My Fiance Ran Away

C485 She Won't Let Xiao Min Get away with It!

C485 She Won't Let Xiao Min Get away with It!

According to the incompatible relationship between Shen Yunzai and Lee Xiaomin, the latter would marry whoever she wanted to marry. There was no need for her to care so much.    


But Shen Yunzai suddenly had a bad premonition.    


If my premonition is correct, then Lee Xiaomin is very likely to be with Chu Yang...    


This was also what Shen Yunzai was most worried about. Once Lee Xiaomin and Chu Yang got married, Lee Huize would become in-laws with the most powerful family in Huaxia! This way, Lee Huize will also indirectly fight for the biggest bargaining chip for him to run for president. It would become a good weapon for him to defeat Shen Yingen!    


Shen Yunzai had already seen through what Lee Huize had explained to Chu Yang last night. Otherwise, how could she give up the girl's reserved attitude and take the initiative to recommend herself as her pillow?    


"Piao Tonghuan? Who is Piao Tonghuan?" When Shen Yunzai saw in the newspaper that the person who married Lee Xiaomin was called Piao Tonghuan, her nervous mood immediately relaxed. As long as that person was not Chu Yang, it was fine.    


But just as Shen Yunzai's heart relaxed, her eyes immediately froze. Because she saw in the newspaper that on the large colorful photo on the front page, K Country's Yao Lan was leaning against a man with long hair and two small mustaches on her lips with a happy face.    


This guy who smiled like a wolf, Shen Yunzai had seen him last night. He was the Third Prince of Huaxia's Chu family. Chu Yang!!    


Suddenly, a huge sense of defeat and regret made Shen Yunzai lie down on the sofa dejectedly. Her pure eyes were filled with resentment as she muttered, "Hur hur hur. Lee Xiaomin, I originally thought that you would not see this point... I did not expect that you would beat me to it! Sigh, this must be Lee Huize's idea. Otherwise, with your intelligence, How could you think of this move? Sigh! I have always been self-conceited, smart, and shrewd, but why didn't I think of marrying him as a good move? I wasted the opportunity that the heavens gave me last night!"    


Shen Yunzai stared blankly at the roof. After a long time, she suddenly sat up and ran to the door barefooted. "No! I can't just watch Lee Huize defeat my father. I definitely can't!"    




Shen Yingen had already seen the news that Lee Xiaomin was going to marry a 'lucky' person called Piao Tonghuan in the morning.    


And the first thing he saw was Lee Huize inviting him to the Seoul International Hotel for a wedding banquet tomorrow.    


However, he did not care. Instead, he laughed at his old rival. He was just going to marry a daughter, not a prince of Saudi Arabia. Why would he announce it in the newspaper? He even invited all the major newspapers and newspapers.    


Yes. Reporters, did it look like it was real? Hehe, that's true. His daughter should be in her thirties this year, right? Only then would she be willing to have a man. It was time to celebrate. Un, I should indeed go and congratulate her.    


Just like that, Shen Yingen ignored the matter of Lee Xiaomin's wedding and started to busy himself with his work.    


After lunch, Shen Yingen wanted to go and rest for a while as usual, but the white phone on the desk rang.    


Those who could make the white phone rang were Shen Yingen's trusted aides.    


"Hello? Oh, hehe, it's Yunzai. I haven't gone to rest yet. Um, what's the matter? " Shen Yingen's face was full of smiles when he heard his daughter's voice coming from the other side of the phone.    


" Dad, you should go home right away. Right away!" After Shen Yunzai said this, she did not wait for her father to ask what was going on and took off the phone.    


"What happened?" Shen Yingen held the phone and was stunned for a moment. Then he pressed the phone on the desk.    




Twenty minutes later, Shen Yingen rushed home in a hurry.    


In the living room, Shen Yunzai, who was wearing a white Taekwondo uniform, was kneeling on the tatami. Her head was lowered and her eyes were closed. She did not move at all.    


Shen Yingen walked quickly into the living room and slowed down his footsteps. "Yunzai, what happened?"    


