My Fiance Ran Away

C971 Don't Talk about Ghosts When It's Dark!

C971 Don't Talk about Ghosts When It's Dark!

Chu Yang looked at Qin Chao and grabbed her hand, slowly feeling it. There was a rare serious look in his eyes in the dark night. "Qin Chao, do you think I am possessed? For the sake of Chai Murong, I actually did not care about major interests... Or rather, I always have a kind of hard choice in terms of women. Sigh, sometimes when I am quiet, I will think about it. I have lived for so many years, what exactly have I done? Sometimes, when I think about it carefully, other than killing people for money... I wandered around the woman's side. Heh, especially when the women beside me are as strong as one. Everyone else thinks that I can't do anything without the support of these women. Un, how should I put it? I feel like I'm just a gigolo. Or maybe I'm just a lascivious young master who keeps getting entangled with women all day long, except having an enviable home that's out of this world. It doesn't have any effect on the country at all."    


Perhaps it was because he truly felt the feelings of this man who appeared to be glorious on the surface but was actually feeling lonely in his heart, Qin Chao did not withdraw his hand. He just let him play with it subconsciously. "I don't know what you have done for others, and I don't care. I only know that when I was at the K Peninsula's 38th line, If you didn't mine for me, my best outcome would be sitting in a wheelchair. Everyday, I spend my days reading and watching TV in a daze. Chu Yang, I know a lot of people are unhappy with you. They think that you are the kind of good-for-nothing who only knows how to provoke girls because of your deep background. However, if those people who say you meet me when I step on a mine... Will they trade their lives for yours without hesitation like you did?"    


After hearing what Qin Chao said, the corner of Chu's mouth revealed a trace of a shy smile. "Actually, I've only done something that can be praised by others, and you've firmly remembered it."    


"Sigh, silly child, why are you always so modest? This is not your personality." After feeling that Chu Yang's mood had improved a lot, Qin Chao raised his head. His two hands grabbed his hands and started counting. "Maybe after you marry Lee Xiaomin, other people will say that your luck with women is not shallow, but who knows that you did that to save Ye Chuqing? Not to mention that you saved Ruan Lingji at the tall building in Beijing, and saved her from an international dispute, just from getting the 'MD' genetic virus in 2012 and getting the HZY back in Adorable Sprout Island, Singapore, Qin Chao said. Who else could do it except you? Why are those people only staring at the number of women around you, but ignoring your contributions to the country? "    


" Perhaps others always think that I can't do anything without the help of women? Just like this time, I asked you for help again... Hehe, alright, let's not talk about this anymore. Those people can say whatever they want. Anyway, I don't really care. If they have the ability, they can also make you work for them. " Chu Yang freed himself from Qin Chao's hands, rubbed his nose, and sat up. Looking at the dark night in the distance, he said, "Qin Chao, do you believe that there are really ghosts in this world? Or perhaps some things are destined to happen?"    


"Don't talk about ghosts when it's dark, because I'm very timid." Qin Chao didn't know whether he was really afraid or if he was pretending to be afraid. He also sat up with Chu Yang. He put his head on Chu Yang's shoulder with both hands and closed his eyes. He said, "There are many ghosts in this world, such as drunkards and smokers who are cowardly. There are also lechers, just like you. You always unknowingly provoke too many women, and you get tired of dealing with them all day long. Ever since I came back from K Peninsula, sometimes I thought about it alone. If I had accepted you many years ago, then what kind of life would we have now?"    


Chu Yang touched Qin Chao's soft hair with his left hand. "What you said is impossible, because when I was secretly in love with you, You and Hua Canyu were childhood sweethearts. How could you accept me at that time? But you were able to find out that I was a shining gold at that time. I think our child must be older than Yangfeng, right? Hehe, it's been so many years later, but in the end, you still 'abandoned the darkness and joined the light'. From this, it can be seen that I am actually your pestering ghost. I am specifically pestering you. No matter how you struggle, it is impossible for you to escape from my palm..."    


When Chu Yang said this, a thought suddenly appeared in his heart. I am Qin Chao's entanglement ghost. Then what about Chai Murong? Other than the Yuan who liked me in her previous life, she is also the entanglement of my fate! No matter how I swore to forget her and even cooperate with the National Security Bureau to capture her, I still couldn't forget that she had to save her in the end! Because of this, I had to let Manyu, Qin Chao, Lige and the others take risks again! Is what I do fair to them? Could it be that I will never be able to get rid of that woman's entanglement in my entire life?    


Seeing Chu Yang in a daze as he suddenly shut his mouth, Qin Chao asked, "What did you think of again?"    


Chu Yang looked at a car lamp that appeared extremely far away and honestly said, "Just now I was thinking that I am your pestering ghost. But Chai Murong was the entanglement ghost that I hit the nail on the head. No matter how determined I am, I will never forget her. Even if I let go of a little bit... Sigh, if I were as determined as you to leave Hua Canyu... Perhaps I would be much happier than I am now."    


