My Fiance Ran Away

C326 Gift

C326 Gift

After Zhou Shuhan could not see her aunt's car, she turned around and said to Qin Guanning, "Guanning, let's go in." Okay." Qin Guanning nodded. He put his hands in his pockets and looked around." Ms Tangtang, wait for me for a while. " What's wrong?" Guanning pointed to a flower shop next to the departure hall. "I'll go there to buy a flower." Do you want to buy a flower for your friend? Actually, you can buy another flower when you go to Ji Nan. " Hehe, not for your friend, but for you. " After saying that, Qin Guanning smiled shyly and ran over.    


For me?" Zhou Shuhan was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said to herself, "Kid, why did you give me flowers?" Zhou Shuhan looked at Qin Guanning's back and suddenly felt that this child was a little too mature. It did not match his age at all. Guanning hurriedly ran to the door of the flower shop.    


The front door of the flower shop was not big, but the decoration was very artistic.    


On one side of the door, there was a table with a big glass box on it.    


A woman sat on the chair behind the glass box.    


The woman lowered her head slightly. Her long black hair covered most of her face, only revealing her thin lips and sharp chin.    


She held a small knife in her hand. The knife was very sharp. This could be seen from how effortlessly she trimmed the roots of the flowers.    


In front of the glass box stood two customers waiting to buy flowers.    


They all looked at the woman's hand holding the knife.    


She said that the woman's hand holding the knife was very white and slender and very beautiful, but it was definitely not as good as her actions when cutting flowers.    


The knife in her hand seemed to have been given life. Every movement seemed to carry a natural and natural poetic meaning, and it was not sluggish at all.    


Guanning turned his head and smiled at Zhou Shuhan who was looking in his direction. He took out the money and walked to the glass box. "Auntie, give me nine roses." Before Qin Guanning came, there were already two customers waiting there. However, they saw that he was a child and did not bother with him. They just let him buy it first.    


The woman who was trimming the flowers raised her head and looked at Qin Guanning.    


When the woman raised her head, Qin Guanning also saw her appearance. This woman was about thirty-one or thirty-two years old. She was very good-looking, but there was a long scar on her chin.    


This scar was like a large piece of coal that suddenly appeared in the snow. It mercilessly destroyed the beauty that this face should have.    


The way people looked at people was very cold, or it could be said that it was very light. It did not change at all because Qin Guanning called her an aunt or because he was a child.    


Wait a moment. " The woman nodded. When she withdrew her gaze, she suddenly saw a jade ring on Qin Guanning's chest.    


Instantly, her eyes, which were as light as water, focused, and they shone with a fanatical light that no one else noticed. Alright." Qin Guanning nodded his head, turned around, and made a hand gesture to Zhou Shuhan to wait for a while.    


When he put down his hand with a smile, he heard the woman who sold flowers say, "Child, what's your name? Is your surname Qin?" How did she know my surname was Qin? Guanning was stunned and nodded." Yes, my surname is Qin, and my name is Qin Guanning. Auntie, do you know me?" Qin Guanning, Qin Guanning. " The woman muttered twice and then smiled. "I guessed... Do you want to buy flowers for your girlfriend? " You're right, I don't have the ability like you. Hehe, how much does it cost?" If it wasn't because Zhou Shuhan was still waiting for him there, Qin Guanning would have asked this woman why she knew him no matter what.    


It's a gift for you. It's free." As the woman spoke, she had finished trimming the nine roses. When she handed it to Qin Guanning, she said in the tone of a senior to a junior, "You are not even fifteen this year, right? You already have a girlfriend like this. Aren't you afraid that your parents will scold you?" You have ambitions, but you are not old." Qin Guanning took the rose and conveniently placed the bill on the glass box. He said something funny and was about to turn around when he heard Zhou Shuhan scream.    


Why did you buy flowers for me? Don't tell me, you like me? Shuhan looked at Qin Guanning, who was standing in front of the glass box, and this thought suddenly appeared in her mind.    


Zhou Tangtang, you are really shameless. I am still a child. Even if I give you flowers, it does not mean that I like you... When did your thoughts become so dirty? I despise you! " Zhou Shuhan's face was red as she muttered to herself in a low voice. She reached out and scratched her left cheek.    


At that time, she saw Qin Guanning turning around and making a 'wait' gesture to her.    


She hurriedly took away her hand that was scratching her face and waved it with a smile.    


When Shuhan waved her hand, her movements were a little too big. She accidentally touched a person who was walking towards her and she quickly said, "I'm sorry... Ah! " Just as Zhou Shuhan said the word 'sorry', the person she touched... She suddenly covered her mouth and turned her body half way. He raised the dagger hidden in his right sleeve and stabbed her in the chest... Qin Guanning wanted to turn around and walk over, but he suddenly saw a man hugging Zhou Shuhan. He touched her heart, then let go of his hands and walked towards the departure hall without looking back. His heart suddenly tightened and he screamed, "Ms Tangtang!!" Shuhan covered her heart with both hands and slowly collapsed onto the ground.    


