My Fiance Ran Away

C299 Stop Are You Going to Beat Him to Death!

C299 Stop Are You Going to Beat Him to Death!

Just as Yang finished speaking, Yun Ruoxi and Old Madam Chu still did not speak. Immediately understanding that Chu Yang wanted to take the opportunity to flee, Chu Xuanwu opened his arms and hugged his waist. He said in a loud and sorrowful voice, "Third Elder Brother, you must not leave. If you leave... Then I will not be able to complete the task of deceiving you back home. I will have to accept it for you! Look at me, I am so delicate and tender. How can I withstand the belt that Second Uncle had prepared for you? " Fuck off to the side, don't come and disgust me... Lige, let's open the way!" When he heard that Chu Tiantai had even prepared a belt, Chu Yang became even more afraid. He reached out and grabbed Chu Xuanwu's shoulder, then pulled him aside. He was ready to leave.    


As for how Chu Xuanwu would report after he left, he didn't care about that.    


Of course, Chu Xuanwu also wanted to know what was on his mind.    


After Chu Yang grabbed his shoulder and lifted him to the side, he immediately grabbed his clothes, as if he was fearless and determined not to let go of the green mountain.    


Lige saw that their brothers were in a mess and did not know what to do. She just stood there and did not know what to do.    


When the Chu family brothers were in a mess, she heard a dignified voice that sounded like a big official outside the main hall, "Are you still children? Huh?" Yang raised his head and saw Chu Tiantai standing at the entrance of the main hall with his hands behind his back. His face was as long as a horse's face.    


He was Chu Lang's father. He was indeed fierce.    


Shaang Lige, who had her head lowered, stole a glance at Chu Tiantai and quietly took a step back.    


Dad, I was playing with Black Tortoise. Hehe. " Chu Yang saw that Chu Tiantai had already blocked the entrance and had no chance to escape. He could only laugh a few times and let go of Chu Xuanwu. He repeatedly winked at Yun Ruoxi and Old Madam Chu, Is my father hiding a belt behind his back? Speaking of the bond between mother and son, Yun Ruoxi naturally understood the look in her son's eyes.    


After a quiet sigh, Yun Ruoxi grabbed her son's hand, "Let's go. I will bring you to see your grandfather." Dad said that he would not let you women go to the backyard! " Yun Ruoxi wanted to personally escort Chu Yang to the inner residence. How could she hide it from Chu Tiantai? With just one sentence, she gave Chu Longbin's order and directly put an end to Chu Yang's hope.    


That old thing, there were still many problems with him! She grabbed Chu Yang's hand and said," Let's go. I will send you there. I want to see. With grandma around, who would dare to touch a hair on your head! " Since Old Madam Chu had spoken, Chu Tiantai naturally did not dare to say anything. He only angrily stepped aside from the main hall entrance.    


After that, when he saw Shaang Lige closely following Chu Yang out of the door, he saw her. ... His expression suddenly changed and he asked coldly, "Who is she? " It was! Chu Yang's heart skipped a beat, and he quickly took a step to the side. He stuttered, "She is my, my friend." Uncle, I am Shaang Lige. " Shaang Lige did not know at all. In Chu Tiantai's heart, Chu Yang's current lack of proper work was all because of him... Seeing Chu Yang being so 'shy' in front of him, she volunteered to stand out.    


You are Shaang Lige, the one who caused the bloodbath on the Huangtang Road?" When Chu Tiantai heard this name, he immediately realized what Chu Yang meant by bringing her home today.    


Yes, I am Shaang Lige." Shaang Lige paused for a moment before replying softly.    


However, she was thinking in her heart, Why would he use this kind of tone to ask questions? To be honest, when Chu Tiantai saw his son bringing Zhou Shuhan home, he already felt very sorry for Chai Murong in his heart.    


Although later on, under Old Master Chu's pressure, he reluctantly accepted her, but after the incident of Chu Yang kicking Chai Murong last night, he felt even more guilty towards Official Chai.    


Although Tiantai was not very satisfied with Zhou Shuhan, she was still considered a young girl from a prestigious family. It was still barely acceptable for Chu Tiantai to accept her by his son's side.    


At this moment, after seeing Chu Yang bring a generation of Assassin King to the house openly, He could no longer suppress the anger in his heart. He no longer cared about Old Madam Chu being by his side. He waved the belt hidden behind his back and whipped it at Chu Yang's legs. "Bastard, do you think anyone can come to our Chu family? I will beat you to death, you heartless thing! " Although Tiantai was very, very dissatisfied with Shaang Lige's appearance in the Chu family, she did not come by herself. She was brought here by her son.    


Therefore, he could only vent all his dissatisfaction on his son.    


Dad, can you listen to me first?" Afraid that Chu Tiantai's belt would hurt Old Madam Chu, Chu Yang quickly let go of the old lady's arm and ran to the side.    


Listen to you? I don't have the time! " Chu Tiantai was furious. He did not have the mood to listen to Chu Yang's explanation." Stop right there, stop right there! " I don't want to listen!" You dare..." Chu Tiantai saw that his son had consciously distanced himself from the old lady. He did not have any scruples in his heart. He quickly caught up to Chu Yang and whipped him with his belt.    


Later on, when Chu Tiantai heard Chu Xuanwu say that Chu Yang stomped Chai Murong until she vomited blood, if it wasn't for Chu Longbin's shout, he would have gone to find Chu Yang overnight.    


In Chu Tiantai's heart, Murong was definitely a good daughter-in-law. She had a good appearance, a good family background, and a good family background. No matter how he looked at her, she would always catch his eye.    


