My Fiance Ran Away

C744 There Are Enemies in the Sea!

C744 There Are Enemies in the Sea!

They had just said that Chai Murong had stepped forward in time to help everyone get rid of a disaster, and she had gained an infinite favorable impression of them.    


Although everyone firmly believed that with her slim figure, they would never believe that she was pregnant even if they were beaten to death. But at this time, she was shouting at the top of her voice, which aroused the pity in everyone's heart. They all suggested that the organizers arrange a boat for them to send her away.    


Of course, the reason why everyone agreed to let Chai Murong and the others leave was not to have a good impression of her.    


More importantly, the withdrawal of Chu Yang and the others was beneficial to everyone. Not only did it reduce one competitor, it also reduced the threat.    


Anyone who was qualified to participate in the auction could tell that Chu Yang and Koo Mingchuang were good at it.    


Now, these two people... Oh, wrong. It was very likely that the five of them would accompany that cute girl to withdraw from the auction. It was exactly what everyone wished for.    


Therefore, these fellows who each had their own ulterior motives, one after another, advised Lih Shuzhen to prepare a boat for this young lady who had 'suddenly activated fetus energy'. Among them, there was the high voice of Carpenter.    


Looking at this chaotic scene, Mongul hugged the gun in his arms and whispered to Lih Shuzhen, who wanted to calm down but could not, "Boss, what should we do?"    


"You and Scorpion will give them a rubber boat! Remember, let them wait by the shore. Do not let them see where we hide the boat!" Lih Shuzhen did not have the time to think about it carefully. Helpless, she could only order her subordinates like this.    


Monger agreed and gave a look to Scorpion, who was beside him. Then he shouted loudly, "Since this lady automatically forfeited her bidding rights, please go to the shore and wait. We will send you a boat soon. But first I warn you, no one is allowed to move on the island without permission. Otherwise, don't blame us for not warning you if you are accidentally killed! Shark, bring that lady out! "    


"Yes!" A short and fat man agreed and handed the gun in his hand to his companion. Then, he walked quickly to the door with empty hands.    


These guys are so careful. They would rather risk being killed than give us the chance to snatch the gun.    


Seeing the shark hand the gun to his companion, Chu Yang secretly nodded. He felt that this Fragrant Pink Skeleton was very talented.    


"The few of you are going out?" The shark quickly walked in front of Chu Yang and asked loudly.    


"There are six of us in total!" Shaang Buting had just finished speaking when he heard someone behind him say, "It's ten. Let's go together."    


Shaang Buting suddenly turned around. Behind him stood four short men.    


Looking at Huang Zhisheng, Shaang Buting smiled faintly and said, "Alright, there are ten of them."    


Shark was shocked. "Ten people? But the rubber boat can only have six people at most. If you have ten people, I need to ask the boss to arrange another boat for you."    


Chu Yang shook his head. "No need. I dare say that at most six people will appear on the boat."    


Huang Zhisheng immediately replied, "Maybe four!"    


Chu Yang could not be bothered to waste any more words with this stubborn guy who was about to die. He smiled and nodded. "Alright, four... go to hell."    


"Okay, then please follow me." He already understood that after these people left, they would say something about the bloody shark and walk to the door first.    


After picking Chai Murong up from the waist, Chu Yang took a step back and stood side by side with Ye Chuqing. He said in a low voice, "When you are outside, help me take care of her. Leave those few people to us."    


Since they let him go, Official Chai, who was good at calculating, naturally did not want to shout loudly anymore. He only said, "I will not let her take care of me."    


"Do you think I still care... That is not up to you!" Ye Chuqing, who originally wanted to say that she did not care about taking care of Chai Murong, immediately changed her words halfway through her sentence. She thought, Hmph, the more you don't want me to take care of you, the more I have to take care of you. I just won't let you do as you wish!    


As the two women bickered in low voices, Chu Yang and the others followed the shark out of the underground casino.    


When they stepped on the ground of Adorable Sprout Island, even Shaang Buting and the other two had the firm belief that they could sacrifice themselves. However, when they saw the crescent moon above their heads, they let out a breath. It felt good to be able to see the moon again.    


"Wait here for a while, don't wander around." The shark did not care what these people were thinking. It just took out a flashlight from its pocket and flashed a few times in the distance.    


Soon, on the beach not far away, someone responded in the same way.    


Then, three black shadows came over in a fan-shaped shape.    


Although it was night, Chu Yang and the others had very good eyesight. They could see the existence of the Assault Rifle from the hands of these three black shadows who were careful with every step they took.    


Wait! The shark only waved its hand when its companion was about ten meters away from it.    


Immediately, the three of them made way for the beach.    


Shark turned around and looked at Chai Murong, who was hugging her neck with both hands, and smiled. "Miss, you can leave now. Remember, don't look back before you go to the beach. Otherwise... "    


Chu Yang replied, "We understand. Thank you."    


After saying that, Chu Yang waved his chin and led the way to the beach.    


Koo Mingchuang and the others followed after him. Huang Zhisheng waited for them to walk more than ten meters before following them.    


Chu Yang carried Chai Murong and looked at the rubber boat floating on the sea. He asked in a low voice, "Since these people from V Country came here to stop you from bidding for the HZY, why didn't they make a move outside? Why did they have to wait until the auction? "    


Shaang Buting held the short thorn in his right hand and replied faintly, "If it wasn't for the HZY, we wouldn't have avoided them. They wouldn't have waited until the auction started before they had the chance to come into contact with us."    


