My Fiance Ran Away

C882 Even If He Was Chu Yang He Could Only be Chu Yang!

C882 Even If He Was Chu Yang He Could Only be Chu Yang!

"What can he do to let me down? I'm alone, and I don't have any other relatives." Ye Chuqing narrowed her eyes and thought for a moment before shaking her head, "No, even if I hate him, I will not really kill him. If I really have to kill him, then I have to die with him. "    


Hu Mietang sat up straight and yawned as he stretched his waist. "Since you think so, let alone Chai Murong. Don't worry, Chu Yang will be fine. Don't look at how worried you are for him. But he might be wandering around the gentle countryside right now. Sigh, women, the heart of a woman in love... It's always so hard to understand."    


"Enough, stop pretending to be a philosophical person here. Do you think I don't know how you managed to catch up to Master's wife back then?"    


Hu Mietang's lips immediately curved into a happy smile. He laughed and said, "Those are all old days. They are long outdated. There is no need to take them out for sunbathing anymore."    


As he said this, he suddenly felt the phone in his pocket vibrate rapidly. So he put his index finger on his lips and made a silent pose to Ye Chuqing. Then he quickly took out the phone from his pocket and glanced at the caller ID on it. He then pressed the answer button.    


When Ye Chuqing saw Hu Mietang start to pick up the phone, out of courtesy, Ye Chuqing turned her head and pretended to say, I won't listen to your call. In fact, both her ears were standing up.    


"It has been so long and you still haven't come over. Did something happen?" After Hu Mietang picked up the phone, he only asked this one question and did not speak anymore.    


Ye Chuqing secretly guessed in her heart, What happened? Could it be that 2012's people successfully infiltrated China?    


Ye Chuqing waited for another five minutes before she heard Hu Mietang say in a deep voice, "En, en, I got it. Okay, you guys go ahead and do your work. Remember to be careful. I will tell him. Goodbye."    


After hearing what Hu Mietang said, Ye Chuqing turned around and saw that Hu Mietang had taken off the phone. Those two pretty eyebrows knitted together. She knew that the phone call he had just received was not good news. So she asked, "What's wrong?"    


Hu Mietang smiled and replied faintly, "Nothing. It was just that when Xie Laosi and his wife found out where Chai Mingsheng and the others were, They happened to run into Koo Mingchuang and the others who had rushed over from Huaxia. Laosi thought that they were on the same side, so he didn't pay much attention to them at that time. But who would have thought that Koo Mingchuang would suddenly plot against Chai Mingsheng and immediately kidnap that little guy called Chai Yueran. When Fourth Brother and his wife were shocked, they naturally had to figure it out. But the result was very surprising because Koo Mingchuang and his men seemed to be very skilled. They actually escaped with the little fellow right under his nose."    


After hearing what Hu Mietang said, Ye Chuqing's face suddenly changed. "Ah, it can't be, right? Don't say that Koo Mingchuang wouldn't do that. Even if he really did do such a thing, Then he doesn't have the strength to fight against the Blood Eagle. How could he not explain it clearly? He had escaped with Chai Yueran... Ah, I think there's something wrong with this Koo Mingchuang. However, since he was able to escape under the Blood Eagle's nose, it seems like his ability is also very high. "    


"There is always someone stronger than the strong, but there is always someone stronger than the strong. In this world, there are many people who are stronger than me and Xie Laosi. It's just that we have never met him before. However, they got what they wanted because their wife followed them. Otherwise, they wouldn't have let them escape so easily. " As Hu Mietang spoke, he used his hand to clean the clothes of the coarse cloth.    


Ye Chuqing also quickly packed up and asked, "Then what do we need to do now?"    


"We are going to the underground city to find Chu Yang."    


"Go to the underground city to find Chu Yang? Oh, you want to tell him this news. But..." Ye Chuqing was stunned, and immediately understood the reason why Hu Mietang did this. So she asked again, "Aren't you afraid that you will be attacked by Chai Murong's subordinates?"    


"Hehe, of course I am afraid. No one is not afraid of those snipers hiding in the dark." Hu Mietang first laughed, then said proudly, "But now I don't have to worry, because we can go there openly and honorably. Those with the same name wanted to see Chu Yang, so they definitely wouldn't dare to do anything reckless. Of course, the most important thing is, if I, Hu Mietang, am so easily killed by a sniper, then... Then I won't be able to live until today. "    


Ye Chuqing nodded her head. "I knew it. We should have killed him long ago. There was really no need to wait here. Although you only now understand how correct my words were at that time, it is not too late... I just don't know what method Chai Murong will use to deal with us. "    


Hu Mietang jumped down from the tree in a huff." Don't worry. Chai Murong definitely has no time to deal with us now. Isn't she busy dealing with Chu Yang? She must have placed all of her heart on Chu Yang and thus had no time to care about us. If I'm not wrong, hehe, a man and woman who actually love to pinch each other. At this moment, hehe... "    


Ye Chuqing jumped down from the tree. "Lao Hu, seeing you smile so wretchedly, what are you thinking in your heart?"    


