My Fiance Ran Away

C647 The Girl Named Chu Yang!

C647 The Girl Named Chu Yang!

Before Hua Mannyu came to Jinan, she had already formed a small team of her own. They were all elite soldiers and generals that she had chosen in Beijing.    


However, these few people were also extremely tired in front of the Human Resources Department, Finance Department, General Administration Department, Material Department, Productions Department, Equipment Department, Quality Inspection Department, Quality Securities Department, and many other departments that were about to be formed.    


If it was just the company's matters, it would not have made Hua Mannyu feel so powerless.    


There were two problems that were like two huge stones pressing down on her heart.    


There was no need to ask the first question. It must be because she was worried about Chu Yang's condition.    


During the days when Chu Yang went to M Country, even if Hua Mannyu was so busy that her feet did not touch the ground, she still had to at least send a text message or make a phone call to ask.    


Although Chu Yang always replied that he was getting better, she knew that guy was only comforting her and did not want her to worry.    


The second big rock that was pressing on Hua Mannyu's heart was Chai Murong's sudden resignation.    


According to Chai Murong's understanding of Chai Murong, Hua Mannyu would not think like Chu Yang that the reason why the big official resigned was to marry Han Faang, and it would not be because she suffered a small setback in Cloud Water Group.    


If Chai Murong's resignation was really to marry Han Faang, Hua Mannyu dared to swear to the heavens that at that time, she would definitely give her most sincere blessing and wish that she and Han Faang would live together forever and have a full family of children and grandchildren!    


But it was precisely because Hua Mannyu understood Chai Murong that she knew that she did not resign for Han Faang.    


Since it was not for Han Faang, not because she encountered setbacks in her career, Then why did Chai Murong resign?    


This question had always been pressing on Hua Mannyu and even surpassed Chu Yang's illness. If Chai Murong was still the chairman of Cloud Water Group, this heavy burden would be pressing on her shoulders. It was destined that she did not have the energy to destroy other people's families. But now that she resigned, she could have enough energy to scheme.    


Every time Hua Mannyu thought of these two things, especially Chai Murong's resignation, her head would hurt and she had to take care of this mess first.    


Zhang Hongyuan had just resigned from F Country's SanNuo Company last year and was considered to have returned from overseas.    


Zhang Hongyuan returning to the country was definitely not because he could not continue living in F Country.    


On the contrary, when he resigned, the company's boss tried to persuade him to stay. He gave a raise and hinted to a beautiful girl in F Country to stay, but it did not stop him from returning to the country to develop.    


His return to his country was just like those politicians who had a very sensitive sense of smell. He saw that China would become the economic center of the entire world in the next ten years, so he resolutely returned to his country to develop. Half a year after returning to the country, they had achieved quite a lot in Mantian Industry.    


However, just as Zhang Hongyuan rolled up his sleeves and prepared to go all out, to accumulate more experience and connections for his own company in the future, Hua Mannyu suddenly resigned.    


Hua Mannyu's sudden resignation made Zhang Hongyuan, who was highly regarded by her, very naturally be ostracized in the company, and then be marginalized.    


Being marginalized by words did not feel good.    


Just as Zhang Hongyuan was considering whether he should use this opportunity to start his business ahead of time, Hua Mannyu extended an olive branch to him at the right time.    


In Zhang Hongyuan's eyes, Hua Mannyu not only had the charisma that made him only dare to look up to her, but also not dare to profane her. It made him firmly believe that if he followed Director Hua, his future would definitely be limitless and there would be great benefits. Even if he was the temporary head of the Human Resources Department after coming to Ji Nan.    


Just like Hua Mannyu. Zhang Hongyuan had been so busy these past few days that his tongue was dripping with sweat, but he felt tired and happy.    


Watching the results slowly appear in his hands, that sense of accomplishment was definitely something that those sisters who only knew how to read novels and play with men every day could understand.    


Originally, it was like from thousands of brothers and sisters... With Zhang Hongyuan's ability, he could totally handle the small matter of carefully selecting a dozen or so lower management levels. Moreover, he didn't even need to show his face in the beginning. He only needed to wait for the final ten or so candidates. He would personally hold the line and ask a few people, such as, Do you like chickens or ducks? The retarded question. Then, according to the performance of the target, It's fine as long as their position is decided.    


After three days of intense selection, fourteen people passed through the five trials and six generals and passed through layers of tests.    


As long as these fourteen lucky people were recognized by Zhang Hongyuan, they would become the lowest management members of the Chuyang Pharmaceutical Group.    


Just from the information, Zhang Hongyuan was very satisfied with these fourteen people. He felt that as long as he trained with him for a while, he would be able to work well in the company for a year and a half. Gao Sheng's salary increase was just around the corner, so he happily sat behind the table. Together with another colleague named Gao Cui, they began to interview these lucky people.    


Zhang Hongyuan was very satisfied with the performance of the first four applicants.    


But when the fifth interviewer sat on the chair before the table, if it wasn't for the sunny weather outside, Zhang Hongyuan would suspect that he was seeing things. Eh? I didn't see wrongly, right!?    