Shen Yunzai opened her eyes and picked up a newspaper from the table. She pointed at the big picture on the front page. "You saw Lee Xiaomin getting married, right?"    


"Yes, I saw it this morning and received an invitation from Lee Huize."    


Shen Yingen walked to the front of the table and knelt on the tatami face to face with his daughter. He picked up the newspaper and asked, "Lee Xiaomin getting married should not affect my election, right?"    


Shen Yingen asked that because when he rushed home, He understood a problem. If it wasn't for the problem with the presidential election, his daughter would not have let him go home quickly. That was why he asked this question directly.    


"Do you know who she wants to marry?"    


After Shen Yunzai asked this question, Shen Yingen was even more confused. He pointed to a picture of someone in the newspaper. "Isn't it with this man called Piao Tonghuan?"    


Shen Yunzai silently smiled and shrugged. She whispered, "Dad, he is not called Piao Tonghuan, nor is he from K Country."    


Shen Yingen was shocked. "What? How do you know about this? If he isn't the Piao Tonghuan of K Country, then who is he?"    


In Shen Yingen's opinion, the matter of the K Country's Yao Lan getting married... It was announced this morning. According to the information he had, Lee Xiaomin went to the Olympic Center yesterday. Before this, there was no news of who she wanted to marry.    


Although Shen Yingen felt very strange after learning that Lee Xiaomin was going to marry, he also thought deeper into it.    


But at this moment, seeing his daughter's serious face with high IQ, he felt that things were not as simple as he thought.    


Shen Yunzai looked at the man who was smiling like a wolf in the newspaper. There was a trace of disappointment in her eyes after she failed. "His real name is Chu Yang."    


"Chu Yang?" Shen Yingen frowned. He said, "This name sounds familiar. I think I have heard it somewhere before."    


"Last year, there was a video of Z People cruelly oppressing the people of K Country on the streets of Beijing. He was the man in the video."    


After hearing Shen Yunzai's words, Shen Yingen looked like he was recalling something, but he immediately woke up. "Ah! I know. That man is the nephew of the Crown Prince of China!"    


Using her hand to touch Chu Yang's face in the newspaper, Shen Yunzai nodded. "Yes, he is the Chu Yang who died a year ago. Tomorrow, he will marry Lee Xiaomin soon. This is a fact for us. It will be a heavy blow!"    


With Shen Yingen's political intelligence, he did not need to think about it for a long time like Chu. Once his daughter reminded him, he immediately saw the importance of this matter.    


It was also in a very short period of time that he realized the importance of this matter, so he was even more confused. "Lee Xiaomin should be his enemy, how could they possibly get married? Besides, you just said that he died a year ago, didn't you? Why did he suddenly come to K Country after coming back to life? "    


After muttering to himself, Shen Yingen suddenly realized a problem. "Yunzai, how did you know this Chu Yang?"    


This was related to her father's great campaign, so Shen Yunzai did not hide anything.    


Shen Yunzai's face carried a shy and angry expression, whispering about the matter of her going to China to assassinate Lee Xiaomin last year, getting raped by someone, and being taken naked photos. She told her briefly and in a good image. At the end of the story, she said, "Last night at midnight, he went to 128 Dahuan Temple Street. I also tried to make a deal with him. But it didn't succeed... "    


When Shen Yunzai talked about what happened last night, there was an obvious unwillingness on her face." But what I didn't expect was that after he left with me, He was recruited as a son-in-law by the father and daughter of the Lee family. The responsibility of this matter lies with me. It was because I didn't seize the opportunity. This caused the situation to develop in Lee Huize's favor."    


If it wasn't for the fact that her father's campaign was about to break away from his grasp, Shen Yunzai definitely wouldn't have told her about the humiliation she suffered in Hua Xia to Shen Yingen.    


She was the child-faced angel of K Country. She was a proud girl with countless handsome men pursuing her. Even if God had imposed an unfair punishment on her, as long as she kept her mouth shut, no one could stop her.    


