My Fiance Ran Away

C413 This Guy Is Crazy Enough to Deserve a Beating!

C413 This Guy Is Crazy Enough to Deserve a Beating!

Not only did King Hongming humiliate Chu Yang with his words, he also wanted to teach Chu Yang a lesson with his fists and kicks!    


You can leave, but you can't just stand there and leave!    


This sentence didn't say how much I want to beat you up, but everyone could hear the anger in King Hongming's voice when he said this to Chu Yang!    


In everyone's hearts, King Hongming had long been like the name of 'Long Teng', a myth.    


As long as one was from the Z Country Army, they would look at this name with admiration. They had never thought of fighting him.    


Those who had such thoughts included not only Hua Canyu and Bei Gongcuo, but also Chu Yang.    


But now, Chu Yang was' fortunate 'to have the qualifications to fight King Hongming face to face.    


Lucky? Or unlucky?    


Those who were not familiar with Chu Yang felt pity in their hearts. He was just a young master from a wealthy family. If the one who wanted to teach you a lesson was King Hongming, the best outcome would be that his leg would be broken.    


Even though Hua Canyu and the others who were familiar with Chu Yang had seen how capable someone like him was, they still had doubts about whether he could withstand King Hongming's lesson.    


No matter how many people sympathized with or suspected Chu Yang, there was one person who blamed himself: Qin Chao.    


Seeing King Hongming walk to the side after saying those words, Qin Chao's heart was full of self-blame. If it wasn't for me deliberately giving him a hard time, he wouldn't have asked to leave in anger. He wouldn't have encountered such a situation. All of this was my fault...    


When he first saw Chu Yang yesterday, Qin Chao had tried to teach him a lesson in order to prove something to Hua Canyu. What he said in the field last night made her even more embarrassed and angry.    


But now, when King Hongming wanted to take the opportunity to teach him a lesson, Qin Chao blamed himself again. He blamed himself very much.    


No, I have to find a reason to stop him, or else he will be crippled! When Chu Yang walked towards King Hongming, Qin Chao could not help but shout, "Chu Yang!"    


Chu Yang stopped in his tracks, turned around, and looked up at Qin Chao who was standing on the high platform. He asked, "Instructor Qin, do you want to wait for Instructor Jinghong to teach me a lesson, then use your strengths to attack my weaknesses and make me leave the base lying down?"    


"You..." Qin Chao did not expect Chu Yang to say this. Instantly, the self-blame that he had just felt turned into grievance and resentment. She bit her lips hard, suppressing the urge to cry. She said hatefully, "I just want to tell you... I don't care if your arm is broken or your leg is broken later. Don't even think about getting treatment in the base!"    


"Don't worry, I'll be fine." Chu Yang shrugged and strode towards King Hongming.    


As soon as Chu Yang said this, everyone immediately labeled him as arrogant and conceited, and he deserved a beating. Damn, this guy was really arrogant and deserved a beating! He actually dared to say that he was fine when he was about to face King Hongming!    


When King Hongming said those words, Chu Yang was indeed very ashamed. He felt that he was a trash. He even prepared to cover his face and run away as soon as King Hongming finished speaking.    


However, when King Hongming said the words' you can't just stand and walk ', It aroused the pride in his bones. Yes, I admit that I came through the back door. My purpose in coming to Fourth Base was not pure. But if it wasn't for Qin Chao deliberately making fun of me, you wouldn't have said those things in the restaurant yesterday. Perhaps I would just obediently follow Grandfather's wishes and strive to join Long Teng. But not only did you not stop Qin Chao from causing trouble, but instead, when I took the initiative to ask to leave... Guarding so many people to humiliate me, even if I'm crippled... I will fight you to the death! At most, I will be carried out, what's the big deal?    


It was with this kind of 'life and death struggle' idea that Chu Yang threw away the shame he felt earlier. With a face full of fear, he walked five meters in front of King Hongming and stopped.    


"Come on." King Hongming took a deep breath.    


Chu Yang did not say anything. He just narrowed his eyes and stared at King Hongming's shoulders.    


After King Hongming said that, the two of them didn't move. They just stood there quietly.    


The team in the field was still neat and tidy, but their heads turned to the left side of the platform and looked at the two men who were not moving at all.    


King Hongming and Chu Yang faced each other from five meters away. It had been seven or eight minutes, but they did not do anything. They just stood face to face with each other, even moving their fingers.    






The silence that brought with it the storm that was about to arrive.    


Everyone didn't even dare to breathe loudly as they silently watched them.    


As time slowly passed, everyone felt a sense of oppression. It was very uncomfortable, and they really wanted to go crazy with it!    


Although none of the people present were experts like Hua Canyu, they could be considered elites who had slaughtered their way out from the various military districts.    


They could naturally tell that Chu Yang and King Hongming were waiting for the best time to attack.    


Immediately, everyone stopped looking down on Chu Yang. Eh? I didn't expect that this guy wasn't just a young master from a wealthy family. It seemed like he was very cunning. Interesting. Although he was destined to lose, judging from his calmness, He shouldn't lose so badly.    


Especially Hua Canyu. The more he looked, the more surprised he became. If Chu Yang didn't have the confidence to take the initiative to attack, that was why he was waiting. Then why was King Hongming also waiting? Could it be that he regarded Chu Yang as a serious opponent?    


Hua Canyu's guess was right. After Chu Yang stopped in his tracks, a few minutes before King Hongming started, He was still holding a calm attitude, thinking that even if this kid was Hu Mietang's descendant, he would still be praised by Xie Shang. However, he would never be able to reach the same level as Hu Mietang.    


However, as Chu Yang became more and more calm, King Hongming slowly put away his contempt for him and treated him as an equal opponent.    


