My Fiance Ran Away

C586 Something Big Has Happened!

C586 Something Big Has Happened!

These were two movie tickets for The Fleeing Expert starred by the popular female star Liu Mengmeng. It was said that the box office results were very impressive.    


Tonight, Bei Gongcuo planned to muster up the courage to invite Ye Chuqing to the downtown area to watch a movie, but he did not expect Fang Zhong to see him. He also did not expect that Fang Zhong would give him such a task!    


Perhaps, he would never have the chance to invite Ye Chuqing to watch a movie in his lifetime.    


Bei Gongcuo looked at the two movie tickets in his hands. He had watched them for three to four minutes. He smiled bitterly silently and folded the two movie tickets carefully. He put them in his pocket and exhaled a long breath before muttering to himself, "Ye Chuqing, I hope I can live until the day you understand!"    


Bei Gongcuo opened the car door and got out of the car. When he got out of the car, his face had returned to his usual cold look, but there was a deep sadness in his eyes.    


When Bei Gongcuo was walking towards the base dormitory, a few base students holding tableware were walking towards him, chatting and laughing.    


When they saw Bei Gongcuo, they all waved their hands and saluted him. "Instructor of the North Palace!"    


Bei Gongcuo casually waved his hand, his eyes looking forward as he continued to walk forward.    


The students in the base had gotten used to Bei Gongcuo's temper these days, so they did not care. They continued to talk as they walked. "Hey, Little Li, what do you think will happen in the restaurant tonight?"    


The student called Little Li said, "Hey, what good show can there be? It's just a few soldiers singing and dancing. In the army, it was the same routine every year. They watched the singing and dancing performance. Then the leader will bring everyone to make dumplings."    


As soon as Little Li finished speaking, Bei Gongcuo's voice suddenly came from behind. "Hey, wait a moment!"    


Little Li and the others quickly stopped and turned around. "Instructor North Palace, what's the matter?"    


Bei Gongcuo slowly walked over. "Did you see Instructor Ye?"    


Although Little Lizi and the others had not been in contact with the instructors of Soaring Dragon for a long time, they could see that Bei Gongcuo was pursuing Ye Chuqing.    


So, after hearing him ask Ye Chuqing about it, Little Li did not feel too surprised. Little Li turned around and pointed in the direction of the restaurant. "Instructor Ye went to the restaurant half an hour ago."    


"Oh, I got it." Bei Gongcuo nodded and quickly walked past Little Li and the others to the restaurant.    


In the army, on New Year's Eve every year, the chief of the army would drink with the soldiers.    


However, because all the soldiers in the base had received the task of assisting the local armed police to guard the capital for the Spring Festival last night, the New Year's Eve meal had been delayed until the first day of the New Year.    


Bei Gongcuo quickly walked to the large dining hall in the base.    


From afar, Bei Gongcuo could see Ye Chuqing chatting with Xue Tao behind a table in the corner of the hall.    


The corner of Bei Gongcuo's eyes twitched a few times. He took a deep breath and walked over.    




"Hey, Ye Chuqing," Xue Tao opened a bottle of juice for Ye Chuqing and put it in front of her. "The wound on your leg is almost healed, right?"    


Ye Chuqing took the fruit juice and nodded slightly. "It's alright. It's not a big problem."    


"Haha." Xue Tao smiled and rubbed his hands. He looked embarrassed. "I think every time we spend Spring Festival in the army, he said. It's always the same routine of watching singers and dancers make dumplings. It doesn't feel very interesting. We might as well go out and watch a movie. "    


"Watch a movie?" Ye Chuqing tilted her chin and raised her hand to grab the short hair on her head. Just as she was about to say," What's the meaning of watching a movie? When she saw Bei Gongcuo walking over, she subconsciously asked, What good movie is there? "    


"It's called The Escape Master. I heard that the female lead was a little girl who had just gotten popular last year." When Xue Tao said this, he suddenly noticed that Ye Chuqing's expression changed. Immediately after, he heard the sound of wind behind him. He subconsciously put his shoulders down and raised his hand. With a bang, he grabbed the hand that was about to grab his shoulder.    


The owner of this hand was Bei Gongcuo.    


Xue Tao's face changed. He stood up and suddenly threw Bei Gongcuo's hand away. He frowned and frowned. "North Palace, what are you doing?"    


Everyone could tell that Bei Gongcuo liked Ye Chuqing, so Xue Tao naturally knew.    


If Ye Chuqing had the intention to accept Bei Gongcuo, Xue Tao definitely would not have waved his hoe to dig a corner of his brother's wall.    


However, Ye Chuqing rejected Bei Gongcuo's goodwill every time, which was why Xue Tao thought she did not like him.    


Just like what Fang Ruhai had said, a fair and beautiful lady was easy to catch. Although Ye Chuqing did not have a good relationship with a lady, Xue Tao liked her character of a tomboy. He was even more impressed by her for Chu Yang's matter. That was why after confirming that Bei Gongcuo might not have a chance, That was why she wanted to pursue him.    


If Bei Gongcuo had not received the mission that was destined to change his life, not to mention seeing Xue Tao and Ye Chuqing only sitting there and talking, Even if he saw them hugging their lips, he would at most clench his fists and leave.    


But it was the top secret mission that Fang Ruhai gave him that gave Bei Gongcuo the opportunity to cause trouble!    


The word 'opportunity' sometimes did not necessarily represent hope.    