"If it was me, I would have solved these problems first and then come to the auction."    


Ye Chuqing snorted in dissatisfaction and replied, " Humph, do you think we don't want to do that? However, there were definitely more than four of them in St John Island. They had no less than seven or eight companions. If we have a conflict with them outside, we won't have the energy to come to the Adorable Sprout Island."    


After hearing the dissatisfaction in Ye Chuqing's words, Chu Yang smiled and didn't say anything. He only quickened his pace.    


Chu Yang suddenly sped up his pace. The people following him naturally had to speed up their pace.    


When Huang Zhisheng saw them speed up their pace, even an idiot could guess what kind of movements they would make.    


Very quickly, Chu Yang arrived less than ten meters away from the rubber boat. "Ye Chuqing, get on the boat first!"    


"You get on, I'll stay!"    


"Be good!"    


"I... Alright. " Ye Chuqing pursed her lips and took a few steps before jumping onto the rubber boat. Just as she untied the rope on the rubber boat and stood up, she saw a burlap bag flying over.    


This burlap sack like thing even let out a scream after losing its center of gravity. " Ah!"    


Instinctively, Ye Chuqing grabbed the fragrant 'sack' and held it in her arms. However, due to inertia and the fact that she could not stand stably on the rubber boat, she squatted down on the rubber boat.    


" Protect her well. I'll send these grandpas on their way! " After Chu Yang threw Chai Murong to Ye Chuqing, he suddenly turned around. He waved his right hand and let out a sinister laugh. He threw himself at Huang Zhisheng, who had also taken out his weapon.    


Master Chu had always been a smart person who would never drag things out. He would never say something like 'can you all let go of the killing knife and become Buddha' before he started beating up the people of V Country.    


With a sinister laugh, he had already jumped in front of Huang Zhisheng. The Army Thorn shook and stabbed at his left chest!    


Since Chu Yang was the first to attack, Koo Mingchuang, Shaang Buting, and Xue Tao naturally would not be foolish enough to shout 'stop, come and give me your name'. They also turned around like a whirlwind, aiming at one of the people from V Country and pounced on him.    


A life and death battle between the elite soldiers of the special forces of the two countries of Hua and Yue began under the moonlight on the beach.    




After being thrown onto the boat, Chai Murong was worried that she would fall into the sea due to the intense shaking of the rubber boat. She covered her ears and screamed with her eyes closed, "Ah, the boat is about to flip over, it is about to flip over!"    


"Stop shouting, can you look after yourself!?"    


Ye Chuqing threw Chai Murong to the side in disgust and turned over to get up from the rubber boat.    


She asked Chai Murong if she could look after herself, because she wanted to help her comrades deal with the four people from V Country.    


"Of course I can keep an eye on myself, but if you can be by my side... I will be more confident!" Chai Murong, who was thrown to the side, quickly opened her eyes and grabbed the side of the ship with both hands. Seeing Ye Chuqing about to get off the boat, she hurriedly shouted, "Hey, what are you going to do? There are only these few thieves, and you are still afraid that Chu Yang and the others will not be able to deal with them? It's best that we sit here and watch the tigers fight. "    


Ye Chuqing jumped into the shallow water on the shore and said coldly," I don't have the mood to watch the tigers fight. I only know that my comrades are fighting with the enemies in front of me! "    


Chai Murong said anxiously, "I don't object to you helping them, but have you thought about it? If you leave me here and don't care about me, and if enemies appear again at this time, what should I do?"    


"Aren't you very capable? Besides, how can there be other enemies here..." When Ye Chuqing said this, she had already stepped onto the shore. Just as she wanted to participate in the battle, she discovered that on the surface of the sea not far behind the rubber boat, there were actually seven or eight heads floating up!    


So, she could only bitterly smile. "I have to say that your mouth has always been very sharp."    


Staring at Chu Yang who was fighting with the enemy, Chai Murong proudly replied, "Only now did you know."    


Just as Chai Murong finished speaking, she saw Ye Chuqing jump back into the water. She pulled the rope and dragged it towards the shore. Then she shouted loudly, "Chu Yang, there are enemies in the sea!"    


When Ye Chuqing and the other two accepted the mission of 'Phoenix Nirvana' and came to the Straits of Malacca, Qin Tingxuan clearly told them that there were no reinforcements.    


But at this time, seven or eight heads suddenly rose from the sea not far away and swam towards them at a very fast speed. There was no need to think carefully to know the purpose of these people. Dang!    


So Ye Chuqing immediately gave Chu Yang and the others a warning.    




Since they clearly knew that China had sent out Long Teng's elites, the V Country authorities still sent Huang Zhisheng and the others to restrict them. Of course, this was because China was worried about them, and also because they wanted to find an opportunity to recover the defeat they had suffered over ten years ago.    


As the saying goes, it's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge.    


Although the people of V Country might not be a gentleman, they were unwilling to forget the hatred they had towards the past.    


Therefore, when they concluded that China's Soaring Dragon would come to the Malacca Strait to 'bid' for HZY, they decisively sent out 'Dragon Slaying'.    


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