My Fiance Ran Away

C1639 Flower Rain!

C1639 Flower Rain!

The man's sliding down is getting faster and faster, and he's about to reach the bottom of the slope.    


Chu Yang believed that as long as the man slid down to the bottom of the slope, he could easily escape with the help of the beautiful light movement skill he had when he flew out of the wall, and with the help of the forest to cover him, he should be able to escape.    


He believed that the pursuers would understand this.    


But what Chu Yang did not believe was that when that person was about to slide to the bottom of the slope, the pursuing troops clearly slowed down. They only shouted and randomly fired their guns at the sky.    


Seeing this scene, Chu Yang was even more puzzled. "What on earth is going on?"    


Before Chu Yang could find an answer, he suddenly saw a white shadow jump out from a few hundred meters to his right and rush towards the man who was about to slide down.    


"Ah, so there are people hiding there. I actually did not find them!"    


Chu Yang was shocked when he saw the shadow of the man who had rushed up the slope in the blink of an eye. No wonder the pursuers had sent that man here. It turned out that Chai Fangsi was hiding an expert here!    


Just from the speed of this person running, Chu Yang could tell that he was a super expert. Although he was not as good as him, he should be more powerful than Shaang Lige!    


Thinking of this, cold sweat broke out on Chu Yang's forehead. He blamed himself for his carelessness. If this person had used a sniper rifle to kill him while he was lying on the snow and listening to the sound, Then he believed that the great Feathered God should be a corpse that died with everlasting regret.    


However, just as cold sweat broke out on Chu Yang's forehead, he immediately came to a realization. This man in white who suddenly appeared could not have been hiding here long ago. It was possible that he had just arrived.    


Chu Yang was very confident. With his vigilance in such a special situation, if someone was hiding nearby, he should have noticed long ago.    


As for when this man in white came, Chu Yang felt that it was very likely when he had arrived just now.    


Because after the gunshot, he focused his attention on the Wolf Eye, so he didn't notice anyone coming at the first moment.    


If that was really the case, then this man in white was not arranged to be here by Chai Fangsi. He might be the companion of the man in white who slid down the slope.    


After thinking this through, Chu Yang became even more determined to watch from the side. If these two men in white were really companions, then with their skills, they should be able to deal with all the dangers in front of them.    


Besides, he did not know why the pursuers slowed down their speed.    


Chu Yang stared at the man rushing up the slope. When he saw him meet up with the man sliding down the slope, he strangely let out a sigh of relief. "Phew, that man should be fine now."    


As soon as Chu Yang said that, he suddenly heard a very clear sound of Zap. It came from seven or eight meters in front of the big tree.    


Then, the sound of Shasha that he had heard before but had not determined anything also became louder.    


"Eh, what's going on?"    


Chu Yang lowered his head and looked at the ground with his eyes wide open. It was not far below him, which was the snow he had heard when he was lying on the ground. Now, it was rising rapidly, as if a wall had appeared out of thin air.    




"Why didn't those people chase me and shoot at the sky?"    


Shaang Lige, who was quickly sliding down, looked up with great difficulty. When she realized that the soldiers were doing this kind of incomprehensible action, she really... really did not understand.    


However, after seeing that the pursuing troops were no longer chasing after her, Shaang Lige would not be foolish enough to stop and ask why. Instead, she controlled the speed of her descent effectively. She was prepared to use the forest to escape after she slid down the slope.    


Now that she was already very embarrassed and injured, she naturally would not stay behind to cause trouble.    


However, just as Shaang Lige turned over and tried to use her right foot to control the sliding speed, she saw a white shadow running towards her from the bottom of the slope.    


Just like Chu Yang, after Shaang Lige saw this white shadow, she also thought that this was Chai Fangsi's backup plan.    


"Not good!" Seeing the white shadow appear so quickly, Shaang Lige could not help but secretly complain in her heart.    


Just from the speed of this person, Shaang Lige could conclude that this person's martial arts was definitely not inferior to hers, and now her left leg was injured. The knife and gun in her hand were lost during the sliding process, if she were to fight with him with empty hands. She would definitely be captured alive!    


"No, I can't be captured alive, even if I die!"    


Shaang Lige gritted her teeth and stabbed her right foot into the snow. The speed at which she fell suddenly stopped, and then she bent her legs and supported herself with her hands in the snow. She stared at the man and prepared to wait for him to pounce on her. Give him a Rabbit Stomp Eagle...    


However, just as Shaang Lige was prepared to fight to the death, that person who had already rushed over asked urgently, "Are you Shaang Lige? I am Hua Canyu!"    


"Hua Canyu!?"    


Shaang Lige was stunned. Her right leg, which she was about to kick out, was lowered again.    


"Yes, I am Hua Canyu."    


As the man in white spoke, he had already fallen beside Shaang Lige. He hurriedly said, "I met Koo Mingchuang on the way here. He said you broke into this place alone. Ah, you are injured? If you have anything to say, go back first. It's more important to leave this place now! "    


Seven years ago, one night, Shaang Lige went to China's capital to assassinate a person, but was met by Hua Canyu. As a result, she was injured.    


