My Fiance Ran Away

C1637 Do You Think You Can Escape!

C1637 Do You Think You Can Escape!

Bullets coming from behind are the most dangerous.    


Shaang Lige understood this logic very well.    


At the same time when the first gun was fired, she lowered her body and spun around. She rolled rapidly on the snow and dodged a series of bullets that were shot at her.    


The gunshot stopped. Shaang Lige also stopped rolling and looked towards the door.    


At the gate, which was not very spacious, there were two people holding automatic rifles standing side by side. They were dressed in black and wore colored hats on their heads. They appeared especially conspicuous in the snow. The guns in their hands. They were facing Shaang Lige.    


Behind the two men in black, which was outside the gate, there were... How many people were there?    


Because the two people at the entrance blocked Shaang Lige's line of sight, she was unable to see how many people were outside.    


Just as Shaang Lige stared at the men in black at the door and did not move at all to maintain the necessary silence. Zeus King's voice came from the window on her left, "Shaang Lige, you can't run because Chai Fangsi has been waiting for you for a long time. If he catches you, Chu Yang will not die. I'm afraid it will be very difficult. "    


Shaang Lige slightly narrowed her eyes, and there was a sharp coldness in them. She still maintained her squatting posture and lightly said, "Do you think that I will be like you, willing to be captured alive by him? Being used as a hostage to deal with Chu Yang? I can die, but I will never be like you. Live without dignity!"    


Shaang Lige's words were like a knife. It stabbed into Zeus King's heart, causing the smug and gloating smile on her face to freeze. Then she became angry. "Do you think I am willing to be captured alive? Do you think I'm willing to live this kind of life? I'm alive, I'm alive because... "    


Zeus King endured the humiliation of living, what was he doing it for?    


Shaang Lige was not interested to hear it. She moved when Zeus King said this. She did not make any preparations and her lithe body suddenly shook. Like Night Owlet, who suddenly jumped up from the snow at night, she flew in circles towards the easter of the western wall.    


Since Shaang Lige could not kill Zeus King and did not want to be trapped by Chai Fangsi's people here, she could only choose to break through.    


Of course, even if Shaang Lige came this time with the intention to die, she would not be stupid enough to directly fight with those people at the door. The first thing she thought of was to escape!    


If she could not escape, what harm was there in fighting with her life on the line?    


Seeing Shaang Lige like Night Owlet flying up from the snow towards the wall like a Night Owlet, Zeus King laughed loudly and said with a shrill voice, "Ha, haha, do you think you can escape!?"    


Following Zeus King's shrill laughter, a series of gunshots rang out.    




Chu Yang stuck his head to the cold snow, his calm look as if he had placed his head on a pillow.    


Chu Yang listened to it calmly for a while before opening his eyes.    


Everyone knew that some awesome people could hear sounds from far away as long as they put their ears on the ground. Chu Yang also had the ability to do so.    


However, he did not hear sounds from far away, but from underground.    


Chu Yang did not understand why someone would dig out so many new soil in this ice and snow world, so he subconsciously crouched on the ground and began to listen carefully.    


When the cold snow came close to his ear, a certain nerve in Chu Yang's body: Because of the sudden cold stimulation, it shrank a little, which also woke him up. He felt that it was a little funny. If there was really a mine buried underneath, how could he possibly hear it?    


However, just as Chu Yang had this funny thought, he clearly heard a slight sound of Sha Sha in his left ear!    


This kind of soft shasha sound was like those silkworms eating mulberry leaves in the middle of the night. It was soft but clear.    


If it was summer now, after Chu Yang heard this kind of soft shasha sound, he would probably think that it was those little worms digging into the ground.    


But now it was a season of ice and snow, how could there be little bugs digging underground?    


Then what was making Sha Sha sound when there were not little bugs below?    


Chu Yang opened his eyes, tilted his head, and thought for a while before pulling out the Army Thorn, hoping to use this to dig up some soil to see what was underneath.    


But when he inserted the Army Thorn into the soil, Chu Yang pulled it back. Using the Army Thorn to dig a hole was not much better than using a bamboo basket to fetch water. It was a typical idiotic action.    


Chu Yang was not an idiot. He would not do such a thing and waste so much effort.    


"What should I think of to dig up the new soil to take a look?" Chu Yang stared at the soil on the ground and was about to operate his smart brain. Bang!    


The sound of the gunshot was crisp, and it cut through the night sky with the blizzard.    


With a loud bang, Chu Yang bounced up from the ground. He no longer cared about what was on the ground. He ran to the front of the big tree as if he was flying and used his four limbs to follow the tree trunk. After quickly climbing a dozen times, he sat on the branch in the middle of the big tree. Then, he took out the telescope in his arms and looked towards the Wolf Eye with his head raised.    


In Chu Yang's field of vision, there was still white and empty snow. Except for the small courtyard at the top of the Wolf Eye, there were no other targets.    