However, such a one in a million daughter-in-law had actually caused his son to bleed, and in public.    


The thing that he couldn't stand the most was that Chu Yang had gone crazy because of the relationship between women! Tiantai was already very dissatisfied with his son having sex outside. He even held back his anger when the people from the Chai family came to denounce him this morning. However, when he saw Little Chu bringing a notorious Night Owlet home, if he could hold it in any longer, Then he would no longer be the Chu Tiantai who had rebelled against the Chu family for Yun Ruoxi.    


Tiantai was so angry that his face turned yellow. Of course, Chu Yang could see it. He also knew that this time, he had gone all out to greet him, but he didn't dare to resist. He could only hug his head with both hands and let him do whatever he wanted. In his heart, he could only hope that since they were father and son, how many subordinates could he have left behind for him?    


You bastard, how dare you hurt Murong for those b * tches? You're so amazing!" Chu Tiantai's eyes were red as he waved his belt. He kept slapping Chu Yang who was silent.    


Speaking of which, when it hit his son, it hurt his mother.    


Yun Ruoxi really felt sorry for Tiantai beating her son up like this, but she did not dare to persuade him. She just held Old Madam Chu's hand with tears in her eyes, hoping that she could stop her son.    


She said Yan Fu was kind and loving mother. After all, Old Madam Chu could not make Chu Tiantai tremble with a single bite, even if she saw her grandson getting beaten up. She was so angry that she trembled all over.    


Seeing Chu Yang holding his head and getting beaten up while the two female masters of Chu family were helpless, Chu Xuanwu immediately ran into the inner residence.    


At this time, the only person who could stop Chu Tiantai was Chu Longbin.    


Yang didn't resist. The more Chu Tiantai beat up, the more excited he got. He simply grabbed his hair with one hand and slapped him on the back with the belt in the other. He was still yelling and yelling, as if his son wasn't his son at all. It was like the V People.    


Yang... "She could only watch helplessly as her son got beaten up, not to mention how much pain Yun Ruoxi felt in her heart.    


Just as she desperately wanted to rush over and hug her son, she saw Shaang Lige standing by the side. She suddenly rushed to Chu Tiantai's side and grabbed his arm. She shouted sternly, "Stop! Do you want to beat him to death?! ?” When Tiantai started beating Chu Yang up, Shaang Lige thought that he was just pretending to beat Chu Yang up a few times before pulling him back.    


She never expected that comrade Lao Chu was not pretending. It was totally a proletariat with deep hatred against the American imperialism. He showed no mercy at all. She looked like he would never stop until he was dead. That was why she was anxious. She rushed over in a big stride.    


The reason why Tiantai was so crazy was because he saw Shaang Lige.    


He was already quite angry in his heart, but now he saw that she actually dared to stop him from teaching his son a lesson. Chu Tiantai immediately widened his eyes and roared, "Stinking woman, what does beating my son have to do with you? Get lost!" I don't want to! " Chu Tiantai, who had never taken Shaang Lige seriously, saw how stubborn she was. He was furious. Under such circumstances... He couldn't be bothered to waste any more time arguing with her. He pulled his arm back. He swung his belt and slapped her on the head with a bang.    


It was not because Shaang Lige was wearing a hat, but because of Chu Tiantai's belt, he definitely had to whip her until her head was bleeding.    


Lige also did not expect that Chu Tiantai would actually dare to hit her unceremoniously. After being fiercely slapped, she immediately felt her vision go black and her body swayed a few times and almost fell to the ground.    


Get lost!!" After Chu Tiantai gave Shaang Lige a short pause, he did not continue to attack.    


Although he did not like Shaang Lige from the bottom of his heart, she was still a girl after all. In the end, she had done a lot for his son, so he stopped at the right time and chased her away.    


I'm not leaving!" Shaang Lige reached out and took off the color changing glasses on the bridge of her nose. Her two snow-white eyebrows were tightly knitted together. A pair of clear black and white eyes stared at Chu Tiantai without backing off. "I also do not allow you to hit him. Otherwise, I will not be polite to you!" After Shaang Lige took Chu Tiantai's belt, she hugged Chu Yang, who was squatting there, and burst into tears. Chu Tiantai definitely would not be embarrassed to make things difficult for her again.    


He was actually an elder. Perhaps he would take the opportunity to not attack Chu Yang anymore.    


Shaang Lige did not know what it meant to surrender. Instead, she dared to threaten Chu Tiantai. A great philosophy called Sunlight in the Wind once said, Don't use your ignorance to challenge my dignity. Otherwise, I will make you regret it beyond your reach! Regardless of whether this sentence had been approved by ISO 9001-250 Authority or not, Shaang Lige's words were, in any case, not worthy of ISO 9001-250 Authority Authorization Authorization Authorization Authorization Authorization Authorization Authorization Authorization Authorization Authorization Authorization Authorization Authorization Authorization. It aroused Chu Tiantai's ruthlessness. He said darkly, "Then you will die with him!" After saying that, he swung his belt at Shaang Lige's face and slapped it! Once, Chu Tiantai was determined to destroy this strange and beautiful face.    


He thought that the reason why his son was fooling around with Shaang Lige was entirely because of her devilized face.    


I won't die!" As the former Assassin King, how could Shaang Lige not feel the oppressive hostility coming from Chu Tiantai's body? Therefore, when he swung the belt, his body bent down and avoided the belt. When he straightened his waist again, he flipped his right hand. There was already a black Army Thorn!    


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