My Fiance Ran Away

C311 Reconstructing Long Teng!

C311 Reconstructing Long Teng!

I'm afraid I'll cause you trouble." Chu Yang said, "I want to keep a low profile..." It is wise to keep a low profile, but to keep a low profile is cowardly! " Chu Longbin interrupted Chu Yang and looked at him with bright eyes." Great Ancestor once said, 'If you don't offend me, I will not offend you. If you offend me, I will not offend you.' Since the great man said so, what else do you have to worry about?" I just want to live the life of an ordinary person. What does this have to do with me making great contributions to the country and marrying a few more wives? Chu Yang thought this in his heart, but he did not dare to say it.    


But he knew that the old man was dissatisfied with his low profile.    


There was a song that once said, when it was time to make a move, make a move! Those who could not stand it would just ignore it.    


Don't be afraid of getting into any trouble, with me and your big uncle around... What are you afraid of?" After Chu Longbin's tone slowed down, Chu Yang quickly expressed his determination. "From now on, if anyone dares to find trouble with me, I will definitely make fun of them." Sigh, I am not saying this because I want you to become an evil young master who bullies men and tyrants women. I only hope that you can get rid of your previous low profile and become tough." Chu Longbin held the desk with both hands. "Because only by doing so can you join Long Teng, who is different from Silver Hook's Iron Cross. Talent. Only by making a career can you marry a few wives without being criticized! " What?" Chu Yang was shocked. "Add, join Long Teng?" That's right." Chu Longbin slowly said," Everyone knows that China's Long Teng is disbanded, but they don't know that Long Teng is going to reorganize soon.    


I plan to let you join the new December Loong Teng. " Long Teng restructuring? " Yes. " Chu Longbin said, "Back then, when Long Teng disbanded, he kept his name. He originally had the intention of restructuring one day.    


Now, China is just like you. Because you always keep a low profile, outsiders think that you are weak.    


Humph! Humph! " Longbin coldly snorted." A hundred years ago, Napoleon once said, 'When a lion is asleep, even a fly dares to land on its face and bark a few times.'    


But once China is awakened, the world will be shaken! Even the arrogant Napoleon said that, but some countries nowadays treated his words as fart.    


Now, China is about to wake up. Long Teng's reorganization is a precursor. A lion waking up is a precursor to shaking the world!" Grandpa's words were very angry, but it made people's blood boil when they heard it.    


Chu Yang listened quietly.    


I have already paved the road for you. Do you have the ability to be chosen to join Long Teng? Constructing a new December Loong Teng with someone else will depend on your ability. " Chu Longbin slowly sat on the chair. "From now on, you can't just focus on what is in front of you. You have to look at the long-term.    


There are some things that you need to do. Do what you need to do. " After Chu Yang said something, Chu Longbin said," Remember, you need to learn to be strong on the basis that you do not violate the rules.    


I hope you do not disappoint me." I won't." Chu Yang said slowly, "I am Chu Longbin's grandson. I won't embarrass you." Longbin smiled with relief. "Those who achieve big things do not care about small details.    


So, don't take these problems to heart. At most, you will not reject them. Anyway, you did not force others.    


Of course, you have to do something that I am proud of in the future. " Yang Chao said with some lack of confidence," Long Teng's first twelve months have already become a myth. It's not easy to surpass a myth. I'm afraid that I won't do it well. " Myth, sometimes it can become reality, I believe you" Who else wants to join Long Teng? " There are a lot of people. " Chu Longbin said with a look of yearning, "Long Teng has privileges that Silver Hook Iron Cross does not have. If I were young, It would be great." Although you are old, you have me. " Chu Yang let out a breath. "I think I will fulfill this wish on your behalf." Yes." Seeing Chu Yang's attitude, Chu Longbin was very pleased." I originally planned to let you meet your uncle today. But because of the change of plan, he might have to wait a few days before he has the time to see you." Big uncle has a lot of things to attend to every day, so he can meet me whenever he wants.    


Why don't I return to Ji Nan first? There are still many things that I need to deal with over there" Longbin waved his hand." Those matters in Ji Nan are all small matters. Just ask Black Tortoise to send someone over to take a look. Wait until you've settled Long Teng's matter before returning. " Then, how long do we have to wait?" Thinking that he could not return to Jinan, Chu Yang was somewhat anxious.    


He even regretted coming to Beijing.    


In his heart, Chu Yang really did not plan to be selected to enter Long Teng. He liked to live a free and unfettered life.    


What was his grandchild thinking in his heart? Chu Longbin secretly sighed. He felt that although this fellow said it very beautifully, he did not take the matter of being selected to Long Teng seriously at all. It was very likely that he would deal with it.    


Hence, he said somewhat unhappily, "We'll talk about it when your uncle returns home.    


As for Hua Mannyu's matter, you don't need to worry about it. I know what to do." Old man, I'll listen to you. I won't return to Ji Nan for now.    


I swear, if I... well, you rest. I'll go out." At this moment, Yang also realized that the old master might be disappointed in his lack of motivation. He could not help but feel ashamed. He also felt that he had the spirit of Ah Dou, so he clenched his fists and was just about to express his determination. Chu Longbin closed his eyes and waved his hand. He had no choice but to leave the study.    


