My Fiance Ran Away

C1521 Don't Kill Him!

C1521 Don't Kill Him!

Before Chu Yang appeared, Zeus King's biggest hope was to see Chu Yang.    


However, after Chu Yang showed up, she was worried that he would get rid of Chai Fangsi and implicate all the people of Mount Olympus, so she hurriedly stopped him.    


However, she never thought that Chu Yang would misunderstand her and say that she had fallen in love with Chai Fangsi.    


Zeus King was so angry that he couldn't even speak properly. He raised his hand and was about to slap Chu Yang, but his hand was grabbed.    


Chu Yang said lightly, "When a woman is naked and wrapped in a blanket, it is best not to touch a man. Otherwise, she will be exposed. Oh, right. Actually, you don't care, but I don't like it. "    


When Zeus King was guarding Chai Fangsi in the past, he even dared to do such comfortable things with his hands. What was the point of being seen by a man?    


And most importantly, this man had taken her, Chu Yang. Zeus King should have ignored his words.    


But for some reason, after Chu Yang looked at Zeus King's chest lightly, She immediately felt that something was wrong and quickly pulled back her hand. She grabbed the blanket that slid down her shoulder and covered her chest. Then she gritted her teeth and said hatefully, "Do you really think that I am that kind of woman who can be married? Or do you think that I have that kind of intention towards Chai Fangsi? "    


Chu Yang put down his left hand and glanced at the corner of his eye as he got up from the ground. Chai Fangsi, who was starting to put on his pants, weighed the Army Thorn in his hand and said, "What kind of person are you? And what do you think in your heart? Of course, you know best yourself. I have no interest in guessing here. Ah, right. Don't talk to me in the future. And don't even touch me. Otherwise, I won't be polite to you!"    


"Is this the man I'm sure I'm in love with? Why is he so sure of who I am when he still doesn't know the truth!? " Zeus King was so angry that his face turned red and he said those words in a low voice.    


"Alright, stop nagging. I am not in the mood to listen."    


Chu Yang, who did not hear what Zeus King said, was too lazy to ask what she was saying. He just turned around and said to Chai Fangsi, "Chai Fangsi, just say the same thing again. For Chai Murong's sake. Since you don't have anything to tell her, I will give you a fair chance to fight me. If you have the ability, you can kill me. But I swear that you will never have such a chance in your life. And this time, you will not have the chance to escape! Of course, the only thing you can do is to make the great Zeus King... I have a good impression of you. This is the place where I lost to you."    


When Chu Yang said those words, although his tone sounded calm, even a deaf person could hear the anger in his words.    


When Chai Fangsi was stepped on by Chu Yang, he knew that he would be able to escape Chu Yang today. It shouldn't be easy. Zeus King could tolerate the humiliation for the sake of the thousands of people in Mount Olympus. But what about Chu Yang? Would this brat let him go for the sake of others?    


However, just as Chai Fangsi felt that it would be very difficult to escape Chu Yang's evil clutches today, he saw a misunderstanding between him and Zeus King.    


As for that self-righteous guy, he wouldn't give anyone a chance to explain. This made Chai Fangsi feel happy once again. After putting on his belt, He lifted his hand and took off the golden mask, which had been stepped on, and threw it to the side. With a face full of scars, he said maliciously, "You really dare to kill me!?"    


Chu Yang was stunned when he saw Chai Fangsi's ghost-like face. "Scared? Why did you become like this?"    


Although Chu Yang did not like Chai Fangsi at all, he knew that this person had a handsome face that girls liked.    


But now, this handsome face had become as ugly as a devil. It was normal for Chu Yang to be shocked.    


"Isn't this all because of you? If I wasn't forced into a corner by you, would I do this to myself? What's wrong? You look like you have pity in your eyes. Quack, quack, quack, I don't want you to pity me. I'd rather be hated than pitied!"    


Chai Fangsi raised his head and laughed." Ha, haha, Chu Yang, do you have a huge shame that your wife has been sleeping with someone? Ha, this is what I gave you... Uh!"    


Before Chai Fangsi could finish his words, Chu Yang, who was standing in front of the corpses of the two guards, His body suddenly floated, and with a swoosh, he was right in front of him. The dark Army Thorn pressed against his throat and said in a gloomy tone, "Laugh, you laugh? If you have the ability, smile for me now!"    


When he was talking just now, Chai Fangsi had already guessed that Chu Yang would make a move. He had also made the necessary preparations.    


However, Chai Fangsi had never thought that Chu Yang's explosive force would be so terrifying. Before he could react, a sharp thorn appeared on his throat, making him unable to laugh anymore.    


Even those who were determined to die would not be able to laugh when they were about to die. This was a fact, or it could be said that it was caused by their reluctance to live.    


"Why aren't you laughing? Are you not going to laugh anymore? Do you want me to teach you?"    


Chu Yang's expression was ferocious. The Army Thorn was pressed against Chai Fangsi's throat, seemingly ready to stab a hole in him at any time.    


