My Fiance Ran Away

C469 The Full Moon Is like a Plate and the Moon Is like Water!

C469 The Full Moon Is like a Plate and the Moon Is like Water!

Northern Han Mountain Chicken Ridge.    


If the front mountain of the Northern Han mountain was considered a business card in the Seoul scenic area, then the back mountain, especially the wild chicken ridge area, was like the face behind the fifty women's cosmetics.    


Apart from the waist high weeds and countless garbage piles, there were also shacks built by a few homeless people.    


It seemed that capitalist countries were not all glamorous.    


Less gossips, more books!    


After Chu Yang took the car to Wild Chicken Ridge, the two K Country KCIA taxis in front of him had already gone up the mountain.    


After getting off the car, Chu Yang roughly sized up his surroundings, then lowered his body and scuttled into the desolate underbrush.    


Although he didn't look at those KCAs from the bottom of his heart, Chu Yang still didn't want to expose himself before he figured out what was going on, so he was very careful when he went up the mountain.    


Chu Yang quickly climbed up from the grass all the way to the highest point of Wild Chicken Ridge, but he didn't find anything unusual. He didn't even see the two K Country agents.    


Sitting on a rock, Chu Yang listened to the movement around him, then looked up at the moon in the sky. He wondered if he should make some noise to attract people to come and find him.    


Just as Chu Yang picked up the two rocks and was about to make some noise when they were about to collide. Suddenly, there was a gunshot. Then, he saw a bush a few hundred meters to his left in front of him. A figure jumped out like the Nighthawks and ran towards the top of the mountain with staggering steps.    


About a hundred meters behind this figure, three black figures ran out immediately, chasing after this figure relentlessly.    


Because it was at the highest point of Wild Chicken Ridge, the moonlight tonight was not bad either. So Chu Yang looked down from above and saw very clearly. He saw a few people behind the black shadow that was staggering. Someone whistled a few hundred meters to his right. Two more black shadows appeared.    


Chu Yang guessed that the two black shadows that appeared later were the two K Country KCIA. And this person who kept changing his route and ran more than a hundred meters in front of him should have been a little red under the moon.    




Da Zemao was a member of the 'coastal surveillance team' of R Country. In this hunting operation under the red moon, he was the leader of the 14-man team.    


In this hunting operation, with the help of the K Country agents, Da Zemao sacrificed 11 of his companions to successfully injure her and chase her to the Northern Han Mountain of K Country.    


After two hours of careful searching, Da Zemao found her hiding place through a blood stain on the ground.    


However, Da Zemao and the others had seen through their plan to surround her in advance. They also ran out of the grass in advance, wanting to cross the wild chicken ridge and find their hiding place again under the cover of the night.    


As Da Ze Mao and the others were rushing towards the highest point of the Wild Chicken Ridge, Da Ze Mao kept changing his running route to prevent her from being locked onto by the guns of Da Ze Mao and the others who had surrounded her in a semicircle.    


"Fan Fire, 2 o'clock!" Dazawa had no intention of capturing the dot of red alive. He only wanted to kill her while her whereabouts and ammunition were exposed.    


Following Da Ze Mao's orders, the three R Country agents and the two K Country KCIA agents all stopped in their tracks. They raised their hands and pulled the trigger at the running figure in the distance!    


Bang! Bang! Bang!    


In the series of gunshots, although the red dot kept changing its route while running, the disadvantage of being shot in her left leg still made her move out of shape. It was not enough to dodge the bullets of the five 'Sharpshooter' agents.    


"Hmph!" Following the gunshot, one red dot let out a muffled groan that endured the pain and fell into the grass seven or eight meters away from Chu Yang with a plop.    


"She got shot, stop shooting!"    


Under the moonlight, the orchid light produced by the bullet breaking through the air was clearly visible.    


Dazawa Mao and the others saw that the red dot running in front of them was shot in the right thigh and then threw itself into the grass. He hurriedly waved his hand and ordered them to stop shooting. He ran over with the gun in his hand.    




The moonlight tonight was really good.    


