My Fiance Ran Away

C699 Arrogant Arrogant!

C699 Arrogant Arrogant!

When the governor's cell phone rang, he walked out of the bathroom in a bathrobe.    


Looking at the clock on the wall, Madam Wan helped him pick up the phone by the pillow and handed it over. "It's so late, who's calling you?"    


"It might be Old Fang, right? He said he's going to the Southern Mountain Range to relax this weekend." Wan Shiming took the phone. When he saw that there was no signature on the phone display, he was immediately stunned. Then, he quickly answered the call.    


He bowed and said very politely, "Hehe, Hello, Elder Xie... Uh, so it's Yaotong. Hehe, why did you suddenly think of calling Uncle Wan... What? Yaotong, can you say it again? Oh, oh, I got it. I'll do it right away! Help me say good night to Elder Xie. Okay, okay, goodbye! "    


Madam Wan saw her usually calm and composed husband actually raise his hand to wipe his sweat after receiving the call. She could not help but ask, somewhat puzzled, "Elder Wan, this call isn't from Elder Fang? What, did something urgent happen? "    


"Sigh, it's more than an emergency. There was a huge leak this time!" Wan Shiming gave a bitter smile to his wife who never asked about politics. Then, he took his phone and opened the bedroom door to the balcony.    


Madam Wan, who was confused, looked at the balcony worriedly. She faintly heard her husband, who never got angry, shouting something in a low voice towards his phone.    


Wang Yi had lived for so long, and no one had ever dared to call himself a symbol of power.    


In his opinion, there were usually two kinds of people who dared to speak so arrogantly in front of him, the director of City Bureau.    


The first type was those who were mentally deranged.    


The other type was those who relied on their deep background, but didn't know the immensity of heaven and earth, and dared to speak so arrogantly.    


But this Chu Yang in front of him, judging from his performance here, he shouldn't be a lunatic.    


Could it be that he was really a young master from a big family? But if he was from the Crown Prince Party, how could he possibly open a club in Ji Nan? Moreover, he was extremely cooperative when the police took action against the club?    


After Chu Yang said that he was the symbol of power, Wang Yi did not reveal a contemptuous smile like Zhang Xin did. Instead, he stared at him very seriously and tried to recall who this guy was. Chu Yang, Chu Yang, with the surname Chu... Ah, could it be that he, he was Jing Hua Chu...    


As soon as Wang Yi thought of this, the phone on his body vibrated and interrupted his thoughts.    


Following the vibration of the phone, the bad feeling in Wang Yi's heart reached its peak.    


He did not dare to think about anything else. He quickly took out his phone and looked at the caller ID. He did not care about the presence of outsiders and picked up the phone. "Hello, Director Wan. I am Wang Yi."    


On the other side, Wan Shiming, who had changed his previous' kind 'image, roared in a low voice without caring about his image. "I know you are called Wang Yi! Wang Yi, let me ask you, what did you do tonight?!"    


What did you do tonight? Department Head Wan asked me what I did tonight?    


After hearing the department head's exasperated voice, Wang Yi was momentarily at a loss. After being stunned for a moment, he said stutteringly, "Department Head Wan, our City Bureau has taken a swift and decisive action against the Double Happiness Leisure Clubhouse in the city center tonight. We have successfully captured a large number of drug addicts and Yin sellers..."    


"A swift and decisive action? Hehe, "Department Head Wan was angered by Wang Yi's words and laughed instead." Which unit did your City Bureau take action against? This is the essence of your actions. I don't want to talk about this with you. I just want to ask you. Why did the City Bureau handcuff the third young master of the Chu family and take him away? "    


"What?! Chu, the third young master of the Chu family?" After hearing Wan Shiming's words, cold sweat broke out on Wang Yi's forehead.    


"Ai, Wang Yi, oh Wang Yi, I also don't know what you are doing this time. You actually provoked someone you shouldn't have. How did you become the chief? You have made such a big mistake in just a few days after coming to Ji Nan." Upon hearing Wang Yi's voice, Wan Shiming concluded that Bureau Chief Wang had no idea who Third Prince Chu was. Thus, he slowed down his tone and said, "Do you know? After you took him away, the people of Chu family of Jinghua and Hua family would know. And they even called Old Master Xie, asking him to change the director."    


Wang Yi was dumbfounded.    


Although Wang Yi usually had the demeanor of a leader in front of ordinary people and his subordinates, it also made the wife of someone who was said to be a flower in Jinan fall in love with him. However, he had always been a person who knew his own limitations. He clearly knew that no matter how chaotic Wang Yi's life was, it was far from being able to make those political families in Beijing 'worry' for him. But now, he had greeted Old Master Xie in advance.    


And most importantly, Wang Yi could tell from Wan Shiming's words that Xie family did not have any instructions. It should be because he was disappointed in him.    


Wasn't it just a closed club? How did things turn out like this?    


Wang Yi held the phone in a daze. After a long time, he said in a hoarse voice, "Director, Director Wan, what do you think I should do?"    