"Chu Yang, don't kill him!"    


Just as Chu Yang saw the fear in Chai Fangsi's eyes and felt happy, Zeus King finally woke up from his shame and anger. When he saw the scene before him... He did not care about anything else. He lifted his leg and jumped off the bed. He screamed, "Chu Yang, I won't allow you to kill him, absolutely not!"    


"You b * tch, do you think I will listen to you?"    


Chu Yang did not even turn his head when Chai Fangsi, whose throat was pressed against by the Army Thorn, said. He suddenly straightened his neck and slapped his chest with both hands. He shouted loudly, "Come, Chu Yang, if you have the guts, don't listen to that bitch! Hurry up and kill me! Kill me! Argh!"    


Generally speaking, this person with a personality was a stubborn donkey: The more you choke on him, the more he insisted on doing that. When you begged him to do that, he would not do it again.    


Chu Yang might be such a person. Otherwise, he would not have done that when Chai Fangsi slapped his chest and roared. Not only did he not advance to get rid of him, but he also withdrew the Army Thorn. He said coldly, "Don't worry, I will kill you. But even if you beg me to kill you, It depends on whether I am willing or not "    


Chu Yang's words were too much of a blow to people. If the enemy begged him to do it, it would depend on whether he was willing or not.    


The huge contempt that Chu Yang showed made Chai Fangsi really unable to bear it. He raised his hand and grabbed the Army Thorn, forcefully stabbing it towards his throat!    




Zeus King screamed again. He grabbed Chu Yang's arm that was holding the Army Thorn, and begged bitterly, "Chu Yang, you must not kill him, I beg you!"    


Chu Yang did not say anything with a cold face. He just turned the Army Thorn around. He just wanted to help Chai Fangsi's head. Then, the crazy Chai Fangsi rolled his big black eyes a few times. After making two circles on the ground, he fell to the ground with a thud. He fainted.    


After making Chai Fangsi unconscious, Chu Yang freed himself from Zeus King's arms and took a few steps sideways. Without looking at her, he walked towards the door.    


Zeus King, who had dropped the blanket on the ground, had a mature body that gave off a gentle luster under the light. It was like a beautiful Venus, but that extremely beautiful face. He looked at Chu Yang, who was walking towards the door with a blank expression, with a heart wound that had killed his husband. When he reached out and grabbed the handle of the door, he realized what was going on. He asked hoarsely, "Chu Yang, are you leaving just like that?"    


Chu Yang really didn't want to say another word to Zeus King, but for some reason... After she asked this question, she suddenly stopped in her tracks. She puffed her cheeks and said coldly, "I have already let Chai Fangsi go according to your request. This is also your wish. I will not leave. Do you want to stay and disturb your happy wedding night? "    


Without waiting for Zeus King to say anything, Chu Yang continued, "Sigh, Chai Murong always says that I have the biggest weakness. Hehe, in fact, it is indeed so. I always try to change myself. But I always fail. Letting Chai Fangsi go this time might bring me greater retribution."    


Zeus King forcefully pursed his lips, closed his eyes and said, "Chu Yang, I know you now think of me as that kind of woman. I really don't want to explain anymore. But I have to do it before you leave. I need to talk to you. After you listen to me, if you still want to leave... I won't stop you."    


"Tell me, I'm not blocking your mouth"    


Although Chu Yang was very angry and really did not want to hear what Zeus King said, he subconsciously put down his right hand that was holding the door handle.    


Zeus King wrapped the blanket around his body and slowly said, "If Chai Fangsi dies, then the entire Mount Olympus will disappear in half an hour."    


Chu Yang was stunned, turned around and asked, "What do you mean by that?"    


"Chai Fangsi's magnetic field has always been under Skynet's strict surveillance. His magnetic field disappeared for more than half an hour. Skynet, who was hiding in the control center of the machine room, He will activate the automatic detonator on the mountain. At that time, everyone on the mountain will... Everyone will die."    


Zeus King raised his voice and said with a helpless grief and indignation, "Do you think I don't want to kill him? But before I can control the control room, I can only do as he says! You don't know, before you came, he used these to blackmail me into being his woman. And... He killed two guards in front of me and claimed that if I didn't agree... I wouldn't stop killing! Chu Yang, you... you tell me, if you were me... What should you do and what choice should you make?"    


After hearing what Zeus King said, Chu Yang finally understood why she didn't resist Chai Fangsi's invasion and stop him from killing her. It turned out that she had been forced to do so. After staring at him for a while, she was dumbfounded. "Oh, so that's how it is. It seems that I have wronged you."    


"I thought that you might be the person who understands me the most in the world, but now I realize that I was wrong"    


Closing his eyes, Zeus King let out a breath after the tears in his eyes flowed down his face. He said in a relaxed tone, "Alright, I've finished speaking. You can leave now."    


"Oh, then I'll leave. Take care of yourself." Chu Yang was silent for a moment, then he opened the door and walked out of the bedroom.    


Zeus King was stunned. He really left!?    


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