After Shuhan collapsed onto the ground, she loosened her hands and revealed the position of her heart.    


A short dagger was inserted into Shuhan's heart.    


The dagger went deep into her body and only flashed the handle of the short dagger.    


It was a dagger. His face was white.    


Under the sunlight at 9: 30 in the morning, her face was so white that it was piercing to the eyes.    


Ms Tangtang!! " Guanning shouted hoarsely. He raised his hand and threw the rose in his hand out. He chased after the man crazily.    


The man who stabbed Zhou Shuhan to the ground did not panic when he saw Qin Guanning chasing after him from the corner of his eye. He only quickened his pace.    


As long as he walked into the waiting hall and mixed in with the crowd, there was no possibility that a child could find him.    


A man was very confident because he was the devil hand of K Country! From the moment he came out of prison, he no longer had his name.    


Now his name was Nine.    


Capture him, he killed someone!" When Qin Guanning was chasing after the man, there happened to be a person wearing the airport security uniform. The man with the phone in his hand walked out of the waiting hall. He hurriedly shouted, "Stop him! He killed someone!" A security guard who was talking to the phone in a low voice heard Qin Guanning's angry roar. He subconsciously looked up and saw a man rushing into the hall. He immediately reached out to stop him. "Sir, please wait!" Unexpectedly, Qin Guanning did not go to take care of Zhou Shuhan immediately but chased after him. He also did not expect that there would be security guards coming out of the departure hall at this time.    


In his eyes, whether it was the child or the two security guards, they were nothing.    


So, when the security guard reached out to stop him, his hands suddenly grabbed the security guard's hands and twisted upwards.    


Crack! Ann's arm was dislocated.    


Ah! " The security guard whose arm was dislocated roared in pain and almost fainted.    


It meant that he had almost fainted.    


In other words, the security guard almost fainted from the pain, but he didn't faint.    


The security guard who had his shoulder dislocated didn't forget his duty because of the pain in his body. Instead, he roared and raised his leg to kick Number Nine's crotch! Loo Zhihuan had once told Lee Huize that anyone in the Devil's Hand was a fierce man who could take on hundreds of men. Naturally, he would not be kicked by this security guard who earned a few thousand a month.    


Number let go of the security guard's hand and quickly took a step back. He raised his hand to grab the foot that he kicked over and flipped his right hand. Another shiny short dagger appeared in his hand and stabbed at the security guard's thigh. Just as the short dagger was about to pierce into the security guard's thigh, Qin Guanning rushed over. Go to hell!" Qin Guanning roared and jumped up high. His right foot swung in the air. He kicked fiercely at the back of Number Nine's head! Nr. 9 did not expect Qin Guanning, a minor, to have such a fast reaction speed. It was so fast that he did not have time to stab the short dagger into the security guard's thigh. The sound of Qin Guanning's right leg kicking through the air rang in his ears.    


No. One of the guards nodded and let Qin Guanning's kick pass. She took back the short dagger that was aimed at the security guard's thigh and stabbed it towards his left rib! Qin Guanning almost went crazy when the girl he liked was killed in front of him. He wanted to kill the person who killed him. He did not care if the enemy's dagger would kill him like the sun at eight or nine o'clock. He didn't even make any dodging movements. He just kept throwing himself at Number Nine's back. When Guanning felt pain in his left ribs, he put his hands on Number Nine's head.    


When his vision turned black from the pain, he used all the strength in his body. His hands suddenly bent to the side. With a light sound, the short dagger in Number Nine's hand stabbed into Qin Guanning's abdomen with a poof. He also broke Number Nine's neck! If you dare to kill the woman I like, I will kill your entire family!" Qin Guanning held Number Nine's head, which had popped out of his eye sockets, and staggered two steps back. Then, he squatted down on the ground with a puff.    


Nr. 9, since he was able to go through rigorous and cruel training to become a devil's hand, in terms of real martial arts, he would definitely be much better than Qin Guanning, who was still a child.    


If he was willing to see Qin Guanning as an opponent... He could kill two Qin Guanning in a row and then retreat with ease! Number Nine did not understand until his death why this kid was so unafraid of death and actually ignored the short dagger in his hand. He adopted a mad dog fighting style that would bring him down with him.    


If God gave Nr. 9 another chance, he would definitely not treat Qin Guanning as a child, but as an equal opponent! God was a very stingy person. He never gave anyone a chance to regret.    


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