"What should I do? Hehe, you poked a leak yourself, but you asked me what to do. I think you're not qualified to be the director. Sigh, to be honest, besides apologizing to the Chu family's third young master, I don't know what to do either. As for your position as director... I don't have the qualifications to discuss with these higher-ups. Sigh, Wang Yi, you better take care of yourself. " Wan Shiming let out a long sigh again and then took off the phone.    


The busy beeping sound was clearly heard from the phone, but Wang Yi still maintained the posture of answering the phone. He only turned his head and stared blankly at Chu Yang.    


He never would have thought that this guy who claimed to be the symbol of 'power' was actually a great god!    


The Third Young Master of Chu family.    


Hehe, why would I delude myself to touch the property of the third young master of the Chu Family? Isn't this the same as an old man seeking death by eating arsenic?    


Slowly putting down the phone, Wang Yi's eyes moved slightly. If I don't take action against the Twin Joy Clubhouse tonight, and don't let this third young master hear those 'entrusted' conversations, I, Wang Yi, won't face the consequences of being swept away. But why would I agree to Lian Yuncheng's suggestion and use such despicable means to kill the Twin Joy Clubhouse? Oh, it's because the child's aunt, an innocent citizen, had her foot stepped on...    


While Wang Yi stared at Chu Yang in a daze, Zhang Xin, who had already understood what was going on, slowly extended his left hand to his waist.    


There was a Type 77 police pistol on Zhang Xin's waist. Chief Wang is finished this time, what about me? What about me, the leader of the Criminal Police Team, who brought people to the club and handcuffed him? Isn't he finished too?    


After figuring out whether he should let Chu Yang go or not, and let his bright future come to an end, Zhang Xin actually wanted to kill him. So what if you are the Crown Prince Party? If you dare to cut off my official path, I will take your life!    


In this world, most people were normal.    


If these people were to face tonight's predicament, they would be forced to face Third Prince's monstrous background. Even if they did not kneel on the ground and cry in repentance, begging him to be magnanimous, they would still have to quickly unlock his handcuffs with an apologetic expression. They respectfully sent him away. Although this still couldn't avoid the consequences of being taken off his black veil hat, the mistakes that he made tonight weren't unforgivable. He could totally find another chance to make a comeback.    


These were just the thoughts of normal people.    


However, Zhang Xin, the leader of the Criminal Police Team who should have outstanding psychological qualities in all aspects, was obsessed with killing when his black veil hat was about to be taken off. For example, when he sent this kid away, he encountered a car accident on the way.    


The reason why he pulled out his gun was not so stupid as to kill someone in the City Bureau. It was just a subconscious action after he had the intention to kill.    


However, Zhang Xin was afraid that he would never have thought that when he had the intention to kill, his body would emit killing intent. In the past... In the past, he had relied solely on killing people to support his family, but now, he could immediately sense this familiar aura. Suddenly, he sneered in his heart. The quality of the police was too low now. They wanted to kill someone for such a small matter. Fine, as long as you dare to make a move on me, I don't mind letting you be the vanguard in the underworld!    




Just as Chu Yang was laughing coldly in his heart, Wang Yi was in a daze, and Zhang Xin was making a move, the office door was pushed open from outside with a loud bang. Xiao Han, who looked panicked, appeared at the door and said, "Chief Wang, there are suddenly many soldiers from the army outside. They aimed their guns at us the moment they appeared!"    


"What? Xiao Han, what did you say?" Xiao Han's words shocked Wang Yi, who was in a daze. He did not have time to listen to Xiao Han's explanation. He stood up from his chair and quickly walked to the window. He opened the window and looked downstairs.    


Wang Yi saw that in the courtyard of City Bureau, there were at least dozens of Liberation Army soldiers wearing combat equipment. They were all holding miniature submachine guns and were jumping down from a few military transport vehicles and warrior vehicles with killing intent.    


After these people got out of the car, a person who looked like a chief also got out of the warrior vehicle.    


The man waved his right hand and the soldiers immediately knelt on one knee in a standard close-range shooting position. They aimed their guns at the surrounding police officers who were at a loss.    


After that person who looked like a chief spoke to the soldiers, he walked straight to the building under the escort of a few soldiers.    


What was going on? Why did these soldiers suddenly break into the City Bureau?    


Wang Yi looked out the window for a moment and suddenly realized something. They were here for Chu Yang. Arrogant and arrogant. They actually used the army for such a small matter. Was there any justice in this world?    


Strictly speaking, the army and the local government were two completely different things. There were always cases where the officials did not care about the army and the army did not involve themselves in politics.    


Unless there was a situation where the local government could not control it or a major emergency, the army could not enter the city in an organized way.    


Just like the 'car crash' in Jiannan, the local government's head first negotiated with the military's leader and reported to the higher ups before letting the army drive into the city.    


If there were no major accidents, the army would not have charged into the City Bureau and threatened the police. It was the same as the local government officials not being able to order the army.    


But now, there was an army that was strengthened, but broke into the City Bureau unlawfully.    


Even the young men from the Criminal Police Team of the City Bureau were fierce, but under the muzzle of the gun, They did not dare to make any excessive movements. They just stood there stupidly. They watched helplessly as a group of soldiers surrounded a beautiful senior colonel and rushed into the building of the City Bureau.    


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