My Fiance Ran Away

C507 Danger Dangerous!

C507 Danger Dangerous!

If I can safely escape this time, I will never get entangled with Chai Murong again!    


When the gunshot rang out, Han Faang thought in his heart.    


Hearing the sound of bullets shattering the window in front of him and the whistling sound of bullets flying over his head, Han Faang's face, which used to look very cool, had now turned pale.    


Other than the continuous low screams, the only thing that was left was the trembling of his body.    


Chai Murong did not look down on Han Faang for being able to encounter such a terrible scene. Instead, she thought guiltily, If it was not for me, that child would have been scared to the point of trembling.    


So, besides using her left hand to cover her head, Chai Murong also had to use her right hand to grab Han Faang's small, smooth, and big hand, hoping to use this kind of method to comfort him.    


As a 1.86 meters tall and 83kg man, when he was attacked by a criminal, Not only was he unable to give any protection to the lady beside him, but he was also regretting it in his heart. He needed someone to comfort him... No matter how handsome this man was, what difference was there between him and a dog?    




After the escape route was sealed by the truck in front of them, Wang Daodao and the others who were responsible for the safety of the big officials... Under the alternating gunfire of the two drivers, apart from holding their heads and hiding in the car to dodge the bullets, It could be said that they did not care about the use of their fart.    


If not for Ling Hsing using the front of the car to block the bullets and continuously pulling the car back, Chai Murong would have already finished playing.    


Even if the bullets didn't hit the person, as long as they hit the fuel tank and caused the car to explode, with the delicate physique of a high-ranking official... Besides saving a bullet for the gunmen, could you expect her to escape from the sea of fire?    


Therefore, although the big official's side had a lot of people, due to the fact that their weapons could not be compared to theirs, they could only face the situation of being beaten up.    


A one-sided gunfight was in progress...    


Although Ling Hsing did not stop the car from moving, this off-road vehicle did not seem to be able to last long under the continuous bombardment of a few Assault Rifle.    


"Ah!" Tian Ke, who was hiding under the passenger seat, let out a cry of pain when Ling Hsing switched gears for the 17th time.    


However, she clenched her teeth tightly.    


Tian Ke had been shot in the right shoulder. If she had not known that this was a critical moment, she would have cried out in pain.    


Ling Hsing saw with his own eyes that blood was splashing on Tian Ke's right shoulder, but he couldn't take care of her at all. He didn't even dare to change the direction of the gun.    


The front of the car facing the gunmen could receive the bullets as much as possible to avoid Chai Murong getting hurt in the back.    


Perhaps, she would have to die here today... Ling Hsing looked at Tian Ke with an apologetic look and shouted in a low voice, "Tian Ke, hold on, we will be fine!"    


"I, I will be fine!" Tian Ke answered with a pale face.    


As the six or seven men holding the Assault Rifle and covering each other's bullets got closer and closer to the car, Death's pair of demonic claws had already tightly grabbed Chai Murong, Han Faang, Ling Hsing and Tian Ke's throats.    


They only needed to wait for a dozen more seconds, and they would definitely be able to run a few meters away from the SUV.    


At that time, even if Ling Hsing kept moving the car at high speed, even if he drove the car and hit them, it wouldn't seem to change the fate of the officials who were shot into sieves.    




Sigh, if you're still alive...    


In the past, Chai Murong would often see the female lead in danger when she had nothing to do when she had nothing to do. She would think of the man she cared about. She did not believe in some folklore about such a rotten plot. (It was a custom in the countryside of Shuzhong where family members died for three years.) In that case, She would scoff at it: What the heck, could the director of this movie produce something new? Women are not as sentimental as you!    


But now, as the gunshots got closer and closer, and the hand holding Han Faang trembled more and more violently, The big official thought of this scene that made her look down on him, and thought of the ghost who dared to jump down from a thousand feet tall building with her...    


If you are still alive, with your ability to jump down from the thousand feet tall building without any injuries, It should not be a problem to deal with these gunmen, right? Damn it, why do you want to die? Did you get my permission... Just as Chai Murong hugged her head and squatted under the seat, her heart felt sour, sweet, and melancholic. All of a sudden, we heard gunfire outside the car!    


Just as Chai Murong gradually gave up hope of survival and Ling Hsing stepped on the accelerator, ready to drive the car and crash into the gunmen, a loud gunshot suddenly sounded from outside the car!    


Chai Murong was not proficient in all kinds of firearms, nor did she have practical experience in gun battles. But after the sudden increase in gunfire, she really felt that there were reinforcements outside. Otherwise, why couldn't she hear the sound of bullets hitting the off-road vehicle?    


Who came to save me?    


After Chai Murong could not hear the sound of bullets hitting the off-road vehicle, she slightly raised her head and looked outside through the glass window.    


Because the front of the off-road vehicle that Chai Murong was in was facing the gunmen, the car was also horizontal on the road. At this time, when she raised her head to look out, she could coincidentally see the direction from which the airport came.    


Chai Murong saw three black off-road vehicles rushing towards the wheat field in front of the car. They stretched out the window and held guns in their hands, shooting at the six or seven gunmen.    