You can despise the actions of your opponent, but you must respect his own abilities when you fight with him!    




Time passed minute by minute.    


Chu Yang's eyes were filled with passion as the morning sun faded in the eastern horizon.    


On the other hand, King Hongming's eyes were the exact opposite. His eyes were filled with coldness, as if his eyes had been hibernating under the Antarctic ice for thousands of years.    


Finally, after struggling for a moment, the red sunlight jumped over Chu Yang's shoulder, which was facing the direction of the sunrise, and shot into King Hongming's eyes. He moved!    


This was the opportunity that Chu Yang had been waiting for. When the sunlight shone into King Hongming's eyes, it would affect his vision a little, and then he would have the opportunity to attack.    


As for King Hongming, he moved almost as soon as his vision locked onto that ray of sunlight!    


He had already calculated that the reason Chu Yang was waiting was to wait for the moment the sunlight affected his vision. Although he had already seen through Chu Yang's intention long ago, he should take advantage of the fact that the sunlight had not disturbed him to attack first. However, as a famous figure, he disdained to do so. He could only attack at the same time when Chu Yang attacked!    


A ray of the morning sun was not enough to make one's eyes go blurry. However, it would disrupt the imaging part of the retina, which would cause a slight disturbance to a person who was fully focused.    


Chu Yang used this ray of sunlight to create a slight disturbance to King Hongming and launched an attack!    


Chu Yang jumped up, and while he was in the air, he quickly rushed towards King Hongming. ... His right foot moved three times in an instant, and when he met King Hongming, who was rushing towards him, His right foot, which was full of strength after three swings, roared. He broke through the air and whipped King Hongming's left collarbone fiercely!    


"Alright!" With a loud shout, King Hongming lowered his left shoulder, bent his left arm into a bow shape, and used his elbow to block Chu Yang's right foot. At the same time, his right foot was lifted up from the bottom like lightning, aiming at Chu Yang's crotch!    


Chu Yang was at a low altitude. When his right foot was about to collide with King Hongming's left elbow, he raised his left knee to protect his lower body. His right fist came from the right to the left. He punched at King Hongming's temple with his right hook. He did not leave any strength behind!    


Bang! With a dull sound, King Hongming's left elbow pushed Chu Yang's army boots away. His right leg collided with Chu Yang's left knee, but it was retracted. He tapped the ground with the tip of his foot, and his body spun like a spinning top. He tilted his head backwards, dodging Chu Yang's right fist. Instead of retreating, he retreated. He did not have time to stretch his left elbow and used the opportunity to hit Chu Yang's left rib.    


When the sun appeared and Chu Yang took the initiative to attack, everyone could vaguely guess that this would be a fierce battle. However, no one could guess that the moment the two of them exchanged blows, they spared no effort to use their killing moves!    


How was this a lesson? They were simply fighting with their lives on the line!    


Looking at the two faint green shadows that had split up and were no longer able to tell who was who, the hearts of all the spectators rose to their throats.    


Chu Yang took out a desperate stance as soon as he came up. This was not out of everyone's expectations. After all, King Hongming had already announced that he would never let him leave while standing.    


However, what surprised everyone was that King Hongming, a legendary existence, seemed to have used his full strength when fighting Chu Yang. Moreover, it was at the beginning!    


What did this mean? This meant that if King Hongming didn't take this seriously, he wouldn't even have the chance to teach Chu Yang a lesson, and he might even be taught a lesson.    




No one had ever thought that Chu Yang would have the strength to force King Hongming to use his full strength against him!    


I always thought that Chu Yang and I were on par with each other in terms of martial arts. But now, it seems like if I were replaced by him to face King Hongming... Hua Canyu thought of the time when he kicked Chu Yang until he vomited blood. He suddenly felt ashamed in his heart. It was also very funny.    


I didn't expect this guy to be so awesome. No wonder he beat all nine of us up last night by himself. At that time, I thought he was just trying to fish in troubled waters. It turns out that he really has the ability... Ever since Chu Yang was appointed as the leader of the 12th group, Ye Chuqing had been unconvinced in her heart. Now, she finally knew that based on someone's current performance, let alone being the team leader. Even if she were to be their instructor, it would be more than enough.    


Xiang Nantian was also shocked by Chu Li. However, for someone like him who had seen countless big scenes, even though he was shocked, But his face was still as pale as the wind, as if everything was under his control... Pretentious enough.    




After another muffled bang, Chu Yang and King Hongming's fists collided with each other. Because of the rebound, both of them were forced to take three steps back at the same time. Before the 'audience' could see who they were, they shouted in unison. The two of them once again charged at each other.    




To be honest, when they started fighting, Chu Yang was indeed a little nervous.    


The reason he had such a feeling was not because he did not have confidence in himself, but because he had to have a certain mentality when fighting with the legendary King Hongming.    


However, when the two of them fought, Chu Yang calmed down. Otherwise, he would not have lost after fighting with Leng Xue for seven or eight minutes.    


So I can also fight Coldblood King Hongming equally!    


Unprecedented confidence made Chu Yang more and more excited as he fought.    


In reality, people often said that those who played chess were like that. If you were to fight with some mediocre people all day long, your level would gradually decline. When you were playing chess with some real experts, the hidden abilities you had... When you were playing chess with some real experts, the hidden abilities you had would be completely activated, thereby improving your chess skills.    


These words were used by Chu Yang at this moment. It was precisely in front of the powerful King Hongming that ignited his hidden intense fighting spirit, causing him to become more and more excited as he fought.    


When experts fought, it was true that they would use a ray of sunlight as the starting point of their attack.    


However, if they encountered a small accident during the attack, it could also decide the outcome of the battle.    


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