My Fiance Ran Away

C457 Saved!

C457 Saved!

Sophie, the CEO of the Sun Umbrella Company, was sitting on a rattan chair on the deck in front of the yacht. Her long left leg was resting on her right knee, and she was holding half a glass of red wine in her hand. She was looking at the sea in the distance.    


Chairman Sophie's secretary, Allie, came out of the cabin. She held a silver plate with both hands and walked to her left with light steps. "CEO, do you want to add some more wine?"    


Sophie, who was wearing a milky white professional suit, took off the sunglasses in her eyes. She turned her head and smiled. She put the glass of wine on the silver tray and said, "Forget it. I drank enough last night at Baku Island. After rushing back today, I need a clear mind to prepare for tomorrow's work."    


Allie put the silver plate on the table beside her. She stood beside Sophie and looked at the blue sea. "Baku Island is really beautiful... Actually, the sea scenery here is very beautiful. If it wasn't for the K Country government removing the sea ban ahead of time, I'm afraid that before this Seoul's top 500 economic and trade meeting, we wouldn't be able to appreciate this beautiful sea."    


Sophie nodded and was about to say something when she saw Allie pointing to the far right of her. "Hey, CEO, look, there is smoke on the island over there!"    


Sophie stood up and walked a few steps to the right side of the ship. She grabbed the side of the ship with both hands. "Allie, bring my telescope over and call Captain Cui Haoxuan over!"    


"Okay!" Allie answered and turned around to walk quickly to the cabin of the yacht.    


It did not take long for the captain of the yacht, Cui Haoxuan, and Allie, who was holding a telescope, to rush to Sophie's side.    


Sophie took the telescope from Allie's hand and observed it carefully for a moment. She handed the telescope to the captain and said, "There seems to be someone on the island asking for help!"    


Captain Cui took the telescope in surprise. "There is someone on the island? How is this possible? We and the North Korean government have sealed off this area for a year. How could someone drift onto this island? "    


The captain said that it was impossible, but after raising the telescope, he only took a glance before exclaiming," Ah, there really is someone. When we went over yesterday, we didn't notice it... I'll immediately drive the ship over! "    


As long as it was a captain, if he met someone who needed help during the voyage, he wouldn't need anyone to tell him, he would treat saving people as the most important task at hand.    


This is a rule that all generations of navigators will consciously abide by. It's the complete opposite of what some regions on the continent do when they see someone in need of help turn around and leave.    


A moment later, the yacht drove into the island at full speed.    


"Hey!" When the yacht arrived at the shallow waters, Cui Haoxuan put his hands together and put them by his mouth. He shouted at a person who was waving at the yacht desperately on the beach, "Don't panic, I will put down the rubber boat and bring you here immediately!"    


"Okay, thank you so much!" The person who seemed to be a barbarian replied in fluent Korean.    


Sophie, who was wearing a pair of sunglasses, heard this voice and her heart skipped a beat. Why does this voice sound so familiar?    


She hurriedly took off the sunglasses and took the binoculars from Ali's hands again. She quickly put it in her eyes and looked at the 'barbarian' who was holding a person and carrying a person on his back. However, because the person's hair was too long, it covered his face. Her face couldn't be seen clearly.    


Hehe, how could it be him? It was said that he had already died in a live missile exercise a year ago. He had already been chased by China as a martyr... Sophie laughed self-deprecatingly. She put down the binoculars and turned around to walk to the rattan chair.    


When it came to saving people, naturally the staff on the yacht would do it. Sophie, the employer, was already considered very good by allowing the yacht that she hired to save people. She really did not need to participate in the work of personally saving those few people.    


After putting down the rubber boat, Cui Haoxuan and one of his subordinates paddled quickly to the beach on the deserted island. Before the rubber boat touched the beach, he jumped into the shallow water with a splash. He said to the guy who looked like a man, "Where are you from, and how did you end up here?"    


"I'm from the countryside of Inchuan. When I came out to catch fish a year ago, I encountered a hurricane. After the boat flipped over, I drifted here with my wife and sister. I only met you today. I'm so happy to see you guys"    


That barbarian took a few steps forward. With the help of Cui Haoxuan and that subordinate of hers, He put the 'little sister' on his back into the rubber boat, and then hugged his wife, the one whom Cui Haoxuan and his subordinate had always kept an eye on... His movements were very swift as he climbed up.    


This woman is so beautiful! Her skin is so white!    


Cui Haoxuan swallowed his saliva and withdrew his gaze from the woman's tiny feet. With the help of his subordinates, he climbed onto the yacht.    


"Captain, thank you. When we get back, our husband and wife will definitely repay you!" After the savage sat down, he smiled and revealed his white teeth as he said: "My name is Li Dongguo, that is my sister Li Dongxiu. This is my wife, Jin Xishan."    


The surname Li and Jin were both big names in K Peninsula. It was not rare for country bumpkins to have the same name as famous people. Hence, after Cui Haoxuan smiled and said a few polite words, He then looked at Jin Xishan's exposed body.    


Jin Xishan only smiled shyly at Cui Haoxuan's lecherous gaze. He hid his head behind his husband, but Li Dongguo didn't seem to care. Instead, he snatched the oar from his hand and started to draw water.    


From this, it could be seen how much Li Dongguo desired to be able to return to the mainland a moment earlier!    


