My Fiance Ran Away

C561 Two Words Whatever!

C561 Two Words Whatever!

After everyone had accepted this, he could say that he wanted to plead on Faan Jing's behalf.    


This was also the hardest thing for him to say.    


As for the marriage that he had originally planned to marry as a child, it was no longer necessary to say it now.    


When Chu Yang mentioned the reason for his marriage with Lee Xiaomin, he would definitely say the thoughts in his heart at that time. This proved that he did not want the child to be beautiful. He had no choice but to sacrifice himself to protect his comrade.    


When they heard Chu Yang's story, which was like a river of words, the old and old men of Chu family shook their heads to express their disbelief, and then shook their heads repeatedly to show that they did not think it was a big deal.    


No one would have thought that in the year that hero Chu 'died', he would encounter so many things.    


As Chu Yang's father, Chu Tiantai had a very deep impression of him.    


Looking at his son's words, Lao Chu could not help but sigh in his heart. Sigh, one Hua Mannyu is enough to give me a headache. Yet she had to marry Yao Lan of this country and even wanted to bring a goddaughter home for me. Damn it, this brat doesn't seem to be as charming as me when I was young. Why is he so popular with women?    


If Lao Chu knew that his precious son had even taken in the number one beauty, Yeh Cuicann, he might even jump up from his chair and slap her.    


After saying that he was married to Lee Xiaomin and Shen Yunzai kept pestering him, Chu Yang stole a glance at Lao Chu's face. Seeing that he only had an expression of 'envy', he felt relieved and continued, "Marrying Lee Xiaomin and agreeing to acknowledge Shen Yunzai as my younger sister, I don't know if this is right or not. But at that time, I really had no other choice."    


After saying this, Chu Yang picked up the teacup and started drinking water.    


The rest of the people from the Chu family looked at each other for a moment, then nodded slowly at the same time.    


It seemed like everyone agreed with what Chu Yang had done.    


Otherwise, Chu Yong wouldn't have comforted Chu Yang on behalf of everyone. "Chu Yang, you and Lee Huize's daughter are getting married, and Shen Yingen's daughter is your younger sister. From the perspective of national interests, there was nothing wrong with that. No matter who becomes the president of this country, it will be like what Lee Huize said. If he is on good terms with us, it will only increase the friendship between the two countries. What we need to do is to grasp our principles. If the country's interests aren't affected, we can make more friends."    


When Chu Yang married Lee Xiaomin, he had considered Chu Yong's position.    


However, his and Chu Yong's views on politics were definitely not on the same level. When Chu Yong confirmed one thing, he had already seen the long-term impact.    


When he heard that his uncle did not object to finding a bride for this country, Chu Yang let out a sigh of relief. "Then, then by doing this, did I commit a felony?"    


Regarding Chu Yang's worry, Chu Tiantai did not wait for Chu Yong to say anything. He waved his hand and said, "Hey, what crime is not a crime? When you married her, you did not use your Huaxia ID card! Besides, what you did back then was understandable. So, you don't have to worry about marrying this country's wife and recognizing this country's sister to make us angry. As long as they are truly good to our Chu family, we will treat them as a family."    


Although Chu Tiantai's words were straightforward, it made sense.    


That's right. As long as the government of this country was willing to acknowledge Chu Yang's identity as' Piao Tonghuan ', Huaxia wouldn't need to care about that. In any case, he would call Chu Yang in Huaxia.    


This way, Shen Yunzai's matter of recognizing Chu Yang as her sworn brother would be easier to resolve.    


As for how Lee Huize and Shen Yingen would compete with each other after they had such a close relationship with Chu family, then... Hehe, what does it have to do with Lao Chu's family?    


If Chu Tiantai, who was a carefree person, could say such words, then there was no need to talk about the rest of them.    


Seeing that not only did his father not blame him, but he even had the attitude of' I'm proud of you ', Chu Yang finally relaxed a little bit.    


"But, what should we do with Manyu and Murong?"    


Chu Tiantai did not wait for Chu Yang to take the initiative to ask about Faan Jing. He frowned and asked, "We can't just follow what that girl said. You two can really get a divorce, right?"    


Judging from her performance today, it seemed like she had no other choice but to get a divorce. Chu Yang smiled bitterly in his heart, but he did not say anything.    


He knew that his relationship with Chai Murong would very likely affect the alliance between the Chai and Chu families.    


Regarding this matter, although Chu Yang was the one involved, he did not have the right to speak.    


Just like how he refused to 'marry' Chai Murong back then, their divorce also needed to be carefully considered by the older generation of the Chu family.    


After Chu Tiantai raised this question, no one spoke anymore. Instead, they fell into deep thought.    


Other than Chu Yang and Chu Tiantai who loved face, Chu Longbin and the others stood on the political standpoint and started to analyze this matter.    


After a full five minutes, Chu Jiangshan used a soft cough to break the silence. "Cough, I think we don't need to think about this matter too complicated. Although the marriage between Chu Yang and Chai Murong back then had a certain political significance. But from what happened at the birthday banquet today, it could be seen that between Chu Yang and that girl from the Chai family... There's already a certain amount of emotion "    


Seeing that everyone was listening attentively, Chu Jiangshan smiled and continued, "Hehe, although I don't know what happened between them young people, But I can see that they care about each other too much. That's why today's awkwardness... Cough, how should I put it, if it's according to the young people... Even if it's because of love, it's still hate. Therefore, Chu Yang and the other man would not divorce. Both of them will not cause much harm to the Chai Chu Alliance."    


