My Fiance Ran Away

C788 The Fragrant Sky Inn!

C788 The Fragrant Sky Inn!

Seeing that the situation in the parking lot was getting more and more chaotic, Lee Yongping didn't want to keep the suspense any longer. He said very quickly, "Song Mayor might not have noticed the news on the internet. It is widely spread on the internet. That rumored boyfriend of Liu Mengmeng is also Third Prince of Chu family."    


It went without saying that Soong Yuansheng usually didn't have the interest to pay attention to gossip about a small celebrity.    


But at this moment, he heard that among the people who had a fight with Chai Liang, there was a lover of someone Chu and a rumored girlfriend. He immediately felt a headache coming on. Aiyo, what should I say about this? Chai Liang, Chai Liang, you bastard, even though you are qualified to do whatever you want in Ji Nan based on your background and identity. But can you compare to Chu Yang?    


If Soong Yuansheng knew that the second princess of Qin family, Qin Mengyao, was present and that she had already kicked someone, he would definitely have a headache.    


No, no, this matter had to be dealt with quickly. Otherwise, it would not end well if it got out of hand!    


Just as Soong Yuansheng thought of this, he heard Lee Yongping say, "Song Mayor, Director Liang Xin of the City Bureau happened to be on the second floor. Do you want me to call her and ask her to handle it?"    


At this time, it was most appropriate for the police to resolve the current dispute.    


Soong Yuansheng quickly smiled and nodded.    


Wait. After Lee Yongping finished making a phone call, Soong Yuansheng smiled gratefully at him. When he turned around and was about to tell the driver to go over and take a look, he saw a green warrior car. It drove into the parking lot with a black galloping car.    


Originally, the warrior car was in front, but after the two cars drove in, the galloping car surpassed it and drove to the outside of the chaotic crowd.    


After the car stopped, the door opened and a young man in a blue shirt walked out.    


Seeing this young man, Lee Yongping immediately whispered to Soong Yuansheng, "Song Mayor, this person is Third Prince from Beijing."    


After a few days, when Chu Yang saw Faan Jing again, she was once a strong woman in China's politics. Her image a few days ago was completely different.    


When the Eastern Pharmaceutical Factory was auctioning, Faan Jing was completely old and did not look like a person. When she put on her yellow jacket, she was like an aunt sweeping the road.    


But today, when Chu Yang came to Mansion Number 11 to look for Ms Zhou, Faan Jing's image really made his eyes light up. The current Faan Jing did not have the power and fierceness of when she was an official. Now, she was completely like a gentle and natural middle-aged beautiful woman.    


Countless facts proved that the best makeup for women was not Chanel, not Ashilande, not Dabao SOD honey, but a peaceful and good mood, and a healthy body.    


When Faan Jing saw Chu Yang, the corners of her eyes were filled with a smile. She very naturally took out the posture of a mother-in-law who loved her son-in-law and hurriedly called him into the house to take a seat.    


Five to six days ago, before Chu Yang was about to go to Indonesia, he had left Zhou Tangtang a bank card, which made Faan Jing very worried.    


Now that she saw her own good son-in-law standing right in front of her, naturally she would be overjoyed.    


The happiness on Faan Jing's face was the pure affection of an elder towards a junior. Of course, Chu Yang could tell that she was happy that she had adjusted her mental state in such a short period of time. She followed her into the main hall with a relaxed mood.    


After bringing Chu Yang a plate of fruits and a cup of fragrant tea, Faan Jing first asked him how his seniors in Beijing were doing.    


Although Chu Yang was not a good person, he was a filial son. He respected his filial elders very much. Therefore, when Faan Jing asked about the condition of the old man from the Chu family, ... Even though she did not stand up to answer, she still straightened her back and said, "I thank Aunt Fan on behalf of the elders. They are all very healthy."    


Chu Yang's actions were not only a form of respect for Faan Jing, but also a display of filial piety towards his elders.    


After asking about the health of the elders of Chu family, Faan Jing also wanted to ask her why this good son-in-law of hers looked so haggard after just a few days of not seeing her. But when she thought about how serious he was when he went out this time, she thought that he might have experienced some kind of suffering again. So she did not ask any more questions and brought the topic to her daughter.    


Ignoring Chu Yang's obstruction, after peeling an apple for him, Faan Jing handed it to him. "Chu Yang, if you came ten minutes earlier, you would have seen Tangtang."    


Chu Yang was embarrassed to reject Faan Jing's kindness. He took a bite of the apple and asked, "Haha, if I had known earlier, I would have called her first. Cough, I originally wanted to give her a surprise. I didn't expect that she was not around... What did she do?"    


" She drove to the Provincial Experimental Subsidiary Primary School to pick up Dong Dong. She said she wanted to bring that child to Heavenly Fragrance Restaurant to eat dumplings. " Faan Jing brought her to Ji Nan to school because she wanted to give that child a quiet study environment and also let him accompany her daughter to relieve her boredom. She briefly explained it.    


Since Ms Zhou was not at home, and was eating outside, Chu Yang naturally could not stay in Zhou family anymore, so he stood up and said, "Alright, Aunt Fan, since Tangtang wants to go to Heavenly Fragrance Restaurant, I will go and freeload."    