"Who was shooting just now? Where is it?" Just as Chu Yang thought of this, another gunshot was heard.    


This time, Chu Yang was 100% sure that the gunshot came from the courtyard where Zeus King was imprisoned.    


Suddenly, his expression changed.    


Chu Yang did not need to think too much. He knew that there were two reasons for the gunshot that had come from the small courtyard. The first was that someone had tried to save Zeus King, but was discovered by the people guarding her. That was why he had opened fire.    


As for the second reason, it was what Chu Yang did not want to see the most: someone had shot Zeus King!    


So, the two gunshots just now, was it someone who had shot Zeus King, or was it another situation?    


Of course, Chu Yang could not tell which situation was right, but without a doubt, at the moment of the gunshots, he had to give up on his plan.    


Chu Yang originally planned to take action in the morning, but the sudden two gunshots forced him to change his original plan.    


Because no matter what situation it was, it was not what Chu Yang saw. If someone went to save Zeus King and was found by the guards, he did not care who that person was. He had to go and take a look. Similarly, if someone wanted to kill Zeus King with a spear, then he had to go up even more. There was no other choice!    


After making up his mind, Chu Yang did not hesitate anymore. He put away the telescope and climbed down the tree. He ran towards Wolf Eye.    


However, just as Chu Yang ran a few steps away, the sound of gunshots rang out again, and it became more concentrated. Bang! Bang! Bang!    


"What is going on!?" Chu Yang suddenly stopped in his tracks and looked up at the Wolf Eye. He took out his binoculars again and looked up.    


Judging from the gunshots, Chu Yang felt it was best not to go there. Since the gunshots were so dense, it meant that there were a lot of people there. If he rushed over at this time, he would become a moving target.    


Chu Yang was very worried about Zeus King's safety, but he also did not want to become a moving target, so he could only turn around again and run to the big tree. He climbed up like a monkey again.    


Since he could not determine what was going on up there, Chu Yang could only watch temporarily because he had a feeling that the traps arranged by Chai Fangsi should have opened their mouths when the gunshots rang out.    


Chu Yang sat on the tree branch, holding the telescope with both hands and looking at the top of Wolf Eye. He saw a white shadow flying out of the wall of the small courtyard like a big bird.    


Before Chu Yang could react, he was surprised to find that there were many bright spots on the left and right side of the courtyard in Wolf Eye.    


These bright spots were not particularly obvious in the white snow, but Chu Yang found them immediately.    




Just like what Shaang Lige had said to Koo Mingchuang before, your lightness skills are not as good as mine. If I encounter danger that I cannot cope with, at least I still have a chance to escape unscathed.    


Shaang Lige and Koo Mingchuang said these things to dispel the idea of him wanting to follow them to the top of Wolf Eye, and she also said the truth.    


If Koo Mingchuang was replaced by Shaang Lige, he would not be able to fly out of the wall from the bullets fired by those men in black.    


But Shaang Lige could, and she did it very easily. Before she could put on any posture, she flew up, flipped over the wall, and quickly fell down, just in time to avoid the bullets that were chasing after her.    


As soon as Shaang Lige's left foot landed on the ground, she immediately rolled towards the right side of the courtyard.    


Before Shaang Lige touched the Wolf Eye, she had killed nine people who were on sentry duty in the south, west and north of the courtyard. When her whereabouts were exposed and she retreated, she should have chosen to retreat from these three directions.    


However, Shaang Lige did not do so. Instead, after rolling to the right for more than ten meters, she stood up and ran towards the east.    


Shaang Lige was sure that when she turned and rushed towards the east, The hidden sentries that were not taken care of over there would definitely jump out to stop her... And this was the result she wanted. If she ran away, in this snow with no cover within a one kilometer radius, No matter how good her body movement was, she would not be faster than a bullet.    


And as long as she ran towards those hidden sentries?    


Then those people in white who chased after her closely would not dare to shoot because they were afraid of accidentally killing their companions.    


This, seems to be the legendary anti-rat trap, right?    


As long as the soldiers stopped shooting, Shaang Lige was completely confident that she could break through the entanglement of those hidden sentries. Then, she directly jumped down the canyon and landed in Cura River.    


Of course, if she fell into the river in such a cold day, the smell would definitely be unpleasant, but it would be much better than being shot into a sieve, right?    


Furthermore, the moment Shaang Lige saw those people in white, Shaang Lige thought that Chai Fangsi's people might have rushed over. Following the direction of Prison 9 and the big slope, she would be intercepted. That way, when she rushed down, She would be walking into a trap.    


However, those people couldn't come from the direction of the canyon, so it was the right choice to retreat in this direction.    


It had to be said that Shaang Lige could make such a correct choice the moment she flew out of the wall. It was enough to prove how rich her field experience was. She deserved to be called the Assassin King of the past.    


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