My Fiance Ran Away

C929 The Legendary Wolf Heart and Dog Heart!

C929 The Legendary Wolf Heart and Dog Heart!

Xie Yaotong heard the Xie family's heartless words with her own ears. She was so shocked that her mind went blank. However, Chu Yang, who had experience in the army, remained clear-headed. She could tell from the expression in Liu Bo's eyes when he spoke. That was why when they were about to be detained, he pulled all of them back from the brink of death.    


Xie Yaotong, who had been slapped hard, staggered a few times on the spot and finally fell into Chu Yang's arms. But she did not seem to feel pain at all. She just jumped and jumped in his arms and cried, "Chu Yang, let go of me, let go of me, let me die!"    


"Sorry, brother. Can I trouble you to say something to Old Master Xie? Just say that Chu Yang's stomach suddenly hurts so much that he needs to go to the hospital to take a look." Chu Yang knew that Xie Yaotong had entered a state of madness under extreme stimulation. One or two slaps were not enough to wake her up, so he simply saw her in his arms. After apologizing to Liu Bo, he turned around and walked towards the Hummer.    


After quietly wiping the cold sweat on his forehead, Liu Bo looked at Chu Yang with gratitude and then shouted in a low voice, "Little Wang, quickly open the door for Mr. Chu!"    


"Yes!" Little Wang replied and quickly chased after Chu Yang.    


The scene where everyone was about to shoot Xie Yaotong would definitely be recorded by the surveillance camera. However, as long as Chu Yang could successfully take Xie Yaotong away, not only would Liu Bo and the others not be sacrificed as a martyr, they would also not be killed. Everyone knew this in their hearts. That was why these soldiers on duty were grateful to Chu Yang in their hearts.    


With Little Wang's cooperation, they threw Xie Yaotong into the car. Chu Yang immediately closed the car door and hugged her tightly, letting her cry.    


Although the Xie family sent people to chase after Xie Yaotong last night, that was because they had to do it for the benefit of the entire Xie's faction. Therefore, not only did she not have anything to complain about, but she also had a guilty heart to welcome death.    


But what about today? After Hua Qinlin and the other aristocratic families made it clear that they would not pursue Xie Yaotong anymore, the Xie family still made such a high stance. From now on, Xie Yaotong would no longer be a member of the Xie family. Whether she lived or died was still up to them. It had nothing to do with the Xie family anymore.    


Although the Xie family did not announce it at this time, each of the black muzzles seemed to be a hundred times more real than the report. How could Xie Yaotong not go crazy and be sad?    


In the end, the Xie family did this for the benefit of the entire Xie family.    


No one knew how long she cried in Chu Yang's arms until Xie Yaotong cried until her throat became hoarse. She then looked up from his arms and sobbed, "Chu, Chu Yang, from now on I am a homeless person. And I, I also wasted one of the three times you gave me to be willful for the sake of the heartless Xie family. Hehe, it's really, really not worth it. "    


Chu Yang would never say something like 'this time is not considered a waste of your opportunity'. Instead, he smiled and stroked the tears on her face and said, "It's good that you know this. If you dare to be so willful again... Then don't blame me for chasing you out when the time comes. That way, you will really become a homeless person. "    


Some hooligans often said, Whether a man is mature or not depends on the number of times he rubs you. A woman only needs one time.    


What is a woman's one time thing?    


This didn't seem to be a definite concept, but it was undeniable that Xie Yaotong's body was more mature than a woman's mind. After being mercilessly expelled from the Xie family, she had undoubtedly matured.    


She wiped the tears from Chu Yang's new clothes, and held one of his hands with both hands, waving it back and forth. She said with a hoarse voice, "I don't want to be chased out by you. I don't want to be a homeless person. Can you give me one more chance to be willful? If I give you one more time, just one more time. There won't be a next time."    


Xie Yaotong's face was still covered in tears, but her words suddenly became very charming. Such a quick change in attitude would definitely make Chu Yang stunned, but then he immediately understood. After being extremely sad, she quickly acted coy, wanting to use this kind of method to chase away the pain in her heart.    


Chu Yang, who had guessed Xie Yaotong's thoughts, said with a stern face, "No, you must not indulge in women. If this time comes, there will definitely be a next time."    


"You are so cruel. If I use it at night..." Xie Yaotong lay beside Chu Yang's ear. After saying a few words in a low voice, Chu immediately put on a thoughtful look.    


Xie Yaotong twisted her waist and used her chest to rub against Chu Yang's face. Her hoarse voice had a strange charm. "Hurry up and say it. Can you do it or not?"    


Chu Yang wanted to say something but he looked in front of the window. He pushed Xie Yaotong to the side. "We will talk about this at night. LOOK, your Ninth Brother is here. There's finally someone in the Xie family who treats you like family. This can be considered a small fortune in your misfortune. "    


After letting go of Chu Yang's neck, Xie Yaotong turned her head and saw the messy hair and clothes of Ninth Young Master, Xie Fengyun, from the Xie family. He was running towards them from the entrance of the alley. From afar, one could see that his eyes were red and swollen. He must have cried a lot.    


Chu Yang's impression of Xie Fengyun had never been good. In other words, he looked down on this kind of pretty boy.    