And... Furthermore, there was a silver-white car that actually jumped out from the tray truck in the middle of the road. It was hard enough to jump out from the bottom of the car!    


Oh my god, there's actually someone who dares to drive like this!?    


A silver-white car, under Chai Murong's pair of peach blossom big eyes, jumped out from the other side of the tray truck like a bull that had been injected with stimulants, with a moo and a roar, from the bottom of the truck.    


The normal height of a car was between 14-15 meters, and the chassis of the tray truck was at most about one meter away from the ground.    


But at this time, this silver-white car came from an impossible height and squeezed over hard!    


The result of the silver-white car squeezing over fiercely was that the entire roof of the car was lifted up, and everything on the steering wheel was cut off by the chassis of the truck, turning it into a small convertible car.    


Seeing the car rushing over while mooing, Chai Murong's eyes froze. How could it be him!?    




Chu Yang brought Shen Yunzai from Sakura City to the airport and immediately noticed the three black off-road vehicles that Wang Daodao and the others were looking at and the men in black windbreakers standing in front of the car.    


Wang Daodao did not know these men in windbreakers. Chai Murong and Ling Hsing who got off the plane not long later also did not recognize who these men were, but Chu Yang... did not recognize them either.    


It could not be helped. These grandsons were not only wearing black windbreakers, but also sunglasses. Chu Li did not have the legendary see-through ability. No matter how powerful he was, he could not tell who these people were at first glance.    


After ordering Sunn Bin to park the car at an inconspicuous spot in the airport, Chu Yang gently pushed Shen Yunzai, who was sleeping soundly, away. (This girl has not dared to sleep since dawn.) He was afraid that a few big guys would take turns. Although even if she open her eyes, she will not be able to stop others, but it is much better to open her eyes than to close them and accept helplessness.) He slowly got out of the car and lit a cigarette. After pondering for a moment, she took out her phone and called Shaang Lige.    


"Is something the matter?" Shaang Lige's simple and direct question did not match her crazy behavior in bed at all.    


Chu Yang looked at the men in the black windbreakers. "Check Hua Mannyu's phone number for me."    


"No need to check. I know. It's 136206." Shaang Lige was silent for a while before she asked, "Did you tell her your real identity?"    


Chu Yang smiled bitterly silently. "I had no choice. I was looking at my son at that time. Who would have thought that she would suddenly come home."    


"Yes... Is there anything else?"    


"Not yet. I'll call you if there's anything else." After Chu Yang took off the phone, he called Hua Mannyu according to her number.    


Hua Mannyu, who was thinking about something in the advertising company, saw an unknown number. She thought it was a business contact, so she quickly answered. " Hello, I am the manager of Yangfeng's advertising company, Hua Mannyu. May I ask who you are?"    


Hearing the cold but pleasant voice, Chu Yang said snappily, "I am the manager of Yangfeng's advertising company, her man!"    


Hua Mannyu was stunned, and then she heard Chu Yang's voice. She laughed and asked, "So you are a good man that I kissed. What can I do for you, husband?"    


Chu Yang took a few steps back and forth with his left hand in his pocket and said in an unfriendly tone, "Hua Mannyu, as you wish. I'm at Ji Nan International Airport now. He also saw some guys wearing black windbreakers. If I am not wrong, you sent these people here, right? "    


Hua Mannyu pursed her lips and quipped," What right do you have to say that I sent them? "    


" Hmph, with Shaang Lige in Ji Nan, I really can't think of any other underground forces besides you and Chai Murong who would dare to cause trouble here. "    


Chu Yang coldly snorted, "Didn't you tell me the purpose of Chai Murong and Han Faang coming to Ji Nan this morning? Wasn't it to let me come to the airport to take a look? When I come, you will order your subordinates to create some trouble. Then you will let me see Chai Murong taking care of Han Faang. This will increase my dislike for her... "    


After listening to Chu Yang talking on the other side of the phone, Hua Mannyu realized that she was not the only smart person in the world.    


Suddenly, a certain girl laughed a few times guiltily. "Hee, hee, actually it is not as serious as you said. I sent Lee Biao and the others to take care of Murong's safety."    


Chu Yang said impatiently, "Don't play this trick on me. Tell your people not to cause trouble for nothing. Otherwise, I'll teach you a lesson! "    


After Chu Yang said that, he took off the phone.    


Hua Mannyu, who was on the other side, was stunned for a moment while holding her phone. She muttered, "Yo, kid, after I gave birth to a son for you... Not only did you not thank me, but you even tried to be rude to me... But this way, there will be a couple's feelings... I like it."    


Since the man Hua Niu liked had spoken, if she still did not withdraw him, the couple would really be angry.    


Anyway, she had already calculated that even if Lee Biao and the others did not cause trouble, as long as Chu Yang could see Chai Murong and Han Faang together with his own eyes, he would definitely be jealous. This could be considered to have achieved her goal.    


After thinking about this, Hua Mannyu called Lee Biao. "Lee Biao, you can withdraw now..."    


When Hua Mannyu said this, she suddenly paused. Then she said, "Lee Biao, I will give you a phone number. The owner of this phone number was called Piao Tonghuan. He was at the airport at this time. I want you to listen to his arrangements and obey his orders unconditionally! "    


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