He glanced sideways at Xue Tao and said coldly, "Xue Tao, you better stay away from Chuqing, or I will smash your face."    


After everyone was selected to become Long Teng, everyone was familiar with Bei Gongcuo's character and knew that he was very likely the calmest person in the group.    


But now, this person was reputed to be the calmest person among the twelve. Yet he was guarding so many students and leaders in the dining hall, threatening Xue Demon Blade for the sake of a girl. The latter was not only surprised, but also felt deeply ashamed.    


"The North Palace." Xue Tao's face changed. He took a step forward from his seat. "What do you mean?"    


"Nothing. You just need to remember that Ye Chuqing is my woman." After saying that, Bei Gongcuo ignored him and reached his hand out across the table. He grabbed Ye Chuqing's left hand, which was still in a daze, and shouted in a deep voice, "Come with me!"    


After Bei Gongcuo and Xue Tao had a struggle, the hundreds of students and leaders in the restaurant all turned their gazes over.    


It was common for two men, or even more men, to earn money for a woman.    


However, this was absolutely not allowed in the military!    


Although Bei Gongcuo and Xue Tao's status was no longer restricted by military discipline, they were still in the military base.    


Therefore, after seeing him fight Xue Tao for Ye Chuqing, the students and leaders of the base all looked at him in disbelief, as if they had seen an alien.    


Even Ye Chuqing was stunned when she saw Bei Gongcuo, who was known for being calm, suddenly do something like this. It was not until he grabbed her hand that she realized what had happened.    


Suddenly, Ye Chuqing was embarrassed and angry. Her face was red as she threw her hand and shouted, "Bei Gongcuo! Did you take the wrong medicine!?"    


I did not take the wrong medicine. I had no choice... Bei Gongcuo, whose heart seemed to be bleeding, did not fall away when Ye Chuqing threw her hand. He said in a hoarse voice," I did not take the wrong medicine, I know what I am doing! Ye Chuqing, I like you, you can only be mine! Not to mention Xue Tao, even if Chu Yang came, He has to..."    




A loud slap interrupted Bei Gongcuo's words and Ye Chuqing fiercely pushed him away. Footsteps She staggered two steps forward and held the table with one hand and pointed at the entrance of the restaurant with the other. He was trembling and shouting, "Get lost! Bei Gongcuo, get out of here!"    


Since Ye Chuqing and the others could move around freely, and the base was located in the outskirts of the capital, there was no reason for her not to know about Chu Yang regaining his identity.    


Originally, she had been brooding over the fact that Chu Yang knew that she liked him, but deliberately concealed his identity. Now that Bei Gongcuo mentioned him again, the feeling in her heart could be imagined.    


Bei Gongcuo raised his hand and wiped the corner of his mouth. With an ashen face, he did not say a word but reached out to grab Ye Chuqing.    


Although Xue Tao was surprised that Bei Gongcuo had lost his cool, he saw that he was going to grab Ye Chuqing again. There was no time to think. The one who rushed forward stopped him. He shouted, "Bei Gongcuo, you are going too far! ?”    


"What does it have to do with you? Get lost! "    


Bei Gongcuo saw Xue Tao blocking his way and was stunned for a moment. Suddenly, like a crazy lion, he shouted angrily and sent a vicious hook punch towards Xue Tao's chin.    


Xue Tao thought that he and Bei Gongcuo belonged to the same branch of Long Teng. He was the kind of comrade who could give his back to the other party. Although it was indeed somewhat awkward to pursue Ye Chuqing at the same time, this was after all a matter of emotions that human nature could not grasp. It was far from the point where they would start a fight over it.    


That was why Bei Gongcuo was caught off guard and punched hard on the chin by Bei Gongcuo. He immediately flew backwards with a whoosh and heavily smashed onto the dining table!    


The table was crushed by Xue Tao's body. Bei Gongcuo did not stop. He raised his foot and kicked him hard.    


"Fuck, are you for real?! “    


After Xue Tao was sent flying by the punch, he became really anxious. When he saw that Bei Gongcuo still wanted to kick him relentlessly, of course he wouldn't accept it for free. Then he rolled and a carp jumped up from the ground. It roared and pounced on him!    


In the blink of an eye, Bei Gongcuo and Xue Tao started fighting in the restaurant.    


It was only after the two of them got into a fight that the leaders in the base woke up. They shouted and ran over. "Stop, all of you, stop!"    


Ye Chuqing looked at the two men who were punching and kicking in front of her. She was embarrassed, angry, and confused. She did not know what to do. When the base leaders separated them, she suddenly covered her mouth with her left hand and ran to the entrance of the restaurant while crying.    


The highest leader of the base was surnamed Zhang. He was a senior school.    


Although Bei Gongcuo was still a major, his identity was very special. As a senior colonel, he did not dare to put on airs as a leader in front of others.    


But what Bei Gongcuo did tonight was really too much. That was why after Colonel Zhang separated the two of them, He decisively ordered a few soldiers to temporarily lock him up. He hurriedly ran to his office to call Upper Peak.    




Ye Chuqing ran all the way back to the dormitory. After entering the door, she threw herself on the bed and started crying.    


She cried and cried. For some reason, she suddenly hated Chu Yang. She especially hated him, I don't want you to marry me, as long as you can take my feelings for you seriously. Let others know that you actually care about me. That way, they won't have to fight for me tonight...    


While Ye Chuqing was crying on the bed, a female student from the base ran in anxiously. She was out of breath. "Instructor... Instructor Ye, no, no, something bad happened!"    


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