Chu Tiantai frowned. "Mo, is that really the case?"    


Chu Yong nodded and said, "Tiantai, Jiang Shan is right. As the elders, we don't need to worry about the matter between Chu Yang and that girl from the Chai family. It's better to leave it to the young people to handle it."    


Seeing that Chu Tiantai still had doubts on his face, Chu Yong stood up with a smile on his face. He walked a few steps on the ground and said, "Tiantai, you should stay at home and look after your grandson. As long as you can take good care of the child, it is more important than anything else. Right? "    


Don't bother about Chai Murong anymore, even if the Chai Chu Alliance broke off relations because of Chu Yang and Chai Murong's divorce. At most, we can just create another Chu Hua Alliance. Anyway, they had already given birth to the fourth generation of the Chu family... This was the reason why Chu Yong had ordered Chu Tiantai to take good care of the child.    


Chu Tiantai's eyes were fixed on his big brother. After pondering for a while, he finally understood this principle.    


Although he felt that doing this would be letting Chai Mingsheng down, the guilt he felt towards Chai Mingsheng vanished when he thought of his grandson who was wearing makeup.    


From this, it could be seen that no matter how good the relationship between Tie Zi and his friend was, as long as there was a conflict between them, it might not be so good.    


As to how to solve the problem between Chu Yang and Chai Murong, Chu Longbin finally made a conclusion: this matter should be left to the young man.    


After resolving Chai Murong's divorce, Chu Longbin's mood became much better. Just as he wanted to stand up and tell everyone that he wanted to go to the front to see his great-grandson, "Grandpa, I have one more thing that I need your help with."    


"Tell me, what is it?" Chu Longbin lifted up his butt and slowly landed on the chair.    


Chu Yang was silent for a moment. "It is about Faan Jing, the secretary of the Ji Nan City Party Secretary."    


When Chu Yang mentioned Faan Jing, Chu Longbin, who looked a little pale, immediately frowned. He was silent for a moment before he said, "Chu Yang, you, don't tell me you want to plead on her behalf?"    


"Yes, I want to..."    


Before Chu Yang finished speaking, Chu Tiantai slammed the table and stood up. "What do you want?"    


Chu Yang trembled and could not help but shrink his neck.    


Chu Tiantai's old face was filled with indignation. "Last year when you brought the mother and daughter to Chu family, I did not agree! But what about you then? Huh? Chu Yang, although we don't play politics, You should know how much power your grandfather used when Faan Jing was in such a difficult situation. That's why we brought her to the position of Ji Nan's Party Secretary! But what happened in the end? You've only been missing for a short period of time, and she betrayed the Chu family?"    


The more Chu Tiantai talked about Faan Jing and her daughter, the angrier he got." Heh, heh, and that Zhou Shuhan who you think is more important than Murong. Didn't she get along with someone else very quickly? I was really wondering what the mother and daughter were thinking. At this moment, a catastrophe was about to befall them. But I suddenly thought of you! Hmph, this time there is no need for your grandfather to reply. I can make the decision! Two words, I don't care!"    


Actually, Chu Tiantai could not be blamed for this. Faan Jing had gone too far.    


In the official circles, standing on the wrong team might cause a blow, but it was also better than being a fence-sitter.    


Therefore, although Chu Tiantai was furious at this moment, Chu Longbin and the others did not stop him.    


After Lao Chu finished shouting, Chu Yang slowly raised his head. "Dad, the actual situation is not what you think..."    


"Don't tell me this is useless!" Chu Tiantai rudely interrupted Chu Yang. He wanted to yell again, but Chu Longbin looked at him unhappily, so he had to shut his mouth.    


"Continue." Chu Longbin slowly nodded at Chu Yang.    


Chu Yang took a deep breath and said, "Faan Jing did some things that let Chu family down, but the disturbance in Ji Nan this time... There was indeed someone behind it. Furthermore, I have heard the townsfolk talk about her when I was in Ji Nan. Her official voice was not bad. She could be considered a good official who wholeheartedly strived for the people. As for Zhou Shuhan... I don't want to tell them the reason. "    


After Chu Yang mentioned Faan Jing, Chu Yong kept silent.    


When he was almost done, he said, "Chu Yang, just like you said, Faan Jing may be a good official. However, she had to bear the responsibility of the riot in Jiannan this time. Therefore, she was dismissed this time, and the entire Transcending Mortality Department will be purged. Even if the Chu family is willing to help her, it is already a matter that is set in stone. There is nothing we can do about it."    


Chu Yong's words were very subtle, but Chu Yang could tell that the Chu family wouldn't make things difficult for her, but what about the Xie family? What about the Chai family?    


To be honest, Chu Yang also looked down on Faan Jing, but ever since Zhou Shuhan knelt there and cut her wrist, he would always think of the time when he was with her.    


This kind of memory had sadness and resentment, but most of it was faint sweetness.    


Chu Yang was silent for a moment and took a deep breath. "Uncle, I know the seriousness of this matter. However, if I do something that is beneficial to our Chu family... I will take out something that is beneficial to the country in exchange for Faan Jing and the peace of the mortal family. This shouldn't be a very difficult matter, right? "    


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