Could he really change from an assassin to an agent like Qin Yuguan? But why do I feel that I don't have confidence? After Yang walked out of Chu Longbin's study, he felt somewhat confused.    


Hey, what did the old man tell you?" Seeing Chu Yang walk out, Chai Murong and Hua Mannyu, who had been waiting for him outside, quickly came over.    


Chai Murong and Hua Mannyu were very concerned about what Longbin had said to Chu Yang.    


Murong hoped from the bottom of her heart that Chu Yang would maintain his current condition.    


Officials did not lack money and power. The only thing they lacked was a man who could help her pass on her family to Chai Mingsheng.    


This man did not need to be too strong, as long as every part of his body was normal.    


Chu Yang, the man that she did not care about in the past and had just started to take seriously now, was that man.    


This was not only because she discovered that there seemed to be a little bit of something on him that attracted her, but more importantly, it was his face. She would never allow Chu Yang to shake her off. If the two of them broke up, she could only shake him off.    


Manyu, however, hoped that Chu Yang could work hard and achieve something.    


She had already regarded Chu Yang as her man, even though there were too many inhumane reasons mixed in.    


But what was this? A story of a woman falling in love with a man because of hatred. It had happened in the past, and it would still happen in the future.    


In fact, the reason Hua Mannyu shamelessly stayed by Chu Yang's side had a lot to do with him being Chai Murong's husband.    


It was Hua Mannyu's biggest wish to defeat Chai Murong in every field.    


If she could snatch her husband away, this should be the most glorious result, right? What Murong and Hua Mannyu were thinking in their hearts. With Chu Yang's EQ, he really could not tell.    


But he knew one thing very well: the feelings these two insidious and cunning women had for him were definitely not the kind of feelings Zhou Shuhan had for him. There should be too much hypocrisy mixed in.    


Quality relationships, he believed that not many people would like them.    


When Chu Yang walked out, the two girls who had been waiting for him outside a long time ago... They quickly came up to him." Hey, what did the old man tell you?" Chu Yang looked at the wound on the back of his hand and frowned. "He didn't say anything to me. He just told me to do what I wanted. Oh, right, you two are the big boss of a big company. You should have a lot of work to do every day, right? But you don't have proper business to do, yet you come here to mess around. Is it interesting?" Murong said with a wronged expression, "What do you mean by messing around? Seeing that my husband doesn't want me anymore, how can I still have the mood to go to work?" Alright, Chai Murong, don't pretend to be pitiful in front of me. Do you think I don't know who you are? Do you know what is deceit? " Before Murong could say anything, Hua Mannyu took over the conversation. "I know, deceit means deceit.    


Yes, she is such a woman. " Hua Mannyu, we are talking here. Why are you interrupting? " Chai Murong stared and sized Hua Mannyu up and down, "Look at you. You are wearing the same clothes as a platform girl. How do you look like a proper woman? " I am dressed like this, isn't it all because of you... " Hua Mannyu was about to retort when Chu Yang pointed at her again and said, "You're not a good person either. You're sinister and she's cunning. The two of you together are sinister and cunning. Both of you belong to the kind of women that men dislike the most. An honest man like me, the best way is to avoid you guys. " After Yang finished speaking, he didn't wait for the two girls to say anything. He walked quickly towards the courtyard.    


After they reached the front courtyard, Chu Yang shouted to Chu Xuanwu who was whispering to Chu Ling, "Black Tortoise, take me to your company for a walk." Yang, you haven't eaten yet! " Yun Ruoxi walked out of the main hall at this time.    


Mom, I'm going out to eat.    


Black Tortoise, let's go... Chu Ling, don't follow us. Otherwise, we will be the ones to take the blame for you. " Chu Yang saw that Chu Ling had the intention of following them out to play. He hurriedly pulled Chu Xuanwu and ran out the door.    


Ruoxi knew that her son had lost such an adult today. She definitely would not feel good in her heart. It was also good to go out and take a look.    


So she chased after a few words of warning not to cause trouble outside, and then pulled the unhappy Chu Ling into the house.    


After the Black Tortoise drove out of the intersection that led to the Chu family, it asked Chu Yang who was not in high spirits, "Third Elder Brother, what did grandpa tell you?" Yang looked at him and lit a cigarette. "When did you become so gossipy?" Hehe, I'm just curious, that's all. " Chu Xuanwu smiled and asked again, "Third Elder Brother, you know what? I'm so jealous of you now." You're jealous that I have Chai Murong, Hua Mannyu, and the others by my side, right?" That's right. Everyone said that Nan Murong and Bei Manyu must enjoy the pleasures of the world.    


But now they are all surrounding you. How can I not envy you?" Bullshit, enjoying all the pleasures of the world. You only saw their beautiful appearance but did not see their sinister hearts.    


Look at my hand... Ah, as if I was bitten by a dog." Chu Yang raised his hand and looked at Chu Xuanwu's left hand. "Is this the fortune you are envious of? If you are envious, then you can go after them. I promise I will support you. "    


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