My Fiance Ran Away

C672 Someone Came at Night!

C672 Someone Came at Night!

The story Ruan Lingji wanted to know was nothing more than the story of how Chu Yang became one of those Mayan Guardian God.    


"Actually, I don't know what happened either. I became their Guardian God just like that."    


Just as Ruan Lingji had said, Chu Yang had slept for an entire day during the day. He was not sleepy at all.    


Besides, he was in a good mood at the moment. He looked at the night sky, picked up the things that he could tell, and told them as if he was telling a story.    


What Chu Li said was definitely a legend to Ruan Lingji, a young lady from a big family in V Country.    


If it was not for the fact that she was tired from her first period of life experience, Ruan Lingji would not have fallen asleep again with her eyes closed in the middle of someone Chu's magnetic male voice.    


Sigh, what a sin. What should I do to her in the future? Hopefully, she can be more open-minded, or it really is as she said. She did this only to repay the kindness of saving my life.    


Looking at the slumbering little Yue girl, Chu Li once again began to consider what he should do to shirk the responsibility.    


Men, just like that, before undressing their pants, they vowed that they would find a reason to shirk the responsibility once they put on their pants.    


Rustle, rustle, rustle...    


Just as Chu Yang was looking at Ruan Lingji's random thoughts, his ears, which were sharper than Night Owlet's, suddenly heard the sound of someone touching the shrubbery dozens of meters to his left. He was even more careful, but the sound of someone touching the shrubbery could be heard.    


Someone was coming!    


Although he did not know who the person was, he could feel the danger just by looking at this person's careful movements.    


He quickly looked to the left and Chu Yang put his mouth next to Ruan Lingji's ear. His left hand, which was holding her small hand, slightly exerted force. After her eyelashes blinked, he whispered, "Don't make a sound. Someone is coming. It is very likely that they are coming towards us."    


Ruan Lingji opened her eyes and nodded at Chu Yang.    


"I will hide you in the grass. No matter what happens, don't come out. Remember?"    


Ruan Lingji nodded again and said in a low voice, "Can't we all hide? In this kind of environment, we will not be discovered."    


To the side. Chu Yang shook his head. "No, I have to go and take a look. Even if the person who came is not for us, you need to wear decent clothes. Don't be afraid, I will be fine. Come, I'll give you this. If there's any danger... Just stab him with this. Don't worry about me, I'll be fine. Oh, and don't run away. You have to wait for me here. Because I'm afraid you'll lose your way in the forest after leaving this patch of grass."    


Chu Yang stuffed the Army Thorn into Ruan Lingji's hands and gently surrounded her with the surrounding grass. He raised his head and looked at his surroundings carefully again, then put his left index finger on his lips. He made a shushing gesture and slowly retreated to the side of the grass with his waist bent.    


If one wanted to spend the night in the tropical rainforest, they needed to find a place that could make all kinds of poisonous mosquitoes worry about setting up camp. This was common knowledge that people who had undergone outdoor training knew.    


Grass Ai was the only place in the rainforest that could provide this kind of safety.    


Similarly, Chu Yang used this logic to determine the purpose of this person's visit. The locals would not appear in the forest at this time of the day, nor would they be so careful when walking. They would also not walk towards Ai Hui Grass, who was suitable for sleeping at night.    


Chu Yang quietly squatted beside Grass Ai and did not move. He was like a leopard hiding in the dark, waiting for the opportunity to catch its prey.    


When he and Ruan Lingji parted twice just now, not only did it not make him dispirited, but it also made him more energetic because of the 'stock' being cleared.    


The rustling sound got closer and closer, and stopped when it reached the other side of Ai Hui's grass.    


Chu Yang looked over through the gaps in the grass and saw a black shadow stuck close to a tree. If he had not caught the rustling sound earlier, he would not have noticed that there was a person standing under the tree.    


The black shadow stood close to the tree for a moment. Maybe it did not notice anything unusual, so it left the tree and walked towards Chu Yang.    


Although there were many trees in the rainforest, and Chu Yang could not see the person's face clearly at night, Chu Yang could tell that the person was a woman from the way he walked when he lifted his foot and lightly landed on the ground.    


Moreover, it was a woman with a well-maintained figure. Otherwise, her waist wouldn't be so slender, and her butt wouldn't be swaying left and right when she walked.    


Especially since the night wind was blowing from behind her, Chu Yang could also smell the scent of perfume in the wind.    


Although the perfume smell was very light, Chu Yang did smell it.    


Interesting. A woman came here in the middle of the night to pick a fight. She was not here to find trouble. She deliberately came to give Ruan Lingji clothes. Chu Yang smiled disdainfully. He held his breath and stared at the woman's every move.    


The woman in black did not know that she had fallen into danger. It was just a sixth instinct that made her feel the danger when she came to Ai Cao's side.    


This woman's reaction was really fast. When she sensed the danger, she immediately moved back, but at this time, Chu Yang jumped out of the grass!    