After rowing the rubber boat below the yacht, with the help of the sailors on board, Li Dongxiu, who was injured, was first pulled onto the yacht with a fishing net. Li Dongguo carried his wife on his back and nimbly climbed onto the yacht along the rope.    


"Ah! I can finally see that it has been a long time..." Li Dongguo carried his wife onto the yacht and stomped hard on the deck. He lifted his head to express his thoughts at this moment, but he saw Sophie sitting on the rattan chair.    


He was stunned for a moment, and then he quickly looked away. He walked in front of Cui Haoxuan and said in another voice, "Captain, our clothes are so torn that we can't wear them anymore. If we wear them back to the mainland, the cold weather on the mainland might freeze us. Hehe, I hope you can help us find a few more old clothes, Cui Haoxuan said. When we return home, we'll definitely repay you."    


Repay me well? If you can let me hug your wife and sleep, I would rather give you this yacht!    


Cui Haoxuan thought this dirty in his heart, but his words were very honest: "Li Dongguo, you don't have to be so polite. Give him a warm hand when someone needs help. This is a good tradition of our Korean people... I'll take the cabin and change my clothes. Hey, the few of you, bring the injured lady into the cabin."    


With gratitude, Li Dongguo carried his wife on his back and followed Cui Haoxuan into the yacht staff room.    


Although Cui Haoxuan was very envious of Jin Xishan's beauty and felt that she was even more beautiful than the actress, Jin Xishan, He wished that he could order his subordinates to throw this Li Dongguo into the sea and snatch her over to give her a good pat... But the citizens of the Republic of Korea would at most think this way. They would never do such a shameful thing. If they wanted to do it, they could only personally find a suitable crew uniform for Jin Xishan.    


Wait. After Cui Haoxuan brought his subordinates out of the on-duty room, Li Dongguo swiftly took off his ragged sportswear and changed into a sailor's work uniform.    


After tidying up, he said to Jin Xishan, who was hiding behind him, "Resplendent, did you see that the captain was shocked by your unparalleled beauty? I'm sure that as long as you pretend to be him, He will immediately kneel in front of you and lick your toes"    


This Li Dongguo, who claimed to be a native of the K Country, was Chu Yang, who had been stranded on a deserted island for a year. Needless to say, the wife Jin Xishan he mentioned was that Yeh Cuicann. And that half-dead sister of his... was Akino Anzu.    


"Chu Yang, don't talk nonsense. He saved us. Besides, I only belong to you now. I won't treat others that way." Yeh Cuicann replied softly with a blush on her face.    


It was strange. When she was guarding Akino Anzu and Chu Yang on the island, she did not see Yeh Cuicann blushing. However, after coming to this world, she became very reserved.    


"En, en. No matter what, it was they who saved us. We must not say bad things about him behind his back." Chu Yang helped Yeh Cuicann put on her clothes and lifted the curtain to look at the deck in front of them. He whispered, "Do you see the foreign woman in front of the deck?"    


Yeh Cuicann nodded. "Yes, she is very beautiful..."    


Just as Yeh Cuicann said that, Akino Anzu, who was half sitting on the chair, said coldly, "She is the CEO of the Sun Umbrella Company in England, Sophie. She is also Chu Yang's private property. No matter what orders you give to her, she will obey them obediently. Because her life mission is to serve you. You are her savior."    


Chu Yang's face turned serious. He put down the curtain and turned to look at Akino Anzu. He slowly asked, "How do you know about the things between her and me?"    


Looking at Yeh Cuicann who looked more delicate than a flower, a trace of jealousy and hatred flashed across Akino Anzu's eyes. She laughed coldly, "Haha, I know a lot of things. But besides fooling around with the number one beauty in R Country every day, how could you have the time to ask me?"    


Akino Anzu's words made Chu Yang and Yeh Cuicann speechless.    


Because what she said was not bad at all.    


"Miss Xing Zi, if you did not leave such a terrifying impression on me... I won't take the initiative to approach Chu Yang, and I won't allow him to accept me." Yeh Cuicann did not get angry because of Akino Anzu's harsh words. Instead, she said softly, "Speaking of which, I really have to thank you. It was you who kidnapped me from my home and brought me here. It made my life rejuvenated for the second time, and I found the man I trusted for the rest of my life. "    


"Hmph." Akino Anzu scoffed at Yeh Cuicann's gratitude.    


"Akino Anzu, let's not talk about the past." Chu Yang walked to the chair and bent down to support her shoulders. He said in a deep voice, "You are now disabled. There is no more mourning bells in this world. However, have you ever thought of this problem? If your organization knew that you are still alive, would they treat you the same way they did in the past?"    


Absolutely not! A person who had no value could not even be compared to a dog in Cantambos's eyes!    


Akino Anzu thought in her heart and slowly said, "In the past, I was just a second-rate professional killer..."    


After a year, Akino Anzu only told him the secrets about 2012 that she knew. She told Chu Yang everything from the beginning to the end, "Since 2012 can train me in a short period of time, it can also train me during the year I disappeared. It can also train another Soul Burying Bell. Hehe, to 2012, I am already a useless person who needs to be killed. "    


It turned out that other than this Sun Stone Bracelet, which no one could understand, this' savior ', the great' Reincarnator 'Feathered God' was just a ridiculous lie. It was a tool used by 2012 to bewitch the world!    


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