Ye Chuqing laid face to face in the grass, her big eyes staring at the moon in the sky. Her ears heard the footsteps getting closer and closer, and she clenched her right hand that was holding the bright silver Army Thorn tightly. Slowly releasing it, the corner of her mouth curled up and revealed a satisfied smile. He muttered, "Sigh, it's good that he's dead. After he's dead, I won't have to think about him all day long "    


After Ye Chuqing's right leg was also shot, she had already completely given up on escaping. When Dazawa Mao ran to a place more than ten meters behind her, she slowly sat up from the ground. Her head was slightly lowered, and her eyes were filled with ruthlessness in the past. There was a rare peace in them.    


"Ha, haha, a little red. Let's see where you can run to this time!"    


Dazawa Mao and the others pointed their guns at Ye Chuqing. They slowly walked to a distance of three meters in front of her and stopped. Immediately, they warned their companions, "Since we did not kill her just now, let's capture her alive. I believe that the higher-ups are very interested in a living member of China's Soaring Dragon."    


"Hur hur." After hearing what Da Ze Mao said, Ye Chuqing weighed the Army Thorn in her right hand up and down. She smiled contemptuously, "Forgive me for being ignorant and ignorant. In recent secret service battles, I have only heard of Japanese and Korean prisoners of war. But I have never heard of any Z People being captured alive. "    


"Do you want to die?" The spear in Da Ze Mao's hand was pointed at Ye Chuqing's right wrist. His fingers pressed down bit by bit, ready to break her wrist at any time, making her lose the chance to commit suicide.    


"I don't want to die, okay?"    


Da Ze's eyes flashed and then he launched a mental attack. "Of course! Before we met, I always thought that December in Soaring Dragon was a man. But after we met face to face, I realized that it was only a Huaxia girl with a crew cut! Girl, listen to my advice. For the sake of North Korea... There's no need to pay for my life. Even their most famous female agent can live well, why do you have to do this? "    


The most famous female agent in North Korea mentioned by Dazawa Mao was referring to Jinxian Ji.    


Jin Xianji had once boarded flight Kal 858, K Country, with 115 passengers and crew members, on November 12, 1987, and had blown up the sky above I Country Ocean.    


On March 27, 1990, Jin Xianji was sentenced to death by the local court of Han City. Later, she was pardoned by the president of K Country and was released a year later. Then, under the protection of the security department, she started writing and giving lectures.    


Later, she published the title of Now, As A Woman, which became the best selling book in both countries of Korea and Japan. After that, it was made into a movie. It was said that the publishing tax alone was as high as 1 billion Korean Won.    


In December 1997, she secretly married the official of the Ministry of Security who had participated in her investigation work. Now, in K Country, she lived the life of an ordinary housewife.    




"Hehe." Ye Chuqing only smiled and automatically put down the Army Thorn. She reached out and touched her very masculine buzz cut. "I am not very clear about that woman's matter. I only know that I will not accept any other fate other than death... Actually, there are many ways to die, but I will never choose to commit suicide!"    


Before Ye Chuqing finished speaking the words' kill ', her right hand suddenly grabbed the Army Thorn with lightning speed and threw it towards Da Ze Mao's chest!    


"Be careful!"    


Seeing Ye Chuqing suddenly attack, Da Ze Mao's companion shouted and was about to shoot Ye Chuqing.    




After Da Ze Mao dodged Ye Chuqing's Army Thorn, he promptly waved his hand to stop his companion. He touched his smooth upper lips and said with a smile, "Miss, your courage is commendable, but it is not enough. If you were me...    


If it wasn't for your mental and physical exhaustion, I wouldn't have been able to dodge your sneak attack. If that was the case, it would be as if I would die! Hehe, what a pity. You're already at the end of your rope. I don't have to die anymore... "    


If you don't need to die, then I can only die!    


After using all the strength in her body to throw out the Army Thorn, Ye Chuqing's vision turned black.    


She looked at Dazawa Mao's opened and closed mouth and bit his tongue with the teeth that should have been used to eat. Before she could do anything, she suddenly heard a gloomy voice behind her. She interrupted Dazawa Mao's words. "I really can't think of a reason why you won't die!"    