"Ah!" The woman who suddenly encountered danger cried out in a low voice and took two steps back. Before she could steady her feet, she twisted her waist and her right foot, which was wearing black traveling shoes, fell off the ground. It was a clean sideways kick towards Chu Yang's face!    


"His reaction speed is really fast!" Chu Yang tilted his head slightly as he praised from the bottom of his heart. He did not slow down at all. He only raised his left hand and pushed her right foot away with his elbow. He did not wait for her to make another attack. His right hand had already grabbed her right shoulder. At the same time, he fiercely pulled to the side. His right foot had already reached out.    


After being pulled by Chu Yang, the woman's body naturally 'swung' to the side. However, her legs, which could not stand steadily, were tripped by his right leg, causing her to stagger. Chu Li had already bent his right elbow from behind and smashed her back with a bang. He directly hit her to the ground.    


"Hmph!" With a grunt from the woman, Chu Yang bent down and reached out his left hand to pick her hair. He pulled her up from the ground and faced her face to face. He locked her throat with his right hand and shouted in a low voice, "Don't move! If you move, I will break your neck!"    


From the moment the woman appeared to the time when Chu Yang launched a sneak attack and subdued her, It couldn't be described as an 'eagle catching a chicken' at all. If he wanted to kill this woman directly... There was no need for him to do these unnecessary actions. He had already pounced on her just now. Kill her.    


This woman seemed to be very smart. After her vitals had been grasped, she obediently raised her hands. In her right hand, there was still a short knife that she had not used in time.    


She let go of her hair, took the short knife, and threw it into the grass beside her. Before Chu Yang could say anything, he heard the woman who looked up because of her neck being pinched ask in a low voice, "Chu Yang, is that you?"    


"You are... Xie Yaotong?" Although it was dark in the forest, he could not see the woman's appearance clearly. Chu Yang could hear her voice and immediately recognized that she was Xie Yaotong, who had been missing for a long time. He quickly let go of her hand and looked at the woman's face with the help of the weak starlight. It was indeed the familiar seductive face.    


The woman raised her face and muttered with heartfelt joy, "It's me, I finally saw you."    


"Xie Yaotong, why are you here?" Chu Yang saw Xie Yaotong who had been worried for a long time. It was as if he was afraid that once he let go, she would run away. He grabbed her shoulders and shook her a few times. He asked urgently, "Tell me, where have you been all this time? Do you know how worried I am about you? "    


"Cough, cough. Silly, you pinched me so hard that it hurt." Xie Yaotong rubbed her neck with her left hand. She coughed a few times in a low voice. Then she looked up and smiled gently. "Which question do you want me to answer first?"    


"Hehe, let me think about which question is the most important." Chu Yang took a deep breath and his right hand slid down Xie Yaotong's shoulder. After grabbing her left wrist, he leaned his head forward and looked into her eyes. His face was full of mockery, and his tone changed. "Let's not talk about other things first. Just tell me how many people you brought this time to find me."    


Xie Yaotong was stunned. "How many people did you bring to find you? Chu Yang, what do you mean by that?"    


"Nothing. I just want to know where the real Xie Yaotong is!"    


As he spoke, Chu Yang grabbed Xie Yaotong's right hand and exerted force. She immediately cried out in pain and said in a trembling voice, "Chu Yang, I... I don't understand what you are saying! I am Xie Yaotong, how can you treat me like this! "    


"Really? Even though your appearance, body shape, voice, and even the way you walk are very similar to her, If she hadn't told me a little secret about her, I wouldn't have been able to tell that you were a fake in such a dark night. Then you can just pretend to be her and scheme against me. "    


Chu Yang sneered silently, his whole body emitting a frightening killing intent. "You'd better not act rashly. Don't use your own skills. If you want to resist, your ability is not worth mentioning in my eyes. I have full confidence that I can kill you in an instant! "    


"I, I did not resist." The woman who had her right arm grabbed seemed to know how powerful Chu Yang was. Even though she was in so much pain that she gritted her teeth, she didn't resist. She just asked unwillingly, "But I do not understand what little secret you are talking about."    


"You will understand soon." Chu Yang exerted more strength in his right hand. He did not care that the woman was in pain, and her body began to tremble. Like a hound, he sniffed her chest a few times. "If I did not smell wrong, the perfume you are wearing should be Chanel No. 5. Yes, it does smell very good, but the real Xie Yaotong has never sprayed perfume. She did this because she was afraid that you women would not be able to pass. Hehe, you definitely do not know this, right? "    


" Oh, if you didn't say it today, I really wouldn't know. "    


After the identity of the woman who pretended to be Xie Yaotong was exposed, she didn't panic anymore. She didn't even have the intention to struggle. She just slightly twisted her waist. She endured the pain and laughed. "You are indeed worthy of being the real Assassin King Ghost Chariot. You are the man she would rather be executed than betray. You are still able to maintain such care in such a situation. Amazing... Aiyo! "    


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