Although Faan Jing hoped that her son-in-law could eat at home, she knew that it was inconvenient for her daughter not to be at home now. So she stood up and said with a smile, "Ah, it is also good that you go. Do you want me to call her first and say something?"    


Chu Yang shook his head. "No need. She might be driving at this time. It will not be convenient for her to answer the phone. Anyway, I know where Heavenly Fragrance Restaurant is. Just go there and find her."    


When he said goodbye to Faan Jing, it was already past eleven o'clock. Chu Yang drove the car towards Heavenly Fragrance Restaurant.    


After turning a left intersection, they could see Heavenly Fragrance Restaurant. The red light was on.    


Now that Chu Yang's mental awareness had improved greatly, he naturally would not do something that would anger both man and god. Hence, he rolled down the window and put his left hand on the car door to look out the window.    


The black galloping car parked side by side in front of the intersection to wait for the green light. It was a green warrior car.    


The driver was a beautiful sister in casual clothes. At this moment, she was also looking to the right. Immediately, her eyes lit up. She quickly rolled down the window and leaned over to the right. She shouted happily, "Hi, Chu Yang!"    


At around nine o'clock in the morning, Qin Chao, who was in a good mood recently, received a call from his younger sister, Qin Mengyao.    


Qin Mengyao said over the phone, My good friend and female celebrity, Liu Mengmeng, will be arriving in Ji Nan at noon today. She is preparing to welcome her in Heavenly Fragrance Restaurant and ask if elder sister has time to go over and have a seat.    


Qin Chao was not unfamiliar with Liu Mengmeng. Not to mention that this girl had a scandal with Little Chu a while ago. It was during the summer two years ago when Ms Qin first came to Ji Nan. She almost crippled Ma Jian and Young Master Ma for her sake.    


It was also that time that Qin Chao met Chu Yang for the first time.    


As time passed, the situation changed. The current Ms Qin had already distanced herself from Hua Canyu, who she had deeply loved for so many years, and poured a strong motherly love onto the fellow that she hated back then.    


Life was always full of drama. No one had expected that the relationship between Qin Chao and Chu Yang would develop to such an extent.    


It was precisely because he had stood up for Liu Mengmeng that he knew Chu Yang. That was why when his younger sister called her, Qin Chao hesitated for a moment before agreeing.    


On the way to Heavenly Fragrance Restaurant, Qin Chao was thinking of finding a suitable opportunity to meet Brother Chu. He hoped that he could use his infinite tenderness to dilute Chai Murong's pain.    


There was a saying among the people of Ji Nan that went like this: A turtle comes when you think of a turtle.    


When Ms Qin arrived in front of the red light, she was still thinking about Little Chu in her heart. Who would have thought that when she inadvertently looked out the window, she would see the little man in her dream. Only then did she happily greet him.    


Just as she was observing the brand new tire design of the warrior car, Chu Yang suddenly heard a very familiar female voice calling his name. He subconsciously looked up. "Eh, Qin Chao? Ha, it's really hard to meet people. I didn't expect to meet you here at a green light!"    


To be able to suddenly see his dream boy on the street, Qin Chao was so happy that he even forgot that Chu Chu's face had obviously changed a lot. Instead, he asked with a smile, "Yes, yes, what a coincidence. Where are you going?"    


"I'm going to eat." Chu Yang raised his hand and rubbed his nose, then pointed in the direction of the left. "I'm going to the Heavenly Fragrance Restaurant over there. What about you? Is there a mission?"    


"What? You're going to the Heavenly Fragrance Restaurant too? Aiyo, looks like we really have fate... Cough, I'm wearing casual clothes, where can I go to carry out a mission? I want to go to Heavenly Fragrance Restaurant too."    


" What? You want to go to Heavenly Fragrance Restaurant too? Scared, you can't have changed your mind for me at the last minute, right? Hehe, what a joke, what a joke." Chu Yang also didn't expect her to go to Heavenly Fragrance Restaurant, so he made a joke and nodded." But you are right. We are really fated. Why did you suddenly think of going there to eat? It seems like you are accompanying others to eat, right?"    


Qin Chao's pretty face turned red, and she quickly explained, "It is true that they are accompanying other people to eat, but those people are not others. One is my sister Mengyao, and the other is... Hehe, you must know that person too. "    


When he heard that Qin Chao went to Heavenly Fragrance Restaurant to eat with that little chili from the Qin family, Chu Yang naturally frowned. Just as he was about to say something, he saw Ms Qin keeping him in suspense again. So he asked, "Who is that person?"    


At this time, the green light lit up.    


Qin Chao changed the gear with his right hand and turned his head, "It's your online lover, Liu Mengmeng."    


Chu Yang was stunned. "What? Who? You said Liu Mengmeng is my online lover?"    


" Yeah, now many people know that you are her mysterious lover. Hey, don't say that you don't want to go to Heavenly Fragrance Restaurant. " Qin Chao smiled and stepped on the accelerator to turn left.    


Why did Tangtang, Qin Mengyao, Liu Mengmeng and the others choose Heavenly Fragrance Restaurant?    


Could it be that the food in Heavenly Fragrance Restaurant was very delicious?    


Should he use some small tricks to take over this restaurant... After thinking about it maliciously in his heart, the car behind him pressed the horn and urged. Chu Yang had no choice but to start the car.    


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