"The Buddha says, don't say it, don't say it." After Hu Mietang shook his head and said that, he ignored Ye Chuqing and walked forward with his hands behind his back as if he was taking a stroll.    


Hu Mietang's guess was right. Chai Murong had indeed placed all of her attention on Chu Yang.    


The hooligan's point was that she had used the most primitive way of human beings to put all of her thoughts and body on the matter of love with Chu Yang.    


For a moment, this pair of men and women who had wanted to die together not long ago. At this moment, it was the most satisfying method. One side wanted to conquer her with all their might. The other side was demanding with all their might. No one was willing, unwilling, and unwilling to admit defeat. They were using the most primitive method to ravage the other side with all their might.    


If there was another kind of close combat in this world besides using fists and legs, if there was another type of dry firewood that could burn in the water, then this kind of relationship between men and women... Without a doubt, this was the most appropriate... Even though all the results ended with a man's head hanging down, the process was like this, without any regrets.    


Shaang Lige leaned against the wall on the left side of the 2012 archbishop's dormitory door and lowered her head slightly. Her snow-white hair covered her entire face, like a sculpture that had been standing there for thousands of years. She did not move, causing the female guards in the distance to look at her. They always felt that she was a ghost that could fly away at any time in a flash of white light.    


A ghost, a cold-blooded ghost. Its entire body was filled with killing intent that kept spinning.    


Night Owlet and Shaang Lige just stood there firmly at the door. They had not moved for less than half an hour. She slightly narrowed her eyes and stared at the floor covered with Persian carpet through her hair that was hanging down. She did not think of anything and just stared at the floor. As long as her only man didn't appear by her side, she might stare at the floor. Until old age.    


A burst of hurried footsteps sounded from the corridor on Shaang Lige's right, getting closer and closer.    


Shaang Lige slowly raised her head. Her right hand, which had green veins in it, slightly opened, so that the Flying Dagger in her sleeve could slip into her palm at the fastest speed.    


The person who was panting heavily ran over from afar. It was Jin Xier, who was holding her right wrist, which was wrapped in bandages, in her neck. When she passed by a few subordinates who bowed to her, she did not pay them any attention. She quickly ran to a place three meters in front of Shaang Lige before stopping. She first glanced at the bedroom door. Then, she looked at the ghost woman who frightened her.    


To this ghost-like woman, Jin Xier, who was considered one of the top female followers in 2012. She had an indescribable fear. Until now, she still did not understand why Shaang Lige was circling like a swallow after she jumped up. When she was stunned, she only kicked her wrist to break it.    


Although Jin Xier did not understand this problem, when she saw Shaang Lige looking at her, she understood that she needed to get her permission to meet Lord Bishop.    


"Ms. Shang, Ms. Shang." Jin Xier did not wait for Shaang Lige to ask anything and said respectfully in a low voice, "There is a man and a woman outside. They claim to be Feathered God's friends. They wanted to see Lord Bishop. There had been a physical conflict with the church at the entrance. That is why I am in a hurry to report. Please pass on my message on my behalf. "    


"A man and a woman?" Shaang Lige's white brows wrinkled. She immediately understood who these two people were.    


After she and Chu Yang broke into the dense forest to meet Bei Gongcuo and left, Ye Chuqing appeared and was scolded by Chu Yang to leave. At that time, he said that it was the February Hu Mietang from the Soaring Dragon Group who accompanied Ye Chuqing.    


Now, when Shaang Lige heard Jin Xier say this, she naturally thought of who this man and woman were. She did not say anything and just coolly nodded her head. She turned around and walked to the door. Just as she was about to open the door, she suddenly stopped. Without turning his head, he said faintly, "I don't like people calling him Feathered God. He is Chu Yang. It could only be Chu Yang. If you dare call him that again, I will kill you. "    


"Yes, yes, I will call him Chu Yang from now on." Everyone said that these people had a 'weak as a slave' bloodline flowing in them. In fact, it was not wrong to say so. Otherwise, Jin Xier would not bow and say yes repeatedly in fear and trepidation.    


After a cold snort, Shaang Lige pushed open the door and quickly walked in. She then closed the door.    


After closing the door, before Shaang Lige could see Chu Yang's shadow, she heard the screams of women.    


Shaang Lige was not unfamiliar with this kind of happy but exaggerated shouting. She had already had sex with Chu Yang before. That was why she immediately understood what the couple was doing. Her heart skipped a beat. She subconsciously lowered her head and wanted to open the door to go out, but in the end, she slowly let go. Jin Xier was still waiting outside. If I go out at this time and tell her that it was inconvenient for Chu Yang, then... Given Chu Yang's intelligence, he would definitely understand why it was' inconvenient 'for him.    


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