My Fiance Ran Away

C919 Too Beautiful Is also a Fatal Flaw!

C919 Too Beautiful Is also a Fatal Flaw!

Xie Yaotong ran out of the Chu family early in the morning to seek death. As for how she died and who she died in, were these two questions very important to a person who was destined to die?    


However, Ms Xie did not expect that Ninth Brother Xie Fengyun would actually use his actions to awaken the desire to live that was buried deep in her heart!    


It was this strong desire to live that caused her to drive the car and circle the Sora for so long. It was not until the car lost its fuel and came to the side of the lake where she 'cheated' for the first time that it jumped out of the car. Just as she wanted to attack, she turned around and ran towards the forest as if she was flying.    


It wasn't that Xie Yaotong didn't want to rely on her own martial arts to fight with the two pursuers, it was just that they seemed to be very good at killing people. Before she jumped out of the car, she used bullets to block her attack route, forcing her to retreat towards the forest.    


Xie Yaotong was also known as Assassin King, and had a glorious history of fighting with Shaang Lige and not being defeated. But now she did not dare to get entangled with Zola. He not only had a guy in his hands, but also a car behind him. If they could not get rid of them in a short period of time, then at the edge of the lake without any cover, She was sure that he would turn her into a hornet's nest with bullets, so she had to follow the bullet's trajectory. She tried to retreat to the forest as far as possible. Once she entered the forest... Then the effectiveness of the guns would be greatly reduced.    


When Xie Yaotong was sprinting towards the forest, she used the commonly used S-shaped attack and retreat route to avoid being hit by bullets.    


However, she never would have thought that the reason why the Sola brothers could be ranked in the top 15 of Assassin Group was largely because they were good at close range sniping.    


Two close range snipers with micro-charging hands were sniping an unarmed target in a wide open area. No matter what method she used to dodge the bullets, it seemed like she could not escape the fate of being hit. Therefore, with the sound of the micro-charging bullets with silencers installed, Xie Yaotong, who had just run a dozen meters, made a whooshing sound. Just a tottering load on the ground.    


When they saw that the target had fallen to the ground, Zola and Fourth Brother immediately stopped shooting. They pointed the muzzle of the gun at the woman who sat up from the ground and covered her left leg and calf. The woman who was leaning sideways slowly pushed forward.    


Sigh, I can't escape in the end. These two people are definitely experts in using guns. Covering the wound on her injured calf, Xie Yaotong sat up and looked at the two very professional and professional men who were forcing their way over. She thought, Since they want to kill me, why didn't they shoot me to death? It seems like they want to capture me alive... alive? Ah, I know. They, they want to humiliate me before killing me! Well, it's all my fault for having such a beautiful face. This is really something to be sad about!    


"You'd better not commit suicide by biting your tongue, because we brothers have no intention of killing you. What we need is that as long as you serve us well, If you serve us well, we can break our professional ethics and let you go once. Or take you away " Zola, who was holding the microcharge, slowly walked forward. He looked at Xie Yaotong, who was under the light of the car, with a look of despair on her face. The corner of her mouth curled up into a greedy smile. "Of course. If you insist on biting your tongue to commit suicide, we don't mind taking advantage of the fact that your body is not completely cold. Dry your corpse. Although that is not a big deal, who asked you to be so beautiful? Sigh, so beautiful. Sometimes, being too beautiful is also a fatal flaw."    


" As long as she treats us brothers well, are we really going to take her away? " Fourth Brother stopped when he was seven meters away from Xie Yaotong. This distance was the best distance to shoot at close range. More importantly, as the younger brother of Zola, he had to wait until his boss was satisfied. Then he would enjoy himself. This was the rule. Rules could not be broken so easily.    


To be honest, When Sura saw Xie Yaotong in person, She felt that if she was willing to listen to him, He might not necessarily have to kill her, even though it was against their professional ethics. But professional ethics were nothing in front of beauty, so he answered Ling honestly, "If I give you five million, can you find such a beautiful woman?"    


He looked at his boss, who put Wei Chong on the ground behind him and walked towards Xie Yaotong with his bare hands. Fourth shook his head sincerely, "No, not to mention five million. I can't find such a beautiful woman. Even fifty million might not be able to find her."    


"It's good that you understand this. That's why we are working hard for this fifty million yuan."    


There were two reasons why Zola let go of the microcharge: The first reason was that when a man was fighting a beautiful woman in close combat, he only needed to use the gun under his crotch. The other reason was that he was afraid that this woman would seize the gun to deal with him while he was having fun.    


When Zola was slowly approaching Xie Yaotong, he took off a pair of leather handcuffs from his waist.    


Although he did not know that Ms Xie was the famous Assassin King, he could tell from her driving skills and the way she retreated to the forest that this beautiful woman was definitely not simple. Even though she was injured at the moment. She was also forced to not move under the gun of Fourth Brother, but maybe she would plot against him when he was intimate with her. Therefore, no matter what, he had to handcuff her hands. This way, even if she had great abilities. It seemed that she could only be humiliated.    


