My Fiance Ran Away

C420 What 012 Needed Special Race!

C420 What 012 Needed Special Race!

Two years after Akino Anzu joined 2012, she was appointed as the supervisor of the purchasing department due to her outstanding results and Lord Bishop's mistress.    


Akino Anzu had always felt that the purchasing department of 2012 should be called the Grand Council. Because of the nature of the purchasing department, it was similar to China's National Security Bureau and M Country's CIA. The members of this department were basically all outstanding special forces or special agents of the country.    


However, since Lord Bishop called it the purchasing department, Akino Anzu could only be the manager of the purchasing department.    


After hearing the archbishop's words, Akino Anzu got up and bowed to him first. She then sat down and opened her small mouth that was painted with black lipstick. She spoke in English, "Lord Bishop, the special race that Dr. William needs can only be a race with damaged and mutated Yin Meridians. According to our department's elite investigation over the past year, we have only found six such races. Three of them are from F Country, and the other one is Irish. One is from the R Country, and the other is from the Z People... "    


Cantambos waved his hand and interrupted Akino Anzu's words, "I don't care which country these people are from, I just want to know. When will your Procurement Department send the six people Dr. William needs to the Goddess Temple? You have to know that we have invested too much money and resources into the MD plan. Furthermore, there are still more than two years until 2012. The MD gene transformation plan cannot be delayed anymore."    


" Lord Bishop. " Akino Anzu said," I have not relaxed my purchasing plan. I have also found out the whereabouts and identities of the other two people. And... I have made a corresponding move. About a month ago, I went to China with Lorin from Greece. We went there for these two special people."    


"What happened in the end?"    


"[The result is that one of them has been captured and is now locked up in the sixth underground floor.] "Wait." After Dr. William confirmed the sample, he will move her to the secret base in K Peninsula... "    


"Wait." Cantambos interrupted Akino Anzu's words. "Why do you want to move that special person to the North Korean base? Can't you move him to the Goddess Hall? "    


"This special person is Asian. She's not used to the climate in America (The climate here is the same as the African people with a short nose and the European people with a high nose because of the climate). After coming to M Country, she had fainted for no reason four times in a short day. " Akino Anzu said, "To ensure her health, before we can gather six people, We can only raise her in a suitable environment. The secret base of K Peninsula is the most advanced base in Asia. "    


" Yes. "Cantambos nodded his head." Is this person Z People? "    


"No, she is from R Country. ”” After a pause, Akino Anzu continued, "She is the mother of the CEO of Mitsui Conglomerate in R Country, Nanzhao Xixue. Yeh Cuicann, who has been reputed as R Country First Beauty for the past 20 years. When we captured Yeh Cuicann in her home in Hokkaido, We lost 13 first-class experts."    


"RCountry First Beauty? Hehe." After a faint smile, Cantambos raised his hand and drew a cross in front of his chest. He slightly closed his eyes and said in a low voice, "Those thirteen friends who sacrificed themselves for the Church, will be protected by God in heaven... What about the other Z People? "    


"The sixth Z People." Akino Anzu shrugged and answered frankly, "She is very hard to provoke. I did not dare to act rashly. I only hope to find the seventh special species."    


" Oh?" Cantambos asked with great interest. "Hard to provoke? Could this special person be a high-ranking official of Huaxia? "    


In Cantambos's view, this special person was only a high-ranking official of the government who had the protection of a Huaxia agent by his side. Otherwise, even if that person was the mother of Mitsui Conglomerate, with the powerful strength of the '2012' Procurement Department, Or did you capture her after losing 13 good men?    


"She is not a high-ranking government official in China," Akino Anzu looked up and looked at everyone present. She slowly said, "She is an assassin, the former Assassin King, Night Owlet!"    


"The former Assassin King and Night Owlet!?" Dr. William involuntarily repeated.    


Professor William and others had heard of Night Owlet a few years ago.    


"Yes." Akino Anzu nodded. "Although our purchasing department is very powerful, we do not have the confidence to capture Night Owlet. At most... If we are lucky, we can assassinate her. But that way, when the serum was transported to the goddess' palace, it would definitely lose its original function. Thus, we can only place our hopes on finding the seventh person."    


" Hehe, I did not expect that the sixth person would be Night Owlet... Xing Zi. You must do this as soon as possible, at all costs! " Cantambos shook his head and smiled.    


"Yes, I will do my best!"    


"Okay." Cantambos signaled Akino Anzu to sit down, then turned to an old man who looked like an old farmer and asked, "Sakku, how is it going with your publicity department looking for the whereabouts of the reincarnation of the Feathered God Snake?"    


Sakku, who had been squinting his eyes as if he had fallen asleep, heard Lord Bishop's question. He opened his eyes that were filled with evil and turbid, and said in a low voice, "According to the instructions of the gods, we have already swept across the Earth that night on the Magar Hui Planet. We have found the descendant of the Feathered God Snake. The princess of our Zoqier race, Sophie, also saw the 13 Sun Stone in the legends. "    


" We found 13 Sun Stone!? " When Cantambos heard the sixth special human, his expression did not change at all. When he heard that he had found the Sun Stone, a look of wild joy flashed across his face. He muttered, "The Sun Stone, the token that the Sun God passed down to the Feathered God Snake, has finally appeared... Hmm? Why is it only thirteen? What about the other one? "    


"The Fourteenth Sun God is on Yeh Cuicann's neck. I have already taken it off." Akino Anzu took the words over and took out a silk brocade pouch from her pocket. She stood up and walked in front of Cantambos and handed it over with both hands.    