When Chu Yang mentioned Hua Canyu's name for the first time, Qin Chao did not think much about it. However, after hearing him mention it again, his brain suddenly heated up. He raised his head and looked into his eyes without caring about anything else. "Chu Yang, there is one thing that I have kept in my heart for a long time. I never dare to say it to others, but now I want to say it."    


Chu Yang stared at the lights in the distance and asked curiously, "What is it? Why is it so mysterious? "    


"It's about Hua Canyu."    


Qin Chao pursed his lips and said in a low voice, "Actually, I completely left Hua Canyu and fell in love with you, not because you saved me. If, if he was still a normal person, I think I would use other ways to repay you for saving my life. I would never use this kind of love between men and women! Speaking of which, I am also a woman who goes around day and night. Because of his lies, I transferred my feelings to you."    


When Chu Yang first saw Qin Chao, he was subdued by her valiant and heroic bearing. He secretly swore that he would get her.    


If Chu Yang wasn't Chu Yang, but a 'normal' man, Even if he loved Ms Qin and swore that he would not marry her, However, after seven years, he would slowly treat that meeting and vow as a beautiful memory. He would never leave on the night of his marriage with Chai Murong just to find her.    


But then again, Chu Yang was Chu Yang. He was not someone anyone could replace. Including his thoughts and his feelings, that was why he made an irrational decision to run away from the marriage for a dream. In the end, he successfully won what he had been looking forward to for a long time.    


However, men were like a lot of things, constantly changing... Chu Yang was also changing: he met too many excellent women after escaping from the marriage, and these women all had that kind of 'conniving' feeling towards him. Therefore, Chu Yang, who originally only wanted to live a beautiful life together with Ms Qin, He had completely fallen into depravity.    


One. If a person wanted to fall into depravity, the first thing to fall into depravity was their thoughts.    


Just like Chu Yang in the past, he felt that only by living with Qin Chao would he be able to find the happiness that he had experienced when he came to this world. However, as more and more women gathered around him, he suddenly felt that there was actually no Qin Chao. It did not matter. No matter how beautiful a woman was, they were all the same.    


It was under such circumstances that Qin Chao suddenly told him the secret in her heart. The reason why I left Hua Canyu and fell in love with you was actually because he was no longer a normal man.    


Oh, if Hua Canyu was a normal man, even if I sacrifice myself for you, you wouldn't leave him and love me?    


Although the speeding car from afar could pass through in a few minutes, after Chu Yang heard what Qin Chao said, He subconsciously leaned to the side and said, "Apart from some mysophobia, what other abnormalities does Hua Canyu have?"    


After all, no matter how much Third Prince Chu loved Ms Qin, he did not want Qin Chao to love him after he did not love Hua Canyu for some reason. That would give him an illusion of charity.    


Men who thought they were capable were like this. They always wanted to use their charm to get other people's wives or girlfriends. They did not want to become the spiritual sustenance of that woman after her love failed, because that would make him lose face.    


After clearly feeling Chu Yang's alienation, Qin Chao was stunned for a moment. Then he laughed self-deprecatingly in the dark and sat up straight. He hugged his knees and looked at the car lights in the distance. He said calmly, "He looks like a man, but because of a coincidence when he was young..."    


When Qin Chao talked about Hua Canyu's secrets, a car quickly drove past the road in front of them, bringing up a layer of dust.    


"Sigh, today I finally said all the things that were buried in my heart. Now I feel very relaxed." Qin Chao stood up and crossed his arms as he spoke. He looked at the place where the car had disappeared with his back facing Chu Yang. "I know that the so-called true love should not be built on 'sex'. It was a kind of spiritual sublimation. But I don't want that to happen. I just feel that the building of love that had been built for so many years has collapsed. It made me lose all hope of living, so I took the initiative to request to participate in that operation and seek death. And when you helped me mine the mine, you gave you the love that was originally suppressed by Hua Canyu without any reservation. I took you as the hope of my failed love. This is unfair to you... Chu Yang, I know you must be feeling uncomfortable after hearing all this. But I still said it because I don't want to lie to you."    


Chu Yang didn't say anything. He just casually pulled out a stalk of grass and put it in his mouth to chew. After standing up for a long time, he said, "Kuafu will have something to do with the Mayan Civilization? Hehe, this is something I did not expect. I have long heard of Kuafu's name, and many people think that I am Kuafu's successor. In order to increase the mystery, I didn't avoid the rumors. I just didn't expect that the true descendant of Kuafu would be Hua Canyu... Do you know who the person who practiced the 'Flower Shifting and Wood Connecting Technique' with Hua Mannyu was?"    


Another gust of night wind blew over. Qin Chao couldn't help but hug his arms tightly and shrink his neck.    


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