Dazawa raised his head in shock. Before he could raise the spear in his hand to his chest, a black lightning bolt with a demonic charm and coldness under the moonlight pierced through his chest and came out from his back!    


"Ah...!" Da Ze screamed as he fell backwards. At the moment he fell backwards, he saw a faint black shadow under the moonlight. Like the king cobra that had been waiting for its prey for a long time and the little ghost that was waiting for San Ye to arrive, it 'shot' out a few meters in front of him. His body was more than two meters tall, and when he landed, his right knee was already on the chest of a K Country KCIA!    


What happened next?    


Da Zemao could no longer be seen. The final scene left for him in this world was the bright moon in the sky.    


The full moon was like a plate, and the moonlight was like water.    




After Ye Chuqing fell to the ground, Chu Yang snaked from the grass to the grass about a meter and a half behind her.    


However, the main reason he did not appear was because he heard Dazawa Mao say, Stop shooting.    


The reason why R Country's' friend 'did not shoot was because he saw that Hong was injured and did not have the strength to fight back. If he showed up at this time, other than being used as a target for others, there was also a possibility that Hong would be added to the mix.    


Therefore, he squatted there and waited. In any case, his' friends' had already used all their energy on Hong. They wouldn't be able to detect his existence at all. As long as these people were within the range of his killing range, their names would have already been removed from the Book of Life and Death by the Yama King.    


When Da Ze Mao and the others approached a little bit of red, Chu Yang was behind her, watching her slowly sit up. When he saw her hairstyle, he was still wondering which one of the bases she was in.    


However, when a little red hair retorted against Dazawa Mao, Chu Yang was stunned. It turned out that she was Ye Chuqing! Damn, why did this silly girl have a man's head!?    


Just as Chu Yang was in a daze, Ye Chuqing had already tossed out the Army Thorn in her hand.    


When the bright silver Army Thorn let out a cold whistle under the moonlight as it pierced towards Dazawa Mao, Chu Yang secretly cursed in his heart. Just as he was about to reach out and grab Ye Chuqing and pull her out of the enemy's muzzle, that Da Ze Mao ordered his subordinates not to shoot again.    


Silly thing, you are deliberately courting death.    


After Chu Yang scolded Ye Chuqing in his heart, he was afraid that the situation would change and did not dare to delay any longer. Only then did he suddenly attack when Dazawa Mao proudly gave his speech!    


After a stab pierced through Da Ze Mao's heart, Chu Yang's body bounced up and when he landed, his right knee had already forcefully crushed the chest of a K Country Kia!    


Chu Yang, who killed two people in the blink of an eye, did not wait for the other three people to react. He threw himself into the arms of the person in the middle like a ghost. His left hand grabbed the wrist of the person who held the spear and his right hand suddenly extended and grabbed his throat.    


With a clear cracking sound, Chu Yang's body quickly retreated four and a half steps to the left. His left hand, which had his throat broken, suddenly opened up like a dragon claw. It was like a dragon soaring through the sky, locking the throat of the fourth person!    


Throat lock, yet another one!    


Dragon claw chokehold - - Heaven Splitting Hand!    


Ye Chuqing stared at the black shadow that suddenly appeared. In the blink of an eye, it had killed four people. She was stunned. Why was Hu Second Uncle here?!    


Ever since Ye Chuqing went to the Vampire Bat base in E Country through her personal relationship, Old Hu admired this girl who was in love with his disciple. He rejected her calling him 'master' and asked her to call him Second Uncle according to her age.    


Therefore, Ye Chuqing had always called Hu Mietang Second Uncle.    


In Ye Chuqing's heart, ever since Chu Yang died, other than her and Hu Mietang, no one else in the world knew the Heaven Splitting Hand. That was why she thought that this black shadow was Hu Mietang.    




As the fifth enemy turned around and tried to escape fell to the ground with a miserable scream, the wild chicken ridge once again only had the sound of the wind blowing on the grass.    


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