She would know about her humiliating history. And she would also learn to slowly forget about this.    


But now, the development of the matter forced Shen Yunzai to personally tell her father about this sealed past. It was a pleasant feeling... You go and think about it.    


Shen Yingen stared blankly at his daughter. He never would have thought that his daughter would make such a huge sacrifice a year ago for him to run for president! She even wanted to use her body to exchange for his bright future last night!    


Although it was no longer the society where a man touched his hand and wanted to marry him, the people of K Country who had been infected by the Huaxia civilization for over a thousand years still had this kind of eastern thinking in their bones.    


At this moment, after hearing his daughter say this, they blamed themselves, felt guilty and angry. Shen Yingen, who was the father, jumped up from the tatami with a loud sound. With a few steps, he walked to the wall and reached out to take off a military knife. He turned around and walked out.    


"Dad! What are you going to do!? " Seeing her father's face filled with righteous indignation, Shen Yunzai quickly ran over and grabbed his arm.    


Shen Yingen suddenly turned his head and looked at his daughter. He gritted his teeth and said," I am going to kill that Chu Yang! "    


Shen Yunzai understood what her father was feeling in his heart and firmly shook her head. "No! If you do this, put aside whether you can succeed or not for now. It will definitely cause the upper echelons of China to dislike you. This will be a huge disadvantage for you to run for president!"    


"I would rather not compete with Lee Huize for the position of president than to seek justice for you!" Shen Yingen roared and pushed his daughter away.    




Shen Yunzai grabbed Shen Yingen's arm again and said very quickly, "Have you ever thought that once you go over and cause trouble, The matter of your daughter being... Someone... will soon be known by everyone! Furthermore, with her daughter's skills, that bastard got what he wanted. How could he be hurt by you under the protection of the Lee family's father and daughter!?"    


Shen Yunzai's words were like a bucket of cold water poured over Shen Yingen's head, causing him to quickly calm down. Yes, although his daughter was not a martial arts expert who could climb roofs and climb walls, she could still knock down three to five martial arts experts.    


However, the young man was capable. However, even with her skills, she had been sullied by that fellow. This could only mean that that bastard was not an ordinary person! More importantly, in this way, his daughter's reputation was completely ruined!    


"Sigh!" Looking at his daughter's anxious face, Shen Yingen let out a heavy sigh. He slowly shook his head and slowly walked back to the tatami. The general's knife was placed on the table and he said in a deep voice, "Yunzai, what do you think we should do?"    


"I have already said that I did not seize the opportunity last night."    


Seeing that her father had calmed down, Shen Yunzai knelt beside him with a sneer in her eyes. "The Lee family father and daughter's plan is indeed very good, but I will not let her succeed!"    


"Are you saying that you want to ruin their wedding?"    


Shen Yingen frowned. "But since Lee Huize has already let Lee Xiaomin marry that bastard, it means that he might have already known about the matter between the two of you. Even if you said that in front of everyone, and it caused you to lose your reputation, it doesn't matter. There is no big threat to them, the father and daughter of the Lee family said. Don't forget, even if outsiders mocked the father and daughter of the Lee family, they were going to get married soon. I don't think you need to care about this too much, right?"    


Shen Yunzai didn't care about Shen Yingen's reminder at all.    


She raised her chin and looked at the ceiling and sneered silently. She said lightly, "That bastard already has a wife in China. This time he suddenly appeared and got married to Lee Xiaomin. This could only mean that he had to do it. It can also be said that he has something to ask Lee Huize to do for him... Unfortunately, I overlooked all of this last night. But it's not too late. As long as we find out as soon as possible why he married Lee Xiaomin, After that, we can carefully run it. I guarantee that Lee Huize won't get what he wants even if he loses his daughter!"    


Speaking of political experience, Shen Yingen could be considered an experienced person. But when it came to scheming, he had to admire Shen Yunzai.    


"Today, I have to prepare well. Tomorrow, I will personally go to their wedding to congratulate them." Shen Yunzai licked her lips, lowered her head and fell into deep thought.    


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