After seeing the handcuff taken off from her waist, Xie Yaotong understood what he was thinking. She did not have the time to weigh the pros and cons of letting him rape a corpse or live to be humiliated like this. Her eyes, which were filled with despair, suddenly lit up.    


Xie Yaotong was not afraid of death, but she was afraid of being humiliated after death.    


Xie Yaotong was also not afraid of being raped. The key was to see who did it to her.    


However, no matter what kind of situation it was, the Sola in front of her did not seem to be Ms Xie's partner in life and death. But she had to make a choice between life and death. Death was very simple, but the person who died could no longer stop others from humiliating her body. It was very difficult to live, because she had to use her innocent body to make those people she wanted to bite and eat enjoy.    


Death, or life?    


This was indeed a very difficult choice question. It was so difficult that it gave Ms Xie a headache. But just as she was at a loss as to what to do, she suddenly realized that she no longer had to choose. Because there was a person... or more accurately, there was a person who she was willing to give her everything to. Suddenly, she appeared behind Fourth Brother. At the same time that her eyes lit up, even her voice became coy. Weirdly, she said, "Actually, I am quite generous. I don't necessarily have to spend 5 million and 50 million to be willing to sleep with someone. Sometimes, I'd rather spend it on someone else. The only condition is that we have to see if that man is the person I love. "    


Xie Yaotong's sudden change in behavior caused Zola to stop in his tracks. Fourth Brother subconsciously asked," The person you love? Who is the person you love..."    


"I think it should be me, right?" A man's voice that seemed to come from behind but also seemed to come from the horizon suddenly sounded from behind before Fourth Brother finished speaking.    


As a person who was paying full attention to the woman in front of him, when he suddenly heard someone speaking behind him, He would definitely turn around to check after being shocked, but his fourth brother did not turn around... Because he did not even have time to turn around before he saw a black sharp tip. It suddenly stuck out from his chest!    


A drop of blood was hanging on the tip of the spike that flashed with the cold light of death. Under the illumination of the headlights of the car, it appeared exceptionally bewitching and bewitching.    


Eh, he's freaking strange. Why did this old man's chest suddenly have such a east one... This question was still lingering in Fourth Brother's mind when he saw that the black tip was like the tongue of a frog that caught mosquitoes and flies. It suddenly shrank backwards, and then boiling hot blood shot out from the triangular-shaped wound on his chest!    


At this moment, Fourth Brother subconsciously let out a miserable cry that shook the entire area. "Ah! It hurts so much!"    


Xie Yaotong, this woman, really had no conscience. The miserable cry of Fourth Brother before he died... It did not make her wink with her coquettish eyes at all. She just stared straight at the body of the person who found out after fourth brother fell. Then tears flowed down her white face. "You are right. The person I love the most is you. If you want me to sleep with you, as long as your menstruation does not come to visit... I can satisfy you at any time. "    


There was no need to ask. This fellow who was willing to let Beijing Prettiest Girl and Xie Yaotong sleep with him was precisely the suave and handsome Pan An who was reborn in Song Yu's life. He was the big rogue, Third Prince of Chu family and Chu Yang!    


Looking at Sola, who did not panic just because his fourth brother was killed, a trace of admiration flashed across Chu Yang's eyes. Then he coldly said to Xie Yaotong, "If I were you, I would definitely shut my stinky mouth at this time. In order to avoid making people angry again. "    


Immediately, Xie Yaotong obediently shut her mouth but in her heart, she was very angry as she thought, If you dare to say Chai Murong's words like this, that girl would definitely not be as obedient as me. 80% of it will make you shut your stinky mouth, or ask you why you said that her mouth was stinky. Hmph, seeing that elder sister will 'lose her chastity' no matter what, and that you will be able to arrive in time. I can't be bothered to argue with you anymore!    


After seeing fourth brother's clean and clean transcendence, Chu Yang wiped the Army Thorn on his clothes and put it away. Then he bent down and picked up the two submachine guns on the ground.    


When he saw that Chu Yang had quietly killed Fourth Brother, he knew that Second Brother and Third Brother must have gone to the Blissful World as well. After lamenting that the two brothers didn't say anything before leaving, he didn't make any desperate moves. Instead, they just stood there and looked at the Chu man who was charging at them. "Who are you?"    


"My name is Chu Yang. You might not have heard of this name before. But I guarantee you that you have definitely heard of Ghost Chariot. I am Ghost Chariot, or Assassin King. " Chu Yang, who did not know how to be modest, said these words plainly. He threw the two submachine guns in his hands into the grass behind him. "I know you may be famous assassins, but you can also be considered my peers. So I understand your difficulties in killing for money. I don't blame you for dealing with this stupid woman. But I can't stand the obscene way you want to rape your target while you're on a mission, so I can only teach you a lesson before you die. This is to remind the other peers not to do what you did."    


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