Although Shaang Lige had risked her life to escape Hua Canyu's pursuit and was rescued by Chu Yang, her Yin Wei Meridian was injured, and from then on, she slowly became a ghost with white hair and beard.    


Some people said that in the eyes of an assassin, there were only two types of people who were valuable and worthless.    


If they were valuable people, then it was very likely that they would be the target of their assassination. If they were worthless... Even if you begged him to kill you, they wouldn't bother with you.    


But to Shaang Lige, it was not like this. Even if no one gave her money, she still wanted to kill Hua Canyu.    


It was only because of Chu Yang later on, and also because Hua Canyu saved her once when Lorin kidnapped Ruan Lingji, that Shaang Lige 'forgave' him.    


But no matter what, Shaang Lige's impression of Hua Canyu had never been good.    


Especially after he had helped Chai Fangsi kidnap Chu Yangfeng, she had even categorized him as' never coming into contact 'with him.    


But now, at the moment when Shaang Lige was injured and her future was uncertain, Hua Canyu had appeared in time.    


Moreover, the moment they met, he had already announced that he had met Koo Mingchuang.    


Immediately, Shaang Lige understood. Hua Canyu had received the news that she had come to assassinate Zeus King from Koo Mingchuang, and had specially come to meet her.    


Although Hua Canyu had explained the situation as soon as he came, he had also shown enough goodwill. She just turned her head to look at the pursuers who had started to climb up and said, "You don't need to worry about me. I can leave by myself."    


"I know you are very dissatisfied with me, but now that you are injured, you must listen to my arrangements. Otherwise, accidents will happen!"    


After Hua Canyu finished speaking, he bent down and hugged Shaang Lige without giving her any explanation. He placed her on himself. Then he lied on the snow with his face facing up and kicked the snow with his right foot. The two of them turned their bodies around and quickly slid down the slope.    


"You, you let go of me!"    


After Shaang Lige was held in Hua Canyu's arms, she shouted shyly and angrily in a low voice. She struggled with all her might.    


"You better calm down. I just want to take you away from here quickly. There is no other meaning!"    


As Hua Canyu spoke, he kicked the snow hard again. The two of them slid down at an even faster speed.    


"I am very calm now. Let go of me. I can... Ah, then, what happened there? "    


Shaang Lige, who was standing on top of her head, suddenly opened her eyes wide when she said that.    


"What? What's wrong?" Her body.    


Hua Canyu, who was supporting Shaang Lige as she slid down at high speed, asked puzzledly. He then followed her line of sight and looked down. About seven or eight meters below them, on the snow that should have been very flat, Suddenly, a wall rose up. It was a snow wall.    


This snow wall was not too tall. At most, it was a little more than two meters. However, as the snow wall suddenly rose, a deep ditch appeared in front of it.    


"Not good. Hua Canyu, quickly stop!"    


Shaang Lige was shocked when she saw this. She shouted loudly and quickly inserted her hands into the snow, hoping to stop the two of them from sliding down.    


However, because Hua Canyu had just increased his speed, it was impossible for him to stop at such a fast speed and such a short distance.    


Even though he had reacted the same way as Shaang Lige after discovering the abnormality, he still could not stop immediately. He could only watch helplessly as he slid towards the deep ditch.    


Even if he thought with his feet, Hua Canyu knew that there must be something like a steel thorn in the ditch that suddenly appeared. If a person fell into the ditch, they would definitely be pierced through.    


"What should we do!?"    


At this critical moment, seeing that the two of them were about to slide down the ditch, Hua Canyu suddenly shouted. He used both hands to drag Shaang Lige's body and threw her towards his feet!    


Hua Canyu used all his strength to throw Shaang Lige upwards. His goal was to let her use this kind of strength to quickly break free from the downward trend.    


With Shaang Lige's own ability, after she was thrown by the force, she would definitely stabilize her body. This way, she would avoid the fate of slipping into the deep trench with Hua Canyu.    


But what about Hua Canyu?    


Because of this action, he would increase the speed of his descent. Like an arrow leaving the bow, he slid into the deep pit with a swoosh while sticking close to the snow!    


The last time Hua Canyu saved Shaang Lige in Beijing, she did appreciate it, but she did not feel grateful. She only felt that the conflict between the two of them had been canceled out.    


But what about this time?    


When neither side owed each other anything, Hua Canyu actually made a move to sacrifice himself to protect her. Even though Ms Jiuer was the kind of person whose heart was harder than steel, she was also moved to tears at this moment. She looked at Hua Canyu who was sliding down the deep ditch in the low sky and shouted with a sad voice, "Hua Canyu!"    


Although Shaang Lige was sad, she would not waste the opportunity that Hua Canyu had given her with his life. If that happened, all of his efforts would be in vain.    


So after she shouted, she stabbed her hands into the snow.    


As long as Shaang Lige put her hands into the snow, she would be able to stop her falling.    


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