My Fiance Ran Away

C659 He Had to Take Care of Everything!

C659 He Had to Take Care of Everything!

"Something bad is going to happen to me. Can't you explain this to the Chai family?"    


Chai Murong sneered, "Hey, what are you doing to me? When Hua Mannyu deliberately arranged for me to be the security guard here, she wanted to mess with me. She wanted to use the people around me to increase the strength of the security guards. But she never would have thought that I wouldn't let those people by my side accompany me to work. Hehe, this way, it will be tiring for the few of you. I can apologize to you guys here. But I won't accept your kindness, because you are doing this for Chu Yang. Not because you are truly worried about my safety."    


"Hey, Sister-in-law Murong, you are wrong to say this!"    


After hearing what Chai Murong said, Koo Mingchuang felt a headache and anger. Just as he wanted to defend himself, he saw Chai Murong wave her hand. He walked back to the chair and sat down. He lit another cigarette. She then said lightly, "Forget it, Koo Mingchuang. There are some things that everyone knows. It's better not to say anymore. But to be honest, I still have a good impression of you. I don't want you to make things difficult for me."    


"Mm, mm!" Koo Mingchuang saw Chai Murong change her tone and immediately nodded his head.    


Chai Murong held the long cigarette with two fingers and asked, "When Chu Yang asked me to be the vice president of the company, he also invited other people, right? If I'm not wrong, that person should be his old lover's daughter, Nanzhao Xixue."    


Chai Murong was indeed Chai Murong. Her brain worked really fast!    


Seeing that Chai Murong guessed correctly, Koo Mingchuang did not deny it and nodded." Yes, and her. Because Nanzhao Xixue could not return to R Country for the time being, she was bored in the clubhouse every day and felt itchy all over her body..."    


Chai Murong waved her hand and interrupted Koo Mingchuang's words, "I don't want to hear about other people's matters. Koo Mingchuang, just tell Chu Yang that I can temporarily be the company's deputy general manager, but he has to personally invite me."    


Koo Mingchuang was stunned. "What? Ask him to invite you personally?"    


"Yes, just like how Liu Bei invited Zhuge Liang."    


Chai Murong yawned lazily, "I want him to solemnly send me in front of Hua Mannyu and let everyone know that I, the vice president, was invited by him."    


Koo Mingchuang, "Uh, Sangugu..."    


After Official Chai used the excuse of It's very dark, I need to rest. He was invited out of the office of the security director. Koo Mingchuang walked very far before looking up at the night sky and letting out a long sigh. "Sigh, what a monster, who would dare to provoke such a smart and beautiful person? A perverted monster, I can forget about living in peace for the rest of my life."    


One. After expressing his emotions towards the bright starry sky, Koo Mingchuang dialed Chu Yang's number. He briefly recounted what Chai Murong had said to him that night. At the end, he said, "Brother, I can see that she doesn't want to let you go at all. You should come back from M Country as soon as possible... What? You've already gone to M Country? Oh, then don't forget to come back early. Ms Jiuer and I were almost convinced by Chai Murong's torture. I am really puzzled. Why are you dawdling outside? Do you think you can endure her just by hiding outside? "    


Listening to Chu Yang talk about the reason why he went to M Country, Koo Mingchuang suddenly remembered what Chai Murong had said. He immediately interrupted him and said, "Oh, right. Chai Murong said something very strange just now."    


Chu Yang, who was driving to M Country, heard what Koo Mingchuang said and asked casually, "She often says silly things. What's so strange about it?"    


"Really, I felt it was very strange. And when she said that sentence, her expression was also very... How should I say it?" Koo Mingchuang frowned and thought for a moment before saying, "Strange, right, strange! When she said that, I did indeed feel that way."    


"Bullshit. At most, she would be a woman who likes to play tricks. What's so strange about that? Alright, alright. I know you have a sharp eye. You can see things that others can't. Hehe. " Chu Yang chuckled and ignored Koo Mingchuang's curses. He asked, "What did she say that made you feel strange?"    


"She said that if she can't be your wife, you can forget about being someone else's husband for the rest of your life."    


Koo Mingchuang said, "I can feel the aura of conspiracy from her words. Really, that feeling is very strong, as if she is facing a beautiful snake."    


"What? What do you mean I don't want to marry her? I can't be her for the rest of my life..." Chu Yang pursed his lips and suddenly slammed on the brakes. The Land Rover that he borrowed from Andrea stopped by the side of the road with a squeak.    


After hearing the sound of an emergency braking on the phone, Koo Mingchuang thought that Chu Yang was absent-minded because of the phone call. So he mocked him, "Hey, I know the foreign girl's wife is big enough to attract people. But you also have to be careful, right?"    


If I don't marry her as my wife, then I can't be someone else's husband for the rest of my life!? What does she mean by that? Chu Yang's brain was working rapidly. His left hand subconsciously touched his crotch. Suddenly, he had a thought. It was like lightning tearing through layers of dark clouds. In an instant, it lit up the ground. I suddenly can't take it anymore. Is she the one playing tricks?! "Hello? Chu Yang, are you alright?" Just as Chu Yang was gritting his teeth, Koo Mingchuang's worried voice came from the phone.    