"Sun Stone, Sun Stone." Cantambos impatiently took the brocade bag and poured something that was not much bigger than a soybean into his palm. His eyes were fixed on the crystal that was flowing with fluorescent light. He shook his head and sighed. "Ah, it is simply too beautiful. As long as I get all fourteen of the Sun Gods, I will be able to find thirteen crystal skulls. I will completely find the source of life and the mystery of its disappearance. Then we can completely control the entire world with the help of the MD gene. Leading humanity to a new era..."    




The Mayan Civilization said, In ancient times, there were 13 crystal skulls that could speak and sing. These crystal skulls hid information about the origin and death of humans, and they could help humans solve the mysteries of life in the universe. When the local sphere civilization reached its peak, they would appear once again. And... Reveal the secrets of humanity's past and end. One day, people will find all of the crystal skulls and gather them together. Gather the great wisdom of mankind as one and use them to their full potential.    


According to Maya's prophecy, these thirteen crystal skulls were scattered all over the world. Once narrated: On December 21, 2012, when the sun set, the world changed. Only a portion of the people in Africa and the western part of China survived...    


According to the Mayan Civilization, these crystal skulls were like an all-encompassing information vault, and also like an omniscient heavenly book. However, people knew nothing about it, and even suspected its existence.    


However, in 1927, the British girl Anna completely solved this doubt on her birthday.    


When Anna was enjoying the scenery at a pyramid left behind by the ancient Mayan people, she suddenly discovered that there was a crack in the pyramid. There was a transparent crystal skull on the upper half. Three months later, another 25 feet away, she found the lower half of the crystal skull. The two skulls merged together, just the size of a real person's skull. It had a history of at least 3,600 years.    


We know that modern optics were born in the 17th century, and humans accurately recognize their own skeleton structure was something that happened in the 18th century after the rise of anatomy. This crystal head was carved on the basis of a very deep understanding of human skeleton structure and optical principles. How did the ancient Mayan master such profound anatomy and optical knowledge?    


Of course, how did the ancient Mayan make these crystal skulls? It was not important. What was important was whether or not they would be able to find what people wanted when they found these thirteen crystal skulls. Then, they would lead humanity into a new era.    


All of this was the foundation of the '2012' founded at the end of the 18th century!    


However, after the death of Salasisa, the doctrine of '2012' slowly changed, just like a thing that would go bad if it was put away for too long.    


Under Cantambos's' wise leadership ', 2012 only wanted to find 13 crystal skulls and use them to lead the world.    


However, after finding these crystal skulls, Cantambos was not sure if he could solve the source of life and the mystery of their disappearance.    


But he was sure that after the death of Salasisa, 2012 took on the responsibility of leading or enslave the entire world. Even if he could not find those crystal skulls, '2012' would have to be on the 21st of Dec., 2012. He would rule the entire world.    


Therefore, with Cantambos's support, '2012' started the MD gene transformation plan four years ago.    


The main task of the MD plan was to develop a virus that humans had never had before.    


This type of virus. The name of the virus is' Madder '(Mad Scientist).    


According to the biologists in the Goddess Temple who could easily win a Nobel Prize in any project, this' Mad Scientist 'virus could be spread in the air. In just three weeks, it could cover the entire Earth. It can turn everyone into slaves who pledge their loyalty to the Temple of the Goddess.    


Although the 'f * ck' plan sounded ridiculous, it was really close to success!    


As long as he gathered the six special people with mutated Yin Meridians, he would be able to extract something from their serum. The 'f * ck' plan would start and enslave the entire world. Before the 21st of Dec., 2012.    


Perhaps, all the Mayan prophecies were not accurate. But the accurate prediction was that the MD virus could really infect the air.    


At that time, the fate of the six billion people in the world would be in the hands of Lord Bishop and the seventeen people present.    


It would be crazy, wouldn't it? But it was the truth!    




Cantambos held the Sun God and admired it for more than ten minutes before he suddenly asked Sakku, "Sophie has confirmed the 13 Sun Stone?"    


Sakku replied, "Yes. After all these years of hard searching, we finally discovered that... Back then, when Queen Victoria's sixtieth birthday was held in England, I used to give her a bracelet by the name of 'Conflict'. It turns out that this bracelet is a token that the Sun God gave to the Feathered God Snake. "    


" It's been so long since the Sun Stone appeared in the world, I only found out today... " Cantambos muttered to himself, then turned his gaze to a man in military uniform. He said discontentedly, "Humph, General Sang Ba, the Sun Stone appeared for so long. Why did your intelligence department not find out? Could it be that you have been enjoying your general's life in the Golden Triangle all these years? "    


"Lord Bishop..." General Sang Ba wanted to say something but was interrupted by Cantambos with a wave of his hand. "Sakku, where did Sophie find the 13 Sun Stone?"    


"China, on the wrist of a Z People."    


Cantambos frowned. "China again? Who is that Z People?"    


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