My Fiance Ran Away

C1603 You Think I Won't dare To!

C1603 You Think I Won't dare To!

After someone else's accident, the one who gloated should be the most shameful.    


Hua Mannyu thought that Chai Murong was such a person because after witnessing the current situation with her own eyes, she still asked what she wanted to do.    


This way, all of the nervousness, fear and complaints in Hua Mannyu's heart found an outlet to vent.    


"What am I going to do?"    


Hua Mannyu turned around and gritted her teeth and sneered at Chai Murong, "Haha, what do you think I am going to do? Chai Murong, are you very happy right now, that's why you are so concerned about me!"    


When Hua Mannyu said the word 'concerned', she said it very seriously, almost biting down on her silver teeth.    


Chai Murong did not really care about it. She still said calmly," Haha, we are good sisters. I naturally have to care about you. "    


"I don't need you to care because what you need to do the most right now is to be proud of yourself!"    


After Hua Mannyu said that, she picked up the mineral water bottle on the table and fiercely threw it on the ground.    


"What am I proud of?"    


Chai Murong slowly shook her head, "Sigh, it is said that women with big breasts have no brains. It is just that I did not expect that the beautiful Director Hua not only have no brains but even her ears are not good."    


"Don't say such sarcastic words. Who has bad ears!?"    


At this time, Hua Mannyu also clearly realized that under the condition of her foot being injured, she could not catch up to Chu Yang at all. She might as well not chase after him. Instead, like a good rooster, her eyes flashed with a fierce light as she looked at Chai Murong.    


Chai Murong ignored the hostility in Hua Mannyu's eyes and only touched the bottle in her hand. She said leisurely, "Chu Yang just said that he did not want to marry another woman. Because having nine wives by his side is already enough."    


After Chai Murong said that, she did not speak anymore. Instead, she stretched her body calmly and then shook her head continuously. She looked like she was saying, Why are you so stupid?    


Hua Mannyu waited for a moment and could not help but ask, "Have you finished farting?"    


Chai Murong was not angry and just laughed and said, "I have finished. If you still have some intelligence, then you should know how to thoroughly digest this fart."    


"Get lost, you..."    


Just as Hua Mannyu scolded until here, Lih Xiangfen suddenly spoke, "Director Hua, just now Chu Yang said that he already has nine wives by his side. Please take note, it is nine!"    


Those who were familiar with Chu Yang knew that after this fellow joined the Uae, He married Chai Murong, Qin Chao, Ye Chuqing. Liang Xin, Shaang Lige and Nanzhao Xixue. If there was also the K Country's Li Xiumin, He now had seven wives.    


However, what he just said was, I already have nine wives.    


If a primary school student calculated it, he would know that nine minus seven was equivalent to two.    


In other words, Chu Yang meant that he would marry two more wives in the future... However, Hua Mannyu and Xie Yaotong were both said 'from now on.' I don't want to marry another woman anymore. Instead, I ignored the number. This caused them to be extremely shocked.    


Now, Lih Xiangfen's words were like a ladle of cold water that instantly woke Hua Mannyu up from her anger, "Ah, is, is it nine wives?"    


"I think you should not have misheard because his voice was not too low when he spoke."    


"I shouldn't have misheard, right?" Hua Mannyu looked at Lih Xiangfen with uncertainty in her eyes.    


Lih Xiangfen sniffed, stood up from her chair, and walked to the door of the conference room. "Yes, it is nine wives. Hehe, this means that I still have some hope. If some women dare to mess around again. "    


"So that's how it is. So that's how it is... Hmph, you have hope? You should save your worries. "    


Now that Hua Mannyu finally understood what Chu Yang meant, the flames of hope once again lit up in her body. Although she raised the middle finger of her right hand at Lih Xiangfen's back in an indecent manner, her tone also sounded fierce. However, her expression became much better, and there was even a smile in her eyes.    


Chai Murong looked at Hua Mannyu who was smiling and muttered, "You are really a top grade woman. It is fine if your brain is not good. But she changed her attitude very quickly. But as your good sister, I feel that I have the obligation and responsibility to remind you. Don't be happy too early. Otherwise, you'll be more disappointed."    


Immediately, Hua Mannyu no longer cared about Lih Xiangfen who walked out. The joy in her eyes was also replaced by vigilance. "Hi, Chai Murong, what do you mean by saying this?"    


" What do you mean? "    


Chai Murong stood up from the chair and lightly said, "Although a certain girl has seen hope now, what I want to tell her is... A certain guy can still marry two more wives, but the candidate for the wife beside him... It seems like there are more than two candidates, right? "    


"Who else?" Hua Mannyu blurted out.    


Chai Murong shrugged her shoulders, "Putting aside Lih Xiangfen, there is still Chen Yiqing and the other two (Hua Mannyu, Xie Yaotong) in the new city. Moreover, there are still Yeh Liusu, Yeh Cuicann, and Zeus King from Mount Olympus in Ji Nan who are eyeing them covetously. Hehe, a girl wants to stand out among these five people. It doesn't seem to be as simple as you think, right?"    