After taking a deep breath, Chu Yang suppressed the excitement in his heart. He said lightly, "What can happen to me? Just now, a cow was crossing the road. Oh, right, Koo Mingchuang, tell Chai Murong. I will be back soon. I will personally invite her to be the vice president!"    


Koo Mingchuang nodded." En, whether or not you invite her to be the vice president is your business. You better come back quickly. Fox Shaang Jiuer and I have been f * cking exhausted these few days. Alright, that's it. I'm hanging up. "    


"Bye bye."    


After deducting Koo Mingchuang's phone number, Chu Yang looked at the road in front of him. With a sinister smile on his face, he said to himself, "Chai Murong, if you are the one who is causing trouble for me when I cannot get up, Then don't blame me for being impolite!"    


One! A person's endurance was limited. Chu Yang could allow Chai Murong to mess around with some harmless things, but he would never allow her to play this kind of 'no family plan'!    


If this matter that he could not force was really caused by Chai Murong, Chu Yang would not mind using the cruelest interrogation method in the world to torture her.    


According to the discussion with Hua Mannyu, Chu Yang should have stayed in M Country for about a week and should have returned.    


However, because Xie Yaotong had lost the news for no reason, and he was not willing to drag his' no 'body to see those women. So he found himself a reason to follow Andrea and Sam every day. In order to explore the M Country's liver cancer market and wander around, he hoped to meet Xie Yaotong by chance. Or perhaps... He hoped to find a way to treat Xie Yaotong.    


Kreston's family also hoped that he could stay in M Country for a few more days. It would be best if he waited until the governor's liver cancer completely healed before leaving.    


Just like that, Chu Yang stayed in New York for nearly a month and a half.    


During this time, he never gave up looking for Xie Yaotong, just like Andrea did not give up on treating his incompetence.    


However, no matter if it was Chu Yang or Andrea, after Kreston's illness showed signs of recovering, they did not see the result they wanted.    


In this one month or so, when Chu Yang heard Koo Mingchuang say that Chai Murong actually went to the new medicine factory to work, he vaguely guessed that this girl and Han Faang's engagement was very likely to be a show. They did not plan to let him go at all!    


To be honest, to have a girl like Official Chai pestering her behind, a man was very proud in his heart. He would definitely think that he had too much charisma. Chu Yang was naturally such a man.    


However, he did not say much at that time. He felt that Chai Murong used her body as a precious daughter to be a security guard just to relieve her boredom.    


However, he did not expect that Chai Murong would actually be a security guard who worked tirelessly. Koo Mingchuang also kept calling him to complain about him and Shaang Jiuer and Fox. It had been almost a month and he still did not have a good sleep. This made Chu Yang have a new idea. He also specially called Yeh Cuicann's mother and daughter to ask for Nanzhao Xixue's opinion.    


Yeh Cuicann and her daughter, who were assassinated by R Country's' crisis' last time, had been staying in the club these few days and did not have a man to accompany them. It was not worth mentioning how depressed they were.    


Hence, when Chu Yang called to ask if Nanzhao Xixue could temporarily go to the new medicine factory to be a deputy director and help Hua Mannyu deal with things, Nanzhao Xixue agreed immediately.    


Therefore, Chu Yang called Koo Mingchuang and asked him to persuade the big officials.    


As for whether Chai Murong was willing to be the vice president, Chu Yang did not care. What he cared about was Xie Yaotong's absence of news and his own condition.    


However, waiting in M Country was not a solution. 2012's group of grandsons seemed to have disappeared. There was no trace of them at all.    


Therefore, Chu Yang could not wait any longer. Only then did he tell Kreston that he wanted to travel to M Country to relieve his boredom.    


Because she could not cure Chu Yang's incompetence, Andrea felt very guilty. After repeatedly trying to persuade him to stay, she could only 'lend' the Land Rover to him and help him get a special pass to the border of the United States and Mo.    


When Koo Mingchuang called Chu Yang, he had already set out for Yucatan Province, where the Mayan people lived in M Country.    


Before Chu Yang came to M Country, he had already called Sophie.    


If Sakku did not die, he would come with Sophie.    


But that old man who could predict others but could not figure out when his life and death would come. Since he had already sacrificed himself, there was no need to trouble Sophie who was in England.    


Chu Yang only asked her for the address of Sakku when he was alive and prepared to go there to try his luck. He hoped to find traces of 2012 there and see if this' Feathered God 'could become an immortal there.    


Under such circumstances, Official Chai's accidental slip of the tongue allowed Chu Yang to capture a trace of the reason why his brother couldn't get up.    


Although it couldn't be determined that she was the culprit just because of one sentence, it allowed Chu Yang to see the light of recovery.    


If it were not for the fact that he was not too far away from the ruins of the Mayan people, he would definitely have rushed back to Huaxia. He would bring the reckless Chai Murong to a place with no one around and torture her ten times in the Qing Dynasty. He would let her know that there were some things that she couldn't do as she pleased!    


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