The fifth interviewer was a girl. She was an outstanding girl in all aspects: her short hair had obviously just been trimmed. Not only did it not reduce her beauty, but it also did not reduce her beauty. And it even increased a little. Especially her smile, it was very easy for people to think of the proverb 'Snow Queen, Chuqing'. Thus, they overlooked her graceful figure of 1.73 meters and her pair of big watery peach blossom eyes.    


Since Zhang Hongyuan was a returnee, then he was naturally a fierce person who had crossed the south, crossed the north, and urinated around the Danube River. He had even seen many beauties with different skin colors from different countries. He should not have had the illusion that he was seeing this girl when he saw her.    


The reason why this girl who was waiting for Zhang Hongyuan's question gave him this illusion was because she looked very similar to a person!    


Apart from the different hairstyles, the other parts of her body looked exactly the same as that person, especially her eyes and smile!    


Then, who exactly did this girl look like?    


Zhang Hongyuan and Gao Cui looked at each other and found the answer from each other's surprised eyes. This girl looked very similar to Chai Murong, who had just resigned as the chairman of Cloud Water Group a few days ago!    


Since she was working in the business world, she must know those influential people in the business world. It was the same as when you worked in the company and did not need to know what brand of underwear your colleagues and wives wore, but you must know who your boss was.    


Therefore, it was natural for Zhang Hongyuan and Gao Cui to know Chai Murong.    


However, it was precisely because they had seen Chai Murong's appearance in the newspaper and financial news that they were so shocked when they saw this girl.    


"Cough." After exchanging glances with Gao Cui, Zhang Hongyuan clearly held the girl's resume in his hand, but he still asked nonsense, "You, what's your name?"    


The girl in a black dress seemed to have seen through what Zhang Hongyuan was thinking. She only smiled quietly and said, "My surname is Chu."    


"My surname is Chu?" After hearing the girl say her surname was Chu, Zhang Hongyuan felt more or less relieved in his heart. Oh, since your surname is Chu and not Chai, then it's fine... Hey, oh, but why do you look so similar to Chai Murong?    


Zhang Hongyuan had just heaved a sigh of relief in his heart when he heard the girl say again, "My surname is Chu, Chu He Han Realm's Chu. My name is Chu Yang. I raise my hand and say goodbye to you, Yang. "    


Chu, Chu Yang!?    


"What?! You, your name is Chu Yang?" As soon as the girl finished speaking, Gao Cui's eyes widened and asked, "Why are you called Chu Yang?"    


Who was Chu Yang? Zhang Hongyuan and Gao Cui had never seen him in person, but they both knew that he was Hua Mannyu's fiancé, and the name of this new pharmaceutical factory was named after him.    


The girl named Chu Yang was not surprised by Gao Cui's words. She just smiled and said, "Actually, I don't want to be called that stinky name. But that is indeed the name on my ID card. I have no choice. I'll just make do with it. I'll change my name at the police station when I have the chance in the future. "    


Official Chai and Chu Chu divorced, then got engaged to Han Faang, and then resigned. Although it was not as shocking as the surrender of the R People, it was still shocking to all of China. However, people like Zhang Hongyuan and Gao Cui, who were business elites, had heard a little about it.    


There was no need to look at the information, just from the girl's name and the way she talked to her. Zhang and Gao could vaguely guess that this girl with a head of broken hair was very likely that Chai Murong, who was at odds with Director Hua! However, she... why did she change her name and look like she came here to apply for the job? Isn't this causing trouble for us!    


Glancing roughly at the well-made resume in his hand, Zhang Hongyuan coughed and stood up from his chair. He smiled bitterly and said, "Hehe, Miss Chu, firewood. Ahem. How should I put it? Whether or not we can hire you to work for our company, we still... we won't let it go. How about this, you wait outside for a while. We will give you an answer after we discuss it. What do you think?"    


"Sure, you don't have to be so polite with me." The girl called Chu Yang seemed to understand what Zhang Gao and his son were thinking. She obediently agreed and stood up from the chair.    


Seeing that she agreed so readily, Zhang Hongyuan and Chu Li were overjoyed. Gao Cui quickly walked over from behind the table and raised her left hand. "Miss... Miss Chu, please follow me!"    


'Chu Yang' nodded very quietly and followed Gao Cui out of the room.    


"Wang Xiaosan, come in for a moment!" Wait for a moment! After Gao Cui and the other two walked out, Zhang Hongyuan called out to the door.    


Hua Mannyu had only been in Ji Nan for a few days, so her subordinates were severely lacking. Therefore, when Zhang Hongyuan and the others were recruiting talents, he specially informed Sunn Bin, the director of the security department of the new pharmaceutical factory. She had asked him to pick up a few smart hands to help maintain order. Wang Xiaosan was the leader of these people.    


After hearing Zhang Hongyuan's voice, Wang Xiaosan, who was at the door wondering why the girl beside Gao Cui was so beautiful, immediately pushed the door open and walked in. He had a flattering smile on his face. "Minister Zhang, do you need me for something?"    


Zhang Hongyuan waved his hand hard. "Go and inform the other applicants outside. The interview will be suspended for now. We will talk about it later."    




Wang Xiaosan did not care why Zhang Hongyuan stopped the recruitment. He just remembered what Sunn Bin told him to be 'obedient' when he came here. He simply agreed and turned around to walk out.    


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