Hua Mannyu sneered without confidence, "Humph, humph, if I can't even defeat them, then I might as well die."    


Chai Murong pushed the chair away and prepared to walk towards the conference room door, "You don't have to die, and that guy seems to like more women. Anyone who could surround him would know. He should hate scheming women the most. Luckily, I changed it."    


Just like what Chai Murong had said, Hua Mannyu and Xie Yaotong were not the only women who were interested in Chu Yang. There was also Chen Yiqing in the new city and Yeh Liusu in Ji Nan.    


Of course, Chai Murong added Yeh Cuicann and Zeus King to create a sense of crisis for Hua Mannyu. In fact, those two women could not possibly marry Chu Yang.    


But even if these two women were abandoned, whether it was Yeh Liusu or Chen Yiqing, they were all very likely to marry Chu Yang's' powerful competitors'. Adding Xie Yaotong, there were a total of four women.    


As for the remaining two wives' quota, it would be produced from these four people. The elimination rate would be large to 50%.    


Of course, compared to the other few people, Hua Mannyu still had a considerable advantage. Other than her being qualified to be Chu Yang's right-hand man, the most important thing was that she gave birth to the fourth generation elder brother of Chu family.    


However, speaking of which, that young man surnamed Chu seemed to dislike scheming women. If Hua Mannyu did not restrain herself, hehe, she might very well lose the election.    


After Chai Murong said those words, Hua Mannyu's eyes quickly rolled around but she let out a cold laugh, "Hehe, I don't want to change."    


Chai Murong turned around, "You do not wish to change?"    


Hua Mannyu said with certainty, "Yes!"    


"Tell me why you are so confident."    


Hua Mannyu said lightly, "Although I already have a son, I need to have a figure and figure like this. I need to be talented and have a good appearance. If I want to find an outstanding man to marry, it should be very easy. You don't have to marry Chu Yang, do you?"    


Chai Murong, who had walked to the door, immediately showed a surprised look. "Hey, you don't have to marry Chu Yang. You said it yourself! Hua Mannyu, don't deny it."    


Hua Mannyu said very forcefully, "Why should I deny it? I am the one who said it. Why? Go and tell Chu Yang about it. Go! "    


"Do you think I don't dare? Anyway, I have long disliked you. I will tell Chu Yang now."    


Chai Murong said and opened the door of the meeting room. Before she lifted her foot and walked out, she saw a few people standing at the door. There were men and women, and the one at the front was Chu Yang, who had a bitter face.    




Hua Mannyu's heart immediately jumped when she saw Chu Yang. Did he hear what I said just now?    


Chu Yang looked at Hua Mannyu indifferently. He stepped aside and a man in his 30s appeared behind him.    


He was a very beautiful man in a linen robe. If it weren't for the Adam's apple under his neck, fifty out of a hundred people would have called him a slut. Especially that pair of bright eyes, which had a hint of cynicism in it.    


Standing next to this man was a beautiful young woman in her thirties. She had short golden hair, a high nose bridge, blue eyes, and a height of 1.7 meters. It was obvious that she was an Eastern European beauty, and she was very mature. She was very charming, just standing there without moving. Her entire body was also brimming with mature beauty that only Xie Yaotong could compare with.    


Behind this beautiful young woman was a pair of sisters who were not short but were not very old.    


The two of them each held onto a man and a beautiful woman. When they saw Chai Murong come out, they stuck out their tongues at the same time and made a mischievous face.    


Behind the two girls, there were two other women... They were Nanzhao Xixue and Ye Chuqing, who were chased out of the new city by Chu Li last night.    


After seeing these people, Chai Murong looked at Chu Yang with surprise in her eyes. She took a step back and slightly bent down to whisper to the beautiful man, "Hu Second Uncle, you are here."    




In the past, after Official Chai took over 2012, she had vented her anger on Chu Yang because of the collapse of Chai family. She had threatened to kill all the people around him.    


In order to stop the crazy Chai Murong, Chu Yang and Shaang Lige had no choice but to rush to the underground city. In the end, they were almost frozen into ice sticks by her.    


It was at that time that Hu Mietang, who was entangled with Ye Chuqing. He also broke into the entrance of the underground city of 2012 and easily killed one of the Sun and Moon Wheels. He had also fought with the four elders who had not died at that time and made those foreigners who hid in the underground city all year round. He now knew what a true expert was.    


It was also because of that experience that Chai Murong met Hu Mietang for the first time. She also knew that he was the teacher of Chu Yang and Ye Chuqing.    


Later, when Chu Yang was going to marry Chai Murong and Qin Chao in Dubai in Uae, it was this Hu Mietang who forced his little disciple to be his third wife.    


It could be said that Chai Murong's impression of Hu Mietang was nothing.    


However, because of Lao Hu's identity, Chai Murong never dared to act rashly.    


Because she knew very well that if she provoked this beautiful man, she might really get herself killed!    


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