched God. Just as she thought of this, she heard the sound of a car horn beside her.    


I was indeed touched by the heavens and moved this kid... Liang Xin glanced at the corner of her eye and saw a man inside the car window who was whistling at him with a smile. She was very happy in her heart but after she stopped her footsteps, she had a cold expression on her face. "What are you going to do again? Look at your hooligan face. Be careful, I will bring you to the police station."    


Chu Yang stopped the car, put his left arm on the window and said lazily, "Look at your fridge face. How can you let a man play hooligan? Alright, alright. Consider it a slip of the tongue, alright? Get in the car. I'll take you to the hospital for a check-up. "    


Liang Xin snorted coldly," Hmph, do I need you to send me? It's not like I don't know how to go myself!"    


"Actually, I don't want to send you either. Do you think I'm willing to embarrass myself? I'm just worried that when you cross the intersection, you'll get hit by a car and have your arms and legs broken. Your parents will definitely come and fight me to the death." Chu Yang knocked on the car door. "Then if I promise to go to your house the day after tomorrow, will you still let me send you to the hospital? Sigh, why am I starting to learn to care about women again? She really has the potential to be a slut! "    


"Tch! Do I care? But you can consider it. " Liang Xin coughed and corrected Chu Yang," Chu Yang, you have to understand one thing. "    


"What kind of nonsense is that?"    


"You!" Liang Xin stared at him and then let out a breath. Her face showed her magnanimity as if she did not want to lower herself to the level of a person like you. "Care for kind-hearted girls is a good virtue of our Huaxia tradition. A real man does not pretend to be cool in front of all women. Instead, he needs to learn to care about which kind of girl. Do you understand? "    


"You're still a girl... Cough cough, count me in." Chu Yang felt that what this girl said made some sense, so after mocking her a bit, He yawned and said, "Alright, Chief Liang, I beg you to let me go to your house, okay?"    


"You really want to go to my house?"    


"Believe in Brother Yang and gain eternal life!"    


"Bullsh * t Brother Yang, you are a few years younger than me."    


"How do you know I am younger than you?" Chu Li's eyes were wandering between Liang Xin's chest and abdomen, his face carrying a dirty and ambiguous expression.    


"I've been paying attention to you since a long time ago. Of course, I have to investigate your background. Hey, hey, don't use this kind of seductive look to attract a good woman to look at me. I don't have any good feelings towards you... but you have to go to my house the day after tomorrow, that's what you said. " As soon as she finished speaking, Liang Xin impatiently went to the front of the car and opened the door. "Go to the front passenger seat. I'll drive. Hehe, this kind of good car is a pleasure to drive once. "    


"Tsk, look at your little bit of prospects. What kind of good car is this? When I get rich in the future, I'll buy a yacht and put it in Southshore. I'll take you for a ride in the sea. " As Chu Li spoke nonsense, he reluctantly stepped aside to take the driver's seat.    


After getting started, Liang Xin asked, "Now you can at least tell me what happened in City Bureau last night, right?"    


"Women are just curious. Can curiosity be eaten as food?" Chu Yang shook his head. He could not wait for Liang Xin to ask, so he started to tell her the story of last night.    


At the Eastern Pharmaceutical Factory not far from the north bank of Little Qinghe in Ji Nan.    


This pharmaceutical factory did not take up too much space. From the moment it was put into production, it had been very effective. If it were not for the fact that the chairman of the pharmaceutical factory, Miss Zhou Shuhan, suddenly became mentally ill and needed money urgently, the two pharmaceutical equipment imported from R Country would not have been lying in the warehouse. The employees would not be standing at the door of the workshop with nothing to do today.    


Looking at the luxury cars that drove into the factory area one after another, Sister Wang, who had been the workshop director since the establishment of the factory, She sighed softly. " Sigh, if it wasn't for Director Zhou suddenly getting sick... Director Zhou (Zhou Heping) was anxious to wait for the money to be used. How could he be willing to auction off such a good factory? I hope the new boss can be as good to the employees as them."    


" Sister Wang, "a country girl called Xiaocui, who was standing beside Sister Wang, looked around at her colleagues who were enjoying luxury cars. She went to Sister Wang's side and whispered, "I heard Wen Wen and a few others say in private that in the past, when Director Zhou was still in Cloud Water Group, He had a very powerful boyfriend. But later on, it seemed that something happened to her boyfriend, and he didn't come home for more than a year. That was why Director Zhou changed his mind. When her boyfriend came back to the country, he would take revenge on her. Not only did he make Secretary Faan lose her official position, but he also sent people to secretly rape Director Zhou. That's why he made her... "    


"Little Cui!" Sister Wang looked around and shouted in a low voice, "Don't ever say such things to others. If someone hears it, it won't do you any good!"    


"Sister Wang, everyone says so." Little Cui didn't care about Sister Wang's worries. However, she knew that Sister Wang's words were good for her, so she changed the topic and pointed at a car that drove in from the Bureau Chief's door. She said in a surprised manner, "Ah, Sister Wang, what car is that? It looks very high-class. Do you know it? "    


Before Sister Wang could reply, a young man in front of Xiaocui turned around and said with envy, "I know what kind of car this is!"    


"What is this? Mercedes-Benz or Bmw?"    


"Where is it? This car is much more valuable than the Mercedes-Benz Bmw we've seen before. This is a Rolls-Royce! " The young man looked at the Rolls-Royce parked in the corner of the parking lot in the factory area. There were stars in his eyes. "I've seen it on the Internet. If you want to buy a Rolls-Royce Phantom like this, That's six or seven million."    


"Ah? It can't be. Just one car costs that much?" Little Cui looked at the Rolls-Royce in a daze and muttered, "I really don't know how it feels to sit inside."    




... "A car worth more than 7 million yuan, that's all it takes to sit in it. Look at how happy your two grandsons are."    


Chu Yang did not have the slightest bit of scruples about being in Hua Mannyu's luxury car. He even took out a cigarette and lit it. He looked up at Sunn Bin, who was driving, and Lee Jincai, who was sitting in the front passenger seat, and said, "When the auction starts, the two of you will do as I say. Hey, hey, Lee Jincai, can you learn from Sunn Bin? Don't always look like you're surrounded by lice and can't sit still. "    


Sunn Bin looked at Lee Jincai with a sense of superiority in his eyes. (Chu Yang asked Lee Jincai to learn from him, so he felt that it was quite normal for Lee Jincai to learn from him.) He smiled silently and scolded in his heart, You country bumpkin!    


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