However, at this moment, when everyone in the Xie family, including Xie Yaotong's biological parents, heartlessly rejected her, This seemingly useless pretty boy was able to run out by himself. It was still somewhat human. That was why Chu Yang opened the car door and said, "Quickly go down and bid farewell to your family."    


"Ninth Brother once blocked the people who wanted to kill me for me last night." Xie Yaotong also understood how Chu Yang saw Xie Fengyun. So after she said those words in a low voice, she jumped out of the car.    


Did he stop the people who wanted to kill you last night for you? Hehe, based on this kid's ability to only pick up a bird cage and bully ordinary people. How could he come out in the middle of the night to block the killer for you? Most likely, it was the Xie family who let him out on purpose, right? But why did they let him out on his own? After hearing Xie Yaotong say this, Chu Yang vaguely guessed why the Xie family did this.    


Xie Fengyun quickly ran towards the car. When he saw Xie Yaotong get out of the car, he stopped and stood a few steps away, staring blankly at her.    


"Ninth Brother!" Xie Yaotong called out in a low voice.    


"Eldest Sister!" Xie Fengyun's body trembled. He rushed in front of Xie Yaotong and hugged her tightly. He cried and whispered, "Big... Big sister, they don't want you anymore. Don't be sad. Don't forget about me! As long as I'm here, I won't allow anyone to bully you! "    


Tears trickled down Xie Yaotong's eyes, but she held Xie Fengyun's face with a smile. She wiped his tears and said, "Silly child, you are already so old, yet you are still crying while hugging Eldest Sister on the street. It will be a joke if others see it. Don't worry, Eldest Sister won't be sad, and no one will dare to bully me in the future. You, on the other hand, are the one who worries me the most. You're already 23 this year, so don't do nothing every day in the future. You should mature and start your own career, find a girlfriend who loves you and start a family as soon as possible. Only then will Big Sister feel at ease. "    


"I will, I will!" Xie Fengyun said as he hugged Xie Yaotong with all his strength. He let go of Xie Yaotong and walked to the driver's seat of the Hummer. When Chu Yang rolled down the window and was about to speak, he let go of her and walked to the driver's seat of the Hummer. ... He knelt on the ground and kowtowed three times. "Chu Yang, thank you for saving my sister. I hope you will treat her well in the future. I will thank you on her behalf! "    


He accepted Xie Fengyun's big gift calmly. When he stood up, Chu Yang touched his chin and said, "Thank you, Lao Jiu. Actually, you don't need to say such nonsense, because I know it better than you."    


Xie Fengyun sniffed hard and reached out his hand to Chu Yang with a smile. "If you need me in the future, just tell me. If I frown, I will be your grandson."    


Chu Yang did not respond to that hand. In his opinion, Xie Fengyun's way of doing things was not mature. So when he lifted the window, he said, "Xie Fengyun, if you are a man, don't expect your sister to be good in the future. To be honest, if it wasn't for your sister, I won't even give you the chance to kowtow to me, much less have a grandson like you. Because your big sister is my woman, this will mess up our generation. "    


Xie Fengyun had no words to respond to Chu Yang's sarcasm. He just stood in front of the car with his right hand stretched out in embarrassment. Just as he did not know what to say, Xie Yaotong walked over in time and grabbed his hand. She tidied his clothes speechlessly, then turned around and walked towards the front of the car. As soon as he got into the car, Chu Yang started the car and retreated.    


After Chu Yang adjusted the front of the car, Xie Yaotong turned her head and looked at Xie Fengyun who was still standing there blankly. She then whispered, "Ninth Brother grew up because I watched him. He relies on me even..."    


Chu Yang held the steering wheel with one hand and interrupted her. "I know the relationship between the two of you. There is no need to say these words. I know what I should do in the future. I didn't get off the car just now to stop him from kowtowing to me. I didn't shake hands with him. I used this method to tell the rest of the Xie family. It's not that I, Chu Yang, can't see through their tricks. It's just that I don't mind."    


Xie Yaotong hummed softly and didn't say anything else. She leaned on the back of the chair and closed her eyes. In the CD music that Chu Yang turned on, she actually slowly fell asleep.    


Xie Yaotong had heard Chu Longbin's words from the Chu family's backyard yesterday afternoon. Until now, she had not rested for a whole 24 hours. During this period of time, so many things that made her emotional contrast greatly made her feel very tired. After confirming that she had been expelled from the Xie family, she could no longer hold herself back and fell asleep.    


She did not know how long she slept for. When Xie Yaotong opened her eyes, the sky had already turned completely dark.    


After slightly stretching her sore right leg, Xie Yaotong heard Chu Yang's voice, "Are you awake?"    


"Yes, I woke up... I, I slept for how long. Where are we now?"    


Chu Yang licked his lips. "You slept for about six or seven hours. Yawk, we are now in the parking lot at the entrance of Magnificent Grand Hotel."    


Xie Yaotong sat up straight and looked outside. She asked, "In these six to seven hours, you have been waiting for me in the car?"    


"It was not easy for me to trick you. What's the big deal of guarding you here for a few hours?" Chu Yang said with a cheeky smile, "I believe that if you promise to marry someone because someone is waiting for you to rest, I'm afraid half of the men in Beijing will